Plataforma de Turismo Médico #1 desde 2014

Los mejores dentistas de Instalación de un implante dental con corona en Turquía — TOP-175 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Mustafa Kemal Çalık
26 años de experiencia

Mustafa Kemal Çalık

26 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Icon Clinic Turkey
Erdem Azim
16 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul

Erdem Azim

16 años de experiencia
El Dr. Erdem Azim es un distinguido odontólogo con experiencia en numerosas áreas de la odontología, como terapia, cirugía, implantología, ortodoncia, ortopedia, periodoncia, odontopediatría, higiene, odontología estética y prevención. Sus servicios incluyen carillas, instalación de brackets linguales, instalación de coronas de porcelana, extracción de muelas del juicio e implantes dentales. Él es bien considerado por los pacientes por su enfoque suave y profesionalismo.Mostrar más
Safak Kantekin
17 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Shine clinic

Safak Kantekin

17 años de experiencia


World Federation of Orthodontists
El Dr. Safak Kantekin es una figura reconocida en el campo de la odontología, conocido por su atención dental integral y un enfoque holístico del tratamiento. Su clínica ofrece servicios que incluyen implantes dentales All-on-6, implantes dentales All-on-4, carillas, extracción de muelas del juicio y otros. Es reconocido por sus enfoques de tratamiento individuales y prácticas preventivas.Mostrar más
Serdar Yilmaz
17 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Clínica de salud bucal y dental DentSpa

Serdar Yilmaz

17 años de experiencia


Turkish Dental Association


DentSpa Oral and Dental Health Clinic

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
December 2020 – Present, İstanbul/Turkey

Dentsitanbul Hospital

GOral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
May 2016 – July 2021, İstanbul/Turkey

Medipol Uni. Dept of OMFS

Ast. Prof. Dr. Member of Faculty
May 2012 – December 2015, İstanbul/Turkey

Kocaeli Uni. Dept. of OMFS

Ast. Prof. Member of Faculty
May 2009 – April 2012, Kocaeli/Turkey

Marmara Uni. Dept of OMFS

Chief Asistant
September 2007 – November 2008, İstanbul/Turkey


Marmara University Dept. of OMFS

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
September 2002 -November 2008, İstanbul/Turkey

Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry

September 1995 – June 2001, İstanbul/Turkey



  • Gökhan Gürler, Serdar Yılmaz, Çağrı Delilbaşı, Emrah Dilaver, A. Patır Münevveroğlu. Conservative surgical treatment of the jaw cysts in children: case study of five patients. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2017, 20(9):1216-1220
  • Gökhan Gürler, Serdar Yılmaz, Çağrı Delilbaşı, Merva Soluk Tekkeşin. A large mass in the mandible of an eight year old child. Selcuk Dent J. 2017, 4:101-105
  • Önjen Tak, Serdar Yılmaz, Emre Özel, Meral Kavak. Five-year clinical follow-up of a patient with radicular cyst in the maxillary anterior region. European Journal of Prosthodontics. 2016, 4(1):17
  • Özer N, Üçem F, Saruhanoğlu A, Yilmaz S, Tanyeri H. Removal of a maxıllary third molar dısplaced ınto pterygopalatıne fossa vıa ıntraoral approach. Balk J Stom 2012; 16:179-180
  • Cilasun Ü, Sinanoğlu E.A, Yılmaz S, Güzeldemir E, Alnıaçık. An Unusual Laryngeal Complication Following Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block. G. Balk J Stom, 2012; 16:179-180
  • Özkan Y, Liaje A, Şahin C, Akalın F, Yılmaz S. Subperiostal tünel tekniği ile otojen blok greft uygulamaları. Türk Dişhekimleri Dergisi, 2008, 73:134-141
  • Selçuk Basa, Serdar Yılmaz, Altan Varol. Treatment of midface retrusion by maxillary distraction: comparison of rigid intraoral and extraoral distraction systems. Int. J. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2007, 36(11):1001
  • Basa S, Varol A, Yılmaz S. Transport distraction osteogenesis of a dentoalveolar segment in the posterior mandible: a technical note. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007, 65(9): 1862-1864
  • Altan Varol, Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis in posterior mandibular ridges. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. 2006, 34(1):22-23
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. The case dependant alveolar reconstruction in oral implantology: Criterias for preferring between alveolar distraction osteogenesis and autogenous bone grafting. Int. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2005, 34(1):40
  • Yılmaz S, Garip H, Akyüz S, Göker K. Süt dişi çekimi sırasında çocuk davranışlarının Frankl endeksine göre değerlendirilmesi ve bazı fiziksel bulguların saptanması. Akademik Dental, 2003, 5(4):38-44


