Tratamiento dental con sedación
Todos los tratamientos
Tratamiento dental con sedación
Todos los tratamientos

Los mejores dentistas de Tratamiento dental con sedación — TOP-145 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Cigdem Karakus
4 años de experiencia
Turquía, Esmirna
Clínica dental Dent Glow

Cigdem Karakus

4 años de experiencia

El paciente tiene un Certificado de Honor de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Ege, obtenido en 2020 y un Certificado de Asistencia en Implantología Básica de Megagen, obtenido en 2021.

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El paciente tiene un Certificado de Honor de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Ege, obtenido en 2020 y un Certificado de Asistencia en Implantología Básica de Megagen, obtenido en 2021.

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Precio del paquete Todo Incluido:
Restauración de dientes (adhesión)
$2355 $2000
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Susana Akdash
15 años de experiencia
92 reseñas
Turquía, Esmirna
WestDent Clinic

Susana Akdash

15 años de experiencia

Doctor es un profesional altamente educado con educación médica de la Universidad SGU en Rusia y educación dental de la Universidad Ege en Turquía. Especializado en implantología, estética dental y otros tratamientos varios, el doctor ha asistido a múltiples seminarios, congresos y cursos para ampliar su experiencia.

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Doctor es un profesional altamente educado con educación médica de la Universidad SGU en Rusia y educación dental de la Universidad Ege en Turquía. Especializado en implantología, estética dental y otros tratamientos varios, el doctor ha asistido a múltiples seminarios, congresos y cursos para ampliar su experiencia.

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92 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Tratamiento dental con sedación $363.35
Más tratamientos
Mithat Terzi
15 años de experiencia
143 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Mithat Terzi

15 años de experiencia
Asistente Asoc. El Dr. es especialista en tratamientos de implantes dentales, cirugía avanzada de implantes, cirugía plástica periodontal, cirugía de tejidos blandos, microcirugía, aumentos óseos en 3D, tratamientos de elevación de seno mínimamente invasivos, diseño de sonrisa digital, botox, acupuntura, mesoterapia, tratamiento de bruxismo, ATM y migraña. y tratamientos dentales asistidos por láser. Tiene una licenciatura en Odontología de la Universidad Atatürk y experiencia en Periodoncia de la Universidad Afyon Kocatepe y la Universidad Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal.Mostrar más
Asistente Asoc. El Dr. es especialista en tratamientos de implantes dentales, cirugía avanzada de implantes, cirugía plástica periodontal, cirugía de tejidos blandos, microcirugía, aumentos óseos en 3D, tratamientos de elevación de seno mínimamente invasivos, diseño de sonrisa digital, botox, acupuntura, mesoterapia, tratamiento de bruxismo, ATM y migraña. y tratamientos dentales asistidos por láser. Tiene una licenciatura en Odontología de la Universidad Atatürk y experiencia en Periodoncia de la Universidad Afyon Kocatepe y la Universidad Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal.
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Banu Onur Cakmakci
23 años de experiencia
143 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Banu Onur Cakmakci

23 años de experiencia

El Dr. X tiene un interés médico en la odontología estética, como laminados, inlay-onlays, blanqueamiento y zirconio, así como en terapias protésicas, como prótesis sobre implante. Recibió su educación universitaria de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Estambul y ha recibido certificados de seminarios, cursos y congresos internacionales relacionados con odontología estética, implantología avanzada, carillas laminadas de porcelana y diseño de sonrisa.

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El Dr. X tiene un interés médico en la odontología estética, como laminados, inlay-onlays, blanqueamiento y zirconio, así como en terapias protésicas, como prótesis sobre implante. Recibió su educación universitaria de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Estambul y ha recibido certificados de seminarios, cursos y congresos internacionales relacionados con odontología estética, implantología avanzada, carillas laminadas de porcelana y diseño de sonrisa.

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Fatih Karadayi
15 años de experiencia
92 reseñas
Turquía, Esmirna
WestDent Clinic

Fatih Karadayi

15 años de experiencia

Doctor es graduado de la Universidad de Ege, Facultad de Odontología (2003-2009) y tiene experiencia en tratamientos de implantes dentales de alta tecnología, all-on-4/6/2, estética dental, sonrisa de hollywood, diseño de sonrisa, carillas laminadas, zirconio coronas, cirugía, blanqueamiento dental, obturaciones dentales, endodoncias, y ha asistido a numerosos seminarios, congresos y cursos.

