Educación y especialización
2003 - 2009 - Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Ege - Educación Médica
2009 - 2014 - Universidad de Estambul Facultad de Medicina de Estambul Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecología - Especialización
2016 - 2019- Universidad de Ciencias de la Salud de Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Hospital de Educación e Investigación Cirugía Oncológica Ginecológica - Especialización de subrama
2014 - 2016 Clínica de Ginecología y Obstetricia del Hospital Estatal Yozgat Sorgun - Servicio Obligatorio
2019 - 2021 Universidad de Ciencias de la Salud Hospital de Educación e Investigación Sultangazi Haseki Clínica de Oncología Ginecológica - Servicio Obligatorio
2019 - Universidad de Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Departamento de Oncología Ginecológica y Medicina Reproductiva, Miembro Observador
Cursos y Certificados
1 - Certificado de Acreditación Individual Europea de Oncología Ginecológica, 2019, (Certificado de Acreditación Individual ESGO), Sociedad Europea de Oncología Ginecológica, Praga, República Checa.
2 - Certificado de Uso de Cirugía Robótica, 21-25 de febrero de 2018 Congreso de Cirugía Ginecológica Mínimamente Invasiva, Estambul, Turquía
3 - Taller internacional en vídeo sobre cirugía radical en oncología ginecológica, del 26 al 28 de abril de 2018, Praga, República Checa
4 - Curso Avanzado de Robótica y Cirugía Mínimamente Invasiva en Cirugía Ginecológica, 4 y 5 de abril de 2019, Houston, EE. UU.
Membresías Profesionales
Sociedad Europea de Oncología Ginecológica (ESGO)
Sociedad Turca de Ginecología y Obstetricia
Asociación Médica Turca, sucursal de Estambul
Sociedad Turca de Oncología Ginecológica
Áreas de interés
Cirugía sin cicatrices
Cáncer de ovario
Cánceres de útero
Cáncer de vulva
Estética genital
Artículos publicados en revistas internacionales revisadas por pares
A.1 COMBA CIHAN, COMBA ATAKAN,YILMAZ HAKAN,ERDOGAN SAKIR VOLKAN,DEMIR ÖMER (2020). La enfermedad celíaca no afecta a los marcadores de reserva ovárica en las adolescentes. Archivos de ginecología y obstetricia, 1-7.,
A.2 COMBA CIHAN, DEMIRAYAK GÖKHAN, ERDOGAN SAKIR VOLKAN, KARACA IBRAHIM, DEMIR ÖMER, GÜLER OGUZ, ÖZDEMIR ISA AYKUT (2020). Comparación del dolor y el estado adecuado de la muestra según el uso de tenáculo y analgesia: un ensayo clínico aleatorizado. Ciencias de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Doi: 10.5468/ogs.19185,
A.3 KARACA IBRAHIM,ERDOGAN SAKIR VOLKAN,DOGAN KEZIBAN,ALAY ISMAIL,INCE ONUR,KARACA SUNA YILDIRIM,COMBA CIHAN,BAHCECI ECE,ERDOGAN ALIYE,ÖZTÜRK EMINE,EKIN MURAT (2020). Los efectos de la progesterona micronizada oral exógena en los marcadores de detección de aneuploidías del primer trimestre en mujeres con amenaza de aborto espontáneo: un estudio de casos y controles emparejados. Revista de Medicina Materno-Fetal Neonatal, 33(14), 1-6., Doi: 10.1080/14767058.2020.1745175, A.4 KARACA IBRAHIM, ÖZTÜRK MUSTAFA, COMBA CIHAN, DEMIRAYAK GÖKHAN,ERDOGAN SAKIR VOLKAN, ÖZDEMIR İSA AYKUT, HOSGÖREN M URAT (2019). ¿El modelo de "manejo igualitario de riesgos iguales" causa sobretratamiento en pacientes con resultados positivos de citología cervical para tipos oncogénicos ASCUS/no HPV16/18? CITOPATOLOGÍA DIAGNÓSTICA, 47(2), 105-109., Doi: 10.1002/dc.24029,
