Septoplastia endoscópica
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Septoplastia endoscópica
Todos los tratamientos
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Los mejores cirujanos de Septoplastia endoscópica — TOP-37 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Burak Özkan
Cirujano plástico
15 años de experiencia
2 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Distrital Medipol Acibadem

Burak Özkan

Cirujano plástico
15 años de experiencia

Escuela secundaria de ciencias Elazig 2003

2009 Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Ege – MD.

2015 Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Baskent, Departamento de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y

Cirugía Estética – Especialista en Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva


2015 – 2017 Especialista en cirugía plástica y reconstructiva, Hospital estatal de Ağrı, Departamento

de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética

2017 –2019 Especialista, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Baskent, Departamento de Plástica,

Cirugía reconstructiva y estética

2019-2023 Profesor asistente, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Baskent, Departamento de

Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética

2023-octubre de 2024 Profesor asociado, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Baskent,

Departamento de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética

Octubre de 2024- Profesor asociado, Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética,

Hospital del distrito Medipol Acıbadem


Julio-agosto de 2019: Universidad Juntendo, Departamento de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva.

Tokio, Japón

Abril-julio de 2022: Universidad de Gante, Departamento de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva. Gante,


Noviembre de 2023: Centro Médico Asan, Departamento de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva

Cirugía. Seúl, Corea


Miembro activo de EURAPS

Sociedad Internacional de Lesiones por Quemaduras Miembro Activo, Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo

Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de la Sociedad Turca de Microcirugía Reconstructiva

Sociedad Turca de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética

Sociedad Turca de Cirugía Plástica Estética

Sociedad Turca de Heridas

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Escuela secundaria de ciencias Elazig 2003

2009 Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Ege – MD.

2015 Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Baskent, Departamento de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y

Cirugía Estética – Especialista en Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva


2015 – 2017 Especialista en cirugía plástica y reconstructiva, Hospital estatal de Ağrı, Departamento

de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética

2017 –2019 Especialista, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Baskent, Departamento de Plástica,

Cirugía reconstructiva y estética

2019-2023 Profesor asistente, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Baskent, Departamento de

Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética

2023-octubre de 2024 Profesor asociado, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Baskent,

Departamento de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética

Octubre de 2024- Profesor asociado, Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética,

Hospital del distrito Medipol Acıbadem


Julio-agosto de 2019: Universidad Juntendo, Departamento de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva.

Tokio, Japón

Abril-julio de 2022: Universidad de Gante, Departamento de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva. Gante,


Noviembre de 2023: Centro Médico Asan, Departamento de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva

Cirugía. Seúl, Corea


Miembro activo de EURAPS

Sociedad Internacional de Lesiones por Quemaduras Miembro Activo, Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo

Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de la Sociedad Turca de Microcirugía Reconstructiva

Sociedad Turca de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética

Sociedad Turca de Cirugía Plástica Estética

Sociedad Turca de Heridas

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José Luis Martín Del Yerro Coca
Cirujano plástico
42 años de experiencia
5 reseñas

José Luis Martín Del Yerro Coca

Cirujano plástico
42 años de experiencia
España, Madrid
Quironsalud Madrid
Edmundo Pichardo
Cirujano plástico
37 años de experiencia
México, Ciudad de México
Clínica de la Dra. IRERI ASTEINZA

Edmundo Pichardo

Cirujano plástico
37 años de experiencia

El Dr. Edmundo Pichardo García es un destacado cirujano mexicano con una larga trayectoria en el tratamiento de diversos tipos de cáncer y otros padecimientos. Obtuvo su licenciatura como Médico Cirujano en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y posteriormente se especializó en cirugía oncológica y otras.

Con su especialización en el Sector Salud, el Dr. Pichardo cuenta con una vasta experiencia en el campo, lo que lo convierte en uno de los profesionales más respetados dentro de su área de práctica.

Además, ofrece procedimientos avanzados para el tratamiento de diversas afecciones oncológicas, ayudando a mejorar la calidad de vida de sus pacientes.


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El Dr. Edmundo Pichardo García es un destacado cirujano mexicano con una larga trayectoria en el tratamiento de diversos tipos de cáncer y otros padecimientos. Obtuvo su licenciatura como Médico Cirujano en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y posteriormente se especializó en cirugía oncológica y otras.

Con su especialización en el Sector Salud, el Dr. Pichardo cuenta con una vasta experiencia en el campo, lo que lo convierte en uno de los profesionales más respetados dentro de su área de práctica.

Además, ofrece procedimientos avanzados para el tratamiento de diversas afecciones oncológicas, ayudando a mejorar la calidad de vida de sus pacientes.


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Antonio Rivera Munoz
Cirujano plástico
17 años de experiencia
3 reseñas

Antonio Rivera Munoz

Cirujano plástico
17 años de experiencia
España, Marbella
Quirónsalud Marbella
Halych Serhiy
Cirujano plástico
41 años de experiencia
18 reseñas
Ucrania, Kiev
Centro Quirúrgico Dievo

Halych Serhiy

Cirujano plástico
41 años de experiencia

Patient requests:

Age-related changes in various areas of the body;

Breast augmentation or correction;

Condition, after full or partial removal of the breast;

Consequences of injuries, burns, removal of various tumor-like formations;

Lymphatic edema of the extremities after various injuries and surgical interventions.



All types of operations in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery;

All types of microsurgical operations;

Consultation of patients.



Surgical techniques aimed at correcting age-related changes in the face and body;

All types of operations with corrections of congenital and acquired skin defects and deformations of various localization;

All types of operations for the correction of postoperative scars and skin deformations;

All types of microsurgical operations.



Kyiv Medical Institute named after O.O. Bogomolets in 1980, Sergeon;

Since 1980, work in the department of microsurgery and plastic surgery of NIHT named after O.O. Shalimova with a specialization in vascular surgery; 

1987 he defended his candidate's thesis "auto-alloneuroplasty of defects of the peripheral nerves of the limbs";

In 1996, he completed the cycle of works on microsurgery in the field of neuroplasticity, received the State Award of Ukraine in the field of science and technology;

In 1999, he defended his doctoral thesis "Autotransplantation of complex tissue complexes for closing defects in functionally important areas of the limbs";

Since 2007 - professor of the department of combustiology and plastic surgery, head of the cycle - "Mammoplasty";

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Patient requests:

Age-related changes in various areas of the body;

Breast augmentation or correction;

Condition, after full or partial removal of the breast;

Consequences of injuries, burns, removal of various tumor-like formations;

Lymphatic edema of the extremities after various injuries and surgical interventions.



All types of operations in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery;

All types of microsurgical operations;

Consultation of patients.



Surgical techniques aimed at correcting age-related changes in the face and body;

All types of operations with corrections of congenital and acquired skin defects and deformations of various localization;

All types of operations for the correction of postoperative scars and skin deformations;

All types of microsurgical operations.



Kyiv Medical Institute named after O.O. Bogomolets in 1980, Sergeon;

Since 1980, work in the department of microsurgery and plastic surgery of NIHT named after O.O. Shalimova with a specialization in vascular surgery; 

1987 he defended his candidate's thesis "auto-alloneuroplasty of defects of the peripheral nerves of the limbs";

In 1996, he completed the cycle of works on microsurgery in the field of neuroplasticity, received the State Award of Ukraine in the field of science and technology;

In 1999, he defended his doctoral thesis "Autotransplantation of complex tissue complexes for closing defects in functionally important areas of the limbs";

Since 2007 - professor of the department of combustiology and plastic surgery, head of the cycle - "Mammoplasty";

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Nuray Ozturk
Cirujano plástico
15 años de experiencia
3 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospitales Büyük Anadolu

Nuray Ozturk

Cirujano plástico
15 años de experiencia


Estética mamaria


Estética genital

Estética de párpados

Corrección de ginecomastia


Estética de orejas prominentes

Aplicaciones de Botox

Llenado de solicitudes

Cirujano postbariátrico


Mostrar más


Estética mamaria


Estética genital

Estética de párpados

Corrección de ginecomastia


Estética de orejas prominentes

Aplicaciones de Botox

Llenado de solicitudes

Cirujano postbariátrico


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Walter Querevalú
Médico general
34 años de experiencia
México, Ciudad de México
Clínica de la Dra. IRERI ASTEINZA

Walter Querevalú

Médico general
34 años de experiencia

 1. Trayectoria

El doctor Walter Adolfo Querevalú Murillo ha dedicado gran parte de su carrera a la **medicina crítica** y la **terapia intensiva**, dos de las especialidades más exigentes en el ámbito de la medicina. Como especialista en cuidados intensivos, se ha encargado de tratar a pacientes que requieren una supervisión y tratamiento altamente especializados debido a condiciones críticas de salud. La **medicina crítica** se enfoca en el manejo de pacientes gravemente enfermos, a menudo en **unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI)**, donde la vida de los pacientes está en riesgo debido a múltiples fallos orgánicos, enfermedades infecciosas graves, traumatismos u otros problemas médicos complejos【6†source】【9†source】.


