Sports Injuries and Surgical Treatment (Arthroscopic and Open Surgical Treatments of Knee, Hip, Elbow, Shoulder, Ankle injuries)
Shoulder and Elbow Diseases and Surgical Treatment
Joint and Cartilage injuries
Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery and Reconstruction
Joint Arthroplasty (Knee, Hip and Shoulder Prosthetic Surgery)
Treatment of Trauma (Orthopedic Fractures, Dislocations and Soft tissue injuries)
Graduation, Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (1999-2005)
Specialty Training, Bezmialem Foundation University Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2005-2010)
South Korea Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society (KSES) Traveling Fellowship Scholarship Award in South Korea (2023)
Orthopedic Trauma Research Assistant, Thomas Jefferson University Research Fellowship Program (2015- 16)2011, Director: Prof. Dr. Javad Parvizi)
Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Fellowship Program (01.12.2008- 13.02.2009)
State service obligation, Ordu Ünye State Hospital (2011-2012)
Istanbul Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital (2014-2018)
Associate Professor Doctor, Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital (2018-2023)
Clinical administrative responsibility, Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu State Hospital (2019-2020)
Professor Doctor,Chief Physician,Clinical Training Officer, Istanbul Baltalimanı Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital (2023)
Liv Hospital ( 2024)
Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Education Council (TOTEK)
Turkish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (TOTBİD)
Turkish Society of Shoulder Elbow Surgery
Turkish Society of Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery (TUSYAD)
European Society For Surgery Of The Shoulder And The Elbow (SECEC)
Turkish Medical Association Reconstructive Microsurgery Association
Member of the Ethics Committee of the Turkish Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2019)
Turkish Medical Association, Istanbul Medical Chamber
Mostrar másFaculty of Medicine Hacettepe School of Medicine (1994-2001)
Specialty training: Istanbul Training and Research Hospital (2002-2008)
In 2015, he was awarded the title of Associate Professor.
On February 01, 2021, he was promoted to Professor.
Professional Positions:
• Consultant MD, Balıkesir Military Hospital (2008-2009)
• Consultant MD, Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital (2009-2011)
• Assistant Professor MD, Dicle University, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2011-2017)
• Associate Professor MD, Istanbul Medipol University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2017-2020)
• Professor MD, Istanbul Medipol University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology (2021 – Ongoing)
Mostrar másCitizenship : Turkmenistan
Place / Date of Birth: Turkmenistan / 1988
2005-2011 Medical Education: Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
2013 – 2018 Specialization Training: M.S Baltalimani Bone Diseases Training and Research Hospital
2018 – 2021 year: Private Baypark Hospital
2021 -2022 year : Private TRG Hospitalist Hospital
2022- : Private Küçükçekmece Hospital
Various Orthopedics congresses with national and international participation
English Russian
Turkish Medical Association
Turkish Orthopedic Association Association
Trauma surgery (Fractures-dislocations)
Sports and soft tissue injuries (Anterior cruciate ligament, meniscus, other ligament and tendon tears)
Knee-Shoulder-Ankle Arthroscopy
Calcification of the Joints Diagnosis and Treatment (Knee, Hip, Shoulder, Ankle)
Prosthetic Surgery
Pediatric Orthopedics (Congenital hip dislocation, clubfoot..)
Diagnosis and Treatment of Spinal Diseases
Hand and Microsurgery
Mostrar másEDUCATION | |
2017 | Certificate of attainment for a Clinical Training Course for the Treatment of Osteoarthrosis and Muscular Skeletal Conditions using PRP and STEM CELL Therapy at SureCell Melbourne Australia |
2003 - 2004 | Fellowship in Hip and Knee Reconstructions, UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, California, USA |
2000 - 2003 | Fellowship in Spine Surgery, UC Davis, School of Medicine, California, USA |
| |
1990 - 2000 | Certificate Spine Fellowship, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand |
Mostrar más
Balgrist University, Zurich
Bezmialem Vakif University
Istanbul Sisli Etfal Research and Training Hospital
Hospital for Special Surgery, USA
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine
Istanbul Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Research and Training Hospital
Kilis State Hospital
Yedikule Surp Pırgiç Armenian Hospital
Istanbul Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Research and Training Hospital
Medipol Acıbadem Hospital
Over 60 articles published in International and National Peer Reviewed Scientific Journals
Over 50 papers-posters presented in International and National Meetings-Congresses
Articles published in international peer reviewed journals (SCI & SCI exp.):
Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book:
Turkish Books Section
Aydin A. Glokomda Yeni ilaçlar ve Modern İlaç Uygulama Yöntemleri. In: Glokom, Temel Kavramlar ve Yenilikler. Ocakoğlu Ö, Bayer A, Elgin U Eds. Anadolu Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara 2021 1st ed. Bölüm 36 p:375-381. ISBN:978-605-80205-3-5.