A.5 OZTURK EMINE,INCE ONUR,KARACA IBRAHIM,DEMIRAYAK GOKHAN,COMBA CIHAN,ALAY ISMAIL,ERGOGAN SAKIR VOLKAN,KARACA SUNA YILDIRIM,OZDEMIR ISA AYKUT (2020). El impacto de las infecciones concurrentes por VPH en la presentación de lesiones intraepiteliales cervicales de alto grado. Ginekologia Polska, 91(1), 6-12., Doi: 10.5603/GP.2020.0002,
A.6 KARASU AYSE FILIZ GÖKMEN,AYDIN SERDAR,ATES SEDA,TAKMAZ TAHA,COMBA CIHAN (2020). Administración de Cytotec rectal versus buscopan rectal antes de la histeroscopia. TECNOLOGÍAS ALIADAS DE TERAPIA MÍNIMAMENTE INVASIVA, 29(3), 1-5., Doi: 10.1080/13645706.2020.1748059,
A.7 OZDEMIR ISA AYKUT, COMBA CIHAN, DEMIRAYAK GOKHAN,GULSEREN VAROL,ERDOGAN SAKIR VOLKAN, ASLANOVA FIDAN, AFSAR SELIM,GUNGORDUK KEMAL (2019). Impacto de la caminata preoperatoria en la función intestinal posoperatoria en pacientes con cáncer ginecológico. Revista internacional de cáncer ginecológico, 29(8), 1311-1316., Doi: 10.1136/ijgc-2019-000633,
Graduación (MD Desde)
Licenciatura en Medicina, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Srinakharinwirot
Diplomado en Obstetricia y Ginecología, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital Vajira, Universidad Navamindradhiraj
Puestos actuales
Obstetra y ginecólogo en el Hospital Intrarat
Mostrar másPatient requests:
Age-related changes in various areas of the body;
Breast augmentation or correction;
Condition, after full or partial removal of the breast;
Consequences of injuries, burns, removal of various tumor-like formations;
Lymphatic edema of the extremities after various injuries and surgical interventions.
All types of operations in the field of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery;
All types of microsurgical operations;
Consultation of patients.
Surgical techniques aimed at correcting age-related changes in the face and body;
All types of operations with corrections of congenital and acquired skin defects and deformations of various localization;
All types of operations for the correction of postoperative scars and skin deformations;
All types of microsurgical operations.
Kyiv Medical Institute named after O.O. Bogomolets in 1980, Sergeon;
Since 1980, work in the department of microsurgery and plastic surgery of NIHT named after O.O. Shalimova with a specialization in vascular surgery;
1987 he defended his candidate's thesis "auto-alloneuroplasty of defects of the peripheral nerves of the limbs";
In 1996, he completed the cycle of works on microsurgery in the field of neuroplasticity, received the State Award of Ukraine in the field of science and technology;
In 1999, he defended his doctoral thesis "Autotransplantation of complex tissue complexes for closing defects in functionally important areas of the limbs";
Since 2007 - professor of the department of combustiology and plastic surgery, head of the cycle - "Mammoplasty";
Graduación (MD Desde)
Licenciatura en Medicina, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chiang Mai
Puestos actuales
Obstetra y ginecólogo (FERTILIZACIÓN IN VITRO: FIV) en el Hospital Intrarat
Graduación (MD Desde)
Licenciatura en Medicina, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chulalongkorn
Rama de la medicina que se especializa en el cuidado de las mujeres durante el embarazo y el parto y en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades de los órganos reproductores femeninos. También se especializa en otros problemas de salud de la mujer, como la menopausia, los problemas hormonales, la anticoncepción (control de la natalidad) y la infertilidad. También se denomina obstetricia y ginecología.