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Doctor es graduado de la Universidad de Ege, Facultad de Odontología (2003-2009) y tiene experiencia en tratamientos de implantes dentales de alta tecnología, all-on-4/6/2, estética dental, sonrisa de hollywood, diseño de sonrisa, carillas laminadas, zirconio coronas, cirugía, blanqueamiento dental, obturaciones dentales, endodoncias, y ha asistido a numerosos seminarios, congresos y cursos.

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92 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Tratamiento dental con sedación $363.35
Más tratamientos
Hasan Onur Akin
10 años de experiencia
92 reseñas
Turquía, Esmirna
WestDent Clinic

Hasan Onur Akin

10 años de experiencia
El Dr. Hasan Onur Akin es especialista en Periodoncia y se centra en el tratamiento de enfermedades gingivales, implantes y extracciones de muelas del juicio incrustadas. Es miembro certificado del Equipo Internacional de Implantología (ITI) desde 2020. Sus procedimientos incluyen implantes dentales All-on-4, implantes dentales All-on-6, implantes dentales, implantes dentales con pilar, extracción de quistes dentales y tratamiento dental con sedación.Mostrar más
El Dr. Hasan Onur Akin es especialista en Periodoncia y se centra en el tratamiento de enfermedades gingivales, implantes y extracciones de muelas del juicio incrustadas. Es miembro certificado del Equipo Internacional de Implantología (ITI) desde 2020. Sus procedimientos incluyen implantes dentales All-on-4, implantes dentales All-on-6, implantes dentales, implantes dentales con pilar, extracción de quistes dentales y tratamiento dental con sedación.
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92 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Tratamiento dental con sedación $363.35
Más tratamientos
Rebeca Riera
20 años de experiencia
México, Playa del Carmen
Bokanova Riviera Maya

Rebeca Riera

20 años de experiencia
La Dra. Rebeca Riera es especialista en prostodoncia y odontología estética en Bokanova Dental Center, habla inglés, italiano y español con fluidez.Mostrar más
La Dra. Rebeca Riera es especialista en prostodoncia y odontología estética en Bokanova Dental Center, habla inglés, italiano y español con fluidez.
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Esteban Barragan
20 años de experiencia
México, Playa del Carmen
Bokanova Riviera Maya

Esteban Barragan

20 años de experiencia
El Dr. Esteban Barragán es un Ortodoncista en Bokanova Dental Center que se especializa en Odontología Conservadora, Exámenes Dentales, Odontología General, Invisalign, Odontología Láser, Ortodoncia y Odontopediatría (Pedodontics), habla inglés y español, y tiene 28 años de experiencia en Ortodoncia y ortopedia y 41 años en odontología general con un egresado de la UNAM Ciudad de México y la Universidad Latinoamericana Ciudad de México.Mostrar más
El Dr. Esteban Barragán es un Ortodoncista en Bokanova Dental Center que se especializa en Odontología Conservadora, Exámenes Dentales, Odontología General, Invisalign, Odontología Láser, Ortodoncia y Odontopediatría (Pedodontics), habla inglés y español, y tiene 28 años de experiencia en Ortodoncia y ortopedia y 41 años en odontología general con un egresado de la UNAM Ciudad de México y la Universidad Latinoamericana Ciudad de México.
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Can Tokman
34 años de experiencia
1 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Istanbul Esthetic & Implant Dentistry

Can Tokman

34 años de experiencia
El Dr. Can Tokman es un dentista con gran experiencia que reside en Ankara, Turquía. Tiene más de 25 años de experiencia en diversos campos dentales, incluidos cánceres orales, coronas y puentes de porcelana, tratamiento de prótesis dental, implantología, cirugía estética-plástica, tratamiento de ortodoncia y más. Está acreditado por varias embajadas y tiene muchas publicaciones.Mostrar más
El Dr. Can Tokman es un dentista con gran experiencia que reside en Ankara, Turquía. Tiene más de 25 años de experiencia en diversos campos dentales, incluidos cánceres orales, coronas y puentes de porcelana, tratamiento de prótesis dental, implantología, cirugía estética-plástica, tratamiento de ortodoncia y más. Está acreditado por varias embajadas y tiene muchas publicaciones.
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Erhan Firat
31 años de experiencia
1 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
TWT Health Clinic

