Plataforma de Turismo Médico #1 desde 2014
Kazajistán, Astaná

Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration

100% de pacientes
recomiendan esta clínica

Acerca de la clínica

Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration is a multidisciplinary hospital in Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main specialties are surgery, check-ups, and rehabilitation.

The Hospital is accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI) for the high quality of treatment, coordination, and sanitary.

The equipment of the Medical Center is at the same level as in world leading clinics — hybrid operating room, a diagnostic unit with MRI, CT, and PET-CT.

The employees of embassies and consular agencies are treated at the President’s Medical Center.

Aspectos más destacados

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Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration
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clock Tiempo promedio de respuesta — 5 minutos

Precios de procedimientos en la clínica

Última actualización del precio — 29.04.2024. Los precios se pueden cambiar según el caso médico y de las recomendaciones del médico.
Discectomía Precio a consultar
Cirugía de la columna
Plástico vertebral Precio a consultar
Cirugía cardíaca
Instalación de marcapasos cardíaco Precio a consultar
Cirugía de revascularización coronaria Precio a consultar
Cirugía de comunicación interventricular Precio a consultar
Colocación de stent coronario $800
Resonancia magnética del tórax $60 - $180
Ablación por radiofrecuencia Precio a consultar
Miomectomía (extirpación de fibromas uterinos) $350
Hemorroidectomía $250
Cirugía cardíaca pediátrica
Cirugía de comunicación interauricular Precio a consultar
TEP/TC $1117
Consulta con un oncólogo $15 - $20
Revisión de histopatología $20
Biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina Precio a consultar
Quimioembolización del hígado Precio a consultar
Eliminación de cáncer de hígado Precio a consultar
Resección transuretral de la próstata (RTUP) Precio a consultar
Investigación oftalmológica $80 - $120
Facoemulsificación con implantación de LIO Precio a consultar
Trabeculotomía $220
Reemplazo de cadera Precio a consultar
Reemplazo de rodilla Precio a consultar
Nefrectomía $800
Cirugía de pérdida de peso
Cirugía de manga gástrica (Gastrectomía en manga) $6600
Bypass gástrico $7600
Obstetricia y Ginecología
Diagnóstico complejo del cáncer de cuello uterino. Precio a consultar

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Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration: más detalles acerca de la clínica

Kazajistán, Astaná

Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration was established in 1997. In March 2005, a new building of the Hospital was opened. The President of Kazakhstan took part in this event.

The Hospital is located in the quiet area uptown, 7 km far away from Astana International Airport, and 17 km from the Central Railway Station.

It is important to know: the Center does not treat children — there is no pediatric department.

Advantages of the Medical Center

  • Experienced doctors work at the Center: professors, candidates of medical science, physicians of a superior expert category. They regularly upgrade the skills in the world’s leading hospitals.
  • The medical equipment is at the same level as in top European hospitals. 60% of equipment devices are made by world-renowned producers from Switzerland, Germany, and South Korea.
  • MRI, PET-CT, multi-slice CT devices are applied. They are the most modern diagnostic methods which detect neoplasms up to 0.1 cm in size.
  • Confidentiality. All the data about a patient is stored in electronic form. Only your doctor has access to it.

The Hospital in figures

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Awards and achievements

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JCI certificate

Independent Joint Commission International certifies Medical Centre Hospital of President's Affairs Administration. It confirms the medical services quality and doctors’ professionalism.

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ISO certificate

The Hospital is accredited by International Organization for Standardization. It means that all procedures in the Hospital are conducted according to strict standards.

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Membership in AMT

Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration has become a member of the Medical Tourism Association in America.

Check-up — total health screening

Doctors perform 2 diagnostic programs — check-up for women and men.

Check-up for women

The investigation has a preventative aim. After a check-up, a woman receives a report about the functioning of the genitourinary, cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, and respiratory systems.

Check-up for women includes 44 tests. They may be corrected according to patient’s preferences. The diagnostics takes 2-3 days.

Check-up for men

Check-up for men is applied to determine the health condition. After the investigation, they receive a report about functioning of the main body systems and the medical recommendations for treatment.

Check-up for men includes 42 tests and lasts for 2-3 days.

Surgical Suite with hybrid operating room

The Surgical Suite consists of 8 operating rooms. Over 90% of all procedures are carried out with the endoscope — a special tube with a camera. It transmits the image on the screen. A doctor controls the surgery process on the screen that increases the accuracy of moments.

Surgeries of such specialties are performed:

  • cardiac surgery
  • arrhythmology
  • neurosurgery
  • orthopedics and traumatology
  • urology
  • gynecology
  • ophthalmology
  • gynecology.

The surgical suite is equipped with the 1st hybrid operating room in Kazakhstan. This operating theatre is used to perform several single-step surgeries.

The Surgical Department is equipped with the electronic air filtration system. It cleans the air of bacteria and nullifies the risk of infections during the operation.

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The operating theatre

Recovery and Rehabilitation Center

Such types of recovery are available:

  • Remedial gymnastics and kinesiotherapy. The special exercises with a physiotherapist help a patient to restore muscles and joints after orthopedic surgeries.
  • Hydrotherapy — a rehabilitation in the pool.
  • Cryotherapy — treatment with a cold.

Mud treatment, needle therapy, sauna, and salt therapy room are also used to boost the recovery.

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Salt therapy room at the Center

Services for foreign patients in the Hospital

  • Assistance in applying for a visa
  • Airport-clinic transfer
  • Accommodation in single and double hospital rooms.
Servicios adicionales
Hotel (apartamentos) está cerca de la clínica, con el pago por días

E495 build №2, Astana

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La información fue presentada por
Fahad Mawlood
Representante de la clínica
actualizado 19/3/2025

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Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration
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Envíe su solicitud para obtener la mejor opción en Kazajistán
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clock Tiempo promedio de respuesta — 5 minutos

Cómo funciona:

  • Encontramos un coordinador médico familiarizado con el asunto
  • Usted recibe una oferta personal con una guía paso a paso y el presupuesto
  • Organizamos su viaje incluyendo horarios de citas y reservas de vuelos
  • Usted llega al hospital, nosotros le apoyamos 24/7

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