Health & Beauty Turkey Clinic in Istanbul offers various specialized treatments, including dental care, plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine, cosmetology, and weight loss surgery. The clinic serves only adult patients and welcomes over 1,000 people every year. Among them are top influencers, actors, and singers from the Arab world. The clinic receives patients from Europe, Arab League States, the United States, Canada, and Australia.
Implantes dentales All-on-4 | $8000 - $10000 |
Dentfix Turkey is a private single-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The team manages dental treatment. Dentfix takes pride in providing high-quality dental treatments and exceptional patient care. Dentfix Turkey serves only adults. Patients from Europe & Commonwealth, the USA, Canada, Australia, and CIS visit the clinic most often.
Klasklinik is a private dental center located in Istanbul, Turkey. Over 50% of all patients are foreigners. It deals with thousands of international patients per year. Klasklinik serves both adults and children. Patients from Europe & Commonwealth, Arab League States, the USA, Canada, and Australia visit the clinic most often.
La Clínica 14 tiene su sede en Estambul, Turquía. Brinda servicios médicos en tratamientos odontológicos, cirugía plástica, cirugía de reducción de peso, medicina estética y cosmetología. Es el grupo turco de atención médica privada más grande y uno de los más famosos. Ha crecido hasta contar con 35 hospitales y clínicas asociadas en 17 ciudades de todo el mundo y emplea a más de 14 000 personas. La clínica, que ha acogido a muchas celebridades de África, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, los EE.UU. y Europa, tiene un 100% de éxito en los procedimientos realizados.
La clínica ofrece paquetes todo incluido para cirugía plástica, tratamientos dentales, trasplante de cabello y procedimientos de pérdida de peso. Organiza traslados VIP, alojamiento en hotel, desayuno, medicamentos y cuidados postoperatorios.
Istanbul Hair Center es un centro privado de especialidades múltiples en Estambul, Turquía. Sus principales especialidades son el tratamiento dental y la cirugía plástica. Según los datos de la clínica, la tasa de éxito de los trasplantes de cabello FUE es del 99%. Istanbul Hair Center es una de las primeras clínicas en Turquía establecida para trabajar en las áreas de trasplantes de cabello y cirugía plástica. Ha atendido a más de 20 000 pacientes que están contentos con sus resultados. 1 000 pacientes eligen Istanbul Hair Center para recibir atención médica cada año. Los pacientes de Europa y la CEI visitan la clínica con más frecuencia.
ALFA Oral and Dental Health Center is a private oral and dental health clinic located in Turkey. The clinic was officially opened on June 1, 2013, with the goal of becoming Turkey's leading health center for health tourism. The center was built according to international standards and accreditation rules and offers high-quality services to foreign patients, with an emphasis on patient satisfaction. The clinic has an indoor area of 800 square meters and is equipped with 9 dental units, including an A-Class operating room with international validation for the first time in Turkey's dental health field.
Esdent is a fully equipped family-run dental centre in Turkey, authorised by the Turkish Ministry of Health to perform dental procedures under sedation and general anaesthesia. Esdent dentists and dental technicians use digital dentistry and 3D radiographical imaging to achieve the results with highest possible accuracy. Among the equipments are: 3D Cone Beam Computerised Tomography, Intraoral 3D Scanners, 3D Design Milling Devices & Softwares and Printer.
Implantes dentales All-on-4 | $3469.23 - $10299.28 |
Denthub is a private dental clinic located in Istanbul, Turkey. Denthub serves both adults and children. 5,000 patients choose Denthub to get medical care annually. International patients come from Europe & Commonwealth, the USA, Canada, Australia, and CIS to get dental care.