Erhan Firat

31 años de experiencia
El Dr. Erhan Firat, DDS, PhD, es un especialista en Odontología Estética e Implantología con más de 31 años de experiencia. Sus conocimientos se extienden a la endodoncia, la odontología estética y la implantología. Es miembro de la Cámara de Dentistas de Ankara y de la Asociación Dental Americana. Sus servicios abarcan una amplia gama de procedimientos dentales, tales como All-on-4 implantes dentales, All-on-6 implantes dentales, carillas de porcelana, Lumineers, tratamiento de conducto y carillas de implantes dentales.Mostrar más
El Dr. Erhan Firat, DDS, PhD, es un especialista en Odontología Estética e Implantología con más de 31 años de experiencia. Sus conocimientos se extienden a la endodoncia, la odontología estética y la implantología. Es miembro de la Cámara de Dentistas de Ankara y de la Asociación Dental Americana. Sus servicios abarcan una amplia gama de procedimientos dentales, tales como All-on-4 implantes dentales, All-on-6 implantes dentales, carillas de porcelana, Lumineers, tratamiento de conducto y carillas de implantes dentales.
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Ilbilge Satiroglu
10 años de experiencia
Turquía, Esmirna
Clínica dental Dent Glow

Ilbilge Satiroglu

10 años de experiencia
La Dra. Ilbilge Satiroglu es una prostodoncista con más de diez años de experiencia en odontología protésica y cosmética. Destaca en tratamientos como implantes, carillas, coronas y blanqueamiento dental. Ha trabajado en diversos entornos, incluidos hospitales y clínicas privadas, y ha realizado más de 10.750 tratamientos.Mostrar más
La Dra. Ilbilge Satiroglu es una prostodoncista con más de diez años de experiencia en odontología protésica y cosmética. Destaca en tratamientos como implantes, carillas, coronas y blanqueamiento dental. Ha trabajado en diversos entornos, incluidos hospitales y clínicas privadas, y ha realizado más de 10.750 tratamientos.
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Sezin Simge Torak
3 años de experiencia
Turquía, Esmirna
Clínica dental Dent Glow

Sezin Simge Torak

3 años de experiencia
  • Certificate of Attendance, An Introduction to the Basic Implantology, TEOS Dental, 2022
  • Certificate of Attendance, Surgical Approach in the Aesthetic Zone: Three-Dimensional Planning Strategies and Occlusal Material Selection (Monolithic or Conventional) and Occlusion in Implant Supported Prosthesis, BEGO Implant Systems, 2021
  • Certificate of Attendance, Composite Laminate Veneers in Anterior Aesthetics, Dr. Bora Korkut, 2021
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  • Certificate of Attendance, An Introduction to the Basic Implantology, TEOS Dental, 2022
  • Certificate of Attendance, Surgical Approach in the Aesthetic Zone: Three-Dimensional Planning Strategies and Occlusal Material Selection (Monolithic or Conventional) and Occlusion in Implant Supported Prosthesis, BEGO Implant Systems, 2021
  • Certificate of Attendance, Composite Laminate Veneers in Anterior Aesthetics, Dr. Bora Korkut, 2021
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Dr Camila Novarino
24 años de experiencia
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
Clínica dental Odontoliuzzi

Dr Camila Novarino

24 años de experiencia

Master and Doctorate in Implantology
Master and Doctorate in Peridontics
DDS Dentistry
24 years experience in Dental Practices
Post Graduation in all on 4 and all on 6
10 Years and Professor at São Leopoldo Mandic University
Post Graduation in Perioimplantology

























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Master and Doctorate in Implantology
Master and Doctorate in Peridontics
DDS Dentistry
24 years experience in Dental Practices
Post Graduation in all on 4 and all on 6
10 Years and Professor at São Leopoldo Mandic University
Post Graduation in Perioimplantology

























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Enrique Aguilar Romero
19 años de experiencia
3 reseñas
México, Cancún

Enrique Aguilar Romero

19 años de experiencia


• Specialization in Anesthesiology
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Hospital Español de Mexico, 2009
Professional License #5928868

• Social Service for Specialization
Hospital General de Actopan, Hgo., 2008

• Medical Surgeon Degree 
Universidad Panamericana, Mexico, 2005
Professional License  #4544810

• Social Service
Centro de Salud Ejido Manto del Rio (Health Center),
Edo. De Mexico, 2004 - 2005



