Brackets metálicos autoligables H4 (EE. UU.), 1 mordaza
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Brackets metálicos autoligables H4 (EE. UU.), 1 mordaza
Todos los tratamientos
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Los mejores dentistas de Brackets metálicos autoligables H4 (EE. UU.), 1 mordaza — TOP-85 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Asli Tapan Kavusturan
24 años de experiencia
303 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Memorial Sisli Hospital

Asli Tapan Kavusturan

24 años de experiencia


2016 - Present



2009 - 2016



2000 - 2009




1992 - 1997




Seminario de formación en prótesis 1997

Congreso de Odontología TDB 2002 / 2003 / 2004/2006

TDBCenturyCongreso en Odontología Científica

Sexto Congreso y Exposición Científica Internacional de la Cámara de Dentistas de la Región del Egeo 2006

Sexto Congreso y Exposición Científico Internacional de la Cámara de Dentistas de la Región del Egeo Curso de blanqueamiento dental 2006

Cursos teórico-prácticos de implantología oral Abril 2004

Cursos teórico-prácticos de implantología oral Marzo 2004

Congreso EDAD de Estambul 2006

Seminario de Comunicación Dental 2006

Simposio de primavera de la Cámara de dentistas de Ankara, 2007, Chipre

Simposio de primavera de la Cámara de dentistas de Ankara 2008, Antalya

Miembro de la Asociación Dental Turca Miembro del Equipo Internacional de Implantología (ITI)

Miembro de la Academia de Odontología Estética

Mostrar más


2016 - Present



2009 - 2016



2000 - 2009




1992 - 1997




Seminario de formación en prótesis 1997

Congreso de Odontología TDB 2002 / 2003 / 2004/2006

TDBCenturyCongreso en Odontología Científica

Sexto Congreso y Exposición Científica Internacional de la Cámara de Dentistas de la Región del Egeo 2006

Sexto Congreso y Exposición Científico Internacional de la Cámara de Dentistas de la Región del Egeo Curso de blanqueamiento dental 2006

Cursos teórico-prácticos de implantología oral Abril 2004

Cursos teórico-prácticos de implantología oral Marzo 2004

Congreso EDAD de Estambul 2006

Seminario de Comunicación Dental 2006

Simposio de primavera de la Cámara de dentistas de Ankara, 2007, Chipre

Simposio de primavera de la Cámara de dentistas de Ankara 2008, Antalya

Miembro de la Asociación Dental Turca Miembro del Equipo Internacional de Implantología (ITI)

Miembro de la Academia de Odontología Estética

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Salih Seven
11 años de experiencia
144 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Salih Seven

11 años de experiencia

Licenciatura de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Cumhuriyet, con especialización de la misma institución. Con experiencia en policlínica privada y práctica privada, y ha asistido a varios cursos, seminarios y congresos, incluido el 7º Congreso Científico Internacional de la Universidad de Estambul (2014), Carillas de lámina de porcelana en diseño de sonrisa 2017 Vesta Akademi, International Tdb 2017 Dental Scientific Congress, International Tdb 2018 Dental Congreso Científico, Congreso Científico de Odontología International Greatist 2017, Congreso Dental International Greatist 2018, Curso de Implantología Básica Aplicada 2016 Lykia Dent Akademi, Curso de Implantología Avanzada 2016 Lykia Dent Akademi, y Curso de Implant Top Prosthesis 2019 Vesta Akademi.

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Licenciatura de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Cumhuriyet, con especialización de la misma institución. Con experiencia en policlínica privada y práctica privada, y ha asistido a varios cursos, seminarios y congresos, incluido el 7º Congreso Científico Internacional de la Universidad de Estambul (2014), Carillas de lámina de porcelana en diseño de sonrisa 2017 Vesta Akademi, International Tdb 2017 Dental Scientific Congress, International Tdb 2018 Dental Congreso Científico, Congreso Científico de Odontología International Greatist 2017, Congreso Dental International Greatist 2018, Curso de Implantología Básica Aplicada 2016 Lykia Dent Akademi, Curso de Implantología Avanzada 2016 Lykia Dent Akademi, y Curso de Implant Top Prosthesis 2019 Vesta Akademi.

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Seniz Ustundag
17 años de experiencia
144 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Seniz Ustundag

17 años de experiencia
Licenciatura en Odontología de la Universidad de Marmara, especializada en Odontología y actualmente practicando Medicina.Mostrar más
Licenciatura en Odontología de la Universidad de Marmara, especializada en Odontología y actualmente practicando Medicina.
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Ali Aral
25 años de experiencia
144 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Ali Aral

25 años de experiencia
Doctor con una Licenciatura en Odontología de la Universidad de Estambul, con especialidad en Implantología Oral. Con experiencia en la Clínica Dental Dentoptima, la Odontología Protésica GATA, la Universidad de Nijmegen St. Radboud y el Departamento de Implantología Oral de la Universidad de Estambul.Mostrar más
Doctor con una Licenciatura en Odontología de la Universidad de Estambul, con especialidad en Implantología Oral. Con experiencia en la Clínica Dental Dentoptima, la Odontología Protésica GATA, la Universidad de Nijmegen St. Radboud y el Departamento de Implantología Oral de la Universidad de Estambul.
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Mithat Terzi
15 años de experiencia
144 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Mithat Terzi

15 años de experiencia
Asistente Asoc. El Dr. es especialista en tratamientos de implantes dentales, cirugía avanzada de implantes, cirugía plástica periodontal, cirugía de tejidos blandos, microcirugía, aumentos óseos en 3D, tratamientos de elevación de seno mínimamente invasivos, diseño de sonrisa digital, botox, acupuntura, mesoterapia, tratamiento de bruxismo, ATM y migraña. y tratamientos dentales asistidos por láser. Tiene una licenciatura en Odontología de la Universidad Atatürk y experiencia en Periodoncia de la Universidad Afyon Kocatepe y la Universidad Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal.Mostrar más
Asistente Asoc. El Dr. es especialista en tratamientos de implantes dentales, cirugía avanzada de implantes, cirugía plástica periodontal, cirugía de tejidos blandos, microcirugía, aumentos óseos en 3D, tratamientos de elevación de seno mínimamente invasivos, diseño de sonrisa digital, botox, acupuntura, mesoterapia, tratamiento de bruxismo, ATM y migraña. y tratamientos dentales asistidos por láser. Tiene una licenciatura en Odontología de la Universidad Atatürk y experiencia en Periodoncia de la Universidad Afyon Kocatepe y la Universidad Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal.
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Banu Onur Cakmakci
23 años de experiencia
144 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Banu Onur Cakmakci

23 años de experiencia

El Dr. X tiene un interés médico en la odontología estética, como laminados, inlay-onlays, blanqueamiento y zirconio, así como en terapias protésicas, como prótesis sobre implante. Recibió su educación universitaria de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Estambul y ha recibido certificados de seminarios, cursos y congresos internacionales relacionados con odontología estética, implantología avanzada, carillas laminadas de porcelana y diseño de sonrisa.

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El Dr. X tiene un interés médico en la odontología estética, como laminados, inlay-onlays, blanqueamiento y zirconio, así como en terapias protésicas, como prótesis sobre implante. Recibió su educación universitaria de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Estambul y ha recibido certificados de seminarios, cursos y congresos internacionales relacionados con odontología estética, implantología avanzada, carillas laminadas de porcelana y diseño de sonrisa.

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Tran Thi Giang
3 años de experiencia
Clínica dental Greenfield

Tran Thi Giang

3 años de experiencia

Educación :

Doctor en Cirugía Dental, Universidad Médica de Hanoi

Carillas avanzadas y rehabilitación de boca completa

Curso básico de implantes de Dentium Academy

Curso básico de formación en ortodoncia

Participe en el seminario sobre tratamientos contemporáneos para la enfermedad de las manchas blancas del Instituto de Odonto-Estomatología de la Universidad Médica de Hanoi


Experiencia Profesional:

Experiencia : 4 años +

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Educación :

Doctor en Cirugía Dental, Universidad Médica de Hanoi

Carillas avanzadas y rehabilitación de boca completa

Curso básico de implantes de Dentium Academy

Curso básico de formación en ortodoncia

Participe en el seminario sobre tratamientos contemporáneos para la enfermedad de las manchas blancas del Instituto de Odonto-Estomatología de la Universidad Médica de Hanoi


Experiencia Profesional:

Experiencia : 4 años +

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Napapas Nidhidvanich
29 años de experiencia
Tailandia, Bangkok
Intrarat Hospital

Napapas Nidhidvanich

29 años de experiencia

Dr. Napapas Nidhidvanich

Dentista endodóntico

Graduado (MD de)

Doctor en Cirugía Dental, Universidad de Chulalongkorn, honores de segunda clase

Maestría en Ciencias (Endodoncia), Universidad de Chulalongkorn

El especialista dental se centra en problemas dentales complejos que afectan principalmente la pulpa dental, los nervios, los vasos sanguíneos y otros tejidos en lo profundo de cada diente.


Diplomático de la Junta tailandesa de endodoncia

Puestos actuales

Endodoncista en Intrarat Hospita

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Dr. Napapas Nidhidvanich

Dentista endodóntico

Graduado (MD de)

Doctor en Cirugía Dental, Universidad de Chulalongkorn, honores de segunda clase

Maestría en Ciencias (Endodoncia), Universidad de Chulalongkorn

El especialista dental se centra en problemas dentales complejos que afectan principalmente la pulpa dental, los nervios, los vasos sanguíneos y otros tejidos en lo profundo de cada diente.


Diplomático de la Junta tailandesa de endodoncia

Puestos actuales

Endodoncista en Intrarat Hospita

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Vo Nguyen Linh Chi
5 años de experiencia
Clínica dental Greenfield

Vo Nguyen Linh Chi

5 años de experiencia


Doctor en Cirugía Dental, Universidad Médica de Hanoi

Formación sobre los fundamentos de Invisalign (Align, Invisalign, iTero, exocad)

Ortodoncia básica y aplicaciones clínicas por NOW Ortho Club y Đại Tấn Company

El arte de la restauración moderna mínimamente invasiva.

Experiencia Profesional:

Experiencia : 6 años +

Mostrar más


Doctor en Cirugía Dental, Universidad Médica de Hanoi

Formación sobre los fundamentos de Invisalign (Align, Invisalign, iTero, exocad)

Ortodoncia básica y aplicaciones clínicas por NOW Ortho Club y Đại Tấn Company

El arte de la restauración moderna mínimamente invasiva.

Experiencia Profesional:

Experiencia : 6 años +

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Nhung Ta
12 años de experiencia
Clínica dental Greenfield

Nhung Ta

12 años de experiencia


Doctor en Cirugía Dental, Universidad Médica de Hanoi

Máster en Odontoestomatología, Universidad Médica de Hanoi

Diploma Inter Universitaire D'Implantologie Chirurgicale Et Prothetique, Université De Bordeaux


Experiencia Profesional:

Dentista principal, Greenfield Dental

Especializado en ortodoncia y odontología familiar.

Experto en sistemas de alineadores transparentes (Invisalign, ClearCorrect, Angel Aligner) y aparatos ortopédicos.

Proveedor de Invisalign Platino

Experto en carillas e implantes

Certificado y con experiencia en el uso de toxina botulínica (Botox) y rellenos en tratamientos estéticos.

Dedicado a crear un ambiente acogedor y seguro para todos los pacientes.

Buen comunicador, que garantiza que los pacientes estén informados y cómodos con sus planes de tratamiento.

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Doctor en Cirugía Dental, Universidad Médica de Hanoi

Máster en Odontoestomatología, Universidad Médica de Hanoi

Diploma Inter Universitaire D'Implantologie Chirurgicale Et Prothetique, Université De Bordeaux


Experiencia Profesional:

Dentista principal, Greenfield Dental

Especializado en ortodoncia y odontología familiar.

Experto en sistemas de alineadores transparentes (Invisalign, ClearCorrect, Angel Aligner) y aparatos ortopédicos.

Proveedor de Invisalign Platino

Experto en carillas e implantes

Certificado y con experiencia en el uso de toxina botulínica (Botox) y rellenos en tratamientos estéticos.

Dedicado a crear un ambiente acogedor y seguro para todos los pacientes.

Buen comunicador, que garantiza que los pacientes estén informados y cómodos con sus planes de tratamiento.

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Direnc Ulasan
Cirujano oral y maxilofacial
15 años de experiencia
Turquía, Bursa

Direnc Ulasan

Cirujano oral y maxilofacial
15 años de experiencia

Dr. Direnç Ulaşan


I was born in 1985 in Konya, a city renowned for Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. I completed my secondary education at Meram Anatolian High School in 2003, after which I began my studies at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry. Following a five-year undergraduate program, I pursued a specialization in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the same faculty, undertaking an additional five years of focused training. During the last two years of my specialization, I completed rotations in General Surgery, Otolaryngology, and Anesthesia. Throughout this period, I conducted extensive work in immediate implantology, and my PhD research focused on immediate and short implants.


Following this period, I established Milim Dental Hospital, where I currently lead a dedicated team of 30 professionals, including 9 doctors. Milim Dental Hospital holds the distinction of being Turkey’s first Ministry of Health-approved and internationally accredited health tourism organization. Our institution specializes extensively in procedures such as All-on-4, All-on-6, and zygomatic implants, as well as Hollywood Smile transformations. We maintain an active presence on social media, utilizing platforms like Instagram and TikTok to connect with and inform our audience. For further insights, please feel free to explore Milim Dental’s Instagram page.


I am a member of the Turkish Dental Association, the Bursa Dental Association, the Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (AÇBİD), Archbit, the International Team for Implantology (ITI), and the Turkish Young Businessmen Association (TÜGİAD). These memberships, along with my certifications, reflect my commitment to staying at the forefront of dental advancements and my dedication to professional growth within the field.


I reside in Bursa, a lush, green city known as the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, located just a one-hour drive from Istanbul. Here, I established Milim Dental Hospital with the purpose of offering patients a truly personalized experience in an exclusive environment. Our treatment packages not only address patients’ dental needs but also fulfill the “vacation” aspect of a Dental Holiday. Bursa offers a unique combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage—patients can ski on Mount Uludağ and swim in the sea at Mudanya, an ancient Greek village, all within the same day. The city is also a gastronomic hub and a destination of cultural significance, famously visited by Queen Elizabeth. Additionally, Iznik, renowned for its historical importance, is a short trip away within Bursa. With our VIP transfers and guides, patients can enjoy all these cultural and culinary experiences efficiently, without traffic delays, during their dental treatment’s downtime. This approach allows them to receive a niche, high-quality service that extends beyond traditional dental care.


In addition to my professional qualifications, I have extensive experience working with expatriates in Turkey and have cultivated a broad network among the international community. I am well-traveled, having visited over 30 countries, which has enriched my cultural understanding and adaptability. My frequent travels abroad and my connections with expatriates have greatly influenced my approach to providing culturally sensitive care. Additionally, my daughter was born in the United States, which further strengthens my global perspective and ease in working with individuals from diverse backgrounds.


I am married to Dr. Begüm Ulaşan, an orthodontist, and we have a young daughter. Additionally, I am a passionate collector of both books and automobiles, pursuits that complement my professional and personal life.

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Dr. Direnç Ulaşan


I was born in 1985 in Konya, a city renowned for Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. I completed my secondary education at Meram Anatolian High School in 2003, after which I began my studies at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry. Following a five-year undergraduate program, I pursued a specialization in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the same faculty, undertaking an additional five years of focused training. During the last two years of my specialization, I completed rotations in General Surgery, Otolaryngology, and Anesthesia. Throughout this period, I conducted extensive work in immediate implantology, and my PhD research focused on immediate and short implants.


Following this period, I established Milim Dental Hospital, where I currently lead a dedicated team of 30 professionals, including 9 doctors. Milim Dental Hospital holds the distinction of being Turkey’s first Ministry of Health-approved and internationally accredited health tourism organization. Our institution specializes extensively in procedures such as All-on-4, All-on-6, and zygomatic implants, as well as Hollywood Smile transformations. We maintain an active presence on social media, utilizing platforms like Instagram and TikTok to connect with and inform our audience. For further insights, please feel free to explore Milim Dental’s Instagram page.


I am a member of the Turkish Dental Association, the Bursa Dental Association, the Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (AÇBİD), Archbit, the International Team for Implantology (ITI), and the Turkish Young Businessmen Association (TÜGİAD). These memberships, along with my certifications, reflect my commitment to staying at the forefront of dental advancements and my dedication to professional growth within the field.


I reside in Bursa, a lush, green city known as the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, located just a one-hour drive from Istanbul. Here, I established Milim Dental Hospital with the purpose of offering patients a truly personalized experience in an exclusive environment. Our treatment packages not only address patients’ dental needs but also fulfill the “vacation” aspect of a Dental Holiday. Bursa offers a unique combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage—patients can ski on Mount Uludağ and swim in the sea at Mudanya, an ancient Greek village, all within the same day. The city is also a gastronomic hub and a destination of cultural significance, famously visited by Queen Elizabeth. Additionally, Iznik, renowned for its historical importance, is a short trip away within Bursa. With our VIP transfers and guides, patients can enjoy all these cultural and culinary experiences efficiently, without traffic delays, during their dental treatment’s downtime. This approach allows them to receive a niche, high-quality service that extends beyond traditional dental care.


In addition to my professional qualifications, I have extensive experience working with expatriates in Turkey and have cultivated a broad network among the international community. I am well-traveled, having visited over 30 countries, which has enriched my cultural understanding and adaptability. My frequent travels abroad and my connections with expatriates have greatly influenced my approach to providing culturally sensitive care. Additionally, my daughter was born in the United States, which further strengthens my global perspective and ease in working with individuals from diverse backgrounds.


I am married to Dr. Begüm Ulaşan, an orthodontist, and we have a young daughter. Additionally, I am a passionate collector of both books and automobiles, pursuits that complement my professional and personal life.

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Andriana Jakubych
5 años de experiencia
1 reseñas
Ucrania, Leópolis
Clínica Vidnova

Andriana Jakubych

5 años de experiencia

Qualification. Dentist, orthodontist

Work experience since 2018


conducting a consultation, timely and effective diagnostics of bite pathologies and deformations of the dentoalveolar system

selection of effective treatment methods taking into account the characteristics of patients

installation of various types of braces, removable and non-removable devices

patient care counseling during orthodontic treatment

Refresher courses

January 2022 - Simulation training. Microimplants microimplants. View of an orthodontist and surgeon

February 2022 - Effective orthodontic treatment without extraction

June 2022 - Removable orthodontic appliances for children

October 2022 - Periodontal diagnostics as an integral part of a dentist's practice

March 2023 - Aligners and digital positioning of braces

April 2023 - Functional diagnostics. Analog and digital protocols

May 2023:

Pediatric Orthodontics and Gnathology for Children

All about X-ray diagnostics of the condition and pathological changes of the TMJ

Andriana about herself: sociable, I can easily find a common language with patients, I infinitely love what I do, an individual approach to each patient.

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Qualification. Dentist, orthodontist

Work experience since 2018


conducting a consultation, timely and effective diagnostics of bite pathologies and deformations of the dentoalveolar system

selection of effective treatment methods taking into account the characteristics of patients

installation of various types of braces, removable and non-removable devices

patient care counseling during orthodontic treatment

Refresher courses

January 2022 - Simulation training. Microimplants microimplants. View of an orthodontist and surgeon

February 2022 - Effective orthodontic treatment without extraction

June 2022 - Removable orthodontic appliances for children

October 2022 - Periodontal diagnostics as an integral part of a dentist's practice

March 2023 - Aligners and digital positioning of braces

April 2023 - Functional diagnostics. Analog and digital protocols

May 2023:

Pediatric Orthodontics and Gnathology for Children

All about X-ray diagnostics of the condition and pathological changes of the TMJ

Andriana about herself: sociable, I can easily find a common language with patients, I infinitely love what I do, an individual approach to each patient.

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Samir Goyusov
10 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
international plus

Samir Goyusov

10 años de experiencia

Dr. Samir Göyüşov


  • 2010: Azerbaijani Medical University, Faculty of Dentistry
  • 2018: Hacettepe University, Periodontology, Medical Specialization


  • Turkish Society of Periodontology (


  • Specializing in Cosmetic Dentistry
    • Missing Tooth Replacement
    • Implant Dentistry
    • General Dental Treatments
    • Preventive Dental Treatments
    • Tooth Extraction


Accessory Mental/Buccal Foramina: Case Report and Review of Literature
Goyushov S, Tözüm MD, Tözüm TF.
Journal: Implant Dentistry
Date: October 2017

Transplantation of Autogenous Bone Block with an Osseointegrated Implant: Seedling Technique
[Additional details can be included here if available]

The 2nd Baltic Osseointegration Academy and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Consensus Conference 2019: Summary and Consensus Statements: Group 1-Biological Aspects of Tooth Extraction, Socket Healing and Indications for Socket Preservation
Gintaras Juodzbalys, Povilas Daugela, Onurcem Duruel, Maria Helena Fernandes, Pedro de Sousa Gomes, Samir Goyushov, Lorena Mariano, Lukas Poskevicius, Arturas Stumbras, Tolga Fikret Tözüm.
Journal: J Oral Maxillofac Res
Date: September 5, 2019

Morphological Classification of Extraction Sockets and Clinical Decision Tree for Socket Preservation/Augmentation after Tooth Extraction: a Systematic Review
Gintaras Juodzhalys, Arturas Stumbras, Samir Goyushov, Onurcem Duruel, Tolga Fikret Tanim.
Journal: J Oral Maxillofac Res
Date: September 5, 2019

Mandibular Cortical Indices and Their Relation to Gender and Age in Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Samir Goyushov, Erhan Dursun, Tolga Fikret Tözüm.
Journal: Dentomaxillofac Radiol
Date: March 2020

An Alternative Treatment for Hopeless Implants: Coronal Resection
H Burak Kutlu, Samir Goyushov, Tolga F. Tözüm.
Journal: J Oral Biol Craniofac Res
Date: Apr-Jun 2020

Elevated Interleukin-17A Expression in Amlodipine-Induced Gingival Overgrowth
Siddika Selva Sume, Ezel Berker, Yagmur Ilarslan, Ozlem Ozer Yucel, Cagman Tan, Samir Goyushov, Sibel E Gultekin, Ilhan Tezcan.
Journal: J Periodontal Res
Date: October 2020

Three-Dimensional Calculation of Sinus Augmentation Volume after Maxillary Sinus Floor Elevation
Samir Goyushov, Erhan Dursun, Kaan Orhan, Tolga Tözüm.
Journal: Dent J
Date: May 2021

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Dr. Samir Göyüşov


  • 2010: Azerbaijani Medical University, Faculty of Dentistry
  • 2018: Hacettepe University, Periodontology, Medical Specialization


  • Turkish Society of Periodontology (


  • Specializing in Cosmetic Dentistry
    • Missing Tooth Replacement
    • Implant Dentistry
    • General Dental Treatments
    • Preventive Dental Treatments
    • Tooth Extraction


Accessory Mental/Buccal Foramina: Case Report and Review of Literature
Goyushov S, Tözüm MD, Tözüm TF.
Journal: Implant Dentistry
Date: October 2017

Transplantation of Autogenous Bone Block with an Osseointegrated Implant: Seedling Technique
[Additional details can be included here if available]

The 2nd Baltic Osseointegration Academy and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Consensus Conference 2019: Summary and Consensus Statements: Group 1-Biological Aspects of Tooth Extraction, Socket Healing and Indications for Socket Preservation
Gintaras Juodzbalys, Povilas Daugela, Onurcem Duruel, Maria Helena Fernandes, Pedro de Sousa Gomes, Samir Goyushov, Lorena Mariano, Lukas Poskevicius, Arturas Stumbras, Tolga Fikret Tözüm.
Journal: J Oral Maxillofac Res
Date: September 5, 2019

Morphological Classification of Extraction Sockets and Clinical Decision Tree for Socket Preservation/Augmentation after Tooth Extraction: a Systematic Review
Gintaras Juodzhalys, Arturas Stumbras, Samir Goyushov, Onurcem Duruel, Tolga Fikret Tanim.
Journal: J Oral Maxillofac Res
Date: September 5, 2019

Mandibular Cortical Indices and Their Relation to Gender and Age in Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Samir Goyushov, Erhan Dursun, Tolga Fikret Tözüm.
Journal: Dentomaxillofac Radiol
Date: March 2020

An Alternative Treatment for Hopeless Implants: Coronal Resection
H Burak Kutlu, Samir Goyushov, Tolga F. Tözüm.
Journal: J Oral Biol Craniofac Res
Date: Apr-Jun 2020

Elevated Interleukin-17A Expression in Amlodipine-Induced Gingival Overgrowth
Siddika Selva Sume, Ezel Berker, Yagmur Ilarslan, Ozlem Ozer Yucel, Cagman Tan, Samir Goyushov, Sibel E Gultekin, Ilhan Tezcan.
Journal: J Periodontal Res
Date: October 2020

Three-Dimensional Calculation of Sinus Augmentation Volume after Maxillary Sinus Floor Elevation
Samir Goyushov, Erhan Dursun, Kaan Orhan, Tolga Tözüm.
Journal: Dent J
Date: May 2021

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Funda Sarikaya
8 años de experiencia
Turquía, Ankara
Funda Sarıkaya Diş Polikliniği - Dental Clinic - Oran Çankaya Ankara

Funda Sarikaya

8 años de experiencia

About Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic

Located in the prestigious Park Oran district of Çankaya, Ankara, Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic is a leading provider of advanced dental care. Under the leadership of Dr. Funda Sarıkaya, an accomplished orthodontist, we combine expertise, innovation, and personalized care to deliver exceptional results for both local and international patients.

With a strong focus on health tourism, our clinic is designed to meet the needs of foreign and domestic patients, ensuring a comfortable, reliable, and stress-free experience.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expert Care: Dr. Funda Sarıkaya and her team bring years of experience, supported by international qualifications and advanced training.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: From digital radiography and laser dentistry to high-resolution imaging, our state-of-the-art equipment ensures precision and efficiency.
  • Comprehensive Services: We offer a full spectrum of dental treatments for all ages.
  • Patient-Centered Approach: Flexible scheduling, multilingual support, and a focus on patient comfort set us apart.
  • Hygiene & Safety: Adhering to the highest sterilization standards, we ensure a safe and clean environment.
  • Seamless Health Tourism: Travel assistance, accommodation, and translation services make us a trusted partner for international patients.

Our Services

At Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic, we provide a wide array of dental treatments, including:

General Dentistry

  • Comprehensive oral exams and diagnostics
  • Routine cleanings and fluoride treatments
  • Tooth-colored fillings and sealants
  • Amalgam filling removal

Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Hollywood Smile Makeovers: Customized treatments to enhance the aesthetics of your smile
  • Teeth whitening (bleaching)
  • Porcelain veneers and laminates
  • Composite bonding for a natural look
  • Zirconia crowns for durability and aesthetics


  • Traditional braces (metal and ceramic)
  • Invisalign clear aligners for discreet teeth straightening
  • Phase I orthodontic treatments for children
  • Space maintenance for early tooth loss
  • Adult orthodontics for a straighter smile at any age

Dental Implants

  • Immediate and delayed implant placement
  • Implant-supported crowns and bridges
  • Sinus lifts and guided bone regeneration (GBR)

Periodontics (Gum Treatments)

  • Scaling and root planing for gum disease management
  • Gum surgery, including flap surgery and grafts
  • Treatment for gingivitis and periodontitis

Pediatric Dentistry

  • Preventive treatments, including fluoride applications and sealants
  • Pre-orthodontic evaluations for growing children
  • Dental restorations for baby teeth

Advanced Treatments

  • Laser dentistry for minimally invasive procedures
  • One-visit dentistry for select restorations
  • Digital dentistry for precise and efficient care

Holistic Dentistry

  • A personalized approach that focuses on your overall well-being
  • Safe amalgam removal and biocompatible materials

Smile Design & Makeovers

  • Customized esthetic smile designs
  • Full smile makeovers tailored to your unique facial features

Health Tourism

As a certified health tourism provider, we offer:

  • Assistance with travel and accommodations
  • Multilingual translation services
  • Affordable, high-quality treatments with detailed pre-arrival plans

Contact Us

Let us help you achieve the smile you deserve. Book your free consultation today!

  • Website:
  • Alternate Website:

Visit Us

We are conveniently located in Park Oran, Çankaya, Ankara, easily accessible from major transportation hubs. Our flexible appointment scheduling ensures that your treatment is tailored to your availability.

At Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic, we are committed to providing exceptional dental care that goes beyond expectations. Let us help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of while ensuring a positive and stress-free experience.

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About Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic

Located in the prestigious Park Oran district of Çankaya, Ankara, Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic is a leading provider of advanced dental care. Under the leadership of Dr. Funda Sarıkaya, an accomplished orthodontist, we combine expertise, innovation, and personalized care to deliver exceptional results for both local and international patients.

With a strong focus on health tourism, our clinic is designed to meet the needs of foreign and domestic patients, ensuring a comfortable, reliable, and stress-free experience.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expert Care: Dr. Funda Sarıkaya and her team bring years of experience, supported by international qualifications and advanced training.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: From digital radiography and laser dentistry to high-resolution imaging, our state-of-the-art equipment ensures precision and efficiency.
  • Comprehensive Services: We offer a full spectrum of dental treatments for all ages.
  • Patient-Centered Approach: Flexible scheduling, multilingual support, and a focus on patient comfort set us apart.
  • Hygiene & Safety: Adhering to the highest sterilization standards, we ensure a safe and clean environment.
  • Seamless Health Tourism: Travel assistance, accommodation, and translation services make us a trusted partner for international patients.

Our Services

At Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic, we provide a wide array of dental treatments, including:

General Dentistry

  • Comprehensive oral exams and diagnostics
  • Routine cleanings and fluoride treatments
  • Tooth-colored fillings and sealants
  • Amalgam filling removal

Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Hollywood Smile Makeovers: Customized treatments to enhance the aesthetics of your smile
  • Teeth whitening (bleaching)
  • Porcelain veneers and laminates
  • Composite bonding for a natural look
  • Zirconia crowns for durability and aesthetics


  • Traditional braces (metal and ceramic)
  • Invisalign clear aligners for discreet teeth straightening
  • Phase I orthodontic treatments for children
  • Space maintenance for early tooth loss
  • Adult orthodontics for a straighter smile at any age

Dental Implants

  • Immediate and delayed implant placement
  • Implant-supported crowns and bridges
  • Sinus lifts and guided bone regeneration (GBR)

Periodontics (Gum Treatments)

  • Scaling and root planing for gum disease management
  • Gum surgery, including flap surgery and grafts
  • Treatment for gingivitis and periodontitis

Pediatric Dentistry

  • Preventive treatments, including fluoride applications and sealants
  • Pre-orthodontic evaluations for growing children
  • Dental restorations for baby teeth

Advanced Treatments

  • Laser dentistry for minimally invasive procedures
  • One-visit dentistry for select restorations
  • Digital dentistry for precise and efficient care

Holistic Dentistry

  • A personalized approach that focuses on your overall well-being
  • Safe amalgam removal and biocompatible materials

Smile Design & Makeovers

  • Customized esthetic smile designs
  • Full smile makeovers tailored to your unique facial features

Health Tourism

As a certified health tourism provider, we offer:

  • Assistance with travel and accommodations
  • Multilingual translation services
  • Affordable, high-quality treatments with detailed pre-arrival plans

Contact Us

Let us help you achieve the smile you deserve. Book your free consultation today!

  • Website:
  • Alternate Website:

Visit Us

We are conveniently located in Park Oran, Çankaya, Ankara, easily accessible from major transportation hubs. Our flexible appointment scheduling ensures that your treatment is tailored to your availability.

At Funda Sarıkaya Dental Clinic, we are committed to providing exceptional dental care that goes beyond expectations. Let us help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of while ensuring a positive and stress-free experience.

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Gokmen Kaya
23 años de experiencia
Turquía, Antalya

Gokmen Kaya

23 años de experiencia

Gökmen Kaya/ Head Dentist



Date of Birth: 1979

Place of Birth: Giresun, Turkey



· High School: Namık Kemal High School, Samsun

· University: Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry

· Graduation Year: 2004



· Private Dental Practice

· Operated a private dental practice, delivering comprehensive dental care services.

· Private Hospital

· Provided dental care and treatments in a private hospital setting.

· Smiles Turkey

· Joined the Smiles Turkey family in late 2023, contributing to advanced dental

treatments and patient care.



· Prosthodontist

· Specializes in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and maintenance of oral function,

comfort, appearance, and health of patients with clinical conditions associated with

missing or deficient teeth and/or oral and maxillofacial tissues.



· Crowns and Veneers: Skilled in restoring and enhancing the appearance and function

of teeth using crowns and veneers.

· Composite Bonding: Proficient in cosmetic dental procedures to improve the

appearance of teeth using composite materials.

· Root Canal Treatment: Experienced in performing endodontic therapy to treat

infected tooth pulp.

· Fillings: Expert in restoring damaged teeth with dental fillings.

· Periodontal Gum Treatment: Specializes in treating gum diseases to maintain oral


Mostrar más

Gökmen Kaya/ Head Dentist



Date of Birth: 1979

Place of Birth: Giresun, Turkey



· High School: Namık Kemal High School, Samsun

· University: Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry

· Graduation Year: 2004



· Private Dental Practice

· Operated a private dental practice, delivering comprehensive dental care services.

· Private Hospital

· Provided dental care and treatments in a private hospital setting.

· Smiles Turkey

· Joined the Smiles Turkey family in late 2023, contributing to advanced dental

treatments and patient care.



· Prosthodontist

· Specializes in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and maintenance of oral function,

comfort, appearance, and health of patients with clinical conditions associated with

missing or deficient teeth and/or oral and maxillofacial tissues.



· Crowns and Veneers: Skilled in restoring and enhancing the appearance and function

of teeth using crowns and veneers.

· Composite Bonding: Proficient in cosmetic dental procedures to improve the

appearance of teeth using composite materials.

· Root Canal Treatment: Experienced in performing endodontic therapy to treat

infected tooth pulp.

· Fillings: Expert in restoring damaged teeth with dental fillings.

· Periodontal Gum Treatment: Specializes in treating gum diseases to maintain oral


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Sallum Andriana
11 años de experiencia

Sallum Andriana

11 años de experiencia
Rumania, Cluj-Napoca
Prodent Cluj
Kuntay Sengun
22 años de experiencia

Kuntay Sengun

22 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Ader Dent
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