Diplomado en Obstetricia y Ginecología, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital Ramathibodi
Puestos actuales
Obstetra y ginecólogo en el Hospital Intrarat
Graduación (MD Desde)
Licenciatura en Medicina, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital Ramathibodi, Universidad Mahidol
Diplomado en Obstetricia y Ginecología, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital Ramathibodi, Universidad Mahidol
Puestos actuales
Obstetra y ginecólogo en el Hospital Intrarat
Los servicios de obstetricia y ginecología incluyen la realización de exámenes y pruebas, el diagnóstico y tratamiento de trastornos reproductivos, la prestación de atención prenatal, la asistencia en el parto, la realización de cirugías, la educación de los pacientes sobre la salud reproductiva y el mantenimiento actualizado de las prácticas médicas.
Graduación (MD Desde)
Licenciatura en Medicina, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital Siriraj, Universidad Mahidol
Diplomado en Obstetricia y Ginecología, Facultad de Medicina, Hospital Siriraj, Universidad Mahidol
Puestos actuales
Obstetra y ginecólogo en el Hospital Intrarat
Mostrar másProfessor Dr. Mehmet Karaca
DOB: 1971,
Place Of. Birth: Antalya.
Foreign Languages Known: English
Medical Interests Cancer Center Schools / trainings Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Medical Interests gynecological cancers Pregnancy high risk pregnancy laparoscopic surgery Urogynecology genital aesthetics infertility in vitro fertilization
Schools / trainings
1993 - Undergraduate Medicine Akdeniz University
1993 - Master's Degree in Medicine Akdeniz University 1999 - PhD in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dicle University
2011 - Minor Gynecological oncology surgery Ministry of Health experiences
2002 - 2005 - Gaziantep University - faculty of medicine - faculty member
2006 - 2010 - Kafkas University faculty of medicine - faculty member
2010 - 2014 - Antalya Training and Research Hospital - clinical chief
2014 - 2021 - Medstar Yıldız Hospital
2018 - 2021 - Gelisim University faculty member
2021 - present - Medical Park Antalya Hospital Complex
Mostrar más
La Dra. Séverine Iborra es la médica jefe del Departamento de Ginecología y Obstetricia del Städtisches Klinikum Solingen. Sus responsabilidades incluyen la obstetricia, la sala de partos, la unidad neonatal y la ginecología. El departamento también incluye la Clínica de Senología/Mama del Bergisches Breast Center Solingen, dirigida por la Dra. Manuela Seifert.
La Dra. Séverine Iborra es originaria de Francia. Comenzó sus estudios de medicina en la Universidad de Lyon y luego se trasladó a la Universidad Albert-Ludwigs de Friburgo, donde obtuvo su licencia médica en 2007. Obtuvo su doctorado en 2008 por investigación experimental en oncología molecular. De agosto de 2008 a noviembre de 2013, la Dra. Iborra trabajó como residente en la Clínica Universitaria de la Mujer de Friburgo. Después de aprobar sus exámenes de especialista en ginecología y obstetricia, continuó su carrera como especialista en la misma clínica. En noviembre de 2015, se trasladó al Hospital Universitario RWTH de Aquisgrán como médica senior.
En la Clínica de Ginecología y Obstetricia, bajo la dirección del Prof. Dr. E. Stickeler, la Dra. Iborra dirigió el departamento de obstetricia de 2017 a 2019. Desde diciembre de 2017, fue responsable de la organización de la formación en el departamento y, en octubre de 2019, pasó a ser médica senior gerente y médica senior de personal de la clínica, cargo que ocupó hasta que se trasladó a Solingen.
Además de su labor científica, con numerosas publicaciones y ponencias en importantes congresos ginecológicos, la Dra. Iborra profundizó en sus especialidades médicas. Obtuvo certificaciones en diagnóstico y terapia oncológica del Gynecological Oncology Working Group, así como titulaciones adicionales en Patología Cervical y Colposcopia (AGCPC), Uroginecología y Cirugía Reconstructiva Pélvica (AGUP), y la Asociación Profesional de Ginecólogos (BVF).