Certified by the Consejo Mexicano de Anestesiologia (Mexican Board of Anesthesiology), 2009  


• Effective assessment and management of patient pain

• Continuous monitoring of vital functions during procedures

• Meticulous attention to detail in all phases of treatment

• Clear and effective communication with specialists and patients

• Ability to make quick and safe decisions in critical situations


• Diploma in Thanatology with a Gestalt and Humanistic Approach
Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla
Centro de Tanatologia y Terapia de Duelo (Center for Thanatology and Grief Therapy) September 2005 – May 2006

• Specialization Thesis
"Perioperative Management of Obese Patients for Non-Bariatric Surgery"

• Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Course
Colegio Americano de Cirujanos (American College of Surgeons), Certificatied
Mexico City, August 2003

• Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Course
November 2018

• TOEFL English Course and Exam
560 points. Universidad Panamericana, Mexico
June 2004

• Publication, "Available Parenteral Solutions for Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy"
Mexican Journal of Anesthesiology, Vol. 9
August 2008 - November 2008


YeahSmile, Cancun / 2021 – Present

• Specialist in administering anesthesia for complex dental procedures, including dental implant placements, maxillary sinus lifts, and advanced endodontics.
• Ensuring patient comfort and safety during high-difficulty interventions through advanced anesthesiology techniques.
• Conducting thorough preoperative assessments to identify potential risks and develop customized anesthetic strategies.
• Continuous monitoring and adjustment of anesthesia during procedures, maintaining optimal conditions and minimizing the risk of complications.
• Working closely with the dental team to coordinate procedures, ensuring successful outcomes and patient satisfaction.
• Implementing postoperative recovery protocols to ensure a safe and comfortable transition for the patient following surgery.

Associate Anesthesiologist
Hospital Regional #17 IMSS, Cancun / September 2019 - Present

• Administer general, regional, and local anesthesia for various surgical procedures, ensuring patient safety and comfort at all times.
• Continuous monitoring and adjusting of anesthesia levels during surgeries to maintain optimal operational conditions.
• Performing comprehensive preoperative evaluations to identify and mitigate anesthetic risks.
• Collaborating closely with surgeons and other healthcare professionals to plan and execute complex surgical interventions.
• Supervising and training residents and medical staff in advanced anesthetic techniques and procedures.

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• Specialization in Anesthesiology
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Hospital Español de Mexico, 2009
Professional License #5928868

• Social Service for Specialization
Hospital General de Actopan, Hgo., 2008

• Medical Surgeon Degree 
Universidad Panamericana, Mexico, 2005
Professional License  #4544810

• Social Service
Centro de Salud Ejido Manto del Rio (Health Center),
Edo. De Mexico, 2004 - 2005



Certified by the Consejo Mexicano de Anestesiologia (Mexican Board of Anesthesiology), 2009  


• Effective assessment and management of patient pain

• Continuous monitoring of vital functions during procedures

• Meticulous attention to detail in all phases of treatment

• Clear and effective communication with specialists and patients

• Ability to make quick and safe decisions in critical situations


• Diploma in Thanatology with a Gestalt and Humanistic Approach
Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla
Centro de Tanatologia y Terapia de Duelo (Center for Thanatology and Grief Therapy) September 2005 – May 2006

• Specialization Thesis
"Perioperative Management of Obese Patients for Non-Bariatric Surgery"

• Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Course
Colegio Americano de Cirujanos (American College of Surgeons), Certificatied
Mexico City, August 2003

• Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Course
November 2018

• TOEFL English Course and Exam
560 points. Universidad Panamericana, Mexico
June 2004

• Publication, "Available Parenteral Solutions for Fluid and Electrolyte Therapy"
Mexican Journal of Anesthesiology, Vol. 9
August 2008 - November 2008


YeahSmile, Cancun / 2021 – Present

• Specialist in administering anesthesia for complex dental procedures, including dental implant placements, maxillary sinus lifts, and advanced endodontics.
• Ensuring patient comfort and safety during high-difficulty interventions through advanced anesthesiology techniques.
• Conducting thorough preoperative assessments to identify potential risks and develop customized anesthetic strategies.
• Continuous monitoring and adjustment of anesthesia during procedures, maintaining optimal conditions and minimizing the risk of complications.
• Working closely with the dental team to coordinate procedures, ensuring successful outcomes and patient satisfaction.
• Implementing postoperative recovery protocols to ensure a safe and comfortable transition for the patient following surgery.