Oral Presentations and Papers in the Congress

  • Ayça Yılmaz, Serdar Yılmaz, Önjen Tak, Işıl Karagöz-Küçükay. Immediate self-replantation of an avulsed tooth and multidiciplinary management after 10-years. IADT 18th World Congress of Dental Traumatology. İstanbul, Turkey, June 2014.
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Nedim Özer, Gökhan Gürler, Şükran Tüfekçioğlu, Emrah Dilaver. ‘Total Maxilary Reconstruction Using Anterior Iliac Bone Graft in Atrophic Maxilla: Two Different Techniques.’ ACBID 2014 8th International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 28 May-1 June 2014.
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Nedim Özer, Gökhan Gürler, Emrah Dilaver, Şükran Tüfekçioğlu. ‘Craniofacial Fibrous Dysplasia Threatening Airway: Case Report.’ ACBID 2014 8th International Congress, Antalya, Turkey. 28 May-1 Jube 2014.
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Nazlı Altın, Emrah Dilaver, Nedim Özer. ‘Assesment of Accuracy of Preoperative Cephalometric Surgical Planning in Orthognathic Surgery.’ 21st International Conference on Oral and Maxillofaical Surgery, Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 October 2013.
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Ülkem Cilasun, Ali İjya Karaman. ‘An unexpected problem during bimaxillary orthognathic surgery.’ 2nd BAMFS and 5th ACBID International Conference, Antalya, Turkey, 25-29 May 2011.
  • Serdar Yılmaz, E. Alper Sinanoğlu, Ülkem Cilasun, Yeşim S Gürbüz. ‘Metastatic carcinoma of thyroid gland in inferior alveolar canal: Case Report’. 2nd BAMFS and 5th ACBID International Conference, Antalya, Turkey, 25-29 May 2011.
  • Ülkem Cilasun, E. Alper Sinanoğlu, Esra Güzelpınar, Serdar Yılmaz. ‘An unusual laryngeal complication following inferior alveolar nerve block’. 2nd BAMFS and 5th ACBID International Conference, Antalya, Turkey, 25-29 May 2011.
  • Ayşe Koçak Büyükdere, Esra Güzeldemir, Serdar Yılmaz. ‘Alternative Therapy for orthodontic treatment: Case Reports’. 16th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, Bucherest, Romenia, 28 April- 1 May 2011.
  • Ayşegül Sipahi, Altan Varol, Onur Atalı, Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘Reconstruction of the atrophic Maxilla with Interpositional Bone Grafting/Le Fort I Osteotomy and Endosteal Implants.’ 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, TÜRKİYE, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
  • Onur Atalı, Altan Varol, Ayşegül Sipahi, Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘Treatment options for skeletal anterior open bite.’ 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Nedim Özer. ‘Treatment options in dentofacial deformities.’ 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘Postoperative analgesic effect of intraarticular ketamine administration after TMJ arthroscopy.’ 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Nedim Özer. ‘Surgical management of benign tumors in young children.’ 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
  • Altan Varol, Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘Secondary correction of posttraumatic dentofacial deformaties.’ 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
  • Altan Varol, Ayşegül Sipahi, Onur Atalı, Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘Actinomycotic osteomyelitis of the mandible’. 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
  • Ayşegül Sipahi, Altan Varol, Onur Atalı, Sedar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘Nerve transposition and implant placement in the atrophic posterior mandibular alveolar ridge’. 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Nedim Özer. ‘Reconstruction of atrophic maxilla using onlay bone graft harvested from iliac crest: Report of two cases’. 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
  • Altan Varol, Serdar Yılmaz, Neslihan Türker, Selçuk Basa. ‘Endoscopically assisted transoral open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) for subcondylar fractures of the mandible’. 3rd ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 22-26 April 2009.
  • Ayşegül Sipahi, Onur Atalı, Serdar Yılmaz, Altan Varol, Selçuk Basa. ‘Correction of mandibular asymmetry in a patient with owren disease: Case report’. 1st ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 16-20 May 2007,
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Altan Varol, Ayşegül Sipahi, Onur Atalı, Selçuk Basa. ‘Tooth Injuries due to lag screw fixation in saggital split osteotomy: Case report’. 1st ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 16-20 May 2007,
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Altan Varol, Ayşegül Sipahi, Onur Atalı, Selçuk Basa. ‘Extraoral versus intraoral maxillary distraction osteogenesis: Advantages and disadvantages.’ 1st ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 16-20 May 2007,
  • Onur Atalı, Ayşegül Sipahi, Serdar Yılmaz, Altan Varol, Selçuk Basa. ‘Blood Transfusion assesstment in orthognathic surgery: A retrospective study.’ 1st ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 16-20 May 2007,
  • Esra Arpacı, Altan Varol, Serdar Yılmaz, İmad Salih, Selçuk Basa. ‘Temporalis muscle-fascia flap in temporomandibular joint ankylosis.’ 1st ACBID International Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 16-20 May 2007,
  • Basa S, Yilmaz S ,Varol A. Treatment of midface retrusion by maxillary distraction: comparison of rigid intraoral and extraoral distraction systems.
    18th International Conference on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Bangalore, India, 14-18 November 2007.
  • Varol A, Yilmaz S, Basa S. Alveolar distraction osteogenesis in posterior mandibular ridges. XVIII European Congress for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Barselona, İspanya, 11-16 Eylül 2006 (Journal of CranioMaxillofacial Surgery 34(2006) Suppl. S1 Abstracts, EACMFS XVIII Congress (O.080)
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Selçuk Basa. ‘The case dependant alveolar reconstruction in oral implantology: Criterias for preferring between alveolar distraciton osteogenesis and autogenous bone grafting.’ 17th International Conference on Oral and Maxiloofacial Surgery, Vienna, Austria 28 Agust-4 Sept. 2005.
  • Muharrem Güvercin, Onur Gönül, Serdar Yılmaz, Bahar Gürsoy. ‘Reconstruction of large maxillary cyst with demineralized bone graft and membranes: A case report’. 5th International Danubius Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Budapest, Hungary, 29 April – 1 May 2004.
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Muharrem Güvercin, Gühan Dergin, İmad Salih. Reconstruction of a localized maxillary anterior bone defect using autogenous bone graft harvested from mandibular symphisis region: Case report’. 5th International Danubius Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Budapest, Hungary, 29 April– 1 May 2004.
  • B.Cem Şener, Serdar Yılmaz, Ayşe Koçak, Atilla Sertgöz. ‘Segmental osteotomy of the maxillary sinus flor to preserve the alveolar bone height: Case report’. Turkish Dental Association 11th International Congress, Lütfü Kırdar Congress Center, İstanbul, Turkey, 17-22 May. 2004.
  • Onur Gönül, Serdar Yılmaz, Hasan Garip, B. Cem Şener, Kamil Göker. ‘Extraoral Fistula Due to Root Angulation: Case Report’. Turkish Dental Association 11th International Congress, Lütfü Kırdar Congress Center, İstanbul, Turkey, 17-22 May. 2004.
  • Serdar Yılmaz, Hasan Garip, Serap Akyüz, Kamil Göker. ‘Süt dişi çekimi sırasında çocuk davranışlarının frankl endeksine göre değerlendirilmesi ve bazı fiziksel bulguların saptanması.’ 11th International Congress of the Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofaicial Surgeons, Antalya, Turkey, 4-8 June 2003.



