La Dra. Leyla Arvas es especialista en Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética con estudios de microcirugía y tratamientos láser en Taiwán, Tokio y Barcelona. Ha realizado operaciones estéticas en consultorios privados, hospitales y clínicas, especializándose en procedimientos de Rinoplastia, Befaroplastia, Estiramiento Facial, Liposucción, Levantamiento-Aumento-Reducción de Senos y Abdominoplastia. Tiene experiencia en tecnologías de liposucción VASER y LÁSER y lipoescultura de alta definición.
Mostrar másLa Dra. Esra Tustas Haberal se graduó de la Facultad de Medicina de Estambul de la Universidad de Estambul en 1997. Ha ganado premios por su trabajo y ha participado y presentado en numerosos congresos nacionales e internacionales. Se especializa en Supervisión de Embarazo y Parto, Supervisión de Embarazo de Alto Riesgo, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de Incontinencia Urinaria, Infertilidad, Cirugía Laparoscópica, Cirugía Histeroscópica, Cirugía de Suelo Pélvico y Cirugía Estética Genital. Ha trabajado en Delta Hospital, Çengelköy Ülkü Hospital y Umraniye Training and Research Hospital.
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Injerto capilar FUSS/FUT | $1467.65 - $2101.17 |
Dr. Ali Nurhan Özbaba tiene un MD de la Universidad de Ankara (1980-1988) y la Universidad de Gazi (1989-1995). Ha trabajado en la Universidad Gazi (1989), Privat Optimed Hospital (2014-2019), Private Vega Hospital (2019-2021) y Küçükçekmece Hospital (2021-2022). Es miembro de la Asociación Turca de Cirugía Plástica Estética.
Mostrar másCita con el médico | precio a consultar |
Injerto capilar FUSS/FUT | $2500 - $3500 |
Cita con el médico | precio a consultar |
Injerto capilar FUSS/FUT | $1500 - $4000 |
El Dr. Ömer Faruk DEVECİ es un cirujano plástico, reconstructivo y estético que nació en Ankara en 1988. Completó su educación médica en 2012 y se convirtió en especialista en 2018. Desde entonces, ha trabajado en varios hospitales y tiene práctica privada desde septiembre 2020.
Mostrar másEl Dr. Mustafa Nisanci es cirujano plástico, reconstructivo y estético con 28 años de experiencia en el campo de la medicina. Se especializa en cirugía reconstructiva, que incluye microcirugía y cirugía de colgajo, cirugía de guerra, cirugía de manos, reconstrucciones de extremidades inferiores, reconstrucción mamaria, cirugía plástica pediátrica, cirugía de cabeza y cuello, cirugía oral y maxilofacial, cirugía ortognática y cuidado de quemaduras y cirugía de quemaduras.
También tiene experiencia en cirugía estética, que incluye estiramiento facial, estiramiento de cuello, estiramiento de la parte media de la cara, rejuvenecimiento periorbitario y de la frente, rinoplastia, aumento de senos, reducción de senos, liposucción, inyección de grasa, abdominoplastia de contorno corporal, aumento de pantorrillas, levantamiento de glúteos, restauración del cabello y cirugía de trasplante, inyecciones de botox, rellenos y aplicaciones de láser.
Tiene 37 publicaciones internacionales y 24 nacionales. El Dr. Mustafa Nisanci trabaja en GMMA y la Escuela de Medicina, el Centro Médico Talya, el Centro de Cirugía Estética ECM, la Clínica de Kentucky, la Academia Médica Militar Gülhane y la 5.ª Base Aérea de la Fuerza Aérea Turca.
Mostrar másAsoc. El Dr. Tayfun Türkaslan es un especialista en cirugía estética con más de 20 artículos publicados en ediciones internacionales que ha realizado su especialización tras procesos de certificación en el extranjero y es miembro de diversas organizaciones científicas. Ha trabajado en varios hospitales y actualmente ofrece sus servicios médicos profesionales desde su práctica privada.
Mostrar másParticipation in Symposiums, Congresses and Academic Certificate Programs:
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association 11th National Congress and Facial Aesthetics Course,18-20 June 2007.
Planning in Orthognathic Surgery, 3 May 2007, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine. 26th National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 21-25 September 2004, ANKARA.
8th National Congress of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association,18-20 June 2004, ISTANBUL.
3rd International Congress of A.S.A.M.I., 27-29 May 2004, ISTANBUL.
Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injuries, Postgraduate Training Meeting, 13 March 2004, ISTANBUL.
Panel on Non-invasive Aesthetic Facial Interventions, 25 December 2003, ISTANBUL.
Maxillofacial Surgery and Distraction Course, 6-7 November 2003, ANKARA.
Yeditepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Current and Advanced Views Symposium on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 18-20 October 2002, ISTANBUL.
ISAPS 2002 (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) XVI Congress, 26-29 May 2002, ISTANBUL.
GATA Medical School, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery Workshop and Course, 3-4 May 2002, ANKARA.
23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.
Turkish Symposium Contour Genesis Ultrasonic Assisted Lipoplasty, 23-24 November 2000, ISTANBUL.
Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic, Basic Microsurgery Certificate Program, 16-27 October 2000, ISTANBUL.
22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, IZMIR.
Vagıf KALENDER, Aret Çerçi ÖZKAN, Ufuk EMEKLI, Aylin BILGIN KARABULUT, Metin ERER, Atilla ARINCI, Ali MEZDEĞI. Medical Bulletin of Istanbul Medical Faculty.
2- Management of Donor Site of Prefabricated Temporalis Fascia Flap (Letter) Aylin Bilgin KARABULUT, Hülya AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.108(3):793-794, September 1, 2001.
3- Recurrent Bleeding Following Rhinoplasty due to Factor XIII Deficiency (Letter) Aylin Bilgin KARABULUT, Hülya AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI, Evin ADEMOĞLU. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 108(3):808, September 1, 2001.
4- Roberts Syndrome from the Plastic Surgeon’s Viewpoint (Letter) Aylin Bilgin KARABULUT, Hülya AYDIN, Metin ERER, Ali MEZDEĞI, Erdem GÜVEN Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 108(5):1443-1445, October 2001.
5- A fast and effective method of cartilage mincing: Turkish delight graft revisited (Letter) Ufuk EMEKLI, Ali MEZDEĞI, Burcu ÇELET ÖZDEN, Orhan ÇIZMECI. European Journal of Plastic Surgery(2003) 26:164.
6- The Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen and Surgical Decompression in Experimental Compartment Syndrome. Figen AYDIN, Şamil AKTAŞ, Vakur OLGAÇ, Ali MEZDEĞİ, Sacit KARAMÜRSEL (single name in plastic surgery)Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2003 Jul;9(3):176-182.
7- Zone II fleksör tendon yaralanmalarında tendon protezi ile fleksör tendoplasti uygulamalarımız (Flexor tendoplasty with a tendon prosthesis for zone II flexor tendon injuries). Atakan AYDIN, Murat TOPALAN, Ali MEZDEĞİ, İlker SEZER, Türker ÖZKAN, Metin ERER, Zeynep HOŞBAY. Acta Orthopedica et Traumatologica Turcica 2003:37(5):374-378.
8- Fleksör tendon yaralanmalarında tek seanslı fleksör tendoplasti (Single-stage flexor tendoplasty in the treatment of flexor tendon injuries). Atakan AYDIN, Murat TOPALAN, Ali MEZDEĞİ, İlker SEZER, Türker ÖZKAN, Metin ERER, Safiye ÖZKAN. Acta Orthopedica et Traumatologica Turcica 2004:38(1):54-59.
9- Dorsal teknik ile el bilek artrodezi uygulamalarımız (Wrist arthrodesis applications with dorsal technique). Atakan AYDIN, Murat TOPALAN, Türker ÖZKAN, Metin ERER, Ali MEZDEĞİ, Gülnur ÖZTÜRK. Accepted by the Turkish Journal of Plastic Surgery and pending for publication.
10- Effects of amifostine on healing of microvascular anastomoses, flap survival, and nerve regeneration with preoperative or postoperative irradiation. Atakan AYDIN, Burcu ÇELET ÖZDEN, Ali MEZDEĞİ, Sıdıka KURUL, Rasim MERAL, Seyhun SOLAKOGLU. Microsurgery. 2004;24(5):392.
Papers Presented:
1- Posterior İnterosseoz Sinir Paralizisinde Rekonstrüksiyon (Reconstruction in Posterior Interosseous Nerve Paralysis). Ayhan OKUMUŞ, Türker ÖZKAN, Atakan AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI, Metin ERER, Safiye ÖZKAN. 22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, İZMİR.
2- Venöz Staz Sonrası Oluşan İskemi-Reperfüzyon Hasarında A ve E Vitamini Kombinasyon Tedavisi (Combination Therapy of Vitamins A and E in Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury After Venous Stasis) İrfan AYDIN, Aylin BİLGİN, Evin ADEMOĞLU, Ali MEZDEĞİ, Serdar TUNCER, Orhan ÇİZMECİ, Metin ERER. 22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, İZMİR.
3- ‘Limitations in Mandibular Distraction; Istanbul Medical Faculty Experience’ Ali MEZDEĞI, Burcu ÇELET ÖZDEN, Atilla ARINCI, Ufuk EMEKLI. 3rd International Congress of A.S.A.M.I., 27-29 May 2004, İSTANBUL.
4- Endosteal Extra-Oral İmplant ile Kulak, Burun ve Soket Rekonstrüksiyonu (Ear, nose and socket reconstruction with endosteal extra-oral implants) Ali MEZDEĞI, Ismail ERMIŞ, Sinan NUR KESIM, Ebru TUNCER, Banu
KARAYAZGAN 26th National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 21-25 September, 2004, ANKARA.
5- Mandibuler Distraksiyon Osteogenezis:İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Deneyimi (Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis: The Experience of Istanbul Medical Faculty) Ali MEZDEĞI, Atilla ARINCI, Ismail ERMİŞ, Burcu ÇELET ÖZDEN, Sinan NUR KESIM 26th National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 21-25 September 2004, ANKARA.