En 2019, la Dra. Iborra completó con éxito su especialización en “Oncología ginecológica” y “Obstetricia especial y medicina perinatal”. Es miembro activo de las principales sociedades médicas alemanas en su campo, incluidas la Sociedad Alemana de Ginecología y Obstetricia, el Grupo de trabajo de patología cervical y colposcopia y la Sociedad Alemana de Medicina Prenatal y del Parto.
Tratamientos que ofrecemos en nuestro Departamento de Ginecología
Siempre que sea posible, ofrecemos todos los procedimientos como tratamientos mínimamente invasivos mediante laparoscopia o el sistema robótico Da Vinci.
Mostrar másEDUCACIÓN:
Hospital de maternidad Etlik de Ankara y Hospital de Educación e Investigación en Ginecología, Ginecología y Obstetricia
Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Ankara
2019 - hasta el presente
Hospital Universitario Medipol Pendik
2009 - 2019
Hospital de enfermedades maternoinfantiles de Yakacık
Artículos publicados en revistas indexadas en SCI, SSCI y AHCI
Las isoflavonas obtenidas del trébol rojo mejoran tanto la dislipidemia como los síntomas menopáusicos en mujeres menopáusicas: un ensayo prospectivo, aleatorizado y controlado con placebo
Climaterio, 2024 (SCI-Expanded)
Mostrar másSEUNG HYUN NAM Departamento de Ginecología
Kadir Oyur is a dynamic and accomplished medical professional with a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of surgery. He completed his Postgraduate Residency in Plastic Surgery at the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in Minsk, Belarus, followed by another residency in General Surgery at Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education in Kiev, Ukraine. Prior to this, he pursued his medical education at Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa English Medical School. Throughout his career, Kadir has held various positions, including roles at Europ-Assistance Insurance Company in Turkey and Antes Aesthetic Surgery Center in Belarus. He has actively engaged in research and observational programs at prestigious institutions like Harvard University Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the University of California, Irvine. Kadir is also proficient in computer skills and speaks multiple languages fluently, including English, Turkish, Kurdish, Russian, and German. Beyond his medical endeavors, he enjoys pursuits such as playing musical instruments, sailing, and cycling. Kadir is an active member of esteemed medical societies such as The International Society of Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. With his extensive skill set and commitment to excellence, Kadir Oyur continues to make significant contributions to the field of surgery.
Mostrar másFor those battling with insecurities about their appearance, cosmetic surgery offers a transformative solution. Dr. Preeti Yadav at Konarc Aesthetics, a seasoned plastic surgeon with over a decade of experience in aesthetics, leads a renowned clinic in Gurgaon, India. Her approach is holistic, catering to each patient's unique needs and desires.
As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Preeti Yadav understands the specific concerns that women face regarding their bodies. From mothers seeking post-childbirth recovery to teenagers grappling with body image issues, Dr. Yadav empathetically listens to her patients' worries and provides sustainable solutions.
The clinic specializes in a range of procedures tailored to enhance beauty and confidence. Popular treatments include rhinoplasty, jawline shaping, chin enhancement, cheek augmentation, lip fillers, arm and back liposuction, bust surgeries (reduction/enlargement/lift), tummy and waist sculpting, buttock lifts, vaginal rejuvenation, and thigh lifts.
More Information you can contact to us.
Mostrar másHe was born in 1985 in Antalya. He completed his primary and secondary education in Antalya. Between 2003 and 2009, he studied at the Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty of Istanbul University. In 2009, he started his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Istanbul Suleymaniye Obstetrics and Pediatrics Education and Research Hospital. During his residency, he worked in obstetrics, Gynecology, Oncology, Endoscopic Surgery, Perinatology (high-risk pregnancy), Infertility and Menopause units.
