Cirugía cardíaca
Todos los tratamientos
Cirugía cardíaca
Todos los tratamientos

Los mejores cirujanos cardíacos — TOP-390 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Sandeep Attawar
Cirujano cardiotorácico
26 años de experiencia
7 reseñas
India, Chennai
Global Hospital Chennai

Sandeep Attawar

Cirujano cardiotorácico
26 años de experiencia

El Dr. Sandeep Attawar es un famoso cirujano cardiotorácico de la India. Se desempeña como Director del Programa de Cirugía Cardíaca y Trasplante de Órganos Torácicos en Gleneagles Global Health City.


El Dr. Sandeep Attawar es especialista en cirugía cardiotorácica. Ha participado en más de 10.000 cirugías a corazón abierto y cerrado en adultos y niños.

Su experiencia también cubre trasplantes de corazón y pulmón con una tasa de éxito del 85-90%.

Experiencia laboral

  • Desde 2017, director y presidente de Cirugía Cardiovascular, Trasplante de Órganos Torácicos y Programa MCS en Global Hospital Chennai (Gleneagles Global Health City)
  • 2013-2017: Jefe de Cirugía Cardíaca, Apoyo Circulatorio Mecánico, Departamento de Trasplante de Corazón en el Instituto de Investigación Fortis Gurgaon Memorial
  • 2012-2013: Director de Cirugía Cardíaca y Trasplante de Órganos Torácicos en Global Hospitals Group en Chennai
  • 2010-2012: vicepresidente y director del Centro de Ciencias Cardíacas de Narayana Health en Jaipur
  • 2005-2010: cirujano cardíaco jefe y jefe de la división de cardiocirugía en Apollo Dhaka
  • 2003-2005 – Cirujano cardíaco consultor sénior en el Instituto Internacional de Ciencias Cardíacas Rabindranath Tagore en Calcuta
  • 2000-2002: cirujano cardíaco en el Hospital y Centro de Investigación Cardiac AJ en Mangalore, Manipal Heart Foundation en Bangalore y Narayana Hrudayalaya en Bangalore.


  • La Facultad de Medicina Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology – Licenciatura en medicina general, especialidad en cirugía general, especialidad en cirugía cardiotorácica.

Membresía en organizaciones

  • La Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía Cardiotorácica Mínimamente Invasiva
  • La Sociedad Internacional de Trasplante de Corazón y Pulmón
  • La Asociación de Robótica Mínimamente Invasiva
  • La Sociedad de Cirujanos Torácicos
  • La Asociación Europea de Cirugía Cardio-Torácica
  • Fundación Ser Humano.
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El Dr. Sandeep Attawar es un famoso cirujano cardiotorácico de la India. Se desempeña como Director del Programa de Cirugía Cardíaca y Trasplante de Órganos Torácicos en Gleneagles Global Health City.


El Dr. Sandeep Attawar es especialista en cirugía cardiotorácica. Ha participado en más de 10.000 cirugías a corazón abierto y cerrado en adultos y niños.

Su experiencia también cubre trasplantes de corazón y pulmón con una tasa de éxito del 85-90%.

Experiencia laboral

  • Desde 2017, director y presidente de Cirugía Cardiovascular, Trasplante de Órganos Torácicos y Programa MCS en Global Hospital Chennai (Gleneagles Global Health City)
  • 2013-2017: Jefe de Cirugía Cardíaca, Apoyo Circulatorio Mecánico, Departamento de Trasplante de Corazón en el Instituto de Investigación Fortis Gurgaon Memorial
  • 2012-2013: Director de Cirugía Cardíaca y Trasplante de Órganos Torácicos en Global Hospitals Group en Chennai
  • 2010-2012: vicepresidente y director del Centro de Ciencias Cardíacas de Narayana Health en Jaipur
  • 2005-2010: cirujano cardíaco jefe y jefe de la división de cardiocirugía en Apollo Dhaka
  • 2003-2005 – Cirujano cardíaco consultor sénior en el Instituto Internacional de Ciencias Cardíacas Rabindranath Tagore en Calcuta
  • 2000-2002: cirujano cardíaco en el Hospital y Centro de Investigación Cardiac AJ en Mangalore, Manipal Heart Foundation en Bangalore y Narayana Hrudayalaya en Bangalore.


