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Los mejores cirujanos de columna de Cifoplastia — TOP-48 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Mehmet Aydogan
24 años de experiencia
31 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Emsey Hospital

Mehmet Aydogan

24 años de experiencia

El Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aydogan es un cirujano ortopédico experimentado que se especializa en deformidades de la columna en adultos y niños, cirugía avanzada de columna, tratamiento de escoliosis sin fusión y otros procedimientos relacionados. Ha publicado 60 artículos científicos nacionales e internacionales y es miembro de la North America Spine Society, la Scoliosis Research Society y la European Spine Society. Habla inglés, lo que hace que las consultas con pacientes internacionales sean cómodas y tiene experiencia trabajando en Turquía, California, EE. UU. y otros países.

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El Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aydogan es un cirujano ortopédico experimentado que se especializa en deformidades de la columna en adultos y niños, cirugía avanzada de columna, tratamiento de escoliosis sin fusión y otros procedimientos relacionados. Ha publicado 60 artículos científicos nacionales e internacionales y es miembro de la North America Spine Society, la Scoliosis Research Society y la European Spine Society. Habla inglés, lo que hace que las consultas con pacientes internacionales sean cómodas y tiene experiencia trabajando en Turquía, California, EE. UU. y otros países.

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Gursel Saka
Oncólogo ortopédico
27 años de experiencia
114 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Gursel Saka

Oncólogo ortopédico
27 años de experiencia

El Prof. Dr. Gürsel Saka es un especialista en ortopedia y traumatología que completó la educación médica de la Universidad Técnica de Karadeniz y una educación especializada de la Universidad de Ciencias de la Salud, Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital. Ha realizado exitosas cirugías en los campos de cirugía de columna, cirugía traumatológica, artroplastia y cirugía de pelvis-acetábulo. Actualmente atiende pacientes en el Departamento de Ortopedia y Traumatología del Hospital Intercontinental Hisar.

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El Prof. Dr. Gürsel Saka es un especialista en ortopedia y traumatología que completó la educación médica de la Universidad Técnica de Karadeniz y una educación especializada de la Universidad de Ciencias de la Salud, Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital. Ha realizado exitosas cirugías en los campos de cirugía de columna, cirugía traumatológica, artroplastia y cirugía de pelvis-acetábulo. Actualmente atiende pacientes en el Departamento de Ortopedia y Traumatología del Hospital Intercontinental Hisar.

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Selman Dogan
Oncólogo ortopédico
18 años de experiencia
114 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Selman Dogan

Oncólogo ortopédico
18 años de experiencia

El Dr. Selman Dogan es un cirujano ortopédico altamente calificado que se especializa en reemplazo de cadera y hombro, traumatología deportiva, cirugía de trauma de las extremidades inferiores y superiores, cirugía de columna y lesiones de ligamentos y tendones de la rodilla. Tiene una licenciatura de la Facultad de Medicina Cerrahpasa de la Universidad de Estambul y ha completado residencias en el Hospital de Investigación y Capacitación Umraniye de Estambul y el Hospital de Investigación y Capacitación Sanliurfa Mehmet Akif Inan.

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El Dr. Selman Dogan es un cirujano ortopédico altamente calificado que se especializa en reemplazo de cadera y hombro, traumatología deportiva, cirugía de trauma de las extremidades inferiores y superiores, cirugía de columna y lesiones de ligamentos y tendones de la rodilla. Tiene una licenciatura de la Facultad de Medicina Cerrahpasa de la Universidad de Estambul y ha completado residencias en el Hospital de Investigación y Capacitación Umraniye de Estambul y el Hospital de Investigación y Capacitación Sanliurfa Mehmet Akif Inan.