Actualmente, el Dr. Querevalú se desempeña como **Coordinador Hospitalario de Órganos y Tejidos** en el **Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI**, uno de los hospitales más grandes y avanzados de México. Su rol en este puesto ha sido crucial para la **coordinación de la donación de órganos** y para asegurar que se sigan los protocolos médicos y legales necesarios para realizar trasplantes【8†source】.


2. Donación de órganos y tejidos: Su labor pionera en México


Uno de los aspectos más destacados de la carrera del Dr. Querevalú es su compromiso con la **donación de órganos**. En su papel como Coordinador Hospitalario, ha liderado múltiples **procuraciones multiorgánicas**, lo que ha permitido a decenas de pacientes recibir órganos vitales para mejorar su calidad de vida. Estas procuraciones incluyen órganos como el corazón, córneas, piel y tejido músculo-esquelético, entre otros【8†source】.


Una procuración multiorgánica se refiere a la extracción simultánea de varios órganos de un solo donante fallecido para ser trasplantados a distintos pacientes que los necesitan. Este proceso es fundamental para salvar vidas, y la intervención del Dr. Querevalú ha sido crucial para que estas operaciones se lleven a cabo de manera eficiente y en conformidad con las estrictas normativas médicas【9†source】.


Un ejemplo destacado de su trabajo ocurrió en el año 2022, cuando el equipo médico del **Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI**, bajo su coordinación, realizó una de las procuraciones multiorgánicas más exitosas del país. En este caso, se logró obtener el corazón, córneas, piel y tejido músculo-esquelético de un hombre de 38 años que sufrió muerte cerebral. Estos órganos se utilizaron para salvar la vida de múltiples personas, incluyendo un paciente de 45 años que recibió un trasplante de corazón【8†source】.


3. Contribución académica e investigativa


El Dr. Walter Querevalú Murillo también ha hecho importantes contribuciones al mundo académico a través de su participación en investigaciones científicas. Su interés en áreas críticas de la medicina lo ha llevado a publicar varios **artículos científicos** en revistas especializadas, principalmente sobre temas como la **hemofiltración arteriovenosa**, un procedimiento médico utilizado en unidades de cuidados intensivos para tratar pacientes con insuficiencia renal grave【7†source】.


Entre sus publicaciones más notables se encuentran estudios sobre el uso de la **bioimpedancia eléctrica torácica** para medir el gasto cardíaco en pacientes sometidos a cirugía de revascularización del corazón. Este tipo de investigación ha sido fundamental para mejorar la precisión de los diagnósticos y la efectividad de los tratamientos en unidades de terapia intensiva【7†source】.


Algunos de los artículos que ha publicado incluyen:


- **"Hemofiltración arteriovenosa continua en la unidad de terapia intensiva"**: Este estudio ha sido citado numerosas veces y se ha utilizado como referencia en tratamientos avanzados para pacientes con insuficiencia renal.

- **"Comparación del gasto cardíaco medido por bioimpedancia eléctrica transesofágica, termodilución y mediante una ecuación teórica"**: Un artículo clave que analiza diferentes métodos para medir el gasto cardíaco, proporcionando información vital para mejorar la precisión en la monitorización de pacientes críticos【7†source】.


Además de estos estudios, el Dr. Querevalú ha sido invitado a participar en múltiples conferencias y seminarios, donde ha compartido su conocimiento y experiencia con otros profesionales de la salud. Su dedicación a la educación médica ha sido un aspecto crucial de su carrera, contribuyendo a la formación de futuras generaciones de médicos en México.


4. Sensibilización y educación sobre la donación de órganos.


Uno de los retos más importantes en el ámbito de la donación de órganos es la **sensibilización de la población** y del personal médico sobre la importancia de este proceso. El Dr. Querevalú ha sido un firme defensor de la necesidad de educar tanto a los médicos como a los familiares de los donantes sobre los beneficios de la donación de órganos. En su opinión, es esencial que los médicos residentes y pasantes, quienes suelen ser los primeros en interactuar con los familiares de los donantes, reciban una formación adecuada para manejar estas situaciones delicadas【8†source】.


En varios foros y entrevistas, el Dr. Querevalú ha subrayado la importancia de la **donación altruista**, destacando que esta práctica no solo salva vidas, sino que también mejora significativamente la calidad de vida de los pacientes que reciben un trasplante. Además, ha colaborado con el **Centro Nacional de Trasplantes (CENATRA)** y otras organizaciones para promover campañas de concienciación sobre la donación de órganos en todo el país【9†source】.


5. Impacto en la medicina crítica en México


La influencia del Dr. Walter Adolfo Querevalú Murillo en el campo de la medicina crítica en México es innegable. Su trabajo en las unidades de cuidados intensivos del **IMSS** y su participación en importantes procedimientos de procuración de órganos lo han consolidado como una figura clave en la atención médica especializada en el país. Su enfoque multidisciplinario, que combina la práctica clínica con la investigación y la docencia, le ha permitido hacer contribuciones significativas a la mejora de los tratamientos para pacientes en estado crítico【8†source】.


Su liderazgo en el **Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI** ha sido determinante para que el hospital se mantenga a la vanguardia en el tratamiento de enfermedades graves y en la realización de trasplantes. Bajo su dirección, el hospital ha llevado a cabo importantes innovaciones en la **terapia intensiva**, utilizando tecnologías avanzadas y protocolos médicos de última generación para garantizar la mejor atención posible a los pacientes【6†source】.




El Dr. Walter Adolfo Querevalú Murillo es un profesional que ha dejado una huella imborrable en el ámbito de la medicina crítica y la terapia intensiva en México. Su compromiso con la donación de órganos, su contribución al desarrollo de nuevas técnicas médicas, y su papel como educador y líder lo han convertido en una figura indispensable para la salud pública en el país. Su labor no solo ha salvado vidas, sino que también ha servido para inspirar a nuevas generaciones de médicos a seguir sus pasos y continuar avanzando en el campo de la medicina crítica.


La combinación de sus esfuerzos en la práctica clínica, la investigación académica y la promoción de la donación de órganos subraya la importancia de su contribución tanto a nivel nacional como internacional en el ámbito de la medicina crítica【7†source】【9†source】.

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 1. Trayectoria

El doctor Walter Adolfo Querevalú Murillo ha dedicado gran parte de su carrera a la **medicina crítica** y la **terapia intensiva**, dos de las especialidades más exigentes en el ámbito de la medicina. Como especialista en cuidados intensivos, se ha encargado de tratar a pacientes que requieren una supervisión y tratamiento altamente especializados debido a condiciones críticas de salud. La **medicina crítica** se enfoca en el manejo de pacientes gravemente enfermos, a menudo en **unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI)**, donde la vida de los pacientes está en riesgo debido a múltiples fallos orgánicos, enfermedades infecciosas graves, traumatismos u otros problemas médicos complejos【6†source】【9†source】.


Actualmente, el Dr. Querevalú se desempeña como **Coordinador Hospitalario de Órganos y Tejidos** en el **Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI**, uno de los hospitales más grandes y avanzados de México. Su rol en este puesto ha sido crucial para la **coordinación de la donación de órganos** y para asegurar que se sigan los protocolos médicos y legales necesarios para realizar trasplantes【8†source】.


2. Donación de órganos y tejidos: Su labor pionera en México


Uno de los aspectos más destacados de la carrera del Dr. Querevalú es su compromiso con la **donación de órganos**. En su papel como Coordinador Hospitalario, ha liderado múltiples **procuraciones multiorgánicas**, lo que ha permitido a decenas de pacientes recibir órganos vitales para mejorar su calidad de vida. Estas procuraciones incluyen órganos como el corazón, córneas, piel y tejido músculo-esquelético, entre otros【8†source】.


Una procuración multiorgánica se refiere a la extracción simultánea de varios órganos de un solo donante fallecido para ser trasplantados a distintos pacientes que los necesitan. Este proceso es fundamental para salvar vidas, y la intervención del Dr. Querevalú ha sido crucial para que estas operaciones se lleven a cabo de manera eficiente y en conformidad con las estrictas normativas médicas【9†source】.


Un ejemplo destacado de su trabajo ocurrió en el año 2022, cuando el equipo médico del **Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI**, bajo su coordinación, realizó una de las procuraciones multiorgánicas más exitosas del país. En este caso, se logró obtener el corazón, córneas, piel y tejido músculo-esquelético de un hombre de 38 años que sufrió muerte cerebral. Estos órganos se utilizaron para salvar la vida de múltiples personas, incluyendo un paciente de 45 años que recibió un trasplante de corazón【8†source】.


