Plataforma de Turismo Médico #1 desde 2014

Los mejores oncólogos del tratamiento de Cáncer de estómago — TOP-6 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Riccardo Rosati
Oncólogo quirúrgico
39 años de experiencia
59 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Raffaele

Riccardo Rosati

Oncólogo quirúrgico
39 años de experiencia


The American College of Surgeons
The European Association for Endoscopic Surgery
The International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus
The European Society for Diseases of the Esophagus

El profesor Riccardo Rosati es el Jefe del Departamento de Cirugía Gastrointestinal (GI) en el Hospital de Investigación San Raffaele en Milán, Italia. Es un cirujano altamente experimentado con más de 30 años de experiencia, con títulos médicos completos en medicina general y cirugía general, así como especialización en cirugía torácica. Es miembro de múltiples asociaciones quirúrgicas y ha escrito más de 300 publicaciones. Su departamento trata aproximadamente 2,000 casos quirúrgicos por año.

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Marcello Deraco
Oncólogo quirúrgico
35 años de experiencia
Italia, Rávena
Maria Cecilia Hospital

Marcello Deraco

Oncólogo quirúrgico
35 años de experiencia

Prof. Deraco started his professional career in 1989, as Associated Researcher at the Surgery Dept. and Experimental Oncology Dept. at the Fondazione IRCCS (National Cancer Institute) Milan, Italy, where he then became a part of the surgical team holding more roles: for over 10 years he had been the responsible doctor for Peritoneal Surface Malignancies Program, then, from 2017 he’s the director on Peritoneal Surface Malignancies Unit, and from 2015 he is also a Director of the ESPSO (European School of Peritoneal Surface Oncology). He also works as a Professor of Peritoneal Surface Malignancy, General Surgery, at the Milan University. Prof. Deraco is an expert of Cytoreducyive Surgery (CRS), Hiperthermic Intra Peritoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) and Pressurised Intra Peritoneal Aerosolized Chemotherapy (PIPAC), having treated, with these techniques, more than 1.200 patients with PSM.


In 1987, Prof. Deraco graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Messina, Italy with full marks, where 5 years later she specialized in General Surgery. In 1993 he obtained another specialization, in Oncology, from the Paris Dauphine University, France. In the years 1991-93 he obtained a 3-years research fellow supported by the Research Italian Ministry carried out at the Surgery Dept. at the "Gustave Roussy Institut" Villejuif, France and Surgery Dept. at "The Royal Marsden Hospital" London, UK. Then, in 1996, he spent a Fellowship of AIRC (Italian Association of Cancer Research) carried out at the Surgical Department of "Washington Cancer Institute” at the Washington Hospital Center, Washington DC, USA. 


Research & Publications

Having held important academic positions throughout all the years his career, Prof. Deraco has always been actively engaged in the research, in the field of Peritoneal Surface Malignancy, Oncological Surgery. In 2013 he obtained the Italian National Scientific Habilitation as 1st and 2nd Level Professor of General Surgery. From 2010 to 2015 he taught Peritoneal Surface Malignancy at the Rome University Tor Vergata, School on Surgery of the Digestive Tract, from 2015 he works as a Professor of Peritoneal Surface Malignancy, General Surgery, at the Milan University. He taught Peritoneal Surface Malignancy Treatment Techniques for other several Italian and foreign institutions, where had also been an academic mentor for over 30 postdoctoral fellows from McGill University, Montreal, Canada; National Cancer Institute – ESE, Bogotá, Colombia; University Hospital Reina Sofia, Spain among others. He has published more than 250 indexed scientific articles and 25 book chapters with h-index = 53.

Prof. Deraco was engaged in scientific activity, as the executive member of the board of different scientific societies, such as SITILO (Italian Society for Loco Regional Cancer Therapy); GIM (Italian Mesothelioma Group); PSOGI (Peritoneal Surface Oncology International Group); IART (Italian Association for Rare Tumors); ESSO (European Society of Surgical Oncology) etc. 

Prof. Deraco has been Scientific Director of many events including the PSOGI Consensus Conference in 2006 and Chair of the upcoming XIII PSOGI Congress (Venice October 2023). He is a member of the Steering Committee for the Italian AIOM guidelines and PSOGI guidelines on Peritoneal Surface Malignancies.

As Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator he has conducted multiple international and national research projects, eligible for funding on the basis of competitive calls for peer review. He is currently Principal or Co-Investigator of several research projects on Peritoneal Mesothelioma, Colorectal Cancer, Appendiceal Cancer and Pseudomixoma Peritonei, one of which is international (Accelerator Award).

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Michele Reni
Oncólogo clínico
36 años de experiencia
59 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Raffaele

Michele Reni

Oncólogo clínico
36 años de experiencia

El profesor Michele Reni es un oncólogo médico experimentado con más de 30 años de práctica con sede en Italia. Se especializa en adenocarcinoma de páncreas, cánceres gastroesofágicos y tumores del sistema nervioso central. Ha publicado más de 180 artículos sobre el tratamiento del cáncer y es el coordinador de las directrices de la Asociación Italiana de Oncología Médica (AIOM) para el tratamiento y manejo del cáncer de páncreas. También ha presidido numerosos ensayos clínicos sobre el tratamiento de pacientes con cáncer de páncreas metastásico.

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Antonio Braun
Cirujano colorectal
14 años de experiencia
Italia, Bari
Ospedale Santa Maria

Antonio Braun

Cirujano colorectal
14 años de experiencia

Dr Braun's primary responsibilities include direct leadership and execution of complex surgeries, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and other advanced metabolic and bariatric procedures. He has developed solid experience in managing the different clinical challenges present in obese patients, providing them with personalized and optimized care to ensure positive long-term outcomes.

His surgical practice is based on an in-depth methodology and a careful look at the latest technological innovations in the field of bariatric surgery. He has actively worked to implement advanced protocols and continually improve operational techniques, while maintaining the highest standards of patient safety and care.

With over 2000 operations performed as a surgeon specializing in oncology, he has developed extensive experience and expertise in laparoscopic and robotic surgery applied to the care of cancer patients.

As a primary operator, he has successfully conducted a wide range of laparoscopic and robotic surgeries for the treatment of oncological conditions, including gastrointestinal, urological, gynecological and other solid tumors. His surgical practice has focused on the application of advanced techniques, using cutting-edge laparoscopic instruments and robotic systems

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Cómo elegir el médico y la clínica adecuados: Consejos de expertos
Al elegir un médico o una clínica, tenga en cuenta estos puntos clave:
Revise las credenciales
Verifique las certificaciones de entidades como ISAPS, JCI, etc.
Revise las tasas de éxito
Elija médicos con una amplia experiencia en su tratamiento específico.
Lea las reseñas de los pacientes
Reseñas de pacientes reales de Bookimed para conocer su experiencia.
Garantía de comunicación
Elija clínicas que ofrezcan servicio de traducción para facilitar el tratamiento.
Pregunte sobre los servicios
Confirme si proporcionan alojamiento y traslados, y compruebe los costes.
Elegir una clínica en el extranjero puede ser estresante. En Bookimed, con más de 800K pacientes ayudados, entendemos sus preocupaciones. Sabemos cómo encontrar médicos de confianza, las mejores opciones calidad-precio y soluciones incluso para casos complejos. Estamos aquí para guiarle en cada paso de su viaje médico.
Yan Matsiivskiy
Jefe del Equipo de coordinadores médicos
Armando Santoro
Oncólogo clínico
44 años de experiencia
Italia, Milán

Armando Santoro

Oncólogo clínico
44 años de experiencia

Professor Santoro is heavily involved in research, with interest in many topics, such as the development of new cancer drugs and new biological therapies, interests for solid and haematological tumours, and not only he treats cancer survivors but also patients with comorbidities.

He has worked in Humanitas Research Hospital for 22 years. Professor Santoro’s post-graduate research was carried out at the Unité de Development Therapeutique (Institut de Cancerologie et d’Immunogenetique, Villejuif of Paris) from 1974 to 1975, and in the Division of Medical Oncology of the National Cancer Institute of Milan from 1976 to 1977. 

In 1977, he specialized in Clinical and Laboratory Haematology at University of Rome. In 1979, he completed his fellowship post-graduate work in the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center of New York and later, at Stanford University. In 1980, he specialized in oncology at the University of Genoa. 

