Implantes sin colgajo All-on-6
Todos los tratamientos
Implantes sin colgajo All-on-6
Todos los tratamientos

Los mejores dentistas de Implantes sin colgajo All-on-6 en Turquía — TOP-42 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Zeynep Cukurova Yilmaz
Cirujano oral y maxilofacial
13 años de experiencia
Turquía, Antalya
Medoper Fethiye

Zeynep Cukurova Yilmaz

Cirujano oral y maxilofacial
13 años de experiencia

she earned Phd at Yeditepe University, Department of Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery. During her Phd education, she carried out multidisciplinary studies with the ‘Jaw Joint and Facial Diseases Center’ within the Yeditepe Faculty of Dentistry. During her Phd education, she applied manual therapy, split and injection treatments to bruxism patients with botox and facial aesthetic training in the University of Bolognia Palma. In 2016, she completed her PhD on the ‘’Efficacy of Arthrocentesis and High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid Injection on Cell Death (Apoptosis, Autophagy) in Chondrocytes in Temporomandibular Joint Internal Disorders’’. In the same year, she started to work as an assistant professor (doctoral faculty member) at the Faculty of Dentistry of Medipol University. She has made many national and international publications, oral presentations and poster presentations 2016-2022. She received the best oral presentation award at the 8th ACBİD international congress in 2014 and at the ACBID with EACMFS Endorsement Congress in 2019. There are 2 international and 1 national book sections. In 2022, it has completed 1002 TUBITAK projects. Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (TAOMS), Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association (ACBID), Turkish Dental Association (TDB), Member of European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders (EACD), International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (IAOMS) He is a member of ITI and European Resuscitation Council (Advanced Life Support Certificate).

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she earned Phd at Yeditepe University, Department of Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery. During her Phd education, she carried out multidisciplinary studies with the ‘Jaw Joint and Facial Diseases Center’ within the Yeditepe Faculty of Dentistry. During her Phd education, she applied manual therapy, split and injection treatments to bruxism patients with botox and facial aesthetic training in the University of Bolognia Palma. In 2016, she completed her PhD on the ‘’Efficacy of Arthrocentesis and High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid Injection on Cell Death (Apoptosis, Autophagy) in Chondrocytes in Temporomandibular Joint Internal Disorders’’. In the same year, she started to work as an assistant professor (doctoral faculty member) at the Faculty of Dentistry of Medipol University. She has made many national and international publications, oral presentations and poster presentations 2016-2022. She received the best oral presentation award at the 8th ACBİD international congress in 2014 and at the ACBID with EACMFS Endorsement Congress in 2019. There are 2 international and 1 national book sections. In 2022, it has completed 1002 TUBITAK projects. Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (TAOMS), Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association (ACBID), Turkish Dental Association (TDB), Member of European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders (EACD), International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (IAOMS) He is a member of ITI and European Resuscitation Council (Advanced Life Support Certificate).

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Eren Ozil
8 años de experiencia
Turquía, Antalya
Vip Dental Clinic

Eren Ozil

8 años de experiencia
El Dr. Eren Ozil es un experto cirujano oral y maxilofacial, especializado en implantología, dientes incrustados, aumento óseo y quistes maxilares. Con más de una década de experiencia, el Dr. Ozil ha realizado más de 6.000 tratamientos y es competente en la realización de diversas operaciones de implantes dentales. También ha contribuido a este campo con su tesis sobre la comparación de los sistemas all-on-four y all-on-six.Mostrar más
El Dr. Eren Ozil es un experto cirujano oral y maxilofacial, especializado en implantología, dientes incrustados, aumento óseo y quistes maxilares. Con más de una década de experiencia, el Dr. Ozil ha realizado más de 6.000 tratamientos y es competente en la realización de diversas operaciones de implantes dentales. También ha contribuido a este campo con su tesis sobre la comparación de los sistemas all-on-four y all-on-six.
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Omer Bayar
8 años de experiencia
Turquía, Ankara
Doctor Bayar Dental Clinics

Omer Bayar

8 años de experiencia

Dr. Ömer Bayar was born on October 3, 1992, in Eskişehir, Turkey. After completing his primary and secondary education at Atayurt College between 1998 and 2006, he attended Eskişehir Anadolu High School from 2006 to 2010.