3. Contribución académica e investigativa


El Dr. Walter Querevalú Murillo también ha hecho importantes contribuciones al mundo académico a través de su participación en investigaciones científicas. Su interés en áreas críticas de la medicina lo ha llevado a publicar varios **artículos científicos** en revistas especializadas, principalmente sobre temas como la **hemofiltración arteriovenosa**, un procedimiento médico utilizado en unidades de cuidados intensivos para tratar pacientes con insuficiencia renal grave【7†source】.


Entre sus publicaciones más notables se encuentran estudios sobre el uso de la **bioimpedancia eléctrica torácica** para medir el gasto cardíaco en pacientes sometidos a cirugía de revascularización del corazón. Este tipo de investigación ha sido fundamental para mejorar la precisión de los diagnósticos y la efectividad de los tratamientos en unidades de terapia intensiva【7†source】.


Algunos de los artículos que ha publicado incluyen:


- **"Hemofiltración arteriovenosa continua en la unidad de terapia intensiva"**: Este estudio ha sido citado numerosas veces y se ha utilizado como referencia en tratamientos avanzados para pacientes con insuficiencia renal.

- **"Comparación del gasto cardíaco medido por bioimpedancia eléctrica transesofágica, termodilución y mediante una ecuación teórica"**: Un artículo clave que analiza diferentes métodos para medir el gasto cardíaco, proporcionando información vital para mejorar la precisión en la monitorización de pacientes críticos【7†source】.


Además de estos estudios, el Dr. Querevalú ha sido invitado a participar en múltiples conferencias y seminarios, donde ha compartido su conocimiento y experiencia con otros profesionales de la salud. Su dedicación a la educación médica ha sido un aspecto crucial de su carrera, contribuyendo a la formación de futuras generaciones de médicos en México.


4. Sensibilización y educación sobre la donación de órganos.


Uno de los retos más importantes en el ámbito de la donación de órganos es la **sensibilización de la población** y del personal médico sobre la importancia de este proceso. El Dr. Querevalú ha sido un firme defensor de la necesidad de educar tanto a los médicos como a los familiares de los donantes sobre los beneficios de la donación de órganos. En su opinión, es esencial que los médicos residentes y pasantes, quienes suelen ser los primeros en interactuar con los familiares de los donantes, reciban una formación adecuada para manejar estas situaciones delicadas【8†source】.


En varios foros y entrevistas, el Dr. Querevalú ha subrayado la importancia de la **donación altruista**, destacando que esta práctica no solo salva vidas, sino que también mejora significativamente la calidad de vida de los pacientes que reciben un trasplante. Además, ha colaborado con el **Centro Nacional de Trasplantes (CENATRA)** y otras organizaciones para promover campañas de concienciación sobre la donación de órganos en todo el país【9†source】.


5. Impacto en la medicina crítica en México


La influencia del Dr. Walter Adolfo Querevalú Murillo en el campo de la medicina crítica en México es innegable. Su trabajo en las unidades de cuidados intensivos del **IMSS** y su participación en importantes procedimientos de procuración de órganos lo han consolidado como una figura clave en la atención médica especializada en el país. Su enfoque multidisciplinario, que combina la práctica clínica con la investigación y la docencia, le ha permitido hacer contribuciones significativas a la mejora de los tratamientos para pacientes en estado crítico【8†source】.


Su liderazgo en el **Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI** ha sido determinante para que el hospital se mantenga a la vanguardia en el tratamiento de enfermedades graves y en la realización de trasplantes. Bajo su dirección, el hospital ha llevado a cabo importantes innovaciones en la **terapia intensiva**, utilizando tecnologías avanzadas y protocolos médicos de última generación para garantizar la mejor atención posible a los pacientes【6†source】.




El Dr. Walter Adolfo Querevalú Murillo es un profesional que ha dejado una huella imborrable en el ámbito de la medicina crítica y la terapia intensiva en México. Su compromiso con la donación de órganos, su contribución al desarrollo de nuevas técnicas médicas, y su papel como educador y líder lo han convertido en una figura indispensable para la salud pública en el país. Su labor no solo ha salvado vidas, sino que también ha servido para inspirar a nuevas generaciones de médicos a seguir sus pasos y continuar avanzando en el campo de la medicina crítica.


La combinación de sus esfuerzos en la práctica clínica, la investigación académica y la promoción de la donación de órganos subraya la importancia de su contribución tanto a nivel nacional como internacional en el ámbito de la medicina crítica【7†source】【9†source】.

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Kenan Oyur
Cirujano plástico
12 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Clínica Estexper

Kenan Oyur

Cirujano plástico
12 años de experiencia

Kadir Oyur is a dynamic and accomplished medical professional with a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of surgery. He completed his Postgraduate Residency in Plastic Surgery at the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in Minsk, Belarus, followed by another residency in General Surgery at Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in Kiev, Ukraine. Prior to this, he pursued his medical education at Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa English Medical School. Throughout his career, Kadir has held various positions, including roles at Europ-Assistance Insurance Company in Turkey and Antes Aesthetic Surgery Center in Belarus. He has actively engaged in research and observational programs at prestigious institutions like Harvard University Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the University of California, Irvine. Kadir is also proficient in computer skills and speaks multiple languages fluently, including English, Turkish, Kurdish, Russian, and German. Beyond his medical endeavors, he enjoys pursuits such as playing musical instruments, sailing, and cycling. Kadir is an active member of esteemed medical societies such as The International Society of Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. With his extensive skill set and commitment to excellence, Kadir Oyur continues to make significant contributions to the field of surgery.

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Kadir Oyur is a dynamic and accomplished medical professional with a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of surgery. He completed his Postgraduate Residency in Plastic Surgery at the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in Minsk, Belarus, followed by another residency in General Surgery at Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in Kiev, Ukraine. Prior to this, he pursued his medical education at Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa English Medical School. Throughout his career, Kadir has held various positions, including roles at Europ-Assistance Insurance Company in Turkey and Antes Aesthetic Surgery Center in Belarus. He has actively engaged in research and observational programs at prestigious institutions like Harvard University Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the University of California, Irvine. Kadir is also proficient in computer skills and speaks multiple languages fluently, including English, Turkish, Kurdish, Russian, and German. Beyond his medical endeavors, he enjoys pursuits such as playing musical instruments, sailing, and cycling. Kadir is an active member of esteemed medical societies such as The International Society of Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. With his extensive skill set and commitment to excellence, Kadir Oyur continues to make significant contributions to the field of surgery.

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Guncel Ozturk Md Febopras
Cirujano plástico
21 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Dr. Güncel Öztürk

Guncel Ozturk Md Febopras

Cirujano plástico
21 años de experiencia
El Dr. Guncel Ozturk Md Febopras es un especialista en cirugía plástica y estética conocido por sus técnicas innovadoras en rinoplastia, aumento de mamas, realce de labios y tratamientos con botox. Su experiencia se extiende a las operaciones endoscópicas de pentalift y al trasplante capilar DHI. Ha publicado libros en los que examina los aspectos artísticos de la cirugía plástica y ha desarrollado técnicas únicas en su práctica. El enfoque del Dr. Ozturk combina los conocimientos médicos con los principios artísticos.Mostrar más
El Dr. Guncel Ozturk Md Febopras es un especialista en cirugía plástica y estética conocido por sus técnicas innovadoras en rinoplastia, aumento de mamas, realce de labios y tratamientos con botox. Su experiencia se extiende a las operaciones endoscópicas de pentalift y al trasplante capilar DHI. Ha publicado libros en los que examina los aspectos artísticos de la cirugía plástica y ha desarrollado técnicas únicas en su práctica. El enfoque del Dr. Ozturk combina los conocimientos médicos con los principios artísticos.
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Preeti Yadav
Especialista en trasplante capilar
14 años de experiencia
India, Gurgaon
Konarc Aesthetics

Preeti Yadav

Especialista en trasplante capilar
14 años de experiencia

Rejuvenate Beauty with Konarc Aesthetics Cosmetic Surgery in Gurgaon, India

For those battling with insecurities about their appearance, cosmetic surgery offers a transformative solution. Dr. Preeti Yadav at Konarc Aesthetics, a seasoned plastic surgeon with over a decade of experience in aesthetics, leads a renowned clinic in Gurgaon, India. Her approach is holistic, catering to each patient's unique needs and desires.

As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Preeti Yadav understands the specific concerns that women face regarding their bodies. From mothers seeking post-childbirth recovery to teenagers grappling with body image issues, Dr. Yadav empathetically listens to her patients' worries and provides sustainable solutions.