  • Turkish Dental Association
  • İstanbul Dental Chamber
  • Association of Turk Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Society
  • International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Mostrar más
Melek Koltuk
124 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Melan Clinic

Melek Koltuk

124 años de experiencia
La Dra. Melek Koltuk es una experimentada cirujana oral, dental y maxilofacial especializada en implantes dentales y diversos procedimientos odontológicos. Doctora en Cirugía Dental, es miembro de varias asociaciones profesionales, como la Asociación Dental Turca y la Asociación Europea de Osteointegración.Mostrar más
Anil Cesur
Cirujano oral y maxilofacial
9 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Melan Clinic

Anil Cesur

Cirujano oral y maxilofacial
9 años de experiencia
El Dr. Anil Cesur es un experimentado Cirujano Oral y Maxilofacial con un DDS, Ph.D. Se especializa en diversas operaciones, incluyendo All-on-4 Implantes Dentales, Carilla de Porcelana, Lumineer, y la instalación de un implante dental con corona entre otros. Es miembro de la Asociación Europea de Osteointegración y del Equipo Internacional de Implantología. Su trabajo ha sido reconocido en varias publicaciones y presentaciones.Mostrar más
Erkan Topak
30 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Clínica dental Aqua Dental Clinic

Erkan Topak

30 años de experiencia
Dr. Erkan Topak es un dentista competente y fundador de una práctica dental, especializada en una variedad de procedimientos, incluyendo All-on-4 y All-on-6 Implantes Dentales, Carilla de Porcelana, Lumineer, Mini implante dental, Carillas, Carilla de Composite, Blanqueamiento Dental, Hollywood Smile, y mucho más.Mostrar más
Adnan Akdeh
7 años de experiencia
Turquía, Antalya
Clínica Dental Lara Smile

