Los mejores otorrinolaringólogos de Eliminación de adenoides en Turquía — TOP-40 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Yavuz Selim Yildirim
17 años de experiencia
143 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Yavuz Selim Yildirim

17 años de experiencia

El Dr. Yavuz Selim YILDIRIM tiene una Maestría en Gestión de Hospitales e Instituciones de Salud y ha trabajado en muchas instituciones, como el Hospital de Capacitación e Investigación Haseki del Ministerio de Salud y la Universidad de Bezmialem.

Ha asistido a muchas conferencias internacionales y ganado premios, y tiene trabajos de investigación publicados.

Sus campos de especialización incluyen:

  • la estética de la nariz;
  • el implante coclear;
  • las pérdidas auditivas;
  • las infecciones del oído;
  • los trastornos del equilibrio;
  • las alergias nasales;
  • la poliposis nasal;
  • la cirugía del cáncer;
  • la cirugía plástica facial;
  • los trastornos de la voz;
  • los nódulos tiroideos;
  • la sinusitis;
  • la cirugía endoscópica de los senos paranasales;
  • las enfermedades de las amígdalas y las adenoides;
  • ronquido, cirugía de la apnea del sueño.

Ha tenido experiencias internacionales en los EE. UU. en la Universidad Johns Hopkins, la Universidad de Harvard, la Escuela de Medicina de Harvard, el Hospital Infantil de Boston, la Universidad Tufts y la Clínica Cleveland.

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El Dr. Yavuz Selim YILDIRIM tiene una Maestría en Gestión de Hospitales e Instituciones de Salud y ha trabajado en muchas instituciones, como el Hospital de Capacitación e Investigación Haseki del Ministerio de Salud y la Universidad de Bezmialem.

Ha asistido a muchas conferencias internacionales y ganado premios, y tiene trabajos de investigación publicados.

Sus campos de especialización incluyen:

  • la estética de la nariz;
  • el implante coclear;
  • las pérdidas auditivas;
  • las infecciones del oído;
  • los trastornos del equilibrio;
  • las alergias nasales;
  • la poliposis nasal;
  • la cirugía del cáncer;
  • la cirugía plástica facial;
  • los trastornos de la voz;
  • los nódulos tiroideos;
  • la sinusitis;
  • la cirugía endoscópica de los senos paranasales;
  • las enfermedades de las amígdalas y las adenoides;
  • ronquido, cirugía de la apnea del sueño.

Ha tenido experiencias internacionales en los EE. UU. en la Universidad Johns Hopkins, la Universidad de Harvard, la Escuela de Medicina de Harvard, el Hospital Infantil de Boston, la Universidad Tufts y la Clínica Cleveland.

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Selman Sarica
18 años de experiencia
143 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Selman Sarica

18 años de experiencia

El Profesor Asociado Selman SARICA, MD es un otorrinolaringólogo experimentado con experiencia en otología, otorrinolaringología pediátrica, cirugía de ronquidos, tumores benignos y malignos de cabeza y cuello, laringología, cirugías nasales funcionales, cirugía endoscópica de senos paranasales, cirugía de tiroides y enfermedades de las glándulas salivales.

Tiene un título de médico de la Facultad de Medicina Cerrahpaşa de la Universidad de Estambul y una experiencia del Departamento de Otorrinolaringología de la Universidad Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam. Es Profesor Asociado de Medicina en la misma universidad.

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El Profesor Asociado Selman SARICA, MD es un otorrinolaringólogo experimentado con experiencia en otología, otorrinolaringología pediátrica, cirugía de ronquidos, tumores benignos y malignos de cabeza y cuello, laringología, cirugías nasales funcionales, cirugía endoscópica de senos paranasales, cirugía de tiroides y enfermedades de las glándulas salivales.

Tiene un título de médico de la Facultad de Medicina Cerrahpaşa de la Universidad de Estambul y una experiencia del Departamento de Otorrinolaringología de la Universidad Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam. Es Profesor Asociado de Medicina en la misma universidad.

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Tayfun Apuhan
26 años de experiencia
143 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Tayfun Apuhan

26 años de experiencia

El Dr. Tayfun Apuhan se especializa en infecciones de oído y reparación de la membrana timpánica, así como otros procedimientos como rinoplastia, septorrinoplastia, adenoidectomía, amigdalectomía, colocación de tubo de ventilación, ronquidos, cirugía de la apnea del sueño, nódulos de cuerda vocal, quistes, pólipos, edema, laringoscopia, MLS, laringectomía, disección de ganglios cervicales, disección de cuello, cirugía de tumores de cabeza y cuello, reconstrucción y microlaringocirugía.

Tiene una licenciatura de la Universidad de Inonu y se ha capacitado en varias instituciones, incluida la Universidad Abant Izzet Baysal, el Centro Médico Universitario Hamburg-Eppendorf, la Universidad Gazi y el Centro Integral del Cáncer de la Universidad Estatal de Ohio.

Ha trabajado en hospitales privados y centros de salud en Estambul y Malatya.