The clinic specializes in a range of procedures tailored to enhance beauty and confidence. Popular treatments include rhinoplasty, jawline shaping, chin enhancement, cheek augmentation, lip fillers, arm and back liposuction, bust surgeries (reduction/enlargement/lift), tummy and waist sculpting, buttock lifts, vaginal rejuvenation, and thigh lifts.

Treatments and Procedures

  • Hair Transplant
  • Liposuction
  • Breast reshaping
  • Facial plastic surgery
  • Laser therapy
  • Male breast surgery
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Surgical and non-surgical weight loss procedures
  • Non-surgical treatments like botox and fillers

More Information you can contact to us.

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Rejuvenate Beauty with Konarc Aesthetics Cosmetic Surgery in Gurgaon, India

For those battling with insecurities about their appearance, cosmetic surgery offers a transformative solution. Dr. Preeti Yadav at Konarc Aesthetics, a seasoned plastic surgeon with over a decade of experience in aesthetics, leads a renowned clinic in Gurgaon, India. Her approach is holistic, catering to each patient's unique needs and desires.

As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Preeti Yadav understands the specific concerns that women face regarding their bodies. From mothers seeking post-childbirth recovery to teenagers grappling with body image issues, Dr. Yadav empathetically listens to her patients' worries and provides sustainable solutions.

The clinic specializes in a range of procedures tailored to enhance beauty and confidence. Popular treatments include rhinoplasty, jawline shaping, chin enhancement, cheek augmentation, lip fillers, arm and back liposuction, bust surgeries (reduction/enlargement/lift), tummy and waist sculpting, buttock lifts, vaginal rejuvenation, and thigh lifts.

Treatments and Procedures

  • Hair Transplant
  • Liposuction
  • Breast reshaping
  • Facial plastic surgery
  • Laser therapy
  • Male breast surgery
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Surgical and non-surgical weight loss procedures
  • Non-surgical treatments like botox and fillers

More Information you can contact to us.

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Alex Sony
Cirujano plástico
19 años de experiencia
Tailandia, Chiang Mai
Clínica Estética del Doctor Alex

Alex Sony

Cirujano plástico
19 años de experiencia

Dr. Alex Aesthetic Clinic is an aesthetic surgery clinic that has a reputation and standard in the plastic surgery industry for over 10 years. The celebrities are well known. They are very much talked about because Dr. Alex has spent his past work in famous aesthetic surgery clinics in Bangkok until he had the opportunity to open the clinic in Doctor Alex’s hometown (Chiang Mai). The doctor’s attitude is focused on quality under the concept of “Quality is our Best Priority” with the principle of “A Quality You can Trust”

Dr. Alex Aesthetic Clinic has launched an aesthetic surgery clinic in Chiang Mai province recently. Initially, the first branch in Bangkok, about ten years and later expanding in Chiang Mai, with Dr. Anek Sony, which is a doctor, executive, and managing director of the clinic.

Doctor Alex. An aesthetic surgery doctor who devoted most of his work and time to creating facial art and the patient’s body through the blade and needle. A doctor’s ideal, anything that requires a knife, must be used, but use requires art and knowledge. Otherwise, the work will be disastrous.

Dr. Alex has a Doctor of Medicine from Chiang Mai University. He has accumulated working experience from leading clinics and other hospitals both in Thailand and abroad. After that, he had the opportunity to study in Anti-Aging and Regenerative medicine MS from Mae Fah Luang University.

Until he was receiving the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, after that, the doctor is going to study at Regenerative Medicine in Arizona, USA. Until returning to Thailand. Dr. Alex brings the perfect combination of the science of solving problems by methods of In Side Out and Out Side In to apply. Moreover, Dr.Alex has the opportunity to study aesthetic surgery in many countries such as the USA, Germany, England, Italy and also study complicated surgery such as endoscopic surgery, using Laser (Israel) in surgery to achieve a unique working style.

Creating beauty on the face and body. The important thing is “Patient satisfaction not only the satisfaction of the doctor.”

The experience was the beginning of the Dr. ALEX Aesthetic and Regenerator Clinic for Chiang Mai people. Whether celebrity, net Idol, model, and Thai and foreign customers all over the country who trust to look after.

Dr. Alex Aesthetic Clinic is located on Tha pae Road in the center of Chiang Mai. In the future, Dr. Alex has the concept and vision to develop the beauty business to become the first and certified with high standards surgery hospital in the north.

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Dr. Alex Aesthetic Clinic is an aesthetic surgery clinic that has a reputation and standard in the plastic surgery industry for over 10 years. The celebrities are well known. They are very much talked about because Dr. Alex has spent his past work in famous aesthetic surgery clinics in Bangkok until he had the opportunity to open the clinic in Doctor Alex’s hometown (Chiang Mai). The doctor’s attitude is focused on quality under the concept of “Quality is our Best Priority” with the principle of “A Quality You can Trust”

Dr. Alex Aesthetic Clinic has launched an aesthetic surgery clinic in Chiang Mai province recently. Initially, the first branch in Bangkok, about ten years and later expanding in Chiang Mai, with Dr. Anek Sony, which is a doctor, executive, and managing director of the clinic.

Doctor Alex. An aesthetic surgery doctor who devoted most of his work and time to creating facial art and the patient’s body through the blade and needle. A doctor’s ideal, anything that requires a knife, must be used, but use requires art and knowledge. Otherwise, the work will be disastrous.

Dr. Alex has a Doctor of Medicine from Chiang Mai University. He has accumulated working experience from leading clinics and other hospitals both in Thailand and abroad. After that, he had the opportunity to study in Anti-Aging and Regenerative medicine MS from Mae Fah Luang University.

Until he was receiving the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, after that, the doctor is going to study at Regenerative Medicine in Arizona, USA. Until returning to Thailand. Dr. Alex brings the perfect combination of the science of solving problems by methods of In Side Out and Out Side In to apply. Moreover, Dr.Alex has the opportunity to study aesthetic surgery in many countries such as the USA, Germany, England, Italy and also study complicated surgery such as endoscopic surgery, using Laser (Israel) in surgery to achieve a unique working style.

Creating beauty on the face and body. The important thing is “Patient satisfaction not only the satisfaction of the doctor.”

The experience was the beginning of the Dr. ALEX Aesthetic and Regenerator Clinic for Chiang Mai people. Whether celebrity, net Idol, model, and Thai and foreign customers all over the country who trust to look after.

Dr. Alex Aesthetic Clinic is located on Tha pae Road in the center of Chiang Mai. In the future, Dr. Alex has the concept and vision to develop the beauty business to become the first and certified with high standards surgery hospital in the north.

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Uriel Munoz
Especialista en trasplante capilar
5 años de experiencia
México, Puerto Vallarta

Uriel Munoz

Especialista en trasplante capilar
5 años de experiencia
El Dr. Uriel Muñoz es un cirujano plástico certificado especializado en cirugía estética / plástica, medicina regenerativa, trasplante de cabello, y los tratamientos de Botox. Conocido por su enfoque personalizado y el uso de las últimas técnicas y tecnologías, es miembro de la Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía Plástica Estética (ISAPS).Mostrar más
El Dr. Uriel Muñoz es un cirujano plástico certificado especializado en cirugía estética / plástica, medicina regenerativa, trasplante de cabello, y los tratamientos de Botox. Conocido por su enfoque personalizado y el uso de las últimas técnicas y tecnologías, es miembro de la Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía Plástica Estética (ISAPS).
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Ekrem Keskin
Cirujano plástico
11 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Keskin Klinik

Ekrem Keskin

Cirujano plástico
11 años de experiencia

Surgeon Ekrem Keskin was born in 1986 in Istanbul. He completed his education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2010, and was awarded the title of Medical Doctor. During his residency training he was instructed in nose, facial and breast aesthetics under the supervision of James Zins, MD and Raffi Gurunluoglu, MD, at Cleveland Clinic Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Cleveland, OHIO-USA in 2016. After 5 years of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery training, he completed his specialization and became a Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist.

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Surgeon Ekrem Keskin was born in 1986 in Istanbul. He completed his education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2010, and was awarded the title of Medical Doctor. During his residency training he was instructed in nose, facial and breast aesthetics under the supervision of James Zins, MD and Raffi Gurunluoglu, MD, at Cleveland Clinic Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Cleveland, OHIO-USA in 2016. After 5 years of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery training, he completed his specialization and became a Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist.

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Mehmet Comert
Cirujano plástico
9 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Truself Clinic

Mehmet Comert

Cirujano plástico
9 años de experiencia

As a dedicated Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon based in Istanbul, Turkey, I bring a strong foundation of experience and a profound commitment to enhancing both form and function to every patient I serve. My journey in the field has been marked by comprehensive training in Marmara University Plastic Surgery Department, one of Turkey's premier centers for breast and facial plastic surgery, where I've had the privilege of specializing in several transformative areas of surgical expertise.