Adnan Akdeh

7 años de experiencia
Dr. Adnan Akdeh es un dentista altamente cualificado con un enfoque en diseños estéticos sonrisa, procedimientos quirúrgicos, y la unión compuesta. Tiene experiencia en la realización de diversas operaciones dentales, como implantes dentales All-on-4, carillas, instalación de coronas de porcelana, extracción de muelas del juicio y remodelación dental, entre otras. Ha tratado a pacientes de todo el mundo y conoce bien el uso de las tecnologías dentales modernas.Mostrar más
Eren Ilhan
13 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Best Dental İstanbul

Eren Ilhan

13 años de experiencia
El Dr. Eren Ilhan es un reputado cirujano maxilofacial conocido por su innovación en la odontología moderna. Ofrece una amplia gama de servicios, como implantes dentales All-on-2, cambio de imagen de la sonrisa, instalación de coronas de circonio y muchos más. Es reconocido por su profesionalidad, dedicación y contribución a la salud dental mundial mediante la formación de médicos internacionales. También es experto en tratar problemas dentales complejos utilizando tecnología innovadora y equipos de última generación.Mostrar más
Emre Arslan
6 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Best Dental İstanbul

Emre Arslan

6 años de experiencia
El Dr. Emre Arslan es un experimentado dentista estético especializado en una amplia gama de operaciones dentales, como carillas de porcelana, Lumineer, carillas de composite, blanqueamiento dental e instalación de coronas dentales, entre otras. Ha participado en varios congresos y seminarios nacionales e internacionales, y es conocido por sus planes de tratamiento personalizados y sus altas tasas de éxito en implantes dentales.Mostrar más
Ahmed Kalaf
14 años de experiencia

Ahmed Kalaf

14 años de experiencia


The Royal College of Surgeons (Edin)
Turquía, Estambul
Biusmile Clinica
E Alev Cakmakci
30 años de experiencia

E Alev Cakmakci

30 años de experiencia
Turquía, Eskişehir
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Instalación de un implante dental con corona $720 - $1250
Más tratamientos
Murat Senel Onaldi
52 años de experiencia
31 reseñas

Murat Senel Onaldi

52 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
KARISO International Medical Aesthetic Clinic
Dr Batuhan Unluler
4 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
B&U Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry Clinic

Dr Batuhan Unluler

4 años de experiencia

I'm Dr. Batuhan Furkan Ünlüler. I graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry in 2020. Afterwards, I worked in various private hospitals and clinics in Istanbul for about 4 years; I worked on aesthetic and general dentistry practices. I followed the current developments closely with many courses, certificates and training.I got License from Dubai also as the same time I worked in Dubai last 1 year between İstanbul.Right know I working my own place and see my patient in İstanbul Nişantaşı

Dr. Batuhan's Vision and Treatment Approaches İnclude:

•Understanding patient psychology and providing the necessary motivation for oral hygiene

•Correct diagnosis, correct planning easy to understand information and education to patients

•Comprehensive options treatment plans, and long-term follow-up protocols

•Reminding the importance of long-term regular dental check-ups

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Osman Ozturk
10 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
denthouse Istanbul

Osman Ozturk

10 años de experiencia

Dr. Osman Ozturk is a highly experienced dentist specializing in periodontology and implantology. With 15 years of experience, Dr. Ozturk has established himself as a leading expert. He obtained his license for medical practice in 2014 after completing his studies at the faculty of dentistry in Hacettepe. Since then, he has continuously expanded his knowledge and skills through various courses and specializations.

Dr. Ozturk works at Denthouse Istanbul, a renowned dental and oral health center in Turkey. As part of the dentistry department, he provides his patients with expert care and specialized treatments. With his extensive experience, continuous learning, and dedication to research, Dr. Ozturk is considered an exceptional dentist capable of delivering high-quality dental care.

In conclusion, Dr. Osman Ozturk is a highly skilled dentist specializing in periodontology and implantology. With more than 15 years of experience, he has established himself as a leading expert. His involvement in scientific research and domestic and international events demonstrates his commitment to advancing dentistry. Working at Denthouse Istanbul, Dr. Ozturk provides his patients with specialized and high-quality dental care.

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Eda Tinas
4 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul

Eda Tinas

4 años de experiencia

Eda Tinas - Dental Surgeon (DDS)

Dr. Eda Tinas is a committed dentist who provides high-quality, compassionate dental care. With a fair experience in general and aesthetic dentistry, Dr. Eda Tinas brings over 4 years of experience creating positive patient experiences while delivering evidence-based, lasting oral healthcare solutions.