Total citations: 896 (as of May 2021)
he top 10 publications with the most citations
Profesor asociado Ozgur Cicekli
Pericia: | Ortopedia y Traumatología |
Educación :
Licenciatura: 1998-2005 - Facultad de Medicina (inglés), Universidad de Hacettepe
Residencia Educación Ankara Atatürk Hospital de Educación e Investigación
2005 – 2010 - Clínica de Ortopedia y Traumatología
Título del profesor asociado: 2019 Hospital de Educación e Investigación de la Universidad de Sakarya
Biografía :
2005 – 2010 - Residencia, Hospital Universitario y de Investigación Atatürk, Ankara
2011-2012 – Servicio militar, Hospital militar Samsun
2012 – 2015 – Conscrıptıon, Şanlıurfa Mehmet Akif Inan Hospital de Educación e Investigación
2015-2020 Ministerio de Salud Hospital de Formación e Investigación de la Universidad de Sakarya
2020 – Hospital Adatip Sakarya
Área de especialidad:
Áreas de enfoque
Lesiones y cirugías deportivas
Cirugía de preservación articular
Traumatología Ortopédica
1. 2018, Miembro de la Sociedad Turca de Lesiones Deportivas, Artroscopia y Cirugía de Rodilla
2. 2014, Miembro del Consejo Turco de Formación en Ortopedia y Traumatología (totek)
3. 2012, Miembro de la Federación de la Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología (totbid)
Congreso :
A. Artículos publicados en revistas internacionales revisadas por pares:
A.1 Çiçekli Özgür, Dogan Metin (2018). Evaluación del resultado quirúrgico en pacientes de edad avanzada con displasia de cadera del desarrollo. Revista internacional de cirugía, 52, 44-49., Doi:
10.1016/j.ijsu.2015.02.020, (número de control: 4920803)
A.2 Çiçekli Özgür,topçu Hüseyin Nevzat,kochai Alauddin,sükür Erhan,türker Mehmet
(2019). Comparación de enclavado tibial suprapatelar e infrapatelar: punto de entrada más anatómico y
Reducción de fracturas mediante abordaje suprapatelar. Revista internacional de cirugía clínica y experimental
Medicina, 12(1), 804-811., Doi: Ijcem0082501, (número de control: 4840087)
A.3 Çiçekli Özgür,özdemir Güzelali,uysal Mustafa,biçici Vedat,bingöl Izzet (2016).
Fijación percutánea con tornillos canulados para fracturas epifisarias de tobillo en niños. Springerplus,
5, (1) Doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-3623-1, (número de control: 4920888)
A.4 Çiçekli Özgür,kochai Alauddin,sükür Erhan,basak Ali Murat,kurtoglu Alper,türkermehmet (2019). Abordaje suprapatelar para fracturas de tibia: ¿Importa el nivel de la fractura?
Enfermedades articulares y cirugías relacionadas, 30(1), 10-16., Doi:
10.5606/ehc.2019.63487, (número de control: 4919692)
A.5 Çiçekli Özgür, Bingöl Izzet,tepe Nermin,akgül Turgut,çiçekli Esen, Atbinici
Hasan, Arslan Arslan Kagan (2016). Cambios funcionales neuromusculares del cuádriceps después de la reconstrucción del ligamento cruzado anterior. Revista médica de las Indias Occidentales, Doi: 10.7727/wimj.2015.558,
(Número de control: 4892448)
A.6 Özdemir Güzelali, Çiçekli Özgür, Akgül Turgut, Zehir Sinan, Ferit Yücel, Eskin Deniz
(2014). Resultados del injerto óseo autólogo y del tornillo de compresión canulado sin cabeza de titanio para el tratamiento de la pseudoartrosis del escafoides. Revista Turca de Traumatología y Cirugía de Urgencia, 20(3),
199-204., Doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2014.92255, (n.º de control: 4866486)
A.7 Özdemir Güzelali, Akgül Turgut, Çiçekli Özgür, Yilmaz Baris, Atbinici Hasan, Yücel Ferit (2017). Escisión del lunatum y artrodesis del escafocapitado en la enfermedad de Kienböck. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery, 25(1), Doi: 10.1177/2309499017692704, (n.º de control: 4866032)
A.8 Kochai Alauddin, Türker Mehmet, Çiçekli Özgür, Özdemir Ugur, Bayam
Levent, Erkorkmaz Ünal, Sükür Erhan (2018). Un estudio comparativo de tres técnicas de fijación de uso común para fracturas aisladas del maléolo medial. Enfermedades articulares y cirugía relacionada.