He graduated from Başkent University’s Faculty of Dentistry in 2015 and has been working at his clinic since 2017. In addition, he pursued a PhD in Prosthodontics at Başkent University’s Faculty of Dentistry, graduating as a prosthodontist in 2023.


Dr. Bayar specializes in aesthetic dentistry, smile design, implantology, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. He stays current in his field by attending various international congresses and seminars. His expertise includes full-mouth rehabilitation and smile makeovers for complex dental misalignments and jaw malpositions; implant surgeries for patients with severe bone deficiencies, bone grafting, and the "immediate implant" technique, which involves placing an implant at the time of tooth extraction. His PhD thesis, titled "Surface Roughness of Polished and Glazed 5Y-TZP Monolithic Zirconia Blocks After Brushing Simulation," has been published in both local and international academic journals.

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Dr. Ömer Bayar was born on October 3, 1992, in Eskişehir, Turkey. After completing his primary and secondary education at Atayurt College between 1998 and 2006, he attended Eskişehir Anadolu High School from 2006 to 2010.


He graduated from Başkent University’s Faculty of Dentistry in 2015 and has been working at his clinic since 2017. In addition, he pursued a PhD in Prosthodontics at Başkent University’s Faculty of Dentistry, graduating as a prosthodontist in 2023.


Dr. Bayar specializes in aesthetic dentistry, smile design, implantology, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. He stays current in his field by attending various international congresses and seminars. His expertise includes full-mouth rehabilitation and smile makeovers for complex dental misalignments and jaw malpositions; implant surgeries for patients with severe bone deficiencies, bone grafting, and the "immediate implant" technique, which involves placing an implant at the time of tooth extraction. His PhD thesis, titled "Surface Roughness of Polished and Glazed 5Y-TZP Monolithic Zirconia Blocks After Brushing Simulation," has been published in both local and international academic journals.

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Fahri Doruk
11 años de experiencia
3 reseñas
Turquía, Marmaris
Clínica dental Dent48

Fahri Doruk

11 años de experiencia
El Dr. Fahri Doruk es un dentista conocido por su enfoque orientado al paciente y su experiencia en diversos procedimientos dentales, incluidos los implantes dentales All-on-4, las carillas de porcelana y el tratamiento del conducto radicular. Es elogiado por su capacidad para gestionar los procedimientos dentales sin causar dolor y por abordar eficazmente los temores dentales. Es licenciado por la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Ege.Mostrar más
El Dr. Fahri Doruk es un dentista conocido por su enfoque orientado al paciente y su experiencia en diversos procedimientos dentales, incluidos los implantes dentales All-on-4, las carillas de porcelana y el tratamiento del conducto radicular. Es elogiado por su capacidad para gestionar los procedimientos dentales sin causar dolor y por abordar eficazmente los temores dentales. Es licenciado por la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Ege.
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Selenay Tekeli
4 años de experiencia
3 reseñas

Selenay Tekeli

4 años de experiencia
Turquía, Marmaris
Clínica dental Dent48
Binnur Toysal Yigitbasi
24 años de experiencia

Binnur Toysal Yigitbasi

24 años de experiencia
Turquía, Antalya
Mark Asya Dental Center
Cemre Hacioglu
6 años de experiencia

Cemre Hacioglu

6 años de experiencia
Turquía, Antalya
Mark Asya Dental Center
Delfin Ates Doruk
10 años de experiencia
3 reseñas

Delfin Ates Doruk

10 años de experiencia
Turquía, Marmaris
Clínica dental Dent48
Ozge Akay
10 años de experiencia
3 reseñas

Ozge Akay

10 años de experiencia
Turquía, Marmaris
Clínica dental Dent48
Ufuk Zeren
31 años de experiencia
Turquía, Esmirna
Ata Health Center

Ufuk Zeren

31 años de experiencia
Dr. Ufuk Zeren is a professional dentist with a focus on dental implantology and aesthetic restorations. He has furthered his expertise with numerous courses in advanced surgical procedures and digital dentistry, specifically in the all-on-four technique, sinus floor elevation, and zygomatic implants.Mostrar más
Dr. Ufuk Zeren is a professional dentist with a focus on dental implantology and aesthetic restorations. He has furthered his expertise with numerous courses in advanced surgical procedures and digital dentistry, specifically in the all-on-four technique, sinus floor elevation, and zygomatic implants.
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Sinan Donmez
25 años de experiencia
Turquía, Esmirna
Ata Health Center

