Cirujano plástico con 20 años de experiencia, el Dr. Tomáš Beneš se especializa en cirugía plástica de senos, abdomen y glúteos. Es uno de los pocos cirujanos plásticos que realiza operaciones combinadas con un solo anestésico.
Mostrar másEl Dr. Gennady Patlazhan es un cirujano plástico experimentado con más de 20 años de experiencia y 500 cirugías por año. Ha sido galardonado con varios reconocimientos y es miembro de múltiples sociedades profesionales. Ha participado en numerosos foros científicos, ha sido ponente en congresos y es organizador de clases magistrales internacionales.
Mostrar másBorn in Ankara, Doctor Can Bey completed his primary and secondary education at Ted College and then received his high school education at Robert College in Istanbul. In addition to his English education at Robert College, he improved himself by taking painting, sculpture and photography lessons. After a rich high school life of 5 years, he studied at Istanbul Medical Faculty, Capa Medicine, and received the title of medical doctor. By making a degree in the specialty examination in medicine, he was entitled to receive specialization training in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Istanbul Health Sciences University. Starting from his medical school years, he went to many countries and did an internship and increased his professional knowledge. These countries are Egypt (Cairo), Spain (Madrid), the Netherlands (Gröningen), Portugal (Lisbon), Austria (Stolzalpe) and the United States (Los Angeles, Chicago).
Mostrar másEl Dr. Rajendra es un cirujano con gran experiencia en reconstrucción de cabeza y cuello, reconstrucción mamaria, reconstrucción de tronco y extremidades, cirugía vascular y tratamiento del linfedema. Ha realizado más de 1500 casos de transferencia de tejido microvascular y es miembro vitalicio de varias sociedades médicas.
Mostrar másCita con el médico | precio a consultar |
Liposucción 5 zonas corporales | $1600 - $7000 |
Surgeon Ekrem Keskin was born in 1986 in Istanbul. He completed his education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 2010, and was awarded the title of Medical Doctor. During his residency training he was instructed in nose, facial and breast aesthetics under the supervision of James Zins, MD and Raffi Gurunluoglu, MD, at Cleveland Clinic Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Cleveland, OHIO-USA in 2016. After 5 years of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery training, he completed his specialization and became a Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist.
Mostrar másEl Prof. Dr. Bahattin Çeliköz ingresó a la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Dicle en 1976.
Aprobó el examen de cadete K. K. K., que se abrió en el mismo año, y continuó su educación como estudiante militar en la Facultad de Medicina. Se graduó de la Facultad de Medicina en 1981 como Teniente Médico. Trabajó como médico en prácticas en GATA en 1982.
Entre 1982 -1985, hizo su servicio continental en Samsun.
En 1984, asistió a un curso de inglés de un año en la Escuela de Idiomas Izmir Air.
En 1985, comenzó a trabajar como asistente en el Departamento de Cirugía Plástica y Reparadora de GATA.
Ganó la beca americana de medicina aplicada IMET en 1987 y trabajó en la Clínica de Cirugía Plástica y Clínica de Cirugía Maxilofacial durante 3 meses en el "USA Amelia Earhart Medical Center" en Alemania/Wiesbaden.
En 1989, en el último año de su residencia, ganó la beca educativa del Gobierno de Corea del Sur y trabajó en el "INJE Facultad de Medicina Plástica - Reconstructiva - Craneofacial - Estética y Centro de Microcirugía" en Seúl, Corea del Sur durante 1 año. Dr. Junto a Se Min Baek y su equipo, trabajó en cirugía ortognática, craneofacial, de la mano, microcirugía y cirugía estética.
Se convirtió en especialista en cirugía plástica en 1991 y comenzó a trabajar como profesor asistente en el mismo año.
En 1996, durante 1 año en A. B. Estado de California, "Irvine Medical Center and Medical School Plastic and Reconstructive and Burn Surgery Clinic" en quemaduras, cirugía plástica y cirugía estética, "Beckman Laser Institute" en lesiones vasculares y otras aplicaciones clínicas de Laser Realizó diversos estudios clínicos, experimentales e investigaciones sobre el tema y realizó publicaciones sobre estos temas.