29(2), 104-109., Doi: 10.5606/ehc.2018.61449, (número de control: 4866101)
A.9 Sükür Erhan, Akar Abdülhalim, Topçu Hüseyin Nevzat, Çiçekli Özgür, Kochai
Alauddin, Türker Mehmet (2018). El efecto de la N-acetilcisteína en la resistencia a la fatiga mecánica del cemento óseo cargado con antibióticos. Revista de cirugía e investigación ortopédica, 13,
Doi: 10.1186/s13018-018-0843-9, (número de control: 4866136)
A.10 Akgül Turgut, Zehir Sinan, Özdemir Güzelali, Yücel Ferit, Türk Abdulkadir, Çiçekli
Özgür (2014). Resultados de la aplicación de una placa anatómica de bloqueo de perfil bajo para el tratamiento de fracturas de diáfisis de clavícula tipo Edinburg 2. Revista Turca de Traumatología y Cirugía de Emergencia, 20(4), 286-290., Doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2014.88303, (número de control: 4866478)
A.11 Sükür Erhan, Akar Abdülhalim, Uyar Ahmet Çagri, Çiçekli Özgür, Kochai
Alauddin, Türker Mehmet, Topçu Hüseyin Nevzat (2018). Cierre asistido por vacío versus apósitos húmedos en el tratamiento de úlceras diabéticas después de la amputación parcial del pie: una
Análisis retrospectivo en 65 pacientes. Revista de cirugía ortopédica, 26(3), Doi:
10.1177/2309499018799769, (n.º de control: 4866083)
A.12 Yalçin Muhammed Nadir, Bektaser Süleyman Bülent, Çiçekli Özgür, Dogan Metin
(2009). Desgarro en asa de balde de un menisco lateral discoideo en una niña de 6 años. Acta Orthopaedica Et
Traumatologica Turcica, 43(6), 528-531., Doi: 10.3944/aott.2009.528, (n.º de control: 4866457)
A.13 Yalçin Muhammed Nadir, Bektaser Süleyman Bülent, Çiçekli Özgür, Ugras
Serdar, Dogan Metin (2010). Una causa inusual de derrames articulares recurrentes: no hemofílicos
Sinovitis hemosiderótica de la rodilla. Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica, 44(2), 162-
165, Doi: 10.3944/aott.2010.2240, (número de control: 4866450)
B. Artículos publicados en revistas locales revisadas por pares:
B.1 Çiçekli Özgür (2019). ¿Mejoran la alteración del sueño y la calidad de vida después de la reparación artroscópica del manguito rotador?. Annals Of Medical Research, 26(4), 664-669., Doi:
10.5455/annalsmedres.2019.01.049, (número de control: 4892204)
B.2 Sükür Erhan, Uyar Ahmet Çagri, Özdemir Ugur, Gökçen Hüseyin Bahadir, Çiçekli
Özgür, Topçu Hüseyin Nevzat (2018). Evaluación de la concordancia entre el grupo de edad y la etiología, el nivel y las revisiones de las amputaciones. Medeniyet Medical Journal, 33(1), 10-16., Doi:10.5222/mmj.2018.35002,
Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología-Consejo Turco de Educación en Ortopedia y Traumatología Prueba, Prueba de Calificación en Ortopedia y Traumatología, 2014, Ankara, Certificado,
14.09.2014 - 26.10.2014 (nacional)
Curso de hombro de Niza, Curso de hombro, que abarca la cirugía artroscópica y protésica. El programa incluye conferencias a cargo de destacados cirujanos de hombro, mesas redondas, una sesión de cirugía en vivo y talleres con cadáveres y modelos plásticos., Niza, Curso, 02.06.2016 - 04.06.2016 (internacional)
Curso de traumatología de la Ao: principios avanzados del tratamiento de fracturas, curso de traumatología de la Ao: principios avanzados del tratamiento de fracturas
Principios de la gestión de fracturas, Ankara, curso, 17.01.2015 - 20.01.2015 (nacional)
Cursos de traumatología de la Ao: cirugía de pie y tobillo, Cursos de traumatología de la Ao: cirugía de pie y tobillo, Graz, Kurs, 17.09.2014 -
19.09.2014 (internacional)
Curso avanzado de Epos-bat, conceptos actuales en el tratamiento de los trastornos de la cadera en niños, Izmir,
Curso, 06.09.2013 - 07.09.2013 (internacional)
Curso de artroscopia de hombro de Gazi, curso de artroscopia de hombro, Ankara, Hospital Universitario de Gazi, curso
04.01.2013 05.01.2013 (nacional)
Tratamiento de fracturas durante el crecimiento, Tratamiento de fracturas durante el crecimiento, Cursos de traumatología, Graz, Curso, 12.09.2010 - 12.09.2010 (internacional)
Curso de Ao Trauma: abordaje y osteosíntesis, Curso de Ao Trauma: abordaje y osteosíntesis (con disecciones de cadáveres), Graz, Curso, 08.09.2010 - 12.09.2010 (internacional)