Associate Anesthesiologist
Hospital Regional #17 IMSS, Cancun / September 2019 - Present

• Administer general, regional, and local anesthesia for various surgical procedures, ensuring patient safety and comfort at all times.
• Continuous monitoring and adjusting of anesthesia levels during surgeries to maintain optimal operational conditions.
• Performing comprehensive preoperative evaluations to identify and mitigate anesthetic risks.
• Collaborating closely with surgeons and other healthcare professionals to plan and execute complex surgical interventions.
• Supervising and training residents and medical staff in advanced anesthetic techniques and procedures.

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Andy Gerardo Jimenez Lopez
4 años de experiencia
3 reseñas
México, Cancún

Andy Gerardo Jimenez Lopez

4 años de experiencia

I am a proud Mexican dentist, committed to conservative dentistry. During my academic training, I demonstrated discipline, commitment, and responsibility in achieving my goals and in my dedication to surgical dentistry.

I possess in-depth knowledge in endodontics, surgery, and general dentistry, as well as first-generation dental materials. I have assisted high-level specialists in various areas such as endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, and more. I am continuously engaged in training and professional development to always provide the best service to my patients.


• Research: Apexification using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) 
Presented at the "Cancún 2024 Local Research Poster Exhibition" 
Recognized for outstanding performance by the University Rector

• Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry, Dentist 
03/08/2019 - 29/07/2023: Universidad del Sur 
Professional License in Process

• Thesis: “Prevalence of Supernumerary Teeth in the Quintana Roo Population” 
Approved unanimously by the board and recognized for its originality within the graduating class

• Chemical Laboratory Technician 
03/08/2015 - 15/08/2018: CBTIS Plantel 93 


Ivoclar Vivadent Symposium 2024
I participated in the largest national event organized by the German company Ivoclar at the WTC in Mexico City


• High level of responsibility and professional commitment
• Ability to work effectively under pressure
• Positive and proactive responses to adverse situations
• Quick adaptation to changes and new environments
• Teamwork and collaboration with other healthcare professionals
• Skill in making precise and detailed diagnoses
• Development and adjustment of personalized treatment plans
• Mastery of advanced dental techniques and procedures
• Excellent manual dexterity and fine motor coordination
• Ability to remain calm and make sound decisions in emergency situations
• Clear and effective communication with patients and colleagues

NeoDental – YeahSmile, Cancun
Dental Assistant / Since 2021 – Present
• Specialized dental assistance in various areas such as endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, preventive dentistry, dental tourism, cosmetic dentistry, oral surgery, and grafts.
• Management of patient medical records and files.
• Comprehensive support to dental specialists during procedures.
• Administration and control of dental medications and supplies.
• Creation and updating of patient logs and follow-ups.
• Provision and explanation of informed consents, contracts, and estimates to patients.
• Participation in ongoing training and education to stay current with the latest dental techniques and procedures.

Beautiful Dental Cancun
Dental Assistant / January 22, 2020 – December 12, 2020
• Responsible for assisting the doctor and managing patient care.
• Direct collaboration with orthodontist Nealy Canela on orthodontic procedures.
• Management of patient medical records and files.
• Support in the administration and control of dental supplies.
• Creation and updating of patient logs and follow-ups.
• Provision and explanation of informed consents, contracts, and estimates to patients.

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I am a proud Mexican dentist, committed to conservative dentistry. During my academic training, I demonstrated discipline, commitment, and responsibility in achieving my goals and in my dedication to surgical dentistry.

I possess in-depth knowledge in endodontics, surgery, and general dentistry, as well as first-generation dental materials. I have assisted high-level specialists in various areas such as endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, and more. I am continuously engaged in training and professional development to always provide the best service to my patients.