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El Dr. Tayfun Apuhan se especializa en infecciones de oído y reparación de la membrana timpánica, así como otros procedimientos como rinoplastia, septorrinoplastia, adenoidectomía, amigdalectomía, colocación de tubo de ventilación, ronquidos, cirugía de la apnea del sueño, nódulos de cuerda vocal, quistes, pólipos, edema, laringoscopia, MLS, laringectomía, disección de ganglios cervicales, disección de cuello, cirugía de tumores de cabeza y cuello, reconstrucción y microlaringocirugía.

Tiene una licenciatura de la Universidad de Inonu y se ha capacitado en varias instituciones, incluida la Universidad Abant Izzet Baysal, el Centro Médico Universitario Hamburg-Eppendorf, la Universidad Gazi y el Centro Integral del Cáncer de la Universidad Estatal de Ohio.

Ha trabajado en hospitales privados y centros de salud en Estambul y Malatya.

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Suleyman Hilmi Yilmaz
18 años de experiencia
143 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Suleyman Hilmi Yilmaz

18 años de experiencia

El Dr. Süleyman Hilmi YILMAZ es profesor asistente y MD. Se especializa en congestión nasal y deformidad nasal, poliposis nasal, obstrucciones de glándulas lagrimales, tumores benignos y malignos de cabeza y cuello, cáncer de tiroides, enfermedades de amígdalas y adenoides, adenoidectomía, amigdalectomía y colocación de tubos en los oídos, corrección del tabique, cirugía endoscópica de los senos paranasales, visualización del oído medio y huesecillos, y cirugía de la glándula submandibular.

Es miembro de la Asociación Turca de Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello de Otorrinolaringología, la Asociación de Especialistas en Otorrinolaringología-BCC de Estambul y la Asociación de la Base del Cráneo.

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El Dr. Süleyman Hilmi YILMAZ es profesor asistente y MD. Se especializa en congestión nasal y deformidad nasal, poliposis nasal, obstrucciones de glándulas lagrimales, tumores benignos y malignos de cabeza y cuello, cáncer de tiroides, enfermedades de amígdalas y adenoides, adenoidectomía, amigdalectomía y colocación de tubos en los oídos, corrección del tabique, cirugía endoscópica de los senos paranasales, visualización del oído medio y huesecillos, y cirugía de la glándula submandibular.

Es miembro de la Asociación Turca de Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello de Otorrinolaringología, la Asociación de Especialistas en Otorrinolaringología-BCC de Estambul y la Asociación de la Base del Cráneo.

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Erkan Soylu
22 años de experiencia
462 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Medipol Mega University Hospital

Erkan Soylu

22 años de experiencia
El Dr. Erkan Soylu es un cirujano plástico muy experimentado y respetado que se especializa en cirugía de nariz, otoplastia y rinoplastia de revisión. Tiene más de 20 años de experiencia y ha participado en el XX Congreso Mundial de IFOS en Seúl, Corea del Sur.Mostrar más
El Dr. Erkan Soylu es un cirujano plástico muy experimentado y respetado que se especializa en cirugía de nariz, otoplastia y rinoplastia de revisión. Tiene más de 20 años de experiencia y ha participado en el XX Congreso Mundial de IFOS en Seúl, Corea del Sur.
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Mehmet Nuri Elgormus
19 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Atlas University Medicine Hospital

Mehmet Nuri Elgormus

19 años de experiencia

Ankara University Faculty of Medicine - Ear-Nose-Throat Diseases

1998-2005 Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine, KAYSERİ

Courses and Conferences

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation OSAS Surgery Educational Course ,November 05, 2009,Ankara

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Pediatric Sinusitis Educational Course,07 January 2010,Ankara

9th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, April 8-10, 2010, Ankara.

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Academy Congress, April 15-18, 2010, Hatay

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association, Neck Dissections Meeting ;May 6, 2010 ,Ankara

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Approach to Conductive Hearing Loss Educational Course; December 16, 2010,Ankara

33rd Turkish National Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress; September 26-30, 2011, Ankara

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Middle Ear Implants Educational Course; November 17, 2011,Ankara

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association , Current Approach to Thyroid and Parathyroid Diseases Meeting ;November 19, 2011 ,Ankara

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Current Tonsillectomy Methods Educational Course; December 15, 2011 ,Ankara

National Laryngology Congress, February 17-18, 2012, Ankara

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Educational Course on Approach to Children with Stiridor; April 05, 2012 ,Ankara

10th International Congress of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery; April 26-28, 2012, Ankara

8th Turkish Rhinology Congress, May 24-27, 2012, Antalya

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Vertigo Educational Course;November 01, 2012,Ankara

7th National Laryngology Congress September 27-28, 2013 ,Istanbul

35th Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress, November 02-06, 2013, Antalya

35th Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress Clinically Applied Allergic Rhinitis Course, November 02-06, 2013, Antalya

ORL seminars Salzburg Medical Seminars International April 12-19, 2014

38th Turkish National Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress, , Antalya

Articles he wrote and contributed to;

1. Elgörmüş M.N, Başak H, Balcıoğlu M ,Özgürsoy O.B, Dursun G, Hidden Cavernous Hemangioma in Tongue; 9th International Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Congress, April 8-10, 2010, Ankara.