Dr. Eda Tinas completed their Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree at Istanbul Aydin Universitesi in 2021. Their studies provided a thorough grounding in modern dental science, including critical areas like Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics, and Periodontics. They gained extensive clinical experience through hands-on rotations in various specialties, solidifying technical skills and patient interaction.


Professional Experience

Dr. Eda Tinas has a wealth of experience from their role as a Dentist at various hospitals since 2020. In this role, they handled a full scope of dental procedures, including preventive cleanings, restorative work, root canal therapy, and smile makeovers. Known for their gentle, patient-centered approach, Dr. Eda Tinas consistently receives positive feedback for their skill in easing patient anxieties and achieving successful outcomes in routine and complex cases.


Core Competencies

Dr. Eda Tinas is skilled in comprehensive dental services, from preventive care to advanced aesthetic cosmetic and restorative treatments, including veneers, crowns, and digital imaging. Known for their approachable manner and clear communication style, Dr. Eda Tinas prioritizes educating patients on dental health and prevention.

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Emre Seker
12 años de experiencia
Turquía, Antalya
Dentarma Turkey Dental Clinic

Emre Seker

12 años de experiencia

Prof. Dr. Emre Şeker is a renowned dental specialist with a distinguished academic career and extensive clinical experience. As the founder of Dentarma Dental Clinic, he combines his expertise with a patient-centered approach to deliver exceptional dental care.

Prof. Dr. Şeker holds a Ph.D. in Prosthodontics and has served as an Associate Professor at esteemed universities in Turkey. His academic background, coupled with his hands-on clinical practice, positions him as a leading authority in the field of implant dentistry, smile design, and advanced prosthetic treatments.

With a focus on patient satisfaction and utilizing cutting-edge technology, Prof. Dr. Emre Şeker and his team at Dentarma are committed to providing world-class dental solutions.

Key Areas of Expertise:

  • Implant dentistry
  • Smile design
  • Prosthetic dentistry
  • Digital dentistry
  • Aesthetic dentistry
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Ahmet Ali Buluc
19 años de experiencia
Turquía, Yalova

Ahmet Ali Buluc

19 años de experiencia

Hello, my name is Ahmet Ali Bülüç. I am a dentist and partner of Dental Park Yalova. I was born in Denizli in 1982. I graduated from Ankara University in 2005. I do digital, aesthetic dentistry and implant dental work. My motivation is the happiness of our patients.

With the rapidly growing health tourism, a tourist coming to Yalova sees that the total costs such as hotel, plane transfer and dental treatment are less than the cost of dental treatment alone in any European country. In addition, during the time he spends in our country, he discovers many places to visit and receives both holiday and dental care.

Most of our patients who come from abroad for treatment prefer our Implant and Hollywood Smile treatments. It is used for implant treatments, known as dental screwing, and zirconium, porcelain crown and bridge treatments that replace the extracted tooth.

Aesthetically speaking, smile design and Hollywood Smile treatment are very popular and especially preferred by the young generation.

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Ortac Gop
17 años de experiencia
Turquía, Yalova

Ortac Gop

17 años de experiencia

Hello, my name is Ortaç Gop. I am a dentist and partner of Dental Park Yalova. I was born in Ankara in 1984. I graduated from Ankara Gazi University in 2007. I have worked in many aesthetic and digital dentistry practices. My greatest happiness is to see my patients smiling at the end of the day. I am happy to be part of a large team that offers dental treatments in Turkey.

With the rapidly growing health tourism, a tourist coming to Yalova sees that the total costs such as hotel, plane transfer and dental treatment are less than the cost of dental treatment alone in any European country. In addition, during the time he spends in our country, he discovers many places to visit and receives both holiday and dental care.

Most of our patients who come from abroad for treatment prefer our Implant and Hollywood Smile treatments. It is used for implant treatments, known as dental screwing, and zirconium, porcelain crown and bridge treatments that replace the extracted tooth.

Aesthetically speaking, smile design and Hollywood Smile treatment are very popular and especially preferred by the young generation.

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Esta página puede incluir información relacionada con diversas afecciones médicas, tratamientos y servicios de salud disponibles en diferentes países. Tenga en cuenta que el contenido se proporciona sólo con fines informativos y no debe interpretarse como asesoramiento médico o orientación. Por favor consulte con su médico o con un profesional médico calificado antes de comenzar o cambiar el tratamiento médico.