  • La Facultad de Medicina Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology – Licenciatura en medicina general, especialidad en cirugía general, especialidad en cirugía cardiotorácica.

Membresía en organizaciones

  • La Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía Cardiotorácica Mínimamente Invasiva
  • La Sociedad Internacional de Trasplante de Corazón y Pulmón
  • La Asociación de Robótica Mínimamente Invasiva
  • La Sociedad de Cirujanos Torácicos
  • La Asociación Europea de Cirugía Cardio-Torácica
  • Fundación Ser Humano.
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Pavel Bushman
5 reseñas
Polonia, Ustroń
American Heart of Poland Hospitals

Cirujano cardíaco

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Cirujano cardíaco

5 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Colocación de stent coronario $1721.62 - $5779.73
Instalación de marcapasos cardíaco $2090.54
Cirugía de revascularización coronaria $6148.65 - $17216.22
Más tratamientos
Sidika Altop
Cirujano vascular
30 años de experiencia
32 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Emsey Hospital

Sidika Altop

Cirujano vascular
30 años de experiencia
Un médico con experiencia en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Anadolu (1983-1990), Especialización en Cirugía Cardiovascular de Bursa (1994-1999 y 2000-2002), Hospital de Maternidad (1990-1994), Hospital Estatal de Çankırı (2000-2002), Educación FSM and Research Hospital (2002-2013), Siyami Ersek Cardio Vasculer Surgery Education and Research Hospital (2013-2014), Medeniyet University Göztepe Education and Research Hospital (2014-2017) y Şehit Prof. Dr İlhan Varank Education and Research Hospital (2017) -2019).Mostrar más
Un médico con experiencia en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Anadolu (1983-1990), Especialización en Cirugía Cardiovascular de Bursa (1994-1999 y 2000-2002), Hospital de Maternidad (1990-1994), Hospital Estatal de Çankırı (2000-2002), Educación FSM and Research Hospital (2002-2013), Siyami Ersek Cardio Vasculer Surgery Education and Research Hospital (2013-2014), Medeniyet University Göztepe Education and Research Hospital (2014-2017) y Şehit Prof. Dr İlhan Varank Education and Research Hospital (2017) -2019).
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Ahmet Yavuz Balci
Cirujano cardiotorácico
22 años de experiencia
1 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Medistate Hospital Istanbul

Ahmet Yavuz Balci

Cirujano cardiotorácico
22 años de experiencia
El Dr. Yavuz Yesiltas es cirujano ortopédico en Medistate Hospital Istanbul y se especializa en lesiones de huesos, ligamentos, articulaciones y tendones. Brinda tratamientos para una variedad de condiciones y opera de 8 am a 4 pm, 6 días a la semana. Los procedimientos populares incluyen la artroscopia de rodilla, la cirugía de fusión de tobillo, la reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior, la liberación del túnel carpiano y la reparación de meniscos.Mostrar más
El Dr. Yavuz Yesiltas es cirujano ortopédico en Medistate Hospital Istanbul y se especializa en lesiones de huesos, ligamentos, articulaciones y tendones. Brinda tratamientos para una variedad de condiciones y opera de 8 am a 4 pm, 6 días a la semana. Los procedimientos populares incluyen la artroscopia de rodilla, la cirugía de fusión de tobillo, la reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior, la liberación del túnel carpiano y la reparación de meniscos.
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Can Us
Cirujano plástico
6 años de experiencia

Can Us

Cirujano plástico
6 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Esthetic Hospital
Murat Yalçın
Cirujano cardiotorácico
24 años de experiencia
87 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Medicana Atasehir Hospital

Murat Yalçın

Cirujano cardiotorácico
24 años de experiencia
Médico con 20 años de experiencia, formado en la Academia Médica Militar de Gulhane y en el Hospital de Formación e Investigación de Gülhane en Turquía. Con experiencia en varios hospitales de Turquía, incluidos el Hospital Kırklareli, Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi, İzmir Asker Hastanesi, Medicana Çamlıca Hastanesi y Medicana Ataşehir Hastanesi. Miembro de la Sociedad Turca de Cardiología.Mostrar más
Médico con 20 años de experiencia, formado en la Academia Médica Militar de Gulhane y en el Hospital de Formación e Investigación de Gülhane en Turquía. Con experiencia en varios hospitales de Turquía, incluidos el Hospital Kırklareli, Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi, İzmir Asker Hastanesi, Medicana Çamlıca Hastanesi y Medicana Ataşehir Hastanesi. Miembro de la Sociedad Turca de Cardiología.
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87 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Reemplazo de la válvula aórtica $15000
Reemplazo de válvula cardíaca $10000 - $15000
Colocación de stent coronario $4500 - $6500
Más tratamientos
K R Balakrishnan
33 años de experiencia