Facial Rejuvenation Surgery: With a profound understanding of facial aesthetics, I am dedicated to helping patients achieve a youthful, refreshed appearance while also providing reconstructive solutions for those facing unique challenges.

Orthognathic Surgery: My extensive training in orthognathic surgery equips me with the skills to harmonize facial structures and restore optimal function, addressing issues related to jaw alignment and facial symmetry with precision and care.

Facial Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: My specialization extends to a wide range of facial procedures, including:

Deep Plane Facelift Surgery: Delivering natural, long-lasting results with cutting edge surgical technique on facial rejuvenation.
Neck Reshaping Surgeries: Crafting elegant and youthful neck contours.
Endoscopic Facial Surgeries: Minimally invasive techniques for maximum impact.

Periorbital Rejuvenation and Blepharoplasties: Illuminating the windows to the soul.
Facial Bone Contouring: Sculpting facial aesthetics with precision.
Frontal Shaping for Facial Gender Reassignment: Empowering individuals on transformative journeys. Revisional Facial Surgeries: Perfecting previous procedures to achieve excellence.
Facial Paralysis Reconstruction with Tendon and Muscle Transfers: Restoring both function and aesthetics. Scar Revisions and Burn Scarifications: Erasing the marks of the past.
Stem Cell Treatments: Harnessing the latest regenerative therapies.
Skin and Intraoral Tumor Ablation with Reconstructions: Uniting oncological care with aesthetic mastery. Jaw Enhancements and Genioplasties: Balancing and harmonizing facial profiles.
Double Jaw/Bimax Surgeries: Achieving facial symmetry and optimal function.
Rhinoplasties and Nose Reconstructions: Perfecting nasal aesthetics with artistry.

Breast Aesthetics and Reconstruction: Having trained at one of Turkey's leading centers for breast surgeries, I am well- versed in the art of breast aesthetics and reconstruction, ensuring that patients regain both their confidence and their sense of self.

At the core of my practice is a dedication to individualized care. I believe that every patient is unique, and their needs and aspirations deserve tailored attention. My mission is to provide compassionate, patient-centered care that goes beyond routine procedures, ensuring that each individual receives the personalized treatment they deserve.

As I continue to push the boundaries of plastic and aesthetic surgery, my focus remains on achieving excellence in both form and function, all while prioritizing the unique needs of every patient under my care.

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As a dedicated Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon based in Istanbul, Turkey, I bring a strong foundation of experience and a profound commitment to enhancing both form and function to every patient I serve. My journey in the field has been marked by comprehensive training in Marmara University Plastic Surgery Department, one of Turkey's premier centers for breast and facial plastic surgery, where I've had the privilege of specializing in several transformative areas of surgical expertise.

Facial Rejuvenation Surgery: With a profound understanding of facial aesthetics, I am dedicated to helping patients achieve a youthful, refreshed appearance while also providing reconstructive solutions for those facing unique challenges.

Orthognathic Surgery: My extensive training in orthognathic surgery equips me with the skills to harmonize facial structures and restore optimal function, addressing issues related to jaw alignment and facial symmetry with precision and care.

Facial Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: My specialization extends to a wide range of facial procedures, including:

Deep Plane Facelift Surgery: Delivering natural, long-lasting results with cutting edge surgical technique on facial rejuvenation.
Neck Reshaping Surgeries: Crafting elegant and youthful neck contours.
Endoscopic Facial Surgeries: Minimally invasive techniques for maximum impact.

Periorbital Rejuvenation and Blepharoplasties: Illuminating the windows to the soul.
Facial Bone Contouring: Sculpting facial aesthetics with precision.
Frontal Shaping for Facial Gender Reassignment: Empowering individuals on transformative journeys. Revisional Facial Surgeries: Perfecting previous procedures to achieve excellence.
Facial Paralysis Reconstruction with Tendon and Muscle Transfers: Restoring both function and aesthetics. Scar Revisions and Burn Scarifications: Erasing the marks of the past.
Stem Cell Treatments: Harnessing the latest regenerative therapies.
Skin and Intraoral Tumor Ablation with Reconstructions: Uniting oncological care with aesthetic mastery. Jaw Enhancements and Genioplasties: Balancing and harmonizing facial profiles.
Double Jaw/Bimax Surgeries: Achieving facial symmetry and optimal function.
Rhinoplasties and Nose Reconstructions: Perfecting nasal aesthetics with artistry.

Breast Aesthetics and Reconstruction: Having trained at one of Turkey's leading centers for breast surgeries, I am well- versed in the art of breast aesthetics and reconstruction, ensuring that patients regain both their confidence and their sense of self.

At the core of my practice is a dedication to individualized care. I believe that every patient is unique, and their needs and aspirations deserve tailored attention. My mission is to provide compassionate, patient-centered care that goes beyond routine procedures, ensuring that each individual receives the personalized treatment they deserve.

As I continue to push the boundaries of plastic and aesthetic surgery, my focus remains on achieving excellence in both form and function, all while prioritizing the unique needs of every patient under my care.

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Yunus Kaplan
Cirujano plástico facial
15 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Dr.Yunus Kaplan - Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Yunus Kaplan

Cirujano plástico facial
15 años de experiencia

Born in 1979 in Iskenderun, The Yunus Kaplan Private Clinic was founded ,a renowned otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist) who has specialized in facial aesthetics for more than 15 years in Istanbul ,After graduating from; Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine in 2001,YunusKaplan left the Department of ENT at Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine as an expert in 2009. Afterwards,he Worked in the following hospitals,respectively;

Job history ;

  • Cizre State Hospital 2009–2011
  • Private Batman World Hospital  2011-2013
  • Private Istanbul Hospital 2013-2015
  • Medipol Hospital 2015-2016
  • Intermed Nisantasi Clinic  2018-2020
  • Yunus Kaplan Private Clinic 2016-
  • As of 2016,one of the doyens of the Rhinoplasty community.He worked with Rhinoplasty Master and Rhinoplasty School founder Op.Dr. Süreyya Şeneldir.(2016-2018)

He is a member of many associations, such as the Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Society, the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS), and the Turkish Facial Plastic Surgery Association.

Treatments : Primary Rhinoplasty, Piezo Rhinoplasty, Ethnic Rhinoplasty, Revision Rhinoplasty, Tip plasty


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Born in 1979 in Iskenderun, The Yunus Kaplan Private Clinic was founded ,a renowned otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat specialist) who has specialized in facial aesthetics for more than 15 years in Istanbul ,After graduating from; Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine in 2001,YunusKaplan left the Department of ENT at Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine as an expert in 2009. Afterwards,he Worked in the following hospitals,respectively;

Job history ;

  • Cizre State Hospital 2009–2011
  • Private Batman World Hospital  2011-2013
  • Private Istanbul Hospital 2013-2015
  • Medipol Hospital 2015-2016
  • Intermed Nisantasi Clinic  2018-2020
  • Yunus Kaplan Private Clinic 2016-
  • As of 2016,one of the doyens of the Rhinoplasty community.He worked with Rhinoplasty Master and Rhinoplasty School founder Op.Dr. Süreyya Şeneldir.(2016-2018)

He is a member of many associations, such as the Turkish Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Society, the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS), and the Turkish Facial Plastic Surgery Association.

Treatments : Primary Rhinoplasty, Piezo Rhinoplasty, Ethnic Rhinoplasty, Revision Rhinoplasty, Tip plasty


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Murat Bilgin
Cirujano plástico
11 años de experiencia
60 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Kucukcekmece Hospital

Murat Bilgin

Cirujano plástico
11 años de experiencia
  • Türk Estetik Plastik Cerrahi Derneği Türk Plastik Rekonstrüktiv Cerrahi Derneği, Plastik, Rekonstrüktiv ve Estetik Cerrahlar Uluslararası Konfederasyonu,
  • Avrupa Estetik Plastik Cerrahlar Derneği (ESPRAS), Uluslararası Estetik Plastik Cerrahlar Derneği (ISAPS) üyesi.

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  • Türk Estetik Plastik Cerrahi Derneği Türk Plastik Rekonstrüktiv Cerrahi Derneği, Plastik, Rekonstrüktiv ve Estetik Cerrahlar Uluslararası Konfederasyonu,
  • Avrupa Estetik Plastik Cerrahlar Derneği (ESPRAS), Uluslararası Estetik Plastik Cerrahlar Derneği (ISAPS) üyesi.