Recibió el título de Profesor Asociado Universitario en noviembre de 1998. Comenzó a trabajar como miembro de la facultad en el Departamento de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva de GATA Ankara. En 2001, fue nombrado Jefe de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva en el Hospital de Entrenamiento GATA Istanbul Haydarpaşa.
Recibió el título de Profesor en 2004. Se retiró voluntariamente en 2008. Es un médico independiente.
El Prof. Dr. Bahattin Çeliköz es miembro de tales asociaciones como:
Tiene más de 40 publicaciones en revistas nacionales e internacionales.
Ha participado en más de 10 congresos nacionales e internacionales.
• Member, Association of The International Society
of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
• Member, Association of Turkish Society of Plastic
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
• Member, Association of Turkish Society of
Aesthetic Surgery.
• Member, Association of Society Hand and
Op.Dr HikmetYıldırım ÖZTÜRK
Highly skilled Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon with extensive background in Medical Surgery.
Proven success coordinating with multidisciplinary teams to achieve Aesthetic targets.
Uses research-based techniques and cutting-edge instruments to improve specialised
Body Contouring, Liposuction, BBL, Breast Aesthetics, Rhinoplasty.)
These surgeries are performed to improve the aesthetic appearance of certain body
features. Examples include rhinoplasty (nose reshaping), breast augmentation,
facelift, liposuction, and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).
These surgeries aim to restore function and form to body parts that have been
damaged due to injury, trauma, congenital disabilities, or medical conditions. This
may involve procedures such as breast reconstruction after mastectomy, scar
revision, cleft lip and palate repair, and hand surgery.
Plastic surgeons are often involved in the treatment of burn injuries and managing
complex wounds. They use techniques such as skin grafting and tissue expansion to
restore the affected areas.
This specialized technique involves delicate procedures using microscopes and
precision instruments to repair intricate structures like blood vessels, nerves, and
lymph nodes. It is commonly used in reconstructive surgeries, such as breast
reconstruction using autologous tissue flaps.
Plastic surgeons specializing in craniofacial surgery focus on correcting
abnormalities and deformities in the skull, face, and jaws. This includes procedures for
cleft lip and palate, craniosynostosis (premature fusion of skull bones), and facial
trauma reconstruction.
2022/01 - CURRENT
• A private practice plastic surgeon is a medical professional who operates their own independent clinic
or surgical center, where they provide various aesthetic surgical procedures to patients. He works in
collaboration with the best hospitals in İstanbul/Turkey. He accepts patients in his private practice
specializing in Aesthetic Surgery.
2022/01 - 2020/02
• Maintained extensive knowledge in current research, ensuring teaching met academic standards.
• Delivered engaging lectures, seminars and tutorials, increasing class productivity.
2017/08 - 2012/07
• Performed procedures specified by each programme director while under the direct supervision of attending
• Conducted patient examinations to gain an understanding of signs, symptoms and determine diagnosis,
taking samples when needed.
• Carried out consultations with patients to gain thorough knowledge of symptoms, issues and concerns to
determine next course of action.
2016/06 - 2016/01
• Attended conferences to learn about new research and present findings.
2011/12 - 2005/09
• Enhanced knowledge in medical best practices by proactively taking part in all medical activities as
assigned by lead doctors.
2011/08 - 2011/04
• Discussed treatment options with patient and their families along with supervising doctor.
Mostrar másEl Dr. Kang Seongil es un cirujano gastroenterólogo con sede en Daegu con más de 15 años de experiencia y membresía vitalicia en múltiples sociedades médicas. Es experto en diversas formas de cáncer y otros tratamientos quirúrgicos y ha publicado varios artículos académicos.
Mostrar másEl Dr. Vijay Kumar es un cardiólogo intervencionista con más de 21 años de experiencia en cirugía de válvula aórtica, afecciones cardíacas, ablación cardíaca, cateterismo cardíaco, cardioversión, angioplastia de carótida, colocación de stent, angiografía coronaria, cirugía de bypass, reemplazo de válvula mitral, angiografía por TC, ICDS, Marcapasos y Rehabilitación Cardíaca. Tiene calificaciones de DNB, MD y MBBS y es miembro del Consejo Médico de Delhi de la India. Tiene experiencia en el tratamiento del dolor torácico y tiene una buena relación con los pacientes.