2.ELGÖRMÜŞ M.N, BASAK H, BALCIOĞLU M, ÖZGÜRSOY O.B, DURSUN G. Hidden Hemangioma in Tongue. 9th International ENT- Head and Neck Surgery Congress 8-10 April 2010, Ankara, Turkey

3.Mülazımoğlu S, Başak H, Beton S, Elgörmüş M.N, Aktürk T, Arat A, Gökcan M.K,Emergency Intraoperative Angiographic Embolization in Acute Carotid Blowout Syndrome ; 35th Turkish National Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress, 02-06 November 2013, Antalya


1.İslamoğlu Y, Kıcalı M.M, Elgörmüş M.N, Beton S, Gökcan M.K ,Is Hyoid Bone Removal Necessary in Thyroglossal Cyst Excision? ;35th Turkish National Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress,

2.BAŞAK H, MÜLAZIMOGLU S, TEZCANER Z.Ç., BETON S, MECO B.C, ELGÖRMÜS MN, MEÇO C. Endonasal endoscopic excision of frontal sinus and supraorbital resess cholesteatoma extending from the temporal muscle to the middle fossa. 10th Turkish Rhinology Congress May 25-22, 2014 Antalya, Turkey. (oral presentation)

3.M.N.Elgörmüs , C. Meco Endonasal Endoscopic Management of Traumatic CSF Fistula 19-12 April 2014 ORL seminars Salzburg Medical Seminars International

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Ankara University Faculty of Medicine - Ear-Nose-Throat Diseases

1998-2005 Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine, KAYSERİ

Courses and Conferences

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation OSAS Surgery Educational Course ,November 05, 2009,Ankara

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Pediatric Sinusitis Educational Course,07 January 2010,Ankara

9th International Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, April 8-10, 2010, Ankara.

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Academy Congress, April 15-18, 2010, Hatay

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association, Neck Dissections Meeting ;May 6, 2010 ,Ankara

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Approach to Conductive Hearing Loss Educational Course; December 16, 2010,Ankara

33rd Turkish National Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress; September 26-30, 2011, Ankara

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Middle Ear Implants Educational Course; November 17, 2011,Ankara

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association , Current Approach to Thyroid and Parathyroid Diseases Meeting ;November 19, 2011 ,Ankara

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Current Tonsillectomy Methods Educational Course; December 15, 2011 ,Ankara

National Laryngology Congress, February 17-18, 2012, Ankara

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Educational Course on Approach to Children with Stiridor; April 05, 2012 ,Ankara

10th International Congress of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery; April 26-28, 2012, Ankara

8th Turkish Rhinology Congress, May 24-27, 2012, Antalya

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Vertigo Educational Course;November 01, 2012,Ankara

7th National Laryngology Congress September 27-28, 2013 ,Istanbul

35th Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress, November 02-06, 2013, Antalya

35th Turkish National Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress Clinically Applied Allergic Rhinitis Course, November 02-06, 2013, Antalya

ORL seminars Salzburg Medical Seminars International April 12-19, 2014

38th Turkish National Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress, , Antalya

Articles he wrote and contributed to;

1. Elgörmüş M.N, Başak H, Balcıoğlu M ,Özgürsoy O.B, Dursun G, Hidden Cavernous Hemangioma in Tongue; 9th International Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Congress, April 8-10, 2010, Ankara.

2.ELGÖRMÜŞ M.N, BASAK H, BALCIOĞLU M, ÖZGÜRSOY O.B, DURSUN G. Hidden Hemangioma in Tongue. 9th International ENT- Head and Neck Surgery Congress 8-10 April 2010, Ankara, Turkey

3.Mülazımoğlu S, Başak H, Beton S, Elgörmüş M.N, Aktürk T, Arat A, Gökcan M.K,Emergency Intraoperative Angiographic Embolization in Acute Carotid Blowout Syndrome ; 35th Turkish National Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress, 02-06 November 2013, Antalya


1.İslamoğlu Y, Kıcalı M.M, Elgörmüş M.N, Beton S, Gökcan M.K ,Is Hyoid Bone Removal Necessary in Thyroglossal Cyst Excision? ;35th Turkish National Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Congress,

2.BAŞAK H, MÜLAZIMOGLU S, TEZCANER Z.Ç., BETON S, MECO B.C, ELGÖRMÜS MN, MEÇO C. Endonasal endoscopic excision of frontal sinus and supraorbital resess cholesteatoma extending from the temporal muscle to the middle fossa. 10th Turkish Rhinology Congress May 25-22, 2014 Antalya, Turkey. (oral presentation)

3.M.N.Elgörmüs , C. Meco Endonasal Endoscopic Management of Traumatic CSF Fistula 19-12 April 2014 ORL seminars Salzburg Medical Seminars International

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Kadri Sert
16 años de experiencia
Turquía, Esmirna
Centro Médico Ento Surgical

Kadri Sert

16 años de experiencia

After graduating from Fırat University Faculty of Medicine in 2008, he worked as a physician in Şırnak Silopi Health Center No. 3 for 2 years. In 2011, he started his specialization in Manisa Celal Bayar University, Otorhinolaryngology.


He completed his specialization in ENT Diseases Specialization in 2016. In 2016, he succeeded in the written and oral exams organized by the Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association and was entitled to receive a Certificate of Proficiency.


He worked as an Ear Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist at Manisa Merkez Efendi State Hospital between 2016-2021. He has been working at Private ENTO ENT Surgical Medical Center since October 2021.