• Research: Apexification using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) 
Presented at the "Cancún 2024 Local Research Poster Exhibition" 
Recognized for outstanding performance by the University Rector

• Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry, Dentist 
03/08/2019 - 29/07/2023: Universidad del Sur 
Professional License in Process

• Thesis: “Prevalence of Supernumerary Teeth in the Quintana Roo Population” 
Approved unanimously by the board and recognized for its originality within the graduating class

• Chemical Laboratory Technician 
03/08/2015 - 15/08/2018: CBTIS Plantel 93 


Ivoclar Vivadent Symposium 2024
I participated in the largest national event organized by the German company Ivoclar at the WTC in Mexico City


• High level of responsibility and professional commitment
• Ability to work effectively under pressure
• Positive and proactive responses to adverse situations
• Quick adaptation to changes and new environments
• Teamwork and collaboration with other healthcare professionals
• Skill in making precise and detailed diagnoses
• Development and adjustment of personalized treatment plans
• Mastery of advanced dental techniques and procedures
• Excellent manual dexterity and fine motor coordination
• Ability to remain calm and make sound decisions in emergency situations
• Clear and effective communication with patients and colleagues

NeoDental – YeahSmile, Cancun
Dental Assistant / Since 2021 – Present
• Specialized dental assistance in various areas such as endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, preventive dentistry, dental tourism, cosmetic dentistry, oral surgery, and grafts.
• Management of patient medical records and files.
• Comprehensive support to dental specialists during procedures.
• Administration and control of dental medications and supplies.
• Creation and updating of patient logs and follow-ups.
• Provision and explanation of informed consents, contracts, and estimates to patients.
• Participation in ongoing training and education to stay current with the latest dental techniques and procedures.

Beautiful Dental Cancun
Dental Assistant / January 22, 2020 – December 12, 2020
• Responsible for assisting the doctor and managing patient care.
• Direct collaboration with orthodontist Nealy Canela on orthodontic procedures.
• Management of patient medical records and files.
• Support in the administration and control of dental supplies.
• Creation and updating of patient logs and follow-ups.
• Provision and explanation of informed consents, contracts, and estimates to patients.

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Napapas Nidhidvanich
29 años de experiencia
Tailandia, Bangkok
Intrarat Hospital

Napapas Nidhidvanich

29 años de experiencia



Endodontic dentist


Graduated (M.D. From)

Doctor of Dental Surgery, Chulalongkorn University, 2nd class honors

Master of Science (Endodontics), Chulalongkorn University


Dental specialist  focuses on complex tooth problems that primarily affect tooth pulp.  the nerves, blood vessels and other tissues deep inside each tooth. 


Diplomate, Thai board of Endodontics


Current Positions

Endodontist at Intrarat Hospita

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Endodontic dentist


Graduated (M.D. From)

Doctor of Dental Surgery, Chulalongkorn University, 2nd class honors

Master of Science (Endodontics), Chulalongkorn University


Dental specialist  focuses on complex tooth problems that primarily affect tooth pulp.  the nerves, blood vessels and other tissues deep inside each tooth. 


Diplomate, Thai board of Endodontics


Current Positions

Endodontist at Intrarat Hospita

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Ali Kilic
11 años de experiencia
Turquía, Esmirna
Clínica dental DentaPoint

Ali Kilic

11 años de experiencia
El Dr. Ali Kilic es un profesional con gran experiencia especializado en implantología, cirugía oral, cirugía estética, plástica y reparadora, así como cirugía de la mano. A lo largo de sus 24 años de carrera, ha realizado con éxito más de 16.000 tratamientos, incluida una amplia gama de procedimientos dentales y cirugías complejas.Mostrar más
El Dr. Ali Kilic es un profesional con gran experiencia especializado en implantología, cirugía oral, cirugía estética, plástica y reparadora, así como cirugía de la mano. A lo largo de sus 24 años de carrera, ha realizado con éxito más de 16.000 tratamientos, incluida una amplia gama de procedimientos dentales y cirugías complejas.
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Joel Laga
10 años de experiencia
México, Los Algodones
Fixing Smiles

Joel Laga

10 años de experiencia

Fixing Smile offers a wide range of dental treatments that provide numerous benefits. Whether addressing issues such as discoloration, misalignment, chipped or missing teeth, or simply improving overall dental function, Fixing Smile ' treatments can transform your smile and boost your self-esteem. These treatments are designed not only to enhance the aesthetics of your smile but also to improve your ability to eat, speak, and maintain proper oral hygiene. With a customized approach tailored to your specific needs, Fixing Smile ' dental treatments can deliver long-lasting results .