K R Balakrishnan

33 años de experiencia
India, Chennai
MGM Hospital
Murat Iptec
Cirujano plástico facial
19 años de experiencia
14 reseñas

Murat Iptec

Cirujano plástico facial
19 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Hermes Clinics
Assoc Prof Dr Ahmet Rauf
Cirujano torácico
32 años de experiencia
14 reseñas

Assoc Prof Dr Ahmet Rauf

Cirujano torácico
32 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Hermes Clinics
Bekir Durmush
Especialista en rehabilitación oral
74 años de experiencia
14 reseñas

Bekir Durmush

Especialista en rehabilitación oral
74 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Hermes Clinics
Emin Tireli
Cirujano cardiotorácico
34 años de experiencia
14 reseñas

Emin Tireli

Cirujano cardiotorácico
34 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Hermes Clinics
Dr Yalcin Tuzun
52 años de experiencia
14 reseñas

Dr Yalcin Tuzun

52 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Hermes Clinics
Salih Dc
17 años de experiencia

Salih Dc

17 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Esthetic Hospital
Assoc Prof Dr Halil Olgun
16 años de experiencia
14 reseñas

Assoc Prof Dr Halil Olgun

16 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Hermes Clinics
Erdem Diker
39 años de experiencia

Erdem Diker

39 años de experiencia
Turquía, Ankara
Bayındır Hospital Sogutozu
Lucia Torracca
Cardiólogo intervencionista
35 años de experiencia
Italia, Milán

Lucia Torracca

Cardiólogo intervencionista
35 años de experiencia

Dr. Lucia Torracca is leading the Cardiac Surgery Unit at Humanitas Research Hospital. She received her training at Ospedali Civili di Brescia and at Ospedale San Raffaele with Professor Ottavio Alfieri, were she improved her knowledge in the mitral disease focusing in the reparative and preservative approaches. At the same institution she led the minimal invasive and robotic division before moving to Ospedali Riuniti Di Ancona to be chief of the Cardiac Surgery Complex Unit. Dr. Torracca has performed more than 55 hundred cardiac surgeries. Thanks to her surgical and academic curriculum, she has been an active member of the steering committee of the European Society editing Guidelines for the treatment of heart diseases.

Together with her team in Humanitas, she can approach every cardiac disease affecting adults, especially focusing on the minimal invasive approach to reparative valve disease. State of the art technologies are regularly explored and implemented in the Open Heart dedicated Operating Room and Intensive Care Unit to ensure best outcomes, shorter hospital stay and fewer surgical complications.

The surgical expertise of Dr. Torracca go from open heart circulatory-arrest procedure to off-pump and/or trans-catheter procedures (MitraClip or TransApical Aortic Valve Implants).

Dr. Torracca and her team can claim the highest rate of mitral valve repair in Bi-leaflet prolapse (Barlow Disease) hitting almost 99% of conservative approach in minimal invasiveness at the time of surgery, maintaining >95% success rate at long term follow up: this option is further advantageous in the youngest patient population allowing restrain from anticoagulation therapy and perfectly normal quality of life.

Author or co-author of 151 publications in national and international scientific journals.


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Dr. Lucia Torracca is leading the Cardiac Surgery Unit at Humanitas Research Hospital. She received her training at Ospedali Civili di Brescia and at Ospedale San Raffaele with Professor Ottavio Alfieri, were she improved her knowledge in the mitral disease focusing in the reparative and preservative approaches. At the same institution she led the minimal invasive and robotic division before moving to Ospedali Riuniti Di Ancona to be chief of the Cardiac Surgery Complex Unit. Dr. Torracca has performed more than 55 hundred cardiac surgeries. Thanks to her surgical and academic curriculum, she has been an active member of the steering committee of the European Society editing Guidelines for the treatment of heart diseases.

