Plataforma de Turismo Médico #1 desde 2014

Los mejores neurólogos de Estimulación magnética transcraneal (EMT/EMT) en Estambul — TOP-1 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Ass Prof Dr Nihat Mustafayev
9 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Ass Prof Dr Nihat Mustafayev ( Ass Prof Dr Nihat Mustafayev Private Clinic (Mesotherapy-Ozone-Botox--EEG-EMG-TMS)

Ass Prof Dr Nihat Mustafayev

9 años de experiencia

  Ass. Prof. Dr. Nihat Mustafayev began his professional career by receiving his medical doctorate after a six-year disciplined education at Turgut Ozal University Faculty of Medicine. After completing his neurology specialization at Istanbul Bezmialem University, he conducted studies on neuromodulation and ultrasonography-guided botulinum toxin applications.

He completed a fellowship at the Department of Algology at UCLA University in the USA, worked at the Austrian American Association, gave speeches internationally, and edited the book “Practical Approaches to Medical Aesthetics.” He also further developed his knowledge by working at the Movement Disorder Clinic at AKH Hospital in Vienna, Austria.

He is also a member of prestigious organizations that reinforce his reputation in his field of expertise. He is an active member of important associations such as the International Headache Society and the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS). He is also a member of prestigious organizations such as the Turkish Neurological Association, the European Academy of Neurology and the International Headache Society

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