Mostrar másLICENSE: MPL- 00022/21697 (A specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery).
Rokas Bagdonas, a specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery, has been working in this field since 2004. The surgeon graduated from the Kaunas Medical Academy, later he finished continuing doctoral studies and was awarded an MD degree; he also lectured at Kaunas Medical Academy, Klaipėda College and Klaipėda University 2004 to 2014. The surgeon broadened his knowledge and experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery through traineeships in Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Turkey, France, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, and the USA.
Dr R. Bagdonas is a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) and the Lithuanian Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the founder of the Lithuanian Wound Management Association, a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the Head of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department of the Klaipėda Republican Hospital, a member of the Council of Social Partners of the Department of Recreation and Tourism of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Klaipėda University, and a member of the Council of Medical Treatment at the Klaipėda Republican Hospital.
Surgeon R. Bagdonas not only has the doctor’s calling in his genes, but is connected with art. His late father, Dr habil. Edmundas Pranas Bagdonas, was a thoracic surgeon, his mother, Irena Žuklytė-Bagdonienė, an artist, and his late grandfather, Vladas Žuklys, a famous sculptor. ‘As a child, I used to watch my grandfather create the graceful and precise forms of the human body from formless clay mass. When I was sixteen, my dad brought me to the operating-room for the first time. Since then, it has been what I do every day, a way of life. I say half-jokingly that I could not think of another specialty because of my origin. The love and respect for art and medicine passed from one generation to the next could not bypass me,’ the famous surgeon says. Dr R. Bagdonas’s wife, Agnė, is a dermatovenerologist. Together they founded Clinicus Klaipėda. The couple has four children: Paulina, Jonas, Mykolas, and Barbora.
“It’s very important to see your work not as a business but as a calling, a way of life, and to continuously develop and think of ways to help every person. I have to unconditionally give a part of myself to the patients, whether they need me during my working hours or on weekends. I can say without any doubt that I love my work and the people for the good of whom I work. My calling is my life with all of its joys and experiences. The path chosen, as well as the love for work and the patient, respect for the human being drive me to grow,’ says the surgeon. ‘I love precision by nature, therefore, each surgery is not only an accurately calculated medical but also a creative work, the result of which will bring happiness to the patient all his life. Plastic surgery should not be associated with vanity. Self-confidence is one of the most important things in life. Plastic surgery may become a solution enabling us to change not only the attitude towards ourselves but also the quality of life and to be happier,” states R. Bagdonas.
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Adana AnadoluCollege ( 1978-1985)
Medical School : UludagUniversityMedicalSchoolBursa (1985-1991)
Plastic Surgery Education: UludagUniversityMedical School Bursa (1994-2000)
Academic and Porfessional Appointments and societies :
Turkish Board Certified Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon
Chief, Division of Plastic &Reconstructive Surgery Dicle University School of Medicine, Assistant Professor(2008)
Founding President of Facial Aesthetic Surgery and Rhinoplasty Society (EYBCD) 2009
TPRCD Turkısh Society of Plastic Reconstructive an Aesthetic Surgery (member of board of directory 2008)
EPCD Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (reserve member of board of directory 2009)
Director and surgeon general of Acibadem Konur Medical Center ( 2009-2012)
ESPRAS European Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (member)
ISAPS The International Society of Plastic Surgery Society member
ASAPS The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery member
European Comittee For Standardisation Mirror Committee member
Experiences in Surgery: ( over 9000 surgery between 2000-2019)
Aesthetic Surgery
Hand and Microsurgery
Maxillofacial Surgery
Publications, posters and presentations
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Dislocation Due To Sixth Compartment Rupture
Ömer Buhşem, Ahmet Karacalar, MesutÖzcan
Journal of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Cilt 7, Sayı 3 (1999)
Nasal Dermoid Sinus Cyst
Ömer Buhşem, Ahmet Karacalar
Journal of Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Cilt 8, Sayı 2 (2000)
Retrospective Evaluation of Cleft Lip and Palate Patients Underwent Surgery In DUTF between Oct. 1987- Nov. 1999
Ömer Buhşem, Kemal Erbaş,İbrahim Aşkar
22. Turkısh Society of Plastic Reconstructive an Aesthetic Surgery Congress (2000)
Lineer Verrucosis epidermal nevus including Cornu Cutanu : casereport
İ.Aşkar, S.Aktürk, Ömer Buhşem ,H. Büyükbayram K. Erbaş,
22.Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive an Aesthetic Surgery Congress (2000)
Evaluation of the effects of 5-Fluorouracil application following Ratsciatic nerve repair on epineural
and extraneural scarring and nerveregeneration.