Together with her team in Humanitas, she can approach every cardiac disease affecting adults, especially focusing on the minimal invasive approach to reparative valve disease. State of the art technologies are regularly explored and implemented in the Open Heart dedicated Operating Room and Intensive Care Unit to ensure best outcomes, shorter hospital stay and fewer surgical complications.

The surgical expertise of Dr. Torracca go from open heart circulatory-arrest procedure to off-pump and/or trans-catheter procedures (MitraClip or TransApical Aortic Valve Implants).

Dr. Torracca and her team can claim the highest rate of mitral valve repair in Bi-leaflet prolapse (Barlow Disease) hitting almost 99% of conservative approach in minimal invasiveness at the time of surgery, maintaining >95% success rate at long term follow up: this option is further advantageous in the youngest patient population allowing restrain from anticoagulation therapy and perfectly normal quality of life.

Author or co-author of 151 publications in national and international scientific journals.


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Bernhard Reimers
29 años de experiencia
Italia, Milán

Bernhard Reimers

29 años de experiencia

Dr. Bernhard Reimers – Clinical and Invasive Cardiology Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital, was born in Germany. He graduated in medicine and surgery in University of Padua (Italy) in 1990, followed by specialization in Cardiology. During the first 3 years of specialization in Cardiology in the Coronary Unit of Padua University, his particular interests were in managing cardiovascular urgency and critical patients, including management of fans, balloon pump, hemofiltration, temporary pacing, placement of central venous pathways and Swan-Ganz catheter. He spent his last year of specialization at the Hemodynamics of Casa di Cura Columbus (Milan), where he acquired his knowledge on the main diagnostic techniques he uses. After a short period of study at the Thoraxcenter of Rotterdam, during which he wrote his first scientific publications, Dr. Reimers has dedicated himself to hemodynamics and cardiovascular surgeries, working as Unit Director main assistant, executing angioplasty, coronary and peripheral procedures, reaching complete autonomy in coronary stenting, atherectomy, ultrasound intravascular and intracoronary doppler.

Since September 1997 he has managed and developed the diagnostic and interventional cardiovascular program at the Department of Cardiology of Mirano (Venice), where, thanks to his achievements, since 2000 the highest number of coronary angioplasties were performed. In 2006 the Unit has performed 975 coronary angioplasties (including 125 primary), more than 400 carotid angioplasty and peripherals. Dr. Reimers became Unit Director and has trained and taught a young team of interventional cardiologists, including 4 completely independent in the performance of coronary angioplasty, which manages both hemodynamics and largely the CCU in close collaboration between the two services. After this important experience, he was invited to be part of Humanitas Research Hospital as Clinical and Invasive Cardiology Unit Director.

Dr. Reimers participates in many scientific studies on the treatment of myocardial infarction considering new interventional or pharmaceutical approaches for primary angioplasty. He was also member of the Technical Commission of the Regional Bid for the purchase of stents. Thanks to Dr. Reimers’ efforts, Hemodynamics of Mirano (Venice) is considered reference center for primary angioplasty and elective complex procedures. Dr. Reimers is considered to be one of the leading experts of carotid angioplasty worldwide. He is preparing a program for interventional treatment of acute stroke. He performs routine renal angioplasty and implants percutaneous devices and endoprosthesis systems for aortic aneurysms.

Dr. Reimers has published, as author or co-author, 77 articles quoted in Medline. The impact factor calculated based on 2006 is 263. He published 9 book chapters and several abstracts for important international conferences dedicated to Cardiology, such as TCT, PCR, National GISE ANMCO, JIM and ESC, were he also performed live invasive procedures.

Dr. Reimers has always considered participation in clinical trials and scientific international events among the main activities of his professional carrier. Besides teaching at University of Tor Vergata in Rome, he organizes many conferences, national and international medical follow-up courses. For over 9 years he has been organizing theoretical and practical courses with lectures and transmission of live procedures in Venice. He has so far organized two editions of TOBI, international meeting dedicated to invasive treatment of total coronary occlusions and bifurcations, three editions of ETI, international conference and the largest in Italy, dedicated to invasive cardiology devices. 

Dr. Reimers was member of the scientific committee in the editions of 2006 and 2007 of National Convention GISE (Italian Group of Hemodynamic Study) and participated at important events dedicated to CAPTURE study, ESIRIUS, SYNTAX, TIMI 38, FINESSE and many others.