Sinan Donmez

25 años de experiencia
El Dr. Sinan Donmez es un cirujano dental cualificado con más de 20 años de experiencia, especializado en una amplia gama de procedimientos dentales como implantes dentales All-on-4, mini implantes dentales, carillas de composite y blanqueamiento dental. Es miembro activo de la Asociación Dental Turca y ha realizado con éxito más de 30.000 tratamientos.Mostrar más
El Dr. Sinan Donmez es un cirujano dental cualificado con más de 20 años de experiencia, especializado en una amplia gama de procedimientos dentales como implantes dentales All-on-4, mini implantes dentales, carillas de composite y blanqueamiento dental. Es miembro activo de la Asociación Dental Turca y ha realizado con éxito más de 30.000 tratamientos.
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Erdem Azim
16 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul

Erdem Azim

16 años de experiencia
El Dr. Erdem Azim es un distinguido odontólogo con experiencia en numerosas áreas de la odontología, como terapia, cirugía, implantología, ortodoncia, ortopedia, periodoncia, odontopediatría, higiene, odontología estética y prevención. Sus servicios incluyen carillas, instalación de brackets linguales, instalación de coronas de porcelana, extracción de muelas del juicio e implantes dentales. Él es bien considerado por los pacientes por su enfoque suave y profesionalismo.Mostrar más
El Dr. Erdem Azim es un distinguido odontólogo con experiencia en numerosas áreas de la odontología, como terapia, cirugía, implantología, ortodoncia, ortopedia, periodoncia, odontopediatría, higiene, odontología estética y prevención. Sus servicios incluyen carillas, instalación de brackets linguales, instalación de coronas de porcelana, extracción de muelas del juicio e implantes dentales. Él es bien considerado por los pacientes por su enfoque suave y profesionalismo.
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Suha Kilicaraslan
26 años de experiencia

Suha Kilicaraslan

26 años de experiencia
Turquía, Antalya
Erkan Topak
30 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Clínica dental Aqua Dental Clinic

Erkan Topak

30 años de experiencia
Dr. Erkan Topak es un dentista competente y fundador de una práctica dental, especializada en una variedad de procedimientos, incluyendo All-on-4 y All-on-6 Implantes Dentales, Carilla de Porcelana, Lumineer, Mini implante dental, Carillas, Carilla de Composite, Blanqueamiento Dental, Hollywood Smile, y mucho más.Mostrar más
Dr. Erkan Topak es un dentista competente y fundador de una práctica dental, especializada en una variedad de procedimientos, incluyendo All-on-4 y All-on-6 Implantes Dentales, Carilla de Porcelana, Lumineer, Mini implante dental, Carillas, Carilla de Composite, Blanqueamiento Dental, Hollywood Smile, y mucho más.
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Goksel Kalyaz
4 años de experiencia
22 reseñas
Turquía, Antalya
Clínica SoracaMed

Goksel Kalyaz

4 años de experiencia
El Dr. Goksel Kalyaz es un dentista altamente acreditado y asociado a numerosas organizaciones profesionales de Turquía.Mostrar más
El Dr. Goksel Kalyaz es un dentista altamente acreditado y asociado a numerosas organizaciones profesionales de Turquía.
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Dr Mehmet Emin Celebi
15 años de experiencia
4 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Clínica EsteCapelli Medical Solutions

Dr Mehmet Emin Celebi

15 años de experiencia

Dr. Mehmet Emin Çelebi is an expert and experienced in smile design, dental implantology, all on six and immediate implantology treatments, which are among the most preferred dentistry practices today. He has applied these types of treatments to hundreds of his patients.

Born in Kırıkkale in 1986, Dr. Mehmet Emin Çelebi graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 2009. In addition to his dentistry education, he has participated in many seminars and certificate programs related to his areas of expertise.

He has developed his expertise with one-on-one applied courses by following the most current developments in dentistry. He is very experienced in treatments such as smile design, dental implantology, which is one of the most preferred dentistry applications today, and all on six, immediate implantology, which is a multidisciplinary working style.