Ömer Buhşem, Yeşim Özgenel, Mesut Özcan
23. Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive an Aesthetic Surgery Congress (27-30 sept. 2001)
Minimal Invasive Procedures in Rhinoplasty (no osteotomy rhinoplasty)
TPRECD Rhinoplasty Winter Symposium (2007)Bursa
Laser hair removal procedures
European Academy of Cosmetic Surgery International Workshop Symposium İstanbul 2007
Tripollar Radiofrequency
European Academy of Cosmetic Surgery International Workshop Symposium İstanbul 2007
Focused Ultrasonic Fat Emulsification
European Academy of Cosmetic Surgery International Workshop Symposium İstanbul 2007
“ Latest development tendencies concerning face and body RF therapy”
7. International Congress on Aesthetic Medicine 2008 Moscow
No osteotomy rhinoplasty
Turkish – Azerbajian Plastic Surgery Days (2008) Bakü-Azerbajian
Tripollar RF treatments for circumference reduction and non-surgical face lift
European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 5th EADVSpring Symposium (2008) İstanbul
Mini Rhinoplasty (no osteotomy rhinoplasty)
XXI.SOFCEPSociétéFrançaise desChirurgiensEsthétiquesPlasticiens,Euro-MéditerranéenCongrés(2008 ) France - Paris
Tripollar RF technology for nonsurgical skin tightening and cellulite treatment
VI.İnternational Plastic Surgery Course I. International Anti-Aging Symposium (2008) Ekaterinburg- Russia
New Medlite technology Photo-Acoustic Pulse therapy
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Society 12th National Congress Minimal Invasive Surgery Course (2008) İstanbul
A new vaginal stent material:Alginate
22. Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive an Aesthetic Surgery Congress (2008)Antalya
No osteotomy rhinoplasty : Algoritm
22. Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive an Aesthetic Surgery Congress (2008)Antalya
Axillar Brachial Plexus Blockage by Plasticsurgeons
23. Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive an Aesthetic Surgery Congress (2008)Antalya
TriPollar RF Non-Surgical Face Lift & Skin Tightening - Long Term Results
White paper 2008
My approach to aesthetic rhinoplasty
Facial Aesthetic Surgery and Rhinoplasty Society Rhinoplasty days (2009) Istanbul
No Osteotomy Rhinoplasty
Facial Aesthetic Surgery and Rhinoplasty Society Rhinoplasty days (2009) Istanbul
Laser Treatments in facialrejuvenations
TPRECD Winter symposium ( 2010) Bolu Kartalkaya
Non irritatingAHA treatments inDermatology
TPRECD Winter symposium ( 2010) Bolu Kartalkaya
Non invasive weight loss with low level diode laser
Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive an Aesthetic Surgery Winter symposium (2011) Uludag
Mini rhinoplasty (rhinoplasty without osteotomy)
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Society National Congress (2012) Istanbul
Mini Rhinoplasty (no osteotomy rhinoplasty)
5th EASAPS The European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Meeting (2012) Istanbul
Minimal invasive rhinoplasty (mini rhinoplasty)
TPRECD V. Rhinoplasty course (2012) Ankara
Mini Rhinoplasty (no osteotomy rhinoplasty)
Seoul Rhinoplasty Forum ( 2012) Seoul South Korea
No osteotomy rhinoplasty ( desicion of osteotomy)
TPRECD II Istanbul International Rhinoplasty Course (2013) Istanbul
Columelar surgery and softrhinoplasty
TPRECD VII. Rhinoplasty course (2014) Izmir
Increasing Topical Anesthetic Efficacy with MicroneedleApplication
Ömer Buhsem, Alper Aksoy, Yavuz Kececi, Emin Sir & Melike Güngör (2016)
Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, DOI: 10.3109/14764172.2016.1157362
Skin Resurfacing
Grabb and Smith Plastik Cerrahi 7. Baskı Kısım 5, 41 Türkçe çeviri (2016)