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Besir Ozturk
Cirujano plástico
24 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
HappyYou Health

Besir Ozturk

Cirujano plástico
24 años de experiencia

Associate Professor: Medeniyet University. Faculty of Medicine Göztepe E. A. Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Assist. Associate Professor: Medeniyet University. Faculty of Medicine Göztepe E. A. Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Mandatory Duty: Tekirdağ State Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialization: Okmeydanı E. A. Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery University : Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Uğur Derman English Medicine


Öreroğlu AR, Üsçetin I, Egemen O, Öztürk MB, Asfuroğlu S, Tatlıdede HS Coexistent Cutaneous Tuberous and Tendinous Xanthomas in Traumatic Regions: A Case Report. European J Plastic Surgery, 2011, Online First, March 1

Öreroğlu AR, Özkaya Ö, Öztürk MB, Bingöl D, Akan M, Concentric-needle cannula method for single-puncture arthrocentesis in temporomandibular joint disease: an inexpensive and feasible technique. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011;69(9):2334-8

Egemen O, Ozkaya O, Ozturk MB, Aksan T, Orman C, Akan M. Effective use of negative pressure therapy provides quick wound-bed preparation and complete graft take in the management of chronic venous ulcers. Int Wound J. 2012;9(2):199-205

Ozturk MB, Aksan T, Uscetin I, Akan IM. A new alternative jaw motion rehabilitation device: The Okbite. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2012; 13(3):1

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Associate Professor: Medeniyet University. Faculty of Medicine Göztepe E. A. Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Assist. Associate Professor: Medeniyet University. Faculty of Medicine Göztepe E. A. Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Mandatory Duty: Tekirdağ State Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialization: Okmeydanı E. A. Hospital / Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery University : Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Uğur Derman English Medicine


Öreroğlu AR, Üsçetin I, Egemen O, Öztürk MB, Asfuroğlu S, Tatlıdede HS Coexistent Cutaneous Tuberous and Tendinous Xanthomas in Traumatic Regions: A Case Report. European J Plastic Surgery, 2011, Online First, March 1

Öreroğlu AR, Özkaya Ö, Öztürk MB, Bingöl D, Akan M, Concentric-needle cannula method for single-puncture arthrocentesis in temporomandibular joint disease: an inexpensive and feasible technique. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011;69(9):2334-8

Egemen O, Ozkaya O, Ozturk MB, Aksan T, Orman C, Akan M. Effective use of negative pressure therapy provides quick wound-bed preparation and complete graft take in the management of chronic venous ulcers. Int Wound J. 2012;9(2):199-205

Ozturk MB, Aksan T, Uscetin I, Akan IM. A new alternative jaw motion rehabilitation device: The Okbite. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2012; 13(3):1

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Ali Mezdegi
Especialista en trasplante capilar
26 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Esteport Clinic

Ali Mezdegi

Especialista en trasplante capilar
26 años de experiencia

Participation in Symposiums, Congresses and Academic Certificate Programs:

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association 11th National Congress and Facial Aesthetics Course,18-20 June 2007.

Planning in Orthognathic Surgery, 3 May 2007, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine. 26th National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 21-25 September 2004, ANKARA.

8th National Congress of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association,18-20 June 2004, ISTANBUL.

3rd International Congress of A.S.A.M.I., 27-29 May 2004, ISTANBUL.

Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injuries, Postgraduate Training Meeting, 13 March 2004, ISTANBUL.

Panel on Non-invasive Aesthetic Facial Interventions, 25 December 2003, ISTANBUL.

Maxillofacial Surgery and Distraction Course, 6-7 November 2003, ANKARA.

Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Current and Advanced Views Symposium on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 18-20 October 2002, ISTANBUL.

ISAPS 2002 (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) XVI Congress, 26-29 May 2002, ISTANBUL.

GATA Medical School, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery Workshop and Course, 3-4 May 2002, ANKARA.

23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

Turkish Symposium Contour Genesis Ultrasonic Assisted Lipoplasty, 23-24 November 2000, ISTANBUL.

Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic, Basic Microsurgery Certificate Program, 16-27 October 2000, ISTANBUL.

22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, IZMIR.

Academic Publications:
1- Auricular reconstruction with prefabricated postauricular fasciocutaneous flap: Case report

Vagıf KALENDER, Aret Çerçi ÖZKAN, Ufuk EMEKLI, Aylin BILGIN KARABULUT, Metin ERER, Atilla ARINCI, Ali MEZDEĞI. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty.

2- Management of Donor Site of Prefabricated Temporalis Fascia Flap (Letter) Aylin Bilgin KARABULUT, Hülya AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.108(3):793-794, September 1, 2001.

3- Recurrent Bleeding Following Rhinoplasty due to Factor XIII Deficiency (Letter) Aylin Bilgin KARABULUT, Hülya AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI, Evin ADEMOĞLU. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 108(3):808, September 1, 2001.

4- Roberts Syndrome from the Plastic Surgeon’s Viewpoint (Letter) Aylin Bilgin KARABULUT, Hülya AYDIN, Metin ERER, Ali MEZDEĞI, Erdem GÜVEN Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 108(5):1443-1445, October 2001.

5- A fast and effective method of cartilage mincing: Turkish delight graft revisited (Letter) Ufuk EMEKLI, Ali MEZDEĞI, Burcu ÇELET ÖZDEN, Orhan ÇIZMECI. European Journal of Plastic Surgery(2003) 26:164.

6- The Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen and Surgical Decompression in Experimental Compartment Syndrome. Figen AYDIN, Şamil AKTAŞ, Vakur OLGAÇ, Ali MEZDEĞİ, Sacit KARAMÜRSEL (single name in plastic surgery)Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2003 Jul;9(3):176-182.

7- Zone II fleksör tendon yaralanmalarında tendon protezi ile fleksör tendoplasti uygulamalarımız (Flexor tendoplasty with a tendon prosthesis for zone II flexor tendon injuries). Atakan AYDIN, Murat TOPALAN, Ali MEZDEĞİ, İlker SEZER, Türker ÖZKAN, Metin ERER, Zeynep HOŞBAY. Acta Orthopedica et Traumatologica Turcica 2003:37(5):374-378.

8- Fleksör tendon yaralanmalarında tek seanslı fleksör tendoplasti (Single-stage flexor tendoplasty in the treatment of flexor tendon injuries). Atakan AYDIN, Murat TOPALAN, Ali MEZDEĞİ, İlker SEZER, Türker ÖZKAN, Metin ERER, Safiye ÖZKAN. Acta Orthopedica et Traumatologica Turcica 2004:38(1):54-59.

9- Dorsal teknik ile el bilek artrodezi uygulamalarımız (Wrist arthrodesis applications with dorsal technique). Atakan AYDIN, Murat TOPALAN, Türker ÖZKAN, Metin ERER, Ali MEZDEĞİ, Gülnur ÖZTÜRK. Accepted by the Turkish Journal of Plastic Surgery and pending for publication.

10- Effects of amifostine on healing of microvascular anastomoses, flap survival, and nerve regeneration with preoperative or postoperative irradiation. Atakan AYDIN, Burcu ÇELET ÖZDEN, Ali MEZDEĞİ, Sıdıka KURUL, Rasim MERAL, Seyhun SOLAKOGLU. Microsurgery. 2004;24(5):392.

Papers Presented:
1- Posterior İnterosseoz Sinir Paralizisinde Rekonstrüksiyon (Reconstruction in Posterior Interosseous Nerve Paralysis). Ayhan OKUMUŞ, Türker ÖZKAN, Atakan AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI, Metin ERER, Safiye ÖZKAN. 22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, İZMİR.

2- Venöz Staz Sonrası Oluşan İskemi-Reperfüzyon Hasarında A ve E Vitamini Kombinasyon Tedavisi (Combination Therapy of Vitamins A and E in Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury After Venous Stasis) İrfan AYDIN, Aylin BİLGİN, Evin ADEMOĞLU, Ali MEZDEĞİ, Serdar TUNCER, Orhan ÇİZMECİ, Metin ERER. 22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, İZMİR.

3- ‘Limitations in Mandibular Distraction; Istanbul Medical Faculty Experience’ Ali MEZDEĞI, Burcu ÇELET ÖZDEN, Atilla ARINCI, Ufuk EMEKLI. 3rd International Congress of A.S.A.M.I., 27-29 May 2004, İSTANBUL.

4- Endosteal Extra-Oral İmplant ile Kulak, Burun ve Soket Rekonstrüksiyonu (Ear, nose and socket reconstruction with endosteal extra-oral implants) Ali MEZDEĞI, Ismail ERMIŞ, Sinan NUR KESIM, Ebru TUNCER, Banu

KARAYAZGAN 26th National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 21-25 September, 2004, ANKARA.

5- Mandibuler Distraksiyon Osteogenezis:İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Deneyimi (Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis: The Experience of Istanbul Medical Faculty) Ali MEZDEĞI, Atilla ARINCI, Ismail ERMİŞ, Burcu ÇELET ÖZDEN, Sinan NUR KESIM 26th National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 21-25 September 2004, ANKARA.