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Dr. Mehmet Emin Çelebi is an expert and experienced in smile design, dental implantology, all on six and immediate implantology treatments, which are among the most preferred dentistry practices today. He has applied these types of treatments to hundreds of his patients.

Born in Kırıkkale in 1986, Dr. Mehmet Emin Çelebi graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 2009. In addition to his dentistry education, he has participated in many seminars and certificate programs related to his areas of expertise.

He has developed his expertise with one-on-one applied courses by following the most current developments in dentistry. He is very experienced in treatments such as smile design, dental implantology, which is one of the most preferred dentistry applications today, and all on six, immediate implantology, which is a multidisciplinary working style.


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Gurkan Korkmaz
11 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Clínica de la Op. Dr. Nazli KORKMAZ Clinic

Gurkan Korkmaz

11 años de experiencia

Gurkan Korkmaz is renowned for his meticulous and innovative dental services, backed by a decade-long expertise in the field. He approaches each patient with a tailored strategy, utilizing the latest technology and techniques to ensure they achieve a healthy and radiant smile. Offering a wide spectrum of services including aesthetic dentistry, implants, root canal treatments, and pediatric dentistry, Gurkan Korkmaz prioritizes customer satisfaction, placing the comfort and trust of patients at the forefront. Widely recognized as the epitome of excellence in enhancing smiles, Gurkan Korkmaz is the go-to, reliable dentist for delivering the finest solutions to embellish your smile.

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Gurkan Korkmaz is renowned for his meticulous and innovative dental services, backed by a decade-long expertise in the field. He approaches each patient with a tailored strategy, utilizing the latest technology and techniques to ensure they achieve a healthy and radiant smile. Offering a wide spectrum of services including aesthetic dentistry, implants, root canal treatments, and pediatric dentistry, Gurkan Korkmaz prioritizes customer satisfaction, placing the comfort and trust of patients at the forefront. Widely recognized as the epitome of excellence in enhancing smiles, Gurkan Korkmaz is the go-to, reliable dentist for delivering the finest solutions to embellish your smile.

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Eren Pera
Cirujano oral y maxilofacial
11 años de experiencia
4 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Clínica Hospitaprime

Eren Pera

Cirujano oral y maxilofacial
11 años de experiencia

Born and raised in Turkey, Dr. Pera attended the highly reputed Hacettepe University Dentistry Faculty from 2008 to 2013, where he began his journey to become a dentist. His passion for the field led him to further specialize in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, a field he trained in extensively at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry from 2016 to 2021.

To ensure a holistic approach to patient care, Dr. Pera undertook several rotations between 2016 and 2019. This included areas like Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Emergency Medicine, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, and Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, all at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine.

Before establishing Hospitaprime, Dr. Pera served as an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon at the esteemed Koru Hospital in Ankara from May 2021 to July 2022. Shortly after, he joined Memorial Hospital in Istanbul in September 2022, where he continues to practice.

In March 2023, Dr. Pera took a significant step in his career by founding Hospitaprime in Istanbul, a state-of-the-art dental clinic offering a myriad of dental services. Through Hospitaprime, Dr. Pera has actualized his vision of providing unparalleled dental care, ensuring each patient benefits from his extensive knowledge, experience, and passion for the field.

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Born and raised in Turkey, Dr. Pera attended the highly reputed Hacettepe University Dentistry Faculty from 2008 to 2013, where he began his journey to become a dentist. His passion for the field led him to further specialize in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, a field he trained in extensively at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry from 2016 to 2021.

To ensure a holistic approach to patient care, Dr. Pera undertook several rotations between 2016 and 2019. This included areas like Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Emergency Medicine, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, and Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, all at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine.

Before establishing Hospitaprime, Dr. Pera served as an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon at the esteemed Koru Hospital in Ankara from May 2021 to July 2022. Shortly after, he joined Memorial Hospital in Istanbul in September 2022, where he continues to practice.

In March 2023, Dr. Pera took a significant step in his career by founding Hospitaprime in Istanbul, a state-of-the-art dental clinic offering a myriad of dental services. Through Hospitaprime, Dr. Pera has actualized his vision of providing unparalleled dental care, ensuring each patient benefits from his extensive knowledge, experience, and passion for the field.

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