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After graduating from Fırat University Faculty of Medicine in 2008, he worked as a physician in Şırnak Silopi Health Center No. 3 for 2 years. In 2011, he started his specialization in Manisa Celal Bayar University, Otorhinolaryngology.


He completed his specialization in ENT Diseases Specialization in 2016. In 2016, he succeeded in the written and oral exams organized by the Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association and was entitled to receive a Certificate of Proficiency.


He worked as an Ear Nose and Throat Diseases Specialist at Manisa Merkez Efendi State Hospital between 2016-2021. He has been working at Private ENTO ENT Surgical Medical Center since October 2021.

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Davut Tepe
13 años de experiencia
3 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospitales Büyük Anadolu

Davut Tepe

13 años de experiencia


Adult and Pediatric ENT Diseases

Plastic Surgery Procedures (Rhinoplasty, Protruding Ear Correction)

Filling-Botox Procedures

Endoscopic/Microscopic Middle Ear Surgery

Sleep Apnea and Snoring Surgery

Tonsil and Adenoid Operations with Plasma-Evaporation Method























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Adult and Pediatric ENT Diseases

Plastic Surgery Procedures (Rhinoplasty, Protruding Ear Correction)

Filling-Botox Procedures

Endoscopic/Microscopic Middle Ear Surgery

Sleep Apnea and Snoring Surgery

Tonsil and Adenoid Operations with Plasma-Evaporation Method























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Gokhan Kutlar
19 años de experiencia
3 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospitales Büyük Anadolu

Gokhan Kutlar

19 años de experiencia



Head and Neck Surgery

Surgical Treatment of Head and Neck Cancers

Dizziness (Vertigo)

Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries

Hearing Loss and Ear Diseases Surgery

Endoscopic Head and Neck Diseases Surgery

Head and Neck Diseases Microsurgery

Salivary Gland Diseases and Surgery





















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Head and Neck Surgery

Surgical Treatment of Head and Neck Cancers

Dizziness (Vertigo)

Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries

Hearing Loss and Ear Diseases Surgery

Endoscopic Head and Neck Diseases Surgery

Head and Neck Diseases Microsurgery

Salivary Gland Diseases and Surgery





















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Ahmet Eyibilen
34 años de experiencia
3 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospitales Büyük Anadolu

Ahmet Eyibilen

34 años de experiencia


  • Baş Boyun Cerrahisi
  • Baş ve Boyun Kanserlerinin Cerrahi Tedavisi
  • Baş Dönmesi (Vertigo)
  • Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahileri
  • İşitme Kayıpları ve Kulak Hastalıkları Cerrahisi
  • Endoskopik Baş ve Boyun Hastalıkları Cerrahisi
  • Baş ve Boyun Hastalıkları Mikro Cerrahisi
  • Tükürük Bezi Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi
















































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  • Baş Boyun Cerrahisi
  • Baş ve Boyun Kanserlerinin Cerrahi Tedavisi
  • Baş Dönmesi (Vertigo)
  • Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahileri
  • İşitme Kayıpları ve Kulak Hastalıkları Cerrahisi
  • Endoskopik Baş ve Boyun Hastalıkları Cerrahisi
  • Baş ve Boyun Hastalıkları Mikro Cerrahisi
  • Tükürük Bezi Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi
















































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Erkan Karatas
25 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Atlas University Medicine Hospital

Erkan Karatas

25 años de experiencia

2017: Oticon Medical Scientific Center Copenhagen Denmark.
2016: ICLO Teaching Center New Endoscopic Approaches to Lateral Skull Base, Inner Ear and Cerebello-Pontine Angle, Verona Italy
2016: World Hearing Center, Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warsaw,Poland
2015: Cochlear Science and Research Center Berlin Germany.
2014: Cochlear implant Center Medel Company Innsburck, Austria.
2014: Hannover Medical School. Clinic for Laryngology, Rhinology and Otology, Hannover, Germany
2014: Academy of Hearing Aid Acoustics (Akademie für Hörgerate-Akustik), Lübeck, Germany.
2013: International European Sialendoscopy Training Center, Geneva, Switzerland.
2012: University clinic of ORL, Head and Neck Surgery, klinikum der Universitat, Munchen, Germany.
2012: University clinic of ORL, Head and Neck Surgery, Bern, Switzerland.
2011: University clinic of ORL, Head and Neck Surgery, klinikum der Universitat, Munchen, Germany.
2007: The Ohio State University, Medical Faculty, Department of Otolaryngology, Division of Otology and Neurotology. Columbus, Ohio, USA.
2006: University of Würzburg, Department of Otolaryngology, Division of Otology and Neurotology. Würzburg, Germany.
1999-2003 İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kulak Burun Boğaz Anabilim Dalı
1993-1999 İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi



Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation

Turkish Rhinology Society

Tigris-Euphrates Basin Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association