Poster Presentations:
1- Hemifasyal Mikrozomi Olgularında Mandibulanın Distraksiyon Osteogenezis Yöntemi ile Uzatılmasındaki Tecrübelerimiz (Our experiences in lengthening of the mandible by distraction osteogenesis in cases of hemifacial microsomia). Orhan ÇIZMECI, Atilla ARINCI, Irfan AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI. 22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, IZMIR.

2- Bilateral Lateral Yüz Yarığı: Olgu Sunumu (Bilateral Lateral Facial Cleft: A Case Report). Aret ÇERÇİ ÖZKAN, Ufuk EMEKLI, Alp Aslan, Ali MEZDEĞI, Sinan NUR KESIM. 22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, IZMIR.

3- Ekspanse Edilmiş Prefabrike Supraklavikuler Deri Flebi ile Konjenital Dev Nevüs Rekonstrüksiyonu: Vaka Sunumu (Reconstruction of Congenital Giant Nevus with Prefabricated Induced Expanded Supraclavicular Skin Flap: A Case Report).

Erdem GÜVEN, Aret ÇERÇI ÖZKAN, Ufuk EMEKLI, Ismail ERMIŞ, Ali MEZDEĞI, Irfan AYDIN. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

4- Deri Koruyucu Olmayan Mastektomide Doku Genişletici ile Genişletilmiş Göğüs Duvarı Derisinin Altına Dezepitelize Edilerek Yerleştirilen Pediküllü TRAM Flep ile Geç Meme Onarımı: Vaka Sunumu (Late Breast Repair with Disephitelized Pedicle TRAM Flap Placed under Chest Wall Skin Expanded with Tissue Expander in Non-Skin-Sparing Mastectomy: A Case Report) Aret ÇERÇI ÖZKAN, Orhan ÇIZMECI, Serdar EREN, Hülya AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI, Serdar TUNCER, Erdem GÜVEN, Funda AKÖZ. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

5- Vaka Sunumu: Masseter Absesi Sonrası Gelişen Masseterik Fibrozis ve Buna Bağlı Gelişen Ekstraartiküler Ankiloz (Masseteric Fibrosis Developing After Masseter Abscess and Related Extra-Articular Ankylosis: A Case Report).

Ali MEZDEĞI, Erdem GÜVEN, Orhan ÇİZMECİ, Alp Aslan, Metin ERER. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

6- Vaka Sunumu: İdiopatik Skrotal Kalsinozis (Idiopathic Scrotal Calcinosis: A Case Report) Ali MEZDEĞI. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

7- Tırnak Yatağı Defektlerinin Steril Matriks Greftleri ile Rekonstrüksiyonu (Reconstruction of Nail Bed Defects with Sterile Matrix Grafts) Serdar TUNCER, Ali MEZDEĞI, Atakan AYDIN, Türker ÖZKAN, Metin ERER. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

8- Mandibula Kondiler Bölge ve Koronoid Çıkıntıdan Kaynaklanan Osteokondromlar (Osteochondromas Originating From Mandibular Condylar Region and Coronoid Protrusion) Alp Aslan, Ufuk EMEKLI, İsmail ERMIŞ, Orhan ÇİZMECI, Defne

ÖNEL, Ali MEZDEĞI, Erdem GÜVEN. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

Thesis:The clinical thesis titled “Mandibuler Distraksiyon Osteogenezis (Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis)” was presented in June 2003 and was found satisfactory by the thesis jury.

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Participation in Symposiums, Congresses and Academic Certificate Programs:

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association 11th National Congress and Facial Aesthetics Course,18-20 June 2007.

Planning in Orthognathic Surgery, 3 May 2007, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine. 26th National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 21-25 September 2004, ANKARA.

8th National Congress of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association,18-20 June 2004, ISTANBUL.

3rd International Congress of A.S.A.M.I., 27-29 May 2004, ISTANBUL.

Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injuries, Postgraduate Training Meeting, 13 March 2004, ISTANBUL.

Panel on Non-invasive Aesthetic Facial Interventions, 25 December 2003, ISTANBUL.

Maxillofacial Surgery and Distraction Course, 6-7 November 2003, ANKARA.

Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Current and Advanced Views Symposium on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 18-20 October 2002, ISTANBUL.

ISAPS 2002 (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) XVI Congress, 26-29 May 2002, ISTANBUL.

GATA Medical School, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery Workshop and Course, 3-4 May 2002, ANKARA.

23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

Turkish Symposium Contour Genesis Ultrasonic Assisted Lipoplasty, 23-24 November 2000, ISTANBUL.

Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic, Basic Microsurgery Certificate Program, 16-27 October 2000, ISTANBUL.

22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, IZMIR.

Academic Publications:
1- Auricular reconstruction with prefabricated postauricular fasciocutaneous flap: Case report

Vagıf KALENDER, Aret Çerçi ÖZKAN, Ufuk EMEKLI, Aylin BILGIN KARABULUT, Metin ERER, Atilla ARINCI, Ali MEZDEĞI. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty.

2- Management of Donor Site of Prefabricated Temporalis Fascia Flap (Letter) Aylin Bilgin KARABULUT, Hülya AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.108(3):793-794, September 1, 2001.

3- Recurrent Bleeding Following Rhinoplasty due to Factor XIII Deficiency (Letter) Aylin Bilgin KARABULUT, Hülya AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI, Evin ADEMOĞLU. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 108(3):808, September 1, 2001.

4- Roberts Syndrome from the Plastic Surgeon’s Viewpoint (Letter) Aylin Bilgin KARABULUT, Hülya AYDIN, Metin ERER, Ali MEZDEĞI, Erdem GÜVEN Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 108(5):1443-1445, October 2001.

5- A fast and effective method of cartilage mincing: Turkish delight graft revisited (Letter) Ufuk EMEKLI, Ali MEZDEĞI, Burcu ÇELET ÖZDEN, Orhan ÇIZMECI. European Journal of Plastic Surgery(2003) 26:164.

6- The Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen and Surgical Decompression in Experimental Compartment Syndrome. Figen AYDIN, Şamil AKTAŞ, Vakur OLGAÇ, Ali MEZDEĞİ, Sacit KARAMÜRSEL (single name in plastic surgery)Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2003 Jul;9(3):176-182.

7- Zone II fleksör tendon yaralanmalarında tendon protezi ile fleksör tendoplasti uygulamalarımız (Flexor tendoplasty with a tendon prosthesis for zone II flexor tendon injuries). Atakan AYDIN, Murat TOPALAN, Ali MEZDEĞİ, İlker SEZER, Türker ÖZKAN, Metin ERER, Zeynep HOŞBAY. Acta Orthopedica et Traumatologica Turcica 2003:37(5):374-378.

8- Fleksör tendon yaralanmalarında tek seanslı fleksör tendoplasti (Single-stage flexor tendoplasty in the treatment of flexor tendon injuries). Atakan AYDIN, Murat TOPALAN, Ali MEZDEĞİ, İlker SEZER, Türker ÖZKAN, Metin ERER, Safiye ÖZKAN. Acta Orthopedica et Traumatologica Turcica 2004:38(1):54-59.

9- Dorsal teknik ile el bilek artrodezi uygulamalarımız (Wrist arthrodesis applications with dorsal technique). Atakan AYDIN, Murat TOPALAN, Türker ÖZKAN, Metin ERER, Ali MEZDEĞİ, Gülnur ÖZTÜRK. Accepted by the Turkish Journal of Plastic Surgery and pending for publication.

10- Effects of amifostine on healing of microvascular anastomoses, flap survival, and nerve regeneration with preoperative or postoperative irradiation. Atakan AYDIN, Burcu ÇELET ÖZDEN, Ali MEZDEĞİ, Sıdıka KURUL, Rasim MERAL, Seyhun SOLAKOGLU. Microsurgery. 2004;24(5):392.

Papers Presented:
1- Posterior İnterosseoz Sinir Paralizisinde Rekonstrüksiyon (Reconstruction in Posterior Interosseous Nerve Paralysis). Ayhan OKUMUŞ, Türker ÖZKAN, Atakan AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI, Metin ERER, Safiye ÖZKAN. 22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, İZMİR.

2- Venöz Staz Sonrası Oluşan İskemi-Reperfüzyon Hasarında A ve E Vitamini Kombinasyon Tedavisi (Combination Therapy of Vitamins A and E in Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury After Venous Stasis) İrfan AYDIN, Aylin BİLGİN, Evin ADEMOĞLU, Ali MEZDEĞİ, Serdar TUNCER, Orhan ÇİZMECİ, Metin ERER. 22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, İZMİR.

3- ‘Limitations in Mandibular Distraction; Istanbul Medical Faculty Experience’ Ali MEZDEĞI, Burcu ÇELET ÖZDEN, Atilla ARINCI, Ufuk EMEKLI. 3rd International Congress of A.S.A.M.I., 27-29 May 2004, İSTANBUL.

4- Endosteal Extra-Oral İmplant ile Kulak, Burun ve Soket Rekonstrüksiyonu (Ear, nose and socket reconstruction with endosteal extra-oral implants) Ali MEZDEĞI, Ismail ERMIŞ, Sinan NUR KESIM, Ebru TUNCER, Banu

KARAYAZGAN 26th National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 21-25 September, 2004, ANKARA.

5- Mandibuler Distraksiyon Osteogenezis:İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Deneyimi (Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis: The Experience of Istanbul Medical Faculty) Ali MEZDEĞI, Atilla ARINCI, Ismail ERMİŞ, Burcu ÇELET ÖZDEN, Sinan NUR KESIM 26th National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 21-25 September 2004, ANKARA.

Poster Presentations:
1- Hemifasyal Mikrozomi Olgularında Mandibulanın Distraksiyon Osteogenezis Yöntemi ile Uzatılmasındaki Tecrübelerimiz (Our experiences in lengthening of the mandible by distraction osteogenesis in cases of hemifacial microsomia). Orhan ÇIZMECI, Atilla ARINCI, Irfan AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI. 22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, IZMIR.

2- Bilateral Lateral Yüz Yarığı: Olgu Sunumu (Bilateral Lateral Facial Cleft: A Case Report). Aret ÇERÇİ ÖZKAN, Ufuk EMEKLI, Alp Aslan, Ali MEZDEĞI, Sinan NUR KESIM. 22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, IZMIR.

3- Ekspanse Edilmiş Prefabrike Supraklavikuler Deri Flebi ile Konjenital Dev Nevüs Rekonstrüksiyonu: Vaka Sunumu (Reconstruction of Congenital Giant Nevus with Prefabricated Induced Expanded Supraclavicular Skin Flap: A Case Report).

Erdem GÜVEN, Aret ÇERÇI ÖZKAN, Ufuk EMEKLI, Ismail ERMIŞ, Ali MEZDEĞI, Irfan AYDIN. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

4- Deri Koruyucu Olmayan Mastektomide Doku Genişletici ile Genişletilmiş Göğüs Duvarı Derisinin Altına Dezepitelize Edilerek Yerleştirilen Pediküllü TRAM Flep ile Geç Meme Onarımı: Vaka Sunumu (Late Breast Repair with Disephitelized Pedicle TRAM Flap Placed under Chest Wall Skin Expanded with Tissue Expander in Non-Skin-Sparing Mastectomy: A Case Report) Aret ÇERÇI ÖZKAN, Orhan ÇIZMECI, Serdar EREN, Hülya AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI, Serdar TUNCER, Erdem GÜVEN, Funda AKÖZ. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

5- Vaka Sunumu: Masseter Absesi Sonrası Gelişen Masseterik Fibrozis ve Buna Bağlı Gelişen Ekstraartiküler Ankiloz (Masseteric Fibrosis Developing After Masseter Abscess and Related Extra-Articular Ankylosis: A Case Report).

Ali MEZDEĞI, Erdem GÜVEN, Orhan ÇİZMECİ, Alp Aslan, Metin ERER. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

6- Vaka Sunumu: İdiopatik Skrotal Kalsinozis (Idiopathic Scrotal Calcinosis: A Case Report) Ali MEZDEĞI. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

7- Tırnak Yatağı Defektlerinin Steril Matriks Greftleri ile Rekonstrüksiyonu (Reconstruction of Nail Bed Defects with Sterile Matrix Grafts) Serdar TUNCER, Ali MEZDEĞI, Atakan AYDIN, Türker ÖZKAN, Metin ERER. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

8- Mandibula Kondiler Bölge ve Koronoid Çıkıntıdan Kaynaklanan Osteokondromlar (Osteochondromas Originating From Mandibular Condylar Region and Coronoid Protrusion) Alp Aslan, Ufuk EMEKLI, İsmail ERMIŞ, Orhan ÇİZMECI, Defne

ÖNEL, Ali MEZDEĞI, Erdem GÜVEN. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.

Thesis:The clinical thesis titled “Mandibuler Distraksiyon Osteogenezis (Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis)” was presented in June 2003 and was found satisfactory by the thesis jury.

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Mehmet Koksal
Cirujano plástico
16 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Sava clinic

Mehmet Koksal

Cirujano plástico
16 años de experiencia

He was born in Samsun in 1978. After graduating from Faculty of Medicine (Çapa Medicine) of the Istanbul University in 2003, he completed his 6-year residency training at Şişli, Etfal Training and Research Hospital Plastic Surgery Clinic and became a Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist.


In 2008, he received training from world-renowned surgeons at the University of Plastic Surgery Clinic in the New York, United States and participated the surgeries together with the doctors from New York.


He attended courses and congresses about topics such as Breast Aesthetics, Abdominal Aesthetics, Liposuction, Buttock Aesthetics, Rhinoplasty, Facial rejuvenation, Botox and Fillers.

Between 2010 and 2012, he worked at the Plastic Surgery Clinic of Ahi Evran University Kırşehir State Hospital. Kırşehir has carried out many surgeries and innovations that could not be done before in its history.

It constantly improves itself by participating in congresses and meetings at homecountry and abroad every year.

Op.Dr.Mehmet Köksal still works in a Private Clinic in Istanbul.

He is a member of Turkish Medical Association, Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association.

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He was born in Samsun in 1978. After graduating from Faculty of Medicine (Çapa Medicine) of the Istanbul University in 2003, he completed his 6-year residency training at Şişli, Etfal Training and Research Hospital Plastic Surgery Clinic and became a Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist.


In 2008, he received training from world-renowned surgeons at the University of Plastic Surgery Clinic in the New York, United States and participated the surgeries together with the doctors from New York.


He attended courses and congresses about topics such as Breast Aesthetics, Abdominal Aesthetics, Liposuction, Buttock Aesthetics, Rhinoplasty, Facial rejuvenation, Botox and Fillers.

Between 2010 and 2012, he worked at the Plastic Surgery Clinic of Ahi Evran University Kırşehir State Hospital. Kırşehir has carried out many surgeries and innovations that could not be done before in its history.

It constantly improves itself by participating in congresses and meetings at homecountry and abroad every year.

Op.Dr.Mehmet Köksal still works in a Private Clinic in Istanbul.

He is a member of Turkish Medical Association, Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association.

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Opr Dr Mevlut Kalcik
Especialista en trasplante capilar
74 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Elinda Clinic

Opr Dr Mevlut Kalcik

Especialista en trasplante capilar
74 años de experiencia

Estetik Cerrahi: Deneyimli cerrahlarımızla, güncel teknikleri kullanarak estetik cerrahi hizmetleri sunuyoruz. Her bireyin ihtiyacına özel çözümler üreterek, doğal ve estetik sonuçlar elde etmeyi amaçlıyoruz.

Saç, Sakal ve Kaş Ekimi: Saç dökülmesi, seyrek sakal ya da kaş problemleriyle mücadele edenlere özel çözümler sunuyoruz. Uzman ekibimiz, kişinin yüz hatlarına uygun doğal sonuçlar elde etmeyi hedefler.

Dolgu Uygulamaları: Yüz gençleştirme ve kontürleme amacıyla kullanılan dolgu uygulamalarını, uzman estetik cerrahlarımız ile güvenli bir şekilde gerçekleştiriyoruz. Doğallığı ön planda tutan yaklaşımımızla, müşterilerimize istedikleri görünüme kavuşmalarında yardımcı oluyoruz.

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Estetik Cerrahi: Deneyimli cerrahlarımızla, güncel teknikleri kullanarak estetik cerrahi hizmetleri sunuyoruz. Her bireyin ihtiyacına özel çözümler üreterek, doğal ve estetik sonuçlar elde etmeyi amaçlıyoruz.

Saç, Sakal ve Kaş Ekimi: Saç dökülmesi, seyrek sakal ya da kaş problemleriyle mücadele edenlere özel çözümler sunuyoruz. Uzman ekibimiz, kişinin yüz hatlarına uygun doğal sonuçlar elde etmeyi hedefler.

Dolgu Uygulamaları: Yüz gençleştirme ve kontürleme amacıyla kullanılan dolgu uygulamalarını, uzman estetik cerrahlarımız ile güvenli bir şekilde gerçekleştiriyoruz. Doğallığı ön planda tutan yaklaşımımızla, müşterilerimize istedikleri görünüme kavuşmalarında yardımcı oluyoruz.

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