In 2011, he spent two months in India studying actively on laparoscopy at World Laparoscopy Hospital. In 2014, he received the title of Obstetrician and Gynecologist. In the same year, he came 2nd in Turkey in the examination for Minor Specialty in Medicine and started his minor residency in Gynecological Oncology Surgery at Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
In 2017, he worked for three months at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, United States. In 2018, he became a minor specialist in Gynecological Oncology Surgery. In the same year, the European Society of Gynecological Oncology awarded him the personally accredited European Gynecologist Oncologist certificate (3rd person in Turkey). For about 1.5 years, he served at Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital under the Obligation of Civil Service. In 2019, he participated in active surgery and cadaver work together with Michael Höckel, one of the pioneers of Gynecological Oncology at the University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. That same year, he was a “visiting fellow” at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, Italy.
He was awarded the title of Associate Professor in August 2019. He participated in numerous national and international congresses, symposiums and workshops and served as guest speaker. His surgery videos have been selected as training videos by the European Society of Gynecological Oncology and are published on their site for doctors.
He has 56 international and 10 national publications. He was the editor of the Turkish translation of the book, which is considered the main international source in Gynecological Oncology. He is the author of 7 chapters of international and national books. He has over 100 works in Turkey and abroad as oral presentations, poster presentations and panel presentations. He is refereeing for internationally respected journals. He has a good command of English. He follows up and implements all developments in his field.
Mostrar másDr. Serbülent ORHANER 1956 Ankara 1979 Hacettepe University faculty of medicine 1979-1980 Ankara Bala and Kırşehir Health center physician 1980-1984 Specailist education HU Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and gynecology department Ankara 1984-1990 kırklareli state hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist Kırklareli 1990-1994 Trakya University Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and gynecology department, associated Professor EDİRNE
1984 Ankara
2009 Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
2016 specialisation education Ege University Faculty of Medicine ,Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
2020 Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and gynecology department In Vitro Fertilisation Physician certification education
2020 Soranus IVF Center
Mostrar másEDUCATION
1996 – 2000 Junior High School and High School Education
Kabataş Erkek High School, Istanbul
2000 – 2006 Medical Education (graduated with the degree of one of three highest ranked student)
Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine, Kocaeli
2008 – 2013 Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Education Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Ankara
December 2013 “Ex Vivo Biomechanical Evaluation of Flexor Tendon Repair Using Barbed Suture Material: A Comparative Study”
01/07/2005 – 31/07/2005 Internship
Humboldt University, Helios Klinikum Emil von Behring, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Berlin
01/08/2005 – 30/09/2005 Internship
Humboldt University, Waldkrankenhaus, Berlin
09/ 2008 – 10/2013 Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Residency
Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Ankara
01/04/2013 – 26/04/2013 Guest Doctor
Lacomed Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Berlin
01/2014 – 10/ 2014 Consultant Surgeon
Sinop Ataturk State Hospital, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Sinop
03/01/2016 – 06/01/2016 Consultant Surgeon in ISAPS-LEAP Volunteer Mission for Syrian Refugees
Al Maqassed Charity Hospital, Amman (Jordan)
28/09/2016 – 08/10/2016 Consultant Surgeon in International Humanitarian Aid Program
Namangan Children’s Hospital, Plastic Surgery Clinic, Ferghana Valley
2014 – 2019 Consultant Specialist
Health Sciences University, Cemil Tascioglu Training and Research Hospital, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Istanbul
09/ 2019 Title of Associate Professor in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Chair of the Higher Education Board, Ankara
2020 – 2022 Head of Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Health Sciences University, Cemil Tascioglu Training and Research Hospital, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Istanbul
2023- Attending
2013 Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (TPRECD)
2013 Reconstructive Microsurgery Association (RMCD)
2014 Association of Emergency Hand Surgery and Microsurgery (ACELEMDER)
12/11/2015 – 14/11/2015 Second Prize,
Turkish Society of Surgery, VIII. Surgical Research Congress, IV. Contest of Invention, Konya
Project name: “Therapeutic apparatus for ingrown toenail”
14/04/2016 – 16/04/2016 Second Prize
AAEF Surgical Forum in Breast Symposium, Barcelona (Spain)
Presentation name: “V.A.C.™ Therapy To Manage Extensive, Large, Potentially Lethal Degloving Injuries”
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