The Elite Private Clinic
Acerca de la clínica
The private clinic of obstetrics, gynecology and infertility treatment “Elite” is the biggest private clinic in Estonia.
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The Elite Private Clinic: más detalles acerca de la clínica
The private clinic of obstetrics, gynecology and infertility treatment “Elite” is the biggest private clinic in Estonia, which deals with the problems of women's health and reproductive function of the fair sex representatives.
Throughout the long period of time the medical institution “Elite” exercises treatment of female sterility with application traditional as well as innovatory methods – hysteroscopic surgery and laparoscopic surgery, hormonal treatment, artifical fertilization and others.
The clinic “Elite” is famous due to the fact that the first in vitro baby in the whole Baltic region was born under the supervision of one of its doctors. That momentous event happened in 1995.
The patients are being consulted and seen not only by gynaecologists but also by other specialists from different spheres of medical science. Apart from gynaecologists the clinic personnel includes surgeons, physicians, urinologists, andrologists, endocrinologists, allergists, dermatologists, cardiologists, psychotherapists. Additionally, the ultrasonic scanning, otorhinolaryngology doctors and pediatricians are practicing the medicine there.
The clinic offers wide spectrum of tests and diagnosis. The composition of tests include test OSCAR, which is intended for timely detection of genetic deviations in the earliest stages of pregnancy. Additionally, the clinic offers ultrasonic scanning with the newest apparatus called Voluson E6 with the possibility of 3D modulation.
For the best comfort of patients the clinic offers setting the timings of visits through the clinic's site. It also shows the contact data and spheres of its medical workers specialization.
The institution offers high level of comfort and care for the customers and patients. Every ward is equipped with the shower, toilet, TV-set and the centralized nurse call system.
Servicios adicionales
Tartu, Sangla 63
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Cómo funciona:
- Encontramos un coordinador médico familiarizado con el asunto
- Usted recibe una oferta personal con una guía paso a paso y el presupuesto
- Organizamos su viaje incluyendo horarios de citas y reservas de vuelos
- Usted llega al hospital, nosotros le apoyamos 24/7