Curso introductorio con disecciones de cadáveres, Curso introductorio con disecciones de cadáveres para abordajes y osteosíntesis de Ao Travma, Graz, Curso, 07.09.2010 - 07.09.2010 (internacional)
Curso de traumatología de la AO: Principios del tratamiento quirúrgico de fracturas, Curso de traumatología de la AO: Principios del tratamiento quirúrgico de fracturas, Ankara, Curso, 15.01.2010 - 19.01.2010 (nacional)
Curso de trauma pediátrico de la Ao, Curso de trauma pediátrico de la Ao, Izmir, Curso, 18.04.2009 - 19.04.2009 (nacional)
2. Curso de enclavado intramedular, Curso de enclavado intramedular, 2009, İzmir, Curso, 15.01.2009
18.01.2009 (nacional)
Escuela de Ciencias Básicas e Investigación, Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología-Consejo Turco de Educación en Ortopedia y Traumatología Ortopedia y Traumatología Escuela de Ciencias Básicas e Investigación, Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología-Consejo Turco de Educación en Ortopedia y Traumatología Erzurum, Curso, 27.02.2008-01.03.2008 (nacional)
Op. Dr. Ahmet Kurtulmuş graduated from İzmir Private Turkish College in 1986. He completed his medical education at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine. Between 1992 and 1996, he specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology at İzmir Atatürk Hospital. Between 2000 and 2006, Dr. Ahmet Kurtulmuş operated his own private clinic at the same time, where he managed his patients and performed surgeries at an affiliated private hospital with which he had an agreement. Due to unchanged regulations during that period, he was also able to work at a state hospital in addition to managing his private clinic and conducting surgeries at the affiliated private hospital. From 1997 to 2012, he continued his career as a chief resident at the same hospital. Between 2012 and 2021, he worked at Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital. After retiring from public service in 2021, he worked at Özel Ege Yaşam Hospital and Özel Ege İnci Surgical Medical Center. Since 2023, he has been practicing medicine in his private clinic. He is proficient in English. Married and a father of two, he is a member of the Turkish Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology and the Turkey Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association.
Ph.D. Andrzej Suwara / Orthopedist
Doctor Andrzej Suwara began his medical studies at the Medical University of Białystok. He obtained the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences after defending his PhD thesis in Neuropharmacology at the Medical University of Białystok.
Dr. Andrzej Suwara obtained specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System and thanks to this he started working at the Orthopedics Department of the district hospital in Starachowice. Then he started working in the Department of Traumatic Surgery of the Musculoskeletal System and Adult Orthopedics of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital. Prof. Adam Gruca in Otwock. Thanks to his knowledge and experience, he became the Head of the Traumatology and Orthopedics Department of the Praski Hospital in Warsaw and the Medical Director of this hospital.
His skills were appreciated thanks to international cooperation with prof. Derek McMinn, the creator and popularizer of hip joint capoplasty, and prof. Siegfried Hofmann, former head of the Orthopedics Clinic in Stolzalpe Austria.
Doctor Andrzej Suwara constantly improves his qualifications and participates in many training courses both in Poland and around the world. He completed specialized international training, including: at the University Hospital of Martin in Slovakia, BMI Edgbaston Hospital Birmingham in the UK, Keble College Oxford in the UK, Zimmer Institute in Denmark, Corin Academy in Germany, DePuy Synthes Instytute in Germany, American Academy of Orhopaedic Surgeons in Las Vegas, Tygerberg Department of Anatomy Stellenbosch University in South Africa and many others.