Gaziantep Otorhinolaryngology Association

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Qualification Board

Turkish Otology Association

Malatya Otorhinolaryngology Association

American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery

Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology

International Vertigo Association

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2017: Oticon Medical Scientific Center Copenhagen Denmark.
2016: ICLO Teaching Center New Endoscopic Approaches to Lateral Skull Base, Inner Ear and Cerebello-Pontine Angle, Verona Italy
2016: World Hearing Center, Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warsaw,Poland
2015: Cochlear Science and Research Center Berlin Germany.
2014: Cochlear implant Center Medel Company Innsburck, Austria.
2014: Hannover Medical School. Clinic for Laryngology, Rhinology and Otology, Hannover, Germany
2014: Academy of Hearing Aid Acoustics (Akademie für Hörgerate-Akustik), Lübeck, Germany.
2013: International European Sialendoscopy Training Center, Geneva, Switzerland.
2012: University clinic of ORL, Head and Neck Surgery, klinikum der Universitat, Munchen, Germany.
2012: University clinic of ORL, Head and Neck Surgery, Bern, Switzerland.
2011: University clinic of ORL, Head and Neck Surgery, klinikum der Universitat, Munchen, Germany.
2007: The Ohio State University, Medical Faculty, Department of Otolaryngology, Division of Otology and Neurotology. Columbus, Ohio, USA.
2006: University of Würzburg, Department of Otolaryngology, Division of Otology and Neurotology. Würzburg, Germany.
1999-2003 İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kulak Burun Boğaz Anabilim Dalı
1993-1999 İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi



Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Foundation

Turkish Rhinology Society

Tigris-Euphrates Basin Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association

Gaziantep Otorhinolaryngology Association

Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Qualification Board

Turkish Otology Association

Malatya Otorhinolaryngology Association

American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery

Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology

International Vertigo Association

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Mustafa Burak Ustun
24 años de experiencia
2 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital

Mustafa Burak Ustun

24 años de experiencia



Private Nisa Hospital

2011 - 2017

Yenibosna Private Ilke Hospital

2007 - 2011

Gaziosmanpaşa Private Bilge Hospital



 2005 Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Ear Nose Throat Diseases 

2005 Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Ear Nose Throat Diseases 



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Private Nisa Hospital

2011 - 2017

Yenibosna Private Ilke Hospital

2007 - 2011

Gaziosmanpaşa Private Bilge Hospital



 2005 Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Ear Nose Throat Diseases 

2005 Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Ear Nose Throat Diseases 



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Celil Göçer
28 años de experiencia
Turquía, Ankara
Lokman Hekim Akay Hospital

Celil Göçer

28 años de experiencia

Trayectoria académica y profesional

  • Educación:
    • 1990–1996: Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Hacettepe (MD).
    • 1996–2000: Residencia en otorrinolaringología en el Hospital de Formación e Investigación de Ankara.
    • 2002: Formación avanzada en el House Ear Institute, Los Ángeles, EE.UU.
  • Experiencia Profesional:
    • Desempeñó diversos cargos, entre ellos, investigador, especialista y jefe en importantes hospitales de Turquía.
    • Desde 2011: Profesor en Lokman Hekim Health Group, centrándose en enfermedades otorrinolaringológicas.

Principales logros y contribuciones a la investigación

  • Trabajo publicado:
    • Más de 30 artículos científicos en revistas internacionales sobre temas de otorrinolaringología como pérdida auditiva, cáncer de laringe y afecciones de los senos nasales.
    • Los temas incluyen enfermedades raras, innovaciones quirúrgicas y evaluaciones radiológicas.
    • Coautor de libros relacionados con otorrinolaringología y capítulos traducidos en notables referencias quirúrgicas.
  • Presentaciones en la conferencia:
    • Presentador frecuente en reuniones científicas nacionales e internacionales.
    • Realizó estudios innovadores sobre implantes cocleares, tumores paranasales y efectos de los audífonos en el tinnitus geriátrico.
  • Premios y reconocimientos:
    • Reconocido por la excelencia en la práctica clínica y modelos de entrenamiento quirúrgico, particularmente en estapedectomía.

Intereses clínicos y de investigación

  • Enfermedades del oído, nariz y garganta, con especial atención a:
    • Trastornos auditivos (sensoriales, conductivos, relacionados con la edad).
    • Afecciones rinológicas, incluyendo sinusitis y patologías de las mucosas.
    • Casos oncológicos de otorrinolaringología, específicamente cánceres raros de laringe y senos paranasales.

Formación internacional y desarrollo profesional

  • Asistió a múltiples cursos especializados en el House Ear Institute (EE. UU.) centrándose en cirugía y patología del hueso temporal.
  • Participación en talleres y conferencias avanzadas como la Academia Americana de Otorrinolaringología–Fundación de Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello (AAO-HNSF).

Publicaciones y citas

  • Autor de estudios de alto impacto citados en revistas destacadas.
  • Contribuciones a la comprensión de los trastornos otorrinolaringológicos a través de métodos de investigación innovadores, como la disección del hueso temporal y la inmunohistoquímica.

El Prof. Dr. Celil Göçer es un distinguido especialista en otorrinolaringología cuya amplia experiencia clínica y contribuciones académicas han influido enormemente en el campo. Es muy valorado por sus innovadores enfoques quirúrgicos y su dedicación al avance del conocimiento médico.