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Fixing Smile offers a wide range of dental treatments that provide numerous benefits. Whether addressing issues such as discoloration, misalignment, chipped or missing teeth, or simply improving overall dental function, Fixing Smile ' treatments can transform your smile and boost your self-esteem. These treatments are designed not only to enhance the aesthetics of your smile but also to improve your ability to eat, speak, and maintain proper oral hygiene. With a customized approach tailored to your specific needs, Fixing Smile ' dental treatments can deliver long-lasting results .

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Natalia Liuzzi
19 años de experiencia
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
Clínica dental Odontoliuzzi

Natalia Liuzzi

19 años de experiencia

Especialista en implantes dentales
Especialista em ondontologia digital
Especialista en Endodoncia
Especialista em Estética Dental

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Especialista en implantes dentales
Especialista em ondontologia digital
Especialista en Endodoncia
Especialista em Estética Dental

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Fanny Martínez Lopez
5 años de experiencia
3 reseñas
México, Cancún

Fanny Martínez Lopez

5 años de experiencia

Dr. Fanny Martínez López


I am a dental surgeon with over five years of experience providing comprehensive and aesthetic dental care. I specialize in oral rehabilitation and general dentistry, focusing on minimally invasive and highly aesthetic techniques. My practice is centered on patient comfort, satisfaction, and achieving long-term oral health outcomes. I am a dedicated professional committed to delivering high-quality, personalized treatments.


• Bachelor’s in Dental Surgery

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

• Diploma in Prosthetics and Advanced Aesthetics


• Participation in Dental Congresses: Over 10 annual editions of Amic Dental


• General Dentistry: Comprehensive evaluations and preventive and restorative treatments aimed at holistic oral health.

• Oral Rehabilitation: Utilizing minimally invasive and highly aesthetic techniques to restore dental functionality and appearance.

• Preventive Dentistry: Development of programs promoting oral hygiene education and topical applications to reduce the incidence of dental diseases.

• Teeth Whitening and Stain Correction: Procedures to remove stains caused by conditions like fluorosis, ensuring optimal aesthetic results.

• Implant Rehabilitation: Restoring dental implants to achieve functional and aesthetic integration within the patient’s dental arch.

• Dental Extractions: Performing simple and surgical extractions based on case complexity and patient needs.

• Root Canal Treatments: Conducting endodontic procedures to preserve teeth affected by infections or pulp injuries.

• Dental and Periodontal Infection Control: Implementing strict protocols to treat infections in dental and periodontal tissues.


• Participated in two symposiums and a clinical case competition at Universidad de Ixtlahuaca CUI, focusing on the topic of 'Oral Health in Mexican University Students Based on Hygiene Habits and Dental Consultations.'

• Presented on 'Dental Tourism' at the 'Contemporary Dentistry' symposium, exploring the intersections of dentistry and tourism and their implications for modern dental care.


• Over 5 years in dentistry: Began as a dental assistant performing basic procedures like cleanings and whitening. After earning my dental surgeon degree, I started a private practice offering a broad range of general dentistry treatments with a focus on minimally invasive and aesthetic oral rehabilitation.

• Volunteer Work: Collaborated with the Mexican Dental Association Foundation for five years, participating in brigades providing preventive and rehabilitative treatments for children and adults in various communities across central Mexico.

• Current Role: Working at a high-standard dental clinic specializing in aesthetic and rehabilitative dentistry, designing personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs.


• Diploma in Prosthetics and Advanced Aesthetics (IAOP)

• Training in Dental Research and Scientific Investigation

• Training in Systemic Disease Prevention and Oral Health Education

• Training in Proper Brushing Techniques and Fluoride Application

• Advanced Modules in Dental Care During Pregnancy, Local Anesthesia, Internal Medicine, and Pharmacology for Infection Management.

• Active member and volunteer at the Mexican Dental Association


• Comprehensive care for patients of all ages, including children, adolescents, and adults.

• Expertise in managing patients with dental anxiety, focusing on aesthetic rehabilitation and promoting healthy oral habits.

• Specialization in minimally invasive aesthetic dental rehabilitation, including veneers and crowns, tailored to individual needs.

• Advanced knowledge of dental technology, such as digital X-rays and 3D scanners, enabling precise diagnostics and efficient treatments.


• Digital X-rays: High-quality imaging with reduced radiation exposure.

• 3D Scanners: Accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment planning.

• Dental Lasers: Effective teeth whitening and patient comfort enhancement.


• Volunteered with the Mexican Dental Association Foundation, promoting oral health through preventive treatments and education in underserved communities.


