Nacido en Ankara en 1974, el prof. Dr. M. Öner Şanlı recibió su educación primaria y secundaria de TED Después de graduarse de Ankara College; En 1998 se graduó en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Gazi y recibió el título de "doctor". Próximo; En 1999, comenzó su especialidad médica en la Universidad de Estambul, Facultad de Medicina de Estambul, Departamento de Urología. Trabajando activamente en todos los subsectores de la urología durante su formación en la especialidad, que duró unos 5,5 años, el dr. Shanly presentó su disertación sobre "Relación del gen SLC34A2 ubicado en la región 4p15.3-4p1 con la microlitiasis testicular" en diciembre de 2004 y obtuvo el título de "especialista en urología" como resultado de la investigación científica posterior. Continuando con su vida académica y quirúrgica en la institución donde realizó su especialización médica, el Dr. Shanly aprobó con éxito el examen de la Junta Europea de Urología en 2008, y en junio de 2011 se le otorgó el título de "Profesor Asistente de Urología" según los resultados de la evaluación académica y el examen profesional del Consejo Intercolegial. Después de recibir su cátedra en julio de 2017, Shanly se desempeñó como profesor invitado en el Centro Médico Southwestern de la Universidad de Texas desde septiembre de 2016 hasta enero de 2018. Desde enero de 2018, continúa trabajando en la Universidad de Estambul, Facultad de Medicina de Estambul, Departamento de Urología. Además, la Dra. Famoso; Continúa su práctica urológica extracurricular en el Bahçelievler Memorial Hospital.Además, el Dr. Shanly ganó una beca para estudiar uro-oncología de una empresa farmacéutica en el año 2005, y aprovechando esta oportunidad en el Departamento de Urología de la Universidad de Michigan, tuvo la oportunidad de estudiar la aplicación de la técnica quirúrgica "laparoscopia" en el campo de la urología. . Posteriormente, la Dra. Šanly tuvo la oportunidad de desarrollar esta técnica en la Clínica Urológica Heildelberg de la Universidad de Heilbronn, recibiendo una beca de formación de la Asociación Europea de Urología en 2008. Dr. Además de este desarrollo en un glorioso campo profesional, en paralelo con el concepto de "cirujano científico" que ha surgido recientemente, además de participar en la investigación médica básica, especialmente en el subcampo de uro-oncología y uro-oncología. investigación clínica; trató de actuar. El Dr. Shanly ha contribuido a más de 90 artículos publicados en todo el mundo hasta la fecha y aún continúa activamente su vida académica, especialmente en los campos de la urooncología y la urología laparoscópica. Dr. Además de ser miembro de la Gloriosa Asociación Europea de Urología y de la Asociación Mundial de Endourólogos; Participa activamente en la Asociación Turca de Urología y la Asociación Turca de Endourología. También formó parte de la junta directiva de la Endourology Society y fue exeditor del Bulletin of Endourology y exeditor asistente del Turkish Journal of Urology. Las subdisciplinas de la urología se pueden resumir de la siguiente manera: urología general, urooncología, cáncer de próstata, cáncer de riñón, cáncer de vejiga, cáncer testicular, agrandamiento benigno de la próstata, cirugía laparoscópica urológica, cirugía robótica.
Mostrar másNacido en Ankara en 1974, el prof. Dr. M. Öner Şanlı recibió su educación primaria y secundaria de TED Después de graduarse de Ankara College; En 1998 se graduó en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Gazi y recibió el título de "doctor". Próximo; En 1999, comenzó su especialidad médica en la Universidad de Estambul, Facultad de Medicina de Estambul, Departamento de Urología. Trabajando activamente en todos los subsectores de la urología durante su formación en la especialidad, que duró unos 5,5 años, el dr. Shanly presentó su disertación sobre "Relación del gen SLC34A2 ubicado en la región 4p15.3-4p1 con la microlitiasis testicular" en diciembre de 2004 y obtuvo el título de "especialista en urología" como resultado de la investigación científica posterior. Continuando con su vida académica y quirúrgica en la institución donde realizó su especialización médica, el Dr. Shanly aprobó con éxito el examen de la Junta Europea de Urología en 2008, y en junio de 2011 se le otorgó el título de "Profesor Asistente de Urología" según los resultados de la evaluación académica y el examen profesional del Consejo Intercolegial. Después de recibir su cátedra en julio de 2017, Shanly se desempeñó como profesor invitado en el Centro Médico Southwestern de la Universidad de Texas desde septiembre de 2016 hasta enero de 2018. Desde enero de 2018, continúa trabajando en la Universidad de Estambul, Facultad de Medicina de Estambul, Departamento de Urología. Además, la Dra. Famoso; Continúa su práctica urológica extracurricular en el Bahçelievler Memorial Hospital.Además, el Dr. Shanly ganó una beca para estudiar uro-oncología de una empresa farmacéutica en el año 2005, y aprovechando esta oportunidad en el Departamento de Urología de la Universidad de Michigan, tuvo la oportunidad de estudiar la aplicación de la técnica quirúrgica "laparoscopia" en el campo de la urología. . Posteriormente, la Dra. Šanly tuvo la oportunidad de desarrollar esta técnica en la Clínica Urológica Heildelberg de la Universidad de Heilbronn, recibiendo una beca de formación de la Asociación Europea de Urología en 2008. Dr. Además de este desarrollo en un glorioso campo profesional, en paralelo con el concepto de "cirujano científico" que ha surgido recientemente, además de participar en la investigación médica básica, especialmente en el subcampo de uro-oncología y uro-oncología. investigación clínica; trató de actuar. El Dr. Shanly ha contribuido a más de 90 artículos publicados en todo el mundo hasta la fecha y aún continúa activamente su vida académica, especialmente en los campos de la urooncología y la urología laparoscópica. Dr. Además de ser miembro de la Gloriosa Asociación Europea de Urología y de la Asociación Mundial de Endourólogos; Participa activamente en la Asociación Turca de Urología y la Asociación Turca de Endourología. También formó parte de la junta directiva de la Endourology Society y fue exeditor del Bulletin of Endourology y exeditor asistente del Turkish Journal of Urology. Las subdisciplinas de la urología se pueden resumir de la siguiente manera: urología general, urooncología, cáncer de próstata, cáncer de riñón, cáncer de vejiga, cáncer testicular, agrandamiento benigno de la próstata, cirugía laparoscópica urológica, cirugía robótica.
La Dra. Shruti Kate es una oncóloga altamente capacitada y experimentada, que se especializa en el tratamiento de diferentes tipos de cáncer, incluidos los cánceres de pulmón, mama y ginecológico. Ha realizado una extensa investigación en el campo y fue la única ganadora de un premio de viaje desde la India en la Conferencia Mundial sobre el Cáncer de Pulmón de 2018.
Mostrar másLa Dra. Shruti Kate es una oncóloga altamente capacitada y experimentada, que se especializa en el tratamiento de diferentes tipos de cáncer, incluidos los cánceres de pulmón, mama y ginecológico. Ha realizado una extensa investigación en el campo y fue la única ganadora de un premio de viaje desde la India en la Conferencia Mundial sobre el Cáncer de Pulmón de 2018.
El Dr. Ahmer Arif Shaikh es un MDS con 3 años de experiencia en oncología quirúrgica. Es experto en cáncer bucal, preservación de órganos y rehabilitación funcional de pacientes con cáncer bucal. También es competente en la realización de importantes cirugías maxilofaciales y de cabeza y cuello, y tiene una beca de formación en oncología quirúrgica de cabeza y cuello del Centro de Cáncer HCG Manavata, Nashik. También es un investigador con muchas publicaciones bajo su nombre.
Mostrar másEl Dr. Ahmer Arif Shaikh es un MDS con 3 años de experiencia en oncología quirúrgica. Es experto en cáncer bucal, preservación de órganos y rehabilitación funcional de pacientes con cáncer bucal. También es competente en la realización de importantes cirugías maxilofaciales y de cabeza y cuello, y tiene una beca de formación en oncología quirúrgica de cabeza y cuello del Centro de Cáncer HCG Manavata, Nashik. También es un investigador con muchas publicaciones bajo su nombre.
El Dr. Lalit es un cirujano oncológico altamente experimentado con 10 años de experiencia y más de 10,000 cirugías mayores realizadas. Ha realizado su MBBS de MIMER, Pune y MS de GMC Panaji. Tiene una beca de investigación en Oncología Quirúrgica y trabajó como co-investigador principal en múltiples investigaciones originales. Es conocido por su enfoque ético y amigable con el paciente, y su principal interés son las cirugías de cáncer mínimamente invasivas.
Mostrar másEl Dr. Lalit es un cirujano oncológico altamente experimentado con 10 años de experiencia y más de 10,000 cirugías mayores realizadas. Ha realizado su MBBS de MIMER, Pune y MS de GMC Panaji. Tiene una beca de investigación en Oncología Quirúrgica y trabajó como co-investigador principal en múltiples investigaciones originales. Es conocido por su enfoque ético y amigable con el paciente, y su principal interés son las cirugías de cáncer mínimamente invasivas.
El Dr. X tiene una Licenciatura en Medicina de la Universidad de Mysore, India y un Doctorado en Medicina en radioterapia de la Universidad Hindú de Banaras, India. Es Diplomado de la Junta Nacional de Examen y es miembro de la Asociación de Oncología Radioterápica de la India, la Sociedad de Neurooncología, el Grupo de Oncología de Bangalore y la Asociación India de Oncología de Hipertermia.
Mostrar másEl Dr. X tiene una Licenciatura en Medicina de la Universidad de Mysore, India y un Doctorado en Medicina en radioterapia de la Universidad Hindú de Banaras, India. Es Diplomado de la Junta Nacional de Examen y es miembro de la Asociación de Oncología Radioterápica de la India, la Sociedad de Neurooncología, el Grupo de Oncología de Bangalore y la Asociación India de Oncología de Hipertermia.
El Dr. Aby Madan es un urólogo experimentado en el Hospital Aster Cedars, Jebel Ali, con un MBBS de Trivandrum Medical College, MS de Kottayam Medical College, MRCSEd de Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh y M.Ch de Calicut Medical College. Ha ocupado puestos de responsabilidad en prestigiosos centros médicos y es experto en cirugía laparoscópica, endourología, litiasis urinaria y patología prostática.
Mostrar másEl Dr. Aby Madan es un urólogo experimentado en el Hospital Aster Cedars, Jebel Ali, con un MBBS de Trivandrum Medical College, MS de Kottayam Medical College, MRCSEd de Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh y M.Ch de Calicut Medical College. Ha ocupado puestos de responsabilidad en prestigiosos centros médicos y es experto en cirugía laparoscópica, endourología, litiasis urinaria y patología prostática.
El Dr. Ismael Ávila Íñiguez es Cirujano General y Urólogo certificado, egresado de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara con honores y ha realizado más de 3,000 procedimientos quirúrgicos Urológicos y Oncológicos. Es miembro de diversas asociaciones y ha sido reconocido por su trabajo en unidades de trasplante de órganos y atención del cáncer. Asiste regularmente a seminarios tanto en Estados Unidos como en México.
Mostrar másEl Dr. Ismael Ávila Íñiguez es Cirujano General y Urólogo certificado, egresado de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara con honores y ha realizado más de 3,000 procedimientos quirúrgicos Urológicos y Oncológicos. Es miembro de diversas asociaciones y ha sido reconocido por su trabajo en unidades de trasplante de órganos y atención del cáncer. Asiste regularmente a seminarios tanto en Estados Unidos como en México.
Dr. Sertkaya graduated from Konya Meram Science High School in 2001 and entered Gazi University Medical Faculty the same year, graduating in 2008. He completed his urology specialization at Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital in 2014, becoming a urology specialist.
Since becoming a specialist, he has focused on the sub-branch of Andrology, attending various training sessions and conferences and performing surgeries with some of the world's leading Andrology professors. In 2017, he passed the written and oral proficiency exams conducted by the European Association of Urology, earning the title of "FEBU."
In 2020, Dr. Sertkaya achieved the rank of Associate Professor of Urology. His journey in Urology and Andrology, which began in 2008, continues at the Andro Expertise Male Health and Aesthetics Center, which he founded in 2022. He sees patients in his own clinic and performs surgeries at affiliated hospitals.
Mostrar másDr. Sertkaya graduated from Konya Meram Science High School in 2001 and entered Gazi University Medical Faculty the same year, graduating in 2008. He completed his urology specialization at Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital in 2014, becoming a urology specialist.
Since becoming a specialist, he has focused on the sub-branch of Andrology, attending various training sessions and conferences and performing surgeries with some of the world's leading Andrology professors. In 2017, he passed the written and oral proficiency exams conducted by the European Association of Urology, earning the title of "FEBU."
In 2020, Dr. Sertkaya achieved the rank of Associate Professor of Urology. His journey in Urology and Andrology, which began in 2008, continues at the Andro Expertise Male Health and Aesthetics Center, which he founded in 2022. He sees patients in his own clinic and performs surgeries at affiliated hospitals.
El Dr. Baris Nuhoglu es un reputado especialista en urooncología, endourología y urología pediátrica. Su carrera incluye cargos como el de Jefe de Urología en varias instituciones, numerosas afiliaciones profesionales y una extensa lista de publicaciones. Ha recibido formación en diversas operaciones, como la ablación por ultrasonidos focalizados de alta intensidad (HIFU), la nefrectomía y la prostatectomía robótica da Vinci, entre otras.
Mostrar másEl Dr. Baris Nuhoglu es un reputado especialista en urooncología, endourología y urología pediátrica. Su carrera incluye cargos como el de Jefe de Urología en varias instituciones, numerosas afiliaciones profesionales y una extensa lista de publicaciones. Ha recibido formación en diversas operaciones, como la ablación por ultrasonidos focalizados de alta intensidad (HIFU), la nefrectomía y la prostatectomía robótica da Vinci, entre otras.
Accepting patients in the Urology medical unit of Florya Hospital, Prof. Dr. Semih Ayan completed his education at Sivas Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine in 1997 and received the title of Urology Specialist. In 1999, he became a Postdoctoral Fellow in Pediatric Urology at Harvard University; He became Associate Professor of Urology in 2003 and Professor of Urology in 2009. In 2015, he completed his Minimal Invasive Urological Oncology (Clinical Fellow) studies at the University of Chicago and crowned his professional education and experience with international studies.
In the field of Urological Oncology, which is one of the physician's areas of interest, surgical treatment of prostate cancer, bladder cancer and kidney tumors provides a significant increase in the survival rate and the chance of surviving cancer. In the field of Pediatric Urology, which is another area of interest, congenital anomalies such as renal outflow stenosis, urinary reflux to the kidney and hypospadias are corrected by using innovative surgical applications and a lifelong contribution is provided to the patients.
Medical equipment required for medical diagnosis, treatment and surgical treatment to be given in the areas specified in our urology units, laparoscopic surgeries and all kinds of equipment suitable for the use of new surgical techniques are available in our hospital. With the treatment and operations performed in our hospitals by making use of the best facilities offered by medical technology, a significant increase in the quality of life is achieved while the patients are healed.
prof. Dr. Semih Ayan received almost all of his medical education and certificates from the leading institutions of America and Europe, and gained deep knowledge and international experience in many advanced specialties of urology. prof. Dr. Among the trainings and certificates Ayan has received internationally;
American Medical License (USML)
Pediatric Urology Fellow (1999-2000/Boston, USA)
Urological Oncology Fellow (2014-2015/USA).
Mostrar másAccepting patients in the Urology medical unit of Florya Hospital, Prof. Dr. Semih Ayan completed his education at Sivas Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine in 1997 and received the title of Urology Specialist. In 1999, he became a Postdoctoral Fellow in Pediatric Urology at Harvard University; He became Associate Professor of Urology in 2003 and Professor of Urology in 2009. In 2015, he completed his Minimal Invasive Urological Oncology (Clinical Fellow) studies at the University of Chicago and crowned his professional education and experience with international studies.
In the field of Urological Oncology, which is one of the physician's areas of interest, surgical treatment of prostate cancer, bladder cancer and kidney tumors provides a significant increase in the survival rate and the chance of surviving cancer. In the field of Pediatric Urology, which is another area of interest, congenital anomalies such as renal outflow stenosis, urinary reflux to the kidney and hypospadias are corrected by using innovative surgical applications and a lifelong contribution is provided to the patients.
Medical equipment required for medical diagnosis, treatment and surgical treatment to be given in the areas specified in our urology units, laparoscopic surgeries and all kinds of equipment suitable for the use of new surgical techniques are available in our hospital. With the treatment and operations performed in our hospitals by making use of the best facilities offered by medical technology, a significant increase in the quality of life is achieved while the patients are healed.
prof. Dr. Semih Ayan received almost all of his medical education and certificates from the leading institutions of America and Europe, and gained deep knowledge and international experience in many advanced specialties of urology. prof. Dr. Among the trainings and certificates Ayan has received internationally;
American Medical License (USML)
Pediatric Urology Fellow (1999-2000/Boston, USA)
Urological Oncology Fellow (2014-2015/USA).
Expertise: | Urology |
Education :
University: School of Medicine (English), Marmara University, 1989-1997
Residency: Urology / Urology Clinic, Dr Lütfü Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital 1998-2003
Medical Specialty Thesis and Supervisors: The Role of Nerve Growth Factor in Bladder Outflow Obstruction, Assoc. Prof. Uğur Kuyumcuoğlu, M.D.
Assoc. Prof.: Urology Clinic, Dr Lütfü Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital 2013
Biography :
Resident / Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital (1998 – 2003)
• Army Physician / Sarıkamış 200-Bed Military Hospital (2003-2004)
• Chief Resident / Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital (2004 – 2017)
• Physician / Aydın Atatürk State Hospital (2017)
• Physician / Kocaeli Acıbadem Hospital (2017-2018)
• Physician / Adatıp Hospital (2018-…)
Area of Specialty :
İçerik Yazınız
Memberships :
Turkish Association of Urologic Surgery
Turkish Association of Urology
Turkish Association of Andrology
Society of Endourology
Urooncology Association
Turkish Medical Association
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Expertise: | Urology |
Education :
University: School of Medicine (English), Marmara University, 1989-1997
Residency: Urology / Urology Clinic, Dr Lütfü Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital 1998-2003
Medical Specialty Thesis and Supervisors: The Role of Nerve Growth Factor in Bladder Outflow Obstruction, Assoc. Prof. Uğur Kuyumcuoğlu, M.D.
Assoc. Prof.: Urology Clinic, Dr Lütfü Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital 2013
Biography :
Resident / Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital (1998 – 2003)
• Army Physician / Sarıkamış 200-Bed Military Hospital (2003-2004)
• Chief Resident / Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital (2004 – 2017)
• Physician / Aydın Atatürk State Hospital (2017)
• Physician / Kocaeli Acıbadem Hospital (2017-2018)
• Physician / Adatıp Hospital (2018-…)
Area of Specialty :
İçerik Yazınız
Memberships :
Turkish Association of Urologic Surgery
Turkish Association of Urology
Turkish Association of Andrology
Society of Endourology
Urooncology Association
Turkish Medical Association
Physician's Curriculum Vitae
Education and Specialization
1983-1989 - Firat University Faculty of Medicine
1993-1997 - DR. ZEKAI TAHIR BURAK WOMEN'S DISEASES AND BIRTH HOSPITAL, Women's Diseases and Obstetrics Specialization Training
Medicalpark Bahçelievler Hospital, Women's Diseases and Obstetrics Specialist
Kayseri Private Ibn Sina Hospital, Women's Diseases and Obstetrics Specialist
Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak Women's Diseases and Obstetrics Training and Research Hospital, Women's Diseases and Obstetrics Specialist
Courses and Certifications
(2011) 20th Annual Congress of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) 2011, London
(2009) PGS: Is it the correct answer to the right question? Fertility treatment: from the past to the future. October 2–3, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic
(2009) 8th TURKISH-GERMAN Gynecology Congress, April 29–May 3, 2009, Antalya; Ovulation Induction Course
(2005) American Hospital Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy Course
(2002) 2nd National In Vitro Fertilization Ovulation Induction Course
(1997) Dr. ZTB Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy Courses
(1995) ITEM Laparoscopy Basic Training Course
Professional Memberships
Turkish Society of Gynecology
National Perinatology Association
Turkish Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (TSRM)
Mostrar másPhysician's Curriculum Vitae
Education and Specialization
1983-1989 - Firat University Faculty of Medicine
1993-1997 - DR. ZEKAI TAHIR BURAK WOMEN'S DISEASES AND BIRTH HOSPITAL, Women's Diseases and Obstetrics Specialization Training
Medicalpark Bahçelievler Hospital, Women's Diseases and Obstetrics Specialist
Kayseri Private Ibn Sina Hospital, Women's Diseases and Obstetrics Specialist
Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak Women's Diseases and Obstetrics Training and Research Hospital, Women's Diseases and Obstetrics Specialist
Courses and Certifications
(2011) 20th Annual Congress of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) 2011, London
(2009) PGS: Is it the correct answer to the right question? Fertility treatment: from the past to the future. October 2–3, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic
(2009) 8th TURKISH-GERMAN Gynecology Congress, April 29–May 3, 2009, Antalya; Ovulation Induction Course
(2005) American Hospital Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy Course
(2002) 2nd National In Vitro Fertilization Ovulation Induction Course
(1997) Dr. ZTB Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy Courses
(1995) ITEM Laparoscopy Basic Training Course
Professional Memberships
Turkish Society of Gynecology
National Perinatology Association
Turkish Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (TSRM)
He was born in Niğde which is the city middle part of Anatolia. He studied high school in Adana. He graduated from Ankara University Medical School of Medicine. He started his career at Bakırköy Neurological Sciences Hospital in Zeki Oral MD.’s Clinic in 1987 and finished his Neurosurgery residency in 1993. During this period, he completed his micro neurosurgery education, which was a breakthrough for him, at Zurich University “Professor M. Gazi Yaşargil’s Clinic”.
Between 1993-2003, he worked as a teaching assistant and then as an assistant professor at the Professor Necmettin Pamir’s Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, Marmara University. At the same time, he obtained clinical and surgical gains in the field of neurooncology and vascular neurosurgery at Professor Donlin M. Long and Daniele Rigamonti's Clinic at Johns Hopkins University, USA. In 2003, he received the title of Associate Professor of Neurosurgery.
Between 2004-2010, he worked as Chief of Clinic in Göztepe Training and Research Hospital of Ministry of Health. During this period, he led his clinic to become the only accredited clinic by EANS (The European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) in Turkey, with its educational and care services. During this period, he completed his endoscopic skull base training starting at the University of Pittsburgh.
In 2010, he started to work for Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine and became a Professor of Neurosurgery. He established the Neurosurgery Department in Medipol University Faculty of Medicine on 2012. He served as a Head of Neurosurgery Department in Memorial Health Group Istanbul Hospitals between 2014-2018. He served Neurosurgery Department of Maslak Hospital of Acıbadem Health Group with his team between 2018- September 2021.
Since 01.10.2021, He have started to work with his team at my private clinic located in Fulya and Ulus Hospital of Liv Health Group.
He served as the founding chairman of ”Skull Base Society” in Turkey. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the European Skull Base Society (ESBS).
There are more than 110 scientific papers which he hs published in international refereed journals (SCI/SCIEx) and in national refereed journals and 18 scientific articles. He Has more than 250 scientific congress presentations, published books and chapters in books.
Mostrar másHe was born in Niğde which is the city middle part of Anatolia. He studied high school in Adana. He graduated from Ankara University Medical School of Medicine. He started his career at Bakırköy Neurological Sciences Hospital in Zeki Oral MD.’s Clinic in 1987 and finished his Neurosurgery residency in 1993. During this period, he completed his micro neurosurgery education, which was a breakthrough for him, at Zurich University “Professor M. Gazi Yaşargil’s Clinic”.
Between 1993-2003, he worked as a teaching assistant and then as an assistant professor at the Professor Necmettin Pamir’s Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, Marmara University. At the same time, he obtained clinical and surgical gains in the field of neurooncology and vascular neurosurgery at Professor Donlin M. Long and Daniele Rigamonti's Clinic at Johns Hopkins University, USA. In 2003, he received the title of Associate Professor of Neurosurgery.
Between 2004-2010, he worked as Chief of Clinic in Göztepe Training and Research Hospital of Ministry of Health. During this period, he led his clinic to become the only accredited clinic by EANS (The European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) in Turkey, with its educational and care services. During this period, he completed his endoscopic skull base training starting at the University of Pittsburgh.
In 2010, he started to work for Acıbadem University Faculty of Medicine and became a Professor of Neurosurgery. He established the Neurosurgery Department in Medipol University Faculty of Medicine on 2012. He served as a Head of Neurosurgery Department in Memorial Health Group Istanbul Hospitals between 2014-2018. He served Neurosurgery Department of Maslak Hospital of Acıbadem Health Group with his team between 2018- September 2021.
Since 01.10.2021, He have started to work with his team at my private clinic located in Fulya and Ulus Hospital of Liv Health Group.
He served as the founding chairman of ”Skull Base Society” in Turkey. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the European Skull Base Society (ESBS).
There are more than 110 scientific papers which he hs published in international refereed journals (SCI/SCIEx) and in national refereed journals and 18 scientific articles. He Has more than 250 scientific congress presentations, published books and chapters in books.
Education and Experiences
2016 – today
Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital
Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology – Gynecologic Oncologist / Minimally Invasive & Robotic Surgery
2014 - 2016
Liv Hospital Ulus, Istanbul
Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology – Gynecologic Oncologist / Minimally Invasive & Robotic Surgery
Florida Hospital, Orlando, United States of America
Nov-Dec: Education and Certification in Robotic Surgery, Minimal Invasive Gynecology Unit & Fellowship Program, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
2011 - 2015
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University
Faculty Member as an Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology – Gynecologic Oncologist / Division of Gynecologic Oncology
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University
Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology
2008 - 2013
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University
PhD Degree in Molecular Medicine, DETAE (Institute of Experimental Medicine and Research), Department of Molecular Medicine
2004 - 2011
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University
Specialist and Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology – Gynecologic Oncology / Division of Gynecologic Oncology / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
2004 - 2007
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University
Subspecialist in Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Gynecologic Oncology (Accepted as a subspecialty in 2011 in Turkey)
1998 - 2004
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Working and directing inpatient and outpatient clinics treating patients with all gynecologic and obstetric problems; EBCOG residency training accredited tertiary care center of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK, Internship
Internship in Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology Unit
University of Leeds, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK, Rotationer
Clinical Rotation in Paediatrics
1992 - 1998
Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical School
Medical Doctor (MD), Practice of general medicine (English branch)
1985 - 1992
Istanbul American Robert College
High School Diploma, Excellent spoken and written English Integrative education classes covering basic and advanced science, mathematics and social studies
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Education and Experiences
2016 – today
Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital
Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology – Gynecologic Oncologist / Minimally Invasive & Robotic Surgery
2014 - 2016
Liv Hospital Ulus, Istanbul
Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology – Gynecologic Oncologist / Minimally Invasive & Robotic Surgery
Florida Hospital, Orlando, United States of America
Nov-Dec: Education and Certification in Robotic Surgery, Minimal Invasive Gynecology Unit & Fellowship Program, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
2011 - 2015
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University
Faculty Member as an Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology – Gynecologic Oncologist / Division of Gynecologic Oncology
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University
Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology
2008 - 2013
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University
PhD Degree in Molecular Medicine, DETAE (Institute of Experimental Medicine and Research), Department of Molecular Medicine
2004 - 2011
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University
Specialist and Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology – Gynecologic Oncology / Division of Gynecologic Oncology / Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
2004 - 2007
Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University
Subspecialist in Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Gynecologic Oncology (Accepted as a subspecialty in 2011 in Turkey)
1998 - 2004
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Working and directing inpatient and outpatient clinics treating patients with all gynecologic and obstetric problems; EBCOG residency training accredited tertiary care center of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK, Internship
Internship in Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology Unit
University of Leeds, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK, Rotationer
Clinical Rotation in Paediatrics
1992 - 1998
Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical School
Medical Doctor (MD), Practice of general medicine (English branch)
1985 - 1992
Istanbul American Robert College
High School Diploma, Excellent spoken and written English Integrative education classes covering basic and advanced science, mathematics and social studies
1. The Course of Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery, 1990, Oulu, Finland.
2. European Course participation that holds by EANS for 5 years cycle (Amsterdam/1988, Rostock/1989, Çeşme/1994, Klagenfurt/1995, Aalborg/1996).
3. "Primary Examination" for European Board was passed in Klagenfurt,1995, Austria.
4."Advanced Training on Functional Disorders with Leksell Gamma Knife", 2004, Marseille, France.
5. "Advanced Training on Vestibular Schwannomas and Skull Base Surgery wiyh Leksell Gamma Knife", 2004, Marseille, France.
6. The certificate for "DISC Nucleoplasty in Cervical and Lumbar Disc Diseases", 2004, Freiburg, Germany.
7. "Neuropathfinder" Train - the - Trainer Meeting, 2009, Wien, Austria.
8. " Neuropathfinder" Train - the - Trainer Meeting, 2011, Athens, Greece.
9. The certificate for "Full- Endoscopic Spine Surgery", 2011, Herne, Germany.
Mostrar másCertificates
1. The Course of Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery, 1990, Oulu, Finland.
2. European Course participation that holds by EANS for 5 years cycle (Amsterdam/1988, Rostock/1989, Çeşme/1994, Klagenfurt/1995, Aalborg/1996).
3. "Primary Examination" for European Board was passed in Klagenfurt,1995, Austria.
4."Advanced Training on Functional Disorders with Leksell Gamma Knife", 2004, Marseille, France.
5. "Advanced Training on Vestibular Schwannomas and Skull Base Surgery wiyh Leksell Gamma Knife", 2004, Marseille, France.
6. The certificate for "DISC Nucleoplasty in Cervical and Lumbar Disc Diseases", 2004, Freiburg, Germany.
7. "Neuropathfinder" Train - the - Trainer Meeting, 2009, Wien, Austria.
8. " Neuropathfinder" Train - the - Trainer Meeting, 2011, Athens, Greece.
9. The certificate for "Full- Endoscopic Spine Surgery", 2011, Herne, Germany.