Mostrar másProf. Dr. Süleyman Bülent Bektaşer was born in Kayseri in 1968. He graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine in 1992. In 1997, he completed his specialization training in Orthopedics and Traumatology at Ankara Dr. Muhittin Ülker Emergency and Traumatology Hospital with a thesis on "Total Knee Arthroplasty Applications and Early Results". Between 1997 and 2000, he worked as a specialist doctor at the Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic of the same hospital, and between 2000 and 2004, he served as a chief resident at the same hospital. Between 2004 and 2013, he worked as a chief resident in the Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic at Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital of the Ministry of Health. He became an associate professor in 2004 and worked as a lecturer at Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital between 2014 and 2016. He was appointed as a full professor at Yüksek İhtisas University in 2018. Throughout his academic career, he has published numerous scientific articles. He currently works at Koru Ankara Hospital and his medical interests include:
Hip, knee, shoulder arthroplasty (prosthetic surgery, robotic knee prosthesis surgery)
Extremity traumas (fractures and muscle/tendon tears)
Orthopedic oncology surgeries
Sports injuries and arthroscopy
Hand surgery
Shoulder and elbow surgery.
Mostrar másProf. Enrico Arnaldi is the Arthroscopic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Knee Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital.
He was the medical apprentice of Dr. Lorenzo Spotorno (a master and pioneer in prosthetic surgery). Since 1984, he has dedicated himself to arthroscopic knee surgery and later on shoulder surgery.
Medical areas of interest: He is specialized in degenerative and post-traumatic shoulder diseases (rotator cuff tendon injuries, glenomeral arthrosis, shoulder instability) and related surgical treatments, arthroscopic (tendon repairs, capsuloplasty, etc.) and open (latarjet stabilization, orthoprosthesis, etc.).
He also deals with degenerative and post traumatic knee pathologies, with particular attention to the osteoarthritis of the knee (primitive or secondary), the post-traumatic complex capsule-ligamentous instabilities, the lesions of the cruciate ligaments, meniscus and cartilage, and open-air surgical treatments (such as corrective osteotomies, first implant orthoprosthesis and revisions) and arthroscopic (meniscectomies and meniscal sutures, meniscal transplants, ACL reconstruction, treatment of focal cartilage lesions).
Research areas of interest:
There are many research interests, ranging from biotechnology to meniscal transplants and osteochondral grafts, from allogeneic grafts for reviews from failures of ligamentous reconstruction to patella stabilization.
He practiced his specialty in the US in some of the world-renowned medical institutions along with internationally famous doctors: the University of Pittsburgh (Dr. Freddie Fu, Dr. Harner, Dr. Savio Lee Wo), the Intermountain Hospital in Salt Lake City (Dr. Rosemberg, Dr. Paulos), Dr. E. Wolf (San Francisco), Dr. Helman and Dr. Morrison (Los Angeles), Dr. Nottage, Dr. Esch (San Diego), Dr. Steadman and Dr. Hawkins (Vail), Dr. P. Fowler (London Ontario Canada), and J. P. Warner in Boston University.
He has performed more than 10,000 arthroscopic knee surgeries and approximately 1,200 prosthetic reconstruction of the knee. He has always been very involved in the research works in the area of new biotechnologies, meniscal and osteochondral transplantation, allogeneic grafts for revisions by failures of ligament reconstructions, stabilization of the patella.
Mostrar másAndrew Foggitt is a UK-trained Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon who studied at Liverpool University Medical School, before undertaking his surgical and orthopedic training in the Wessex region of the South of England. He passed the orthopedic exit exam in 2000 and took up a Consultant post in November 2002 in Winchester, UK, as a General Orthopedic Surgeon with a specialist interest in foot and ankle surgery. This was a new post, and he set up a foot and ankle service, which was sufficiently successful, that he had to give up his general orthopedic practice to concentrate on purely foot and ankle surgery, which he continued, for over 19 years before moving to the Burjeel Hospital in Dubai, full-time, to provide foot and ankle services to the local population. He is supported by an integrated hospital team, providing a holistic service, including nurses, physiotherapists, podiatrists, orthotics, and a dedicated back-room team who will assist you through your hospital journey. He looks forward to providing you with personalized service to look after your foot and ankle problems. His areas of expertise include,
The doctor has established himself as a pioneer in the field of joint surgery, introducing innovative technologies such as navigation systems and minimally invasive approaches. His achievements and approach to patient recovery make him one of the leading specialists in Spain.
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