• First place in a poster competition at the International Dentistry Congress in Boca del Río with the topic ‘Biopsy Procedures for Systemically Compromised Patients.’


I actively participate in dental congresses and courses to stay updated with the latest advancements in dentistry. My dedication to lifelong learning ensures the highest quality care for my patients, combining cutting-edge techniques, treatments, and technologies with personalized attention to meet their needs.


• Spanish

• English

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Dr. Fanny Martínez López


I am a dental surgeon with over five years of experience providing comprehensive and aesthetic dental care. I specialize in oral rehabilitation and general dentistry, focusing on minimally invasive and highly aesthetic techniques. My practice is centered on patient comfort, satisfaction, and achieving long-term oral health outcomes. I am a dedicated professional committed to delivering high-quality, personalized treatments.


• Bachelor’s in Dental Surgery

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

• Diploma in Prosthetics and Advanced Aesthetics


• Participation in Dental Congresses: Over 10 annual editions of Amic Dental


• General Dentistry: Comprehensive evaluations and preventive and restorative treatments aimed at holistic oral health.

• Oral Rehabilitation: Utilizing minimally invasive and highly aesthetic techniques to restore dental functionality and appearance.

• Preventive Dentistry: Development of programs promoting oral hygiene education and topical applications to reduce the incidence of dental diseases.

• Teeth Whitening and Stain Correction: Procedures to remove stains caused by conditions like fluorosis, ensuring optimal aesthetic results.

• Implant Rehabilitation: Restoring dental implants to achieve functional and aesthetic integration within the patient’s dental arch.

• Dental Extractions: Performing simple and surgical extractions based on case complexity and patient needs.

• Root Canal Treatments: Conducting endodontic procedures to preserve teeth affected by infections or pulp injuries.

• Dental and Periodontal Infection Control: Implementing strict protocols to treat infections in dental and periodontal tissues.


• Participated in two symposiums and a clinical case competition at Universidad de Ixtlahuaca CUI, focusing on the topic of 'Oral Health in Mexican University Students Based on Hygiene Habits and Dental Consultations.'

• Presented on 'Dental Tourism' at the 'Contemporary Dentistry' symposium, exploring the intersections of dentistry and tourism and their implications for modern dental care.


• Over 5 years in dentistry: Began as a dental assistant performing basic procedures like cleanings and whitening. After earning my dental surgeon degree, I started a private practice offering a broad range of general dentistry treatments with a focus on minimally invasive and aesthetic oral rehabilitation.

• Volunteer Work: Collaborated with the Mexican Dental Association Foundation for five years, participating in brigades providing preventive and rehabilitative treatments for children and adults in various communities across central Mexico.

• Current Role: Working at a high-standard dental clinic specializing in aesthetic and rehabilitative dentistry, designing personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs.


• Diploma in Prosthetics and Advanced Aesthetics (IAOP)

• Training in Dental Research and Scientific Investigation

• Training in Systemic Disease Prevention and Oral Health Education

• Training in Proper Brushing Techniques and Fluoride Application

• Advanced Modules in Dental Care During Pregnancy, Local Anesthesia, Internal Medicine, and Pharmacology for Infection Management.

• Active member and volunteer at the Mexican Dental Association


• Comprehensive care for patients of all ages, including children, adolescents, and adults.

• Expertise in managing patients with dental anxiety, focusing on aesthetic rehabilitation and promoting healthy oral habits.

• Specialization in minimally invasive aesthetic dental rehabilitation, including veneers and crowns, tailored to individual needs.

• Advanced knowledge of dental technology, such as digital X-rays and 3D scanners, enabling precise diagnostics and efficient treatments.


• Digital X-rays: High-quality imaging with reduced radiation exposure.

• 3D Scanners: Accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment planning.

• Dental Lasers: Effective teeth whitening and patient comfort enhancement.


• Volunteered with the Mexican Dental Association Foundation, promoting oral health through preventive treatments and education in underserved communities.


• First place in a poster competition at the International Dentistry Congress in Boca del Río with the topic ‘Biopsy Procedures for Systemically Compromised Patients.’


I actively participate in dental congresses and courses to stay updated with the latest advancements in dentistry. My dedication to lifelong learning ensures the highest quality care for my patients, combining cutting-edge techniques, treatments, and technologies with personalized attention to meet their needs.


• Spanish

• English

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