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Erkam Komurcu
Oncólogo ortopédico
20 años de experiencia
40 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Estophia

Erkam Komurcu

Oncólogo ortopédico
20 años de experiencia




• Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Rama de Cirugía de la Mano


• Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Rama de Cirugía de la Columna Vertebral


• Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Rama de Lesiones Deportivas


• Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Rama de Ortopedia Pediátrica


Asoc. El Prof. Erkam KÖMÜRCÜ, MD es Profesor Asociado de Ortopedia y Traumatología, con experiencia en tareas docentes y administrativas. Tiene un certificado BOARD de la Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología – Consejo de Formación (TOTEK) de 2010 y un Título de Profesor Asociado de abril de 2015. El Dr. Kömürcü tiene una amplia experiencia en ortopedia y trauma, lesiones de manos y extremidades superiores, fracturas y dislocaciones. de miembro inferior, evaluación radiológica en tumores musculoesqueléticos, displasia intervencionista de cadera, tumores musculoesqueléticos benignos y malignos, fracturas vertebrales, lumbalgia y fracturas en pelvis.

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• Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Rama de Cirugía de la Mano


• Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Rama de Cirugía de la Columna Vertebral


• Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Rama de Lesiones Deportivas


• Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Rama de Ortopedia Pediátrica


Asoc. El Prof. Erkam KÖMÜRCÜ, MD es Profesor Asociado de Ortopedia y Traumatología, con experiencia en tareas docentes y administrativas. Tiene un certificado BOARD de la Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología – Consejo de Formación (TOTEK) de 2010 y un Título de Profesor Asociado de abril de 2015. El Dr. Kömürcü tiene una amplia experiencia en ortopedia y trauma, lesiones de manos y extremidades superiores, fracturas y dislocaciones. de miembro inferior, evaluación radiológica en tumores musculoesqueléticos, displasia intervencionista de cadera, tumores musculoesqueléticos benignos y malignos, fracturas vertebrales, lumbalgia y fracturas en pelvis.

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Melih Ucer
17 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Neurosurgery Istanbul

Melih Ucer

17 años de experiencia
Dr. Melih Ucer is a specialized Brain and Nerve Surgeon with a focus on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery, Degenerative Spine Surgery, and Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery, among others. His career is marked by international practice in the USA and contributions to numerous scientific publications in the field of neurosurgery. He is also an associate professor as of 2021.Mostrar más
Dr. Melih Ucer is a specialized Brain and Nerve Surgeon with a focus on Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery, Degenerative Spine Surgery, and Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery, among others. His career is marked by international practice in the USA and contributions to numerous scientific publications in the field of neurosurgery. He is also an associate professor as of 2021.
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Yunus Uysal
11 años de experiencia
2 reseñas
Turquía, Bursa
Turan Turan Health Group

Yunus Uysal

11 años de experiencia

El Dr. X ha asistido a programas de capacitación en artroplastia avanzada, displasia de cadera del desarrollo, cirugía espinal básica y avanzada, artroscopia básica, traumatismo básico y capacitación central. Es miembro de la Asociación Médica Turca, el Congreso Internacional de Reconstrucción Articular y la Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología.

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El Dr. X ha asistido a programas de capacitación en artroplastia avanzada, displasia de cadera del desarrollo, cirugía espinal básica y avanzada, artroscopia básica, traumatismo básico y capacitación central. Es miembro de la Asociación Médica Turca, el Congreso Internacional de Reconstrucción Articular y la Sociedad Turca de Ortopedia y Traumatología.

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2 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Cifoplastia $7000 - $9000
Más tratamientos
Erdinc Genc
15 años de experiencia
1 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital

Erdinc Genc

15 años de experiencia



Private Nisa Hospital

2022 - 2022

American Hip Institute Chicago, USA

2018 - 2022

Health Sciences University Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital

2016 - 2018

Erzincan Mengücek Gazi Training and Research Hospital

2015 - 2015

Helios Endo Clinic, Hamburg, Germany

2015 - 2015

UPENN Sports Medicine Center, Philadelphia, USA



ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY ISTANBUL FACULTY OF MEDICINE, Department of Sports Medicine, Football Medicine


Health Sciences University, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology



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Private Nisa Hospital

2022 - 2022

American Hip Institute Chicago, USA

2018 - 2022

Health Sciences University Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital

2016 - 2018

Erzincan Mengücek Gazi Training and Research Hospital

2015 - 2015

Helios Endo Clinic, Hamburg, Germany

2015 - 2015

UPENN Sports Medicine Center, Philadelphia, USA



ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY ISTANBUL FACULTY OF MEDICINE, Department of Sports Medicine, Football Medicine


Health Sciences University, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology



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Danino Barry
Cirujano ortopédico pediátrico
30 años de experiencia
136 reseñas
Israel, Tel Aviv
Centro médico Sourasky

Danino Barry

Cirujano ortopédico pediátrico
30 años de experiencia


Departamento de Cirugía Ortopédica, Centro Médico Tel Aviv Sourasky.