Poster Presentations:
1- Hemifasyal Mikrozomi Olgularında Mandibulanın Distraksiyon Osteogenezis Yöntemi ile Uzatılmasındaki Tecrübelerimiz (Our experiences in lengthening of the mandible by distraction osteogenesis in cases of hemifacial microsomia). Orhan ÇIZMECI, Atilla ARINCI, Irfan AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI. 22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, IZMIR.
2- Bilateral Lateral Yüz Yarığı: Olgu Sunumu (Bilateral Lateral Facial Cleft: A Case Report). Aret ÇERÇİ ÖZKAN, Ufuk EMEKLI, Alp Aslan, Ali MEZDEĞI, Sinan NUR KESIM. 22nd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-1 October 2000, IZMIR.
3- Ekspanse Edilmiş Prefabrike Supraklavikuler Deri Flebi ile Konjenital Dev Nevüs Rekonstrüksiyonu: Vaka Sunumu (Reconstruction of Congenital Giant Nevus with Prefabricated Induced Expanded Supraclavicular Skin Flap: A Case Report).
Erdem GÜVEN, Aret ÇERÇI ÖZKAN, Ufuk EMEKLI, Ismail ERMIŞ, Ali MEZDEĞI, Irfan AYDIN. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.
4- Deri Koruyucu Olmayan Mastektomide Doku Genişletici ile Genişletilmiş Göğüs Duvarı Derisinin Altına Dezepitelize Edilerek Yerleştirilen Pediküllü TRAM Flep ile Geç Meme Onarımı: Vaka Sunumu (Late Breast Repair with Disephitelized Pedicle TRAM Flap Placed under Chest Wall Skin Expanded with Tissue Expander in Non-Skin-Sparing Mastectomy: A Case Report) Aret ÇERÇI ÖZKAN, Orhan ÇIZMECI, Serdar EREN, Hülya AYDIN, Ali MEZDEĞI, Serdar TUNCER, Erdem GÜVEN, Funda AKÖZ. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.
5- Vaka Sunumu: Masseter Absesi Sonrası Gelişen Masseterik Fibrozis ve Buna Bağlı Gelişen Ekstraartiküler Ankiloz (Masseteric Fibrosis Developing After Masseter Abscess and Related Extra-Articular Ankylosis: A Case Report).
Ali MEZDEĞI, Erdem GÜVEN, Orhan ÇİZMECİ, Alp Aslan, Metin ERER. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.
6- Vaka Sunumu: İdiopatik Skrotal Kalsinozis (Idiopathic Scrotal Calcinosis: A Case Report) Ali MEZDEĞI. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.
7- Tırnak Yatağı Defektlerinin Steril Matriks Greftleri ile Rekonstrüksiyonu (Reconstruction of Nail Bed Defects with Sterile Matrix Grafts) Serdar TUNCER, Ali MEZDEĞI, Atakan AYDIN, Türker ÖZKAN, Metin ERER. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.
8- Mandibula Kondiler Bölge ve Koronoid Çıkıntıdan Kaynaklanan Osteokondromlar (Osteochondromas Originating From Mandibular Condylar Region and Coronoid Protrusion) Alp Aslan, Ufuk EMEKLI, İsmail ERMIŞ, Orhan ÇİZMECI, Defne
ÖNEL, Ali MEZDEĞI, Erdem GÜVEN. 23rd National Congress of Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 27-30 September 2001, ISTANBUL.
Thesis:The clinical thesis titled “Mandibuler Distraksiyon Osteogenezis (Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis)” was presented in June 2003 and was found satisfactory by the thesis jury.
Mostrar másExperience:
2018- Present: Florence Nightingale
Hospital Hair Transplantation and Hair Health Department
2016- 2017: Present: Istanbul Aydin
University Medical Park Flora Hospital
2015- 2016: Doctor at Turkeyana hair transplant clinic.
2006- 2015. Dogan Hospital Hair Transplantation
Head of department.
Hair transplant specialist 2008
Mesotherapy specialist
International association of aesthetic plastic surgery
Turkish Medical Association
family medicine association
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Injerto capilar FUSS/FUT | $2500 - $3500 |
Bookimed, una plataforma líder mundial en turismo médico, se compromete a ayudar a los clientes que buscan un trasplante de cabello FUT en Turquía ofreciéndoles asistencia experta y soluciones médicas confiables para cada situación. Se utiliza un sistema de clasificación automático inteligente para elaborar listas de clínicas transparentes, mantenidas meticulosamente por un científico de datos que utiliza IA para mayor precisión. La plataforma garantiza la autenticidad al publicar reseñas de pacientes reales después de sus tratamientos. Bookimed ofrece soluciones médicas integrales, con actualizaciones de las clínicas para garantizar la confiabilidad. El contenido sobre el trasplante de cabello FUT en Turquía, elaborado por autores médicos experimentados y revisado por especialistas, cumple con las pautas editoriales de Bookimed , lo que refleja el compromiso de la plataforma de brindar información de salud clara y de alta calidad. Para obtener más detalles o consultas, no dude en contactarnos en o obtenga más información sobre nosotros y nuestra misión aquí .