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Trayectoria académica y profesional

  • Educación:
    • 1990–1996: Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Hacettepe (MD).
    • 1996–2000: Residencia en otorrinolaringología en el Hospital de Formación e Investigación de Ankara.
    • 2002: Formación avanzada en el House Ear Institute, Los Ángeles, EE.UU.
  • Experiencia Profesional:
    • Desempeñó diversos cargos, entre ellos, investigador, especialista y jefe en importantes hospitales de Turquía.
    • Desde 2011: Profesor en Lokman Hekim Health Group, centrándose en enfermedades otorrinolaringológicas.

Principales logros y contribuciones a la investigación

  • Trabajo publicado:
    • Más de 30 artículos científicos en revistas internacionales sobre temas de otorrinolaringología como pérdida auditiva, cáncer de laringe y afecciones de los senos nasales.
    • Los temas incluyen enfermedades raras, innovaciones quirúrgicas y evaluaciones radiológicas.
    • Coautor de libros relacionados con otorrinolaringología y capítulos traducidos en notables referencias quirúrgicas.
  • Presentaciones en la conferencia:
    • Presentador frecuente en reuniones científicas nacionales e internacionales.
    • Realizó estudios innovadores sobre implantes cocleares, tumores paranasales y efectos de los audífonos en el tinnitus geriátrico.
  • Premios y reconocimientos:
    • Reconocido por la excelencia en la práctica clínica y modelos de entrenamiento quirúrgico, particularmente en estapedectomía.

Intereses clínicos y de investigación

  • Enfermedades del oído, nariz y garganta, con especial atención a:
    • Trastornos auditivos (sensoriales, conductivos, relacionados con la edad).
    • Afecciones rinológicas, incluyendo sinusitis y patologías de las mucosas.
    • Casos oncológicos de otorrinolaringología, específicamente cánceres raros de laringe y senos paranasales.

Formación internacional y desarrollo profesional

  • Asistió a múltiples cursos especializados en el House Ear Institute (EE. UU.) centrándose en cirugía y patología del hueso temporal.
  • Participación en talleres y conferencias avanzadas como la Academia Americana de Otorrinolaringología–Fundación de Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello (AAO-HNSF).

Publicaciones y citas

  • Autor de estudios de alto impacto citados en revistas destacadas.
  • Contribuciones a la comprensión de los trastornos otorrinolaringológicos a través de métodos de investigación innovadores, como la disección del hueso temporal y la inmunohistoquímica.

El Prof. Dr. Celil Göçer es un distinguido especialista en otorrinolaringología cuya amplia experiencia clínica y contribuciones académicas han influido enormemente en el campo. Es muy valorado por sus innovadores enfoques quirúrgicos y su dedicación al avance del conocimiento médico.

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Mehmet Eken
22 años de experiencia
32 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Emsey Hospital

Mehmet Eken

22 años de experiencia

El Dr. es un otorrinolaringólogo certificado por la junta con 20 años de experiencia y ocupa el cargo de Profesor Dr. desde 2017. Es miembro de la Cámara Médica de Estambul, la Asociación Turca de Cirugía de Otorrinolaringología y Cabeza y Cuello y la Asociación Estadounidense de Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello. y la Sociedad del Cuello.

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El Dr. es un otorrinolaringólogo certificado por la junta con 20 años de experiencia y ocupa el cargo de Profesor Dr. desde 2017. Es miembro de la Cámara Médica de Estambul, la Asociación Turca de Cirugía de Otorrinolaringología y Cabeza y Cuello y la Asociación Estadounidense de Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello. y la Sociedad del Cuello.

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Ali Vefa Yuceturk
38 años de experiencia
1 reseñas
Turquía, Esmirna
Can Hospitals Turkey

Ali Vefa Yuceturk

38 años de experiencia

Prof. Dr. Ali Vefa YÜCETÜRK was born in Aydın in 1963. He graduated from Hakimiyetimilliye Primary School in 1974, Izmir Private Turkish High School in 1980, and graduated from Ege University Faculty of Medicine in 1986.


After completing his compulsory service at Adıyaman's Çelikhan District Health Center in 1986-89, he specialized in Ear Nose and Throat Diseases at Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine between 1989-92 and worked in the same clinic as a specialist until 1994. KKK in 1993. He did his military service at Izmir Military Hospital.

He started working as an ENT faculty member at Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine in 1994, and became an associate professor in 1999 and a professor in 2005.

In 1996, he carried out studies and research on larynx and parotid surgery at the ENT Clinic of the University of Ferrara, Italy, with Prof. Dr. Carlo Calearo and Prof. Dr. Antonio Pastore.

He is a member of the Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association and the Laryngology Association.

He supervised four theses on laryngeal cancer, inner ear hearing loss and snoring-sleep apnea.

He participated in more than 40 congresses, courses and meetings at home and abroad as a speaker and participant.

He has 18 scientific articles published in international and 31 national journals, 11 international and 35 papers presented in national meetings, and 5 copyrighted book chapters. In particular, his studies on snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, voice diseases, laryngeal cancer and ear microsurgery have been at the forefront.

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Prof. Dr. Ali Vefa YÜCETÜRK was born in Aydın in 1963. He graduated from Hakimiyetimilliye Primary School in 1974, Izmir Private Turkish High School in 1980, and graduated from Ege University Faculty of Medicine in 1986.


After completing his compulsory service at Adıyaman's Çelikhan District Health Center in 1986-89, he specialized in Ear Nose and Throat Diseases at Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine between 1989-92 and worked in the same clinic as a specialist until 1994. KKK in 1993. He did his military service at Izmir Military Hospital.

He started working as an ENT faculty member at Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine in 1994, and became an associate professor in 1999 and a professor in 2005.

In 1996, he carried out studies and research on larynx and parotid surgery at the ENT Clinic of the University of Ferrara, Italy, with Prof. Dr. Carlo Calearo and Prof. Dr. Antonio Pastore.

He is a member of the Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Association and the Laryngology Association.

He supervised four theses on laryngeal cancer, inner ear hearing loss and snoring-sleep apnea.

He participated in more than 40 congresses, courses and meetings at home and abroad as a speaker and participant.

He has 18 scientific articles published in international and 31 national journals, 11 international and 35 papers presented in national meetings, and 5 copyrighted book chapters. In particular, his studies on snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, voice diseases, laryngeal cancer and ear microsurgery have been at the forefront.

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Mehmet Fatih Garca
34 años de experiencia
Turquía, Ankara
Lokman Hekim Van Hospital

Mehmet Fatih Garca

34 años de experiencia


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Fatih Garça is a highly skilled and experienced ENT specialist currently practicing at Lokman Hekim Van Hospital. He completed his medical education at Istanbul University in 1997, and since then, he has built an impressive career in the field of otolaryngology. Throughout his career, Dr. Garça has contributed his knowledge and expertise to several prestigious institutions, including Van Yüzüncü Yıl University and İpekyolu State Hospital, where he has served in both clinical and academic roles.

Dr. Garça is recognized for his specialization in the diagnosis, treatment, and surgical management of a wide range of Ear, Nose, and Throat disorders. His areas of expertise include, but are not limited to, chronic sinusitis, hearing loss, nasal deformities, sleep apnea, and head and neck cancers. He is well-versed in performing both minimally invasive and complex surgical procedures, utilizing the latest technologies to ensure the best outcomes for his patients.

A highly regarded professional, Dr. Garça is dedicated to staying at the forefront of his field, regularly attending national and international conferences to further his medical knowledge. He is committed to delivering personalized care and effective treatment plans, taking into account each patient’s unique condition and needs.

Fluent in both Turkish and English, Dr. Garça is able to effectively communicate with a diverse range of patients, ensuring that they fully understand their diagnosis and treatment options. His compassionate approach and extensive expertise have earned him the trust of many individuals seeking high-quality care in the field of ENT.

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Fatih Garça is a highly skilled and experienced ENT specialist currently practicing at Lokman Hekim Van Hospital. He completed his medical education at Istanbul University in 1997, and since then, he has built an impressive career in the field of otolaryngology. Throughout his career, Dr. Garça has contributed his knowledge and expertise to several prestigious institutions, including Van Yüzüncü Yıl University and İpekyolu State Hospital, where he has served in both clinical and academic roles.

Dr. Garça is recognized for his specialization in the diagnosis, treatment, and surgical management of a wide range of Ear, Nose, and Throat disorders. His areas of expertise include, but are not limited to, chronic sinusitis, hearing loss, nasal deformities, sleep apnea, and head and neck cancers. He is well-versed in performing both minimally invasive and complex surgical procedures, utilizing the latest technologies to ensure the best outcomes for his patients.

A highly regarded professional, Dr. Garça is dedicated to staying at the forefront of his field, regularly attending national and international conferences to further his medical knowledge. He is committed to delivering personalized care and effective treatment plans, taking into account each patient’s unique condition and needs.

Fluent in both Turkish and English, Dr. Garça is able to effectively communicate with a diverse range of patients, ensuring that they fully understand their diagnosis and treatment options. His compassionate approach and extensive expertise have earned him the trust of many individuals seeking high-quality care in the field of ENT.

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Ahmet Koybasioglu
43 años de experiencia
Turquía, Ankara
Private Koru Ankara Hospital

Ahmet Koybasioglu

43 años de experiencia

Ahmet Köybaşıoğlu is a Professor and Doctor who was born in 1958. He entered Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1975 and completed his education, graduating in 1981. He completed his specialization in Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine between 1982-1986.

While working as an ENT specialist at Ankara Dışkapı SSK Hospital, he also worked at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Research Center in the Netherlands. In 1997, he became an associate professor in the ENT Head and Neck Surgery department at Gazi University, and in 2003, he became a full professor.

In 1998, he worked on cases with his American colleagues at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in the United States. He conducted academic research for 16 years from 1996-2012, focusing on head and neck tumors. He also deepened his academic research in laryngology, which includes vocal cord and voice disorders.

He specialized in voice hoarseness, snoring, respiratory problems, dizziness, as well as nodules, polyps and vocal cord cysts in the larynx. His medical interests also include pediatric ENT diseases such as tonsillitis, adenoids, fluid accumulation in the ear, and congenital neck cysts.

He conducted academic research and publications on tumors and cancer diseases that occur in the mouth, nose, tongue, jaw, throat, and skin areas in the head and neck region. These diseases are his primary medical interest areas.


2003-2103 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Professor,
2005(September-October) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1997-2003 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Associate Professor,
1998(November-December) Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary /Boston-USA,
1995-1997 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Assistant Professor,
1993(January-March) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1982-1986 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine / Ear Nose and Throat Specialization Training,
1975-1981 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine

Work Experience

2016-2018 Lösante Hospital,
2014-2016 Memorial Ankara Hospital,
2012-2014 Acıbadem Healthcare Group Ankara Hospital,
2003-2013 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Professor,
2005(September-October) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1997-2003 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Associate Professor
1998 (November-December) Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary,
1995-1997 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Assistant Professor,
1993(January-March) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1990-1995 Ankara Diskapi SSK Hospital ll. ENT Clinic Specialist,
1988-1990 Bayburt State Hospital/Mandatory Service,
1986-1988 Adana Military Hospital, Ear Nose and Throat Specialist,
1982-1986 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine / Ear Nose and Throat Specialization Training

Medical Interest

Head and Neck Oncology
Voice Hoarseness
Pediatric Ear Nose Throat Diseases
Elongated Styloid Prosthesis
Congenital Neck Tumors
Salivary Gland Tumors

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Ahmet Köybaşıoğlu is a Professor and Doctor who was born in 1958. He entered Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1975 and completed his education, graduating in 1981. He completed his specialization in Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine between 1982-1986.

While working as an ENT specialist at Ankara Dışkapı SSK Hospital, he also worked at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Research Center in the Netherlands. In 1997, he became an associate professor in the ENT Head and Neck Surgery department at Gazi University, and in 2003, he became a full professor.

In 1998, he worked on cases with his American colleagues at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in the United States. He conducted academic research for 16 years from 1996-2012, focusing on head and neck tumors. He also deepened his academic research in laryngology, which includes vocal cord and voice disorders.

He specialized in voice hoarseness, snoring, respiratory problems, dizziness, as well as nodules, polyps and vocal cord cysts in the larynx. His medical interests also include pediatric ENT diseases such as tonsillitis, adenoids, fluid accumulation in the ear, and congenital neck cysts.

He conducted academic research and publications on tumors and cancer diseases that occur in the mouth, nose, tongue, jaw, throat, and skin areas in the head and neck region. These diseases are his primary medical interest areas.


2003-2103 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Professor,
2005(September-October) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1997-2003 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Associate Professor,
1998(November-December) Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary /Boston-USA,
1995-1997 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Assistant Professor,
1993(January-March) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1982-1986 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine / Ear Nose and Throat Specialization Training,
1975-1981 Ankara University Faculty of Medicine

Work Experience

2016-2018 Lösante Hospital,
2014-2016 Memorial Ankara Hospital,
2012-2014 Acıbadem Healthcare Group Ankara Hospital,
2003-2013 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Professor,
2005(September-October) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1997-2003 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Associate Professor
1998 (November-December) Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary,
1995-1997 Gazi University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Assistant Professor,
1993(January-March) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam/Netherlands,
1990-1995 Ankara Diskapi SSK Hospital ll. ENT Clinic Specialist,
1988-1990 Bayburt State Hospital/Mandatory Service,
1986-1988 Adana Military Hospital, Ear Nose and Throat Specialist,
1982-1986 Gazi University Faculty of Medicine / Ear Nose and Throat Specialization Training

Medical Interest

Head and Neck Oncology
Voice Hoarseness
Pediatric Ear Nose Throat Diseases
Elongated Styloid Prosthesis
Congenital Neck Tumors
Salivary Gland Tumors

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Baha Sezgin
14 años de experiencia
1 reseñas
Turquía, Esmirna
Ekol International Hospitals

Baha Sezgin

14 años de experiencia

Areas of interest;

  • Nose Aesthetic Surgery
  • Tonsil and Adenoid Surgery
  • Nasal Bone Surgery Without Using Tampons (Septum Deviation)
  • Nose Concha (Concha) Surgery
  • Swallowing Disorders Surgery (Diagnosis and Treatment)
  • Head and Neck Tumor Surgery
  • Chronic Middle Ear Inflammation (Chronic Otitis Media)
  • Eardrum Surgery
  • Parotid Surgery
  • Salivary Gland Surgery
  • Ear Tube Surgery
  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (Sinusitis Surgery)
  • Endoscopic DSR (Occluded Tear Sac and Duct Surgery)
  • Snoring Sleep Apnea Surgery
  • Radiofrequency Surgery
  • Vocal Cord Polyp and Nodule Microsurgery
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Areas of interest;

  • Nose Aesthetic Surgery
  • Tonsil and Adenoid Surgery
  • Nasal Bone Surgery Without Using Tampons (Septum Deviation)
  • Nose Concha (Concha) Surgery
  • Swallowing Disorders Surgery (Diagnosis and Treatment)
  • Head and Neck Tumor Surgery
  • Chronic Middle Ear Inflammation (Chronic Otitis Media)
  • Eardrum Surgery
  • Parotid Surgery
  • Salivary Gland Surgery
  • Ear Tube Surgery
  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (Sinusitis Surgery)
  • Endoscopic DSR (Occluded Tear Sac and Duct Surgery)
  • Snoring Sleep Apnea Surgery
  • Radiofrequency Surgery
  • Vocal Cord Polyp and Nodule Microsurgery
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