Especialidades reconocidas:

Cirugía Ortopédica.

Educación adicional:

Ortopedia Pediátrica, Departamento de Ortopedia Pediátrica, Hospital Infantil "Dana-Dwek", Sourasky Aviv a través del Centro Médico Telnet, Israel.

Comunicación ortopédica infantil. Departamento de Cirugía Ortopédica, Hospital Infantil de Pacientes, Toronto, Ontario, Canadá.

Áreas de trabajo:

Enfermedades en recién nacidos y niños.

Traumatismos y fracturas infantiles.

Enfermedades neuromusculares causadas por parálisis cerebral.

Experiencia clínica:

Cirujano Ortopédico Pediátrico Líder, Hospital Infantil "Dana-Dwek", Tel Aviv Israel.


5 publicaciones revisadas por pares.

A la lista de publicaciones recientes de PubMed.

Membresía en sociedades profesionales:

Academia Americana SR

Sociedad Americana de Ortopedia Pediátrica.

Áreas de especial interés y actividades:

Enfermedades de la articulación de la cadera en recién nacidos y niños.

Traumatismos y fracturas en niños.

Enfermedades neuromusculares como la parálisis cerebral.

Descifrando los resultados del laboratorio de caminata computarizado.

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Departamento de Cirugía Ortopédica, Centro Médico Tel Aviv Sourasky.

Especialidades reconocidas:

Cirugía Ortopédica.

Educación adicional:

Ortopedia Pediátrica, Departamento de Ortopedia Pediátrica, Hospital Infantil "Dana-Dwek", Sourasky Aviv a través del Centro Médico Telnet, Israel.

Comunicación ortopédica infantil. Departamento de Cirugía Ortopédica, Hospital Infantil de Pacientes, Toronto, Ontario, Canadá.

Áreas de trabajo:

Enfermedades en recién nacidos y niños.

Traumatismos y fracturas infantiles.

Enfermedades neuromusculares causadas por parálisis cerebral.

Experiencia clínica:

Cirujano Ortopédico Pediátrico Líder, Hospital Infantil "Dana-Dwek", Tel Aviv Israel.


5 publicaciones revisadas por pares.

A la lista de publicaciones recientes de PubMed.

Membresía en sociedades profesionales:

Academia Americana SR

Sociedad Americana de Ortopedia Pediátrica.

Áreas de especial interés y actividades:

Enfermedades de la articulación de la cadera en recién nacidos y niños.

Traumatismos y fracturas en niños.

Enfermedades neuromusculares como la parálisis cerebral.

Descifrando los resultados del laboratorio de caminata computarizado.

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Azmi Hamzaoglu
Neurocirujano de columna
41 años de experiencia
15 reseñas

Azmi Hamzaoglu

Neurocirujano de columna
41 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Florence Nightingale Hospital
Adolfo Panfili
Oncólogo ortopédico
44 años de experiencia
Suiza, Lugano
LaCLINIQUE of Switzerland

Adolfo Panfili

Oncólogo ortopédico
44 años de experiencia

HOMO HOMINI MEDICUS. Eclectic surgeon, specialist in orthopedics and traumatology, pioneer of endoscopic surgery, radio-guided and minimally invasive robotics of the spine and small and large joints (knee, hip, foot, shoulder, elbow and wrist). He combines surgery with regenerative medicine, which he was the first to launch in Italy and Europe, with the use of FSV cells (Stromal Vascular Fraction, particularly rich in stem cells). Adolfo Panfili boasts a prestigious scientific and sporting curriculum of international importance, as well as being an expert in homeopathy, homotoxicology, phytotherapy, acupuncture and BEST chiropractic. Expressly commissioned by his teacher, Prof