Publications: ttp://

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Dr. Bernhard Reimers – Clinical and Invasive Cardiology Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital, was born in Germany. He graduated in medicine and surgery in University of Padua (Italy) in 1990, followed by specialization in Cardiology. During the first 3 years of specialization in Cardiology in the Coronary Unit of Padua University, his particular interests were in managing cardiovascular urgency and critical patients, including management of fans, balloon pump, hemofiltration, temporary pacing, placement of central venous pathways and Swan-Ganz catheter. He spent his last year of specialization at the Hemodynamics of Casa di Cura Columbus (Milan), where he acquired his knowledge on the main diagnostic techniques he uses. After a short period of study at the Thoraxcenter of Rotterdam, during which he wrote his first scientific publications, Dr. Reimers has dedicated himself to hemodynamics and cardiovascular surgeries, working as Unit Director main assistant, executing angioplasty, coronary and peripheral procedures, reaching complete autonomy in coronary stenting, atherectomy, ultrasound intravascular and intracoronary doppler.

Since September 1997 he has managed and developed the diagnostic and interventional cardiovascular program at the Department of Cardiology of Mirano (Venice), where, thanks to his achievements, since 2000 the highest number of coronary angioplasties were performed. In 2006 the Unit has performed 975 coronary angioplasties (including 125 primary), more than 400 carotid angioplasty and peripherals. Dr. Reimers became Unit Director and has trained and taught a young team of interventional cardiologists, including 4 completely independent in the performance of coronary angioplasty, which manages both hemodynamics and largely the CCU in close collaboration between the two services. After this important experience, he was invited to be part of Humanitas Research Hospital as Clinical and Invasive Cardiology Unit Director.

Dr. Reimers participates in many scientific studies on the treatment of myocardial infarction considering new interventional or pharmaceutical approaches for primary angioplasty. He was also member of the Technical Commission of the Regional Bid for the purchase of stents. Thanks to Dr. Reimers’ efforts, Hemodynamics of Mirano (Venice) is considered reference center for primary angioplasty and elective complex procedures. Dr. Reimers is considered to be one of the leading experts of carotid angioplasty worldwide. He is preparing a program for interventional treatment of acute stroke. He performs routine renal angioplasty and implants percutaneous devices and endoprosthesis systems for aortic aneurysms.

Dr. Reimers has published, as author or co-author, 77 articles quoted in Medline. The impact factor calculated based on 2006 is 263. He published 9 book chapters and several abstracts for important international conferences dedicated to Cardiology, such as TCT, PCR, National GISE ANMCO, JIM and ESC, were he also performed live invasive procedures.

Dr. Reimers has always considered participation in clinical trials and scientific international events among the main activities of his professional carrier. Besides teaching at University of Tor Vergata in Rome, he organizes many conferences, national and international medical follow-up courses. For over 9 years he has been organizing theoretical and practical courses with lectures and transmission of live procedures in Venice. He has so far organized two editions of TOBI, international meeting dedicated to invasive treatment of total coronary occlusions and bifurcations, three editions of ETI, international conference and the largest in Italy, dedicated to invasive cardiology devices. 

Dr. Reimers was member of the scientific committee in the editions of 2006 and 2007 of National Convention GISE (Italian Group of Hemodynamic Study) and participated at important events dedicated to CAPTURE study, ESIRIUS, SYNTAX, TIMI 38, FINESSE and many others.

Publications: ttp://

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Especialista en trasplante capilar
13 años de experiencia


Especialista en trasplante capilar
13 años de experiencia
Turquía, Antalya
Med Pearl Group
Banu Kor
25 años de experiencia

Banu Kor

25 años de experiencia
Turquía, Antalya
Clínica Corpus Renew Health Agency
Ajeya Joshi
7 reseñas
India, Chennai
Global Hospital Chennai

Cirujano cardíaco

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Cirujano cardíaco

Esta página puede incluir información relacionada con diversas afecciones médicas, tratamientos y servicios de salud disponibles en diferentes países. Tenga en cuenta que el contenido se proporciona sólo con fines informativos y no debe interpretarse como asesoramiento médico o orientación. Por favor consulte con su médico o con un profesional médico calificado antes de comenzar o cambiar el tratamiento médico.