Organic Dermal implant revolution: new molecule introduction
Kuwait Derma Update and Laser Symposium VIII, Kuwait (2017)
Natural injectable implant : agarose gel
The International Conference of Aesthetic and Antiaging Medicine Warsaw Poland (2017)
Facial Applications with Radiofrequency Energy, Review
Journal Türkiye Klinikleri Plastik Cerrahi Cilt:7, Sayı:1 (2018)
Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty with Agarose gel
International Medical Aesthetic Conference Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2018)
Agarose gel : a natural injectable implant and volumizer
Dubai Derma World Dermatology and Laser Conference Dubai (2018)
Dermal fillers (DAS)
TPRECD 40. Ulusal Kurultayı Antalya (2018)
Botilinum toksin ve dolgu uygulamaları
Plastik Cerrahi Asistan Okulu, Antalya (2019)
Filler Complications and Management
23. Ulusal Estetik Plastik Cerrahi Kongresi İstanbul (2019)
Midface and zygoma volumizing with agarose gel
SIES International Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery Congress Bologna Italy (2019)
Mostrar másUno de los mejores cirujanos plásticos del mundo, autor de 8 métodos innovadores de cirugía plástica.
Clasificado entre los 50 mejores cirujanos plásticos del mundo.
Galardonado con el Trofeo Golden Scalpel en 2014, que se puede comparar con el Oscar en cirugía plástica.
Ankara University Faculty of Medicine (2009-2015)
Ankara Bilkent City Hospital Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (Speciality 2016-2022)
Foreign Language: English
Professional Experiences:
Aktif International Bahcelievler (2024 – Ongoing)
Tekirdag City Hospital (2022-2024)
Ankara Bilkent City Hospital (2019-2022)
Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital (2016-2019)
Medical Interests:
Breast Aesthetics
Tummy Tuck
Liposuction/ Fat grafting applications
El Dr. Wayne Larrabee es un médico galardonado y certificado por la junta con décadas de experiencia ayudando a sus pacientes a recuperar apariencias juveniles y vibrantes. En el Centro de Cirugía Plástica Larrabee, ofrece una variedad de cirugía facial y tratamientos no quirúrgicos, incluidos Botox® Cosmetic y Dysport®, rellenos faciales y Kybella® Tratamiento de grasa submentoniana inyectable. También ofrece Coolsculpting & CoolTone y servicios de láser. El Dr. Larrabee es un verdadero experto en su campo, y sus pacientes se entusiasman con sus experiencias y resultados.
Mostrar másEl Dr. Víctor Urzola es un cirujano plástico estético y reconstructivo conocido internacionalmente por su compromiso de brindar un alto grado de especialización quirúrgica en casos complejos de cirugía reconstructiva y procedimientos estéticos. El Dr. Urzola obtuvo su especialidad en la Universidad de Milán, Italia donde se graduó con honores y continuó su formación como especialista en Microcirugía en la Universidad Henri Poincaré, Francia. Fue becario en cirugía estética facial en Gentilly Polyclinique, Francia y en cirugía posbariátrica y de contorno corporal en Hackensack Medical Center en New Jersy, EE. UU. El Dr. Urzola también fue miembro de la Asociación Estadounidense Antienvejecimiento, donde obtuvo su capacitación en células madre y luego fue nombrado profesor en esta institución. El Dr. Urzola obtuvo su formación en genética y genoma en la Universidad de Stanford, en San Francisco California. Fue Presidente de la Asociación Costarricense de Cirugía Plástica, Estética y Reconstructiva (ACCPRE) y se ha desempeñado en esta organización como vicepresidente y tesorero.
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