Current Teaching Activity: Professor Santoro worked as Contract Professor at the Specialization School in Clinical Pathology ad Pavia University from 1992 to 1997. Also, from 1993 to 2002 he has been President of the Rare Tumour Group. Now he is full professor at Humanitas University. 

Current Positions

  • .Since 1997, he is the Director of the Department of Medical Oncology and Haematology, at Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Milan. Also, he is Member of the Ethics Committee of Istituto Clinico Humanitas and Director of Clinical Research in the same Institute since 2007.
  • - Since 2008, he is Member of the Planning Committee, Ministry of Work and of Health and Social Politics, Rome, Italy.
  • - Since October 2008, Professor Santoro is Counsellor of the Board of Directors of the Fondazione Humanitas for Research of Rozzano, Italy.
  • - Since November 2008, he is Expert Member of the National Centre for the Prevention and Control of Disease, Ministry of Work and of Health and Social Politics (Rome, Italy).
  • - Since February 2009, he is National Representative preparatory actions for the "European Partnership for Action against Cancer" Ministry of Work and of Health and Social Politics (Rome, Italy).
  • - Since February 2009, Professor Santoro is member of National Italian Committee on the Research Network in Oncology, Ministry of Work and of Health and Social Politics (Rome, Italy).
  • - Since May 2009, he is Coordinator of the Oesophageal-Stomach Cancer Group Coordinator of the Liver and Biliary Tree Cancer Group, Regional Oncology Commission – Lombardy Oncology Network.


In addition, Professor Santoro’s unique expertise was recognized through numerous awards, such as the Managing Doctor of the Year award (2013), the City of Siena S. Caterina d’Oro Award (2013, Serra Association Award for scientific research) and social and healthcare commitment (Salerno, 2009). 



Publications: santoro%a - Search Results - PubMed ( 

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Vincenzo Tondolo
Cirujano general
23 años de experiencia
Italia, Roma
Mater Oblia Hospital

Vincenzo Tondolo

Cirujano general
23 años de experiencia

Director de la Unidad de Cirugía General del Hospital Mater Olbia con Título de Médico con Honores de la Universidad Católica, Roma, Italia y Certificado de Especialista en Cirugía General. Con experiencia en la realización de más de 1300 procedimientos quirúrgicos, incluidos trasplantes de hígado, páncreas y riñón, y 500 casos de operaciones oncológicas. Actividad docente en la Escuela de Medicina y Cirugía, Cattolica International, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italia. Miembro de la Sociedad Italiana de Cirugía y de la Sociedad Italiana de Cirugía Oncológica. Autor y coautor de publicaciones en revistas internacionales.

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Política editorial de Bookimed

Bookimed, una plataforma líder mundial en turismo médico, se compromete a ayudar a los clientes que buscan tratamiento para el cáncer de estómago ofreciéndoles asistencia experta y soluciones médicas confiables para cada situación. Se utiliza un sistema de clasificación automático inteligente para elaborar listas de clínicas transparentes, mantenidas meticulosamente por un científico de datos que utiliza IA para mayor precisión. La plataforma garantiza la autenticidad al publicar reseñas de pacientes reales después de sus tratamientos. Bookimed ofrece soluciones médicas integrales, con actualizaciones de las clínicas para garantizar la confiabilidad. El contenido sobre el tratamiento del cáncer de estómago, elaborado por autores médicos experimentados y revisado por especialistas, cumple con las pautas editoriales de Bookimed , lo que refleja el compromiso de la plataforma de brindar información de salud clara y de alta calidad. Para obtener más detalles o consultas, no dude en contactarnos en o obtenga más información sobre nosotros y nuestra misión aquí .

Experto de Cáncer de estómago en el Consejo de Asesoría Médica de Bookimed


El Dr. Yesim Yıldırım es profesor de Oncología Médica en el Centro Médico Anadolu y miembro de la Sociedad Europea de Oncología Médica (ESMO). Se especializa en inmunoterapia del cáncer y terapias dirigidas, diagnóstico y tratamiento de neoplasias malignas y ha publicado más de 80 publicaciones, resúmenes y libros internacionales y nacionales. También tiene un MBA en Gestión de la Salud y domina los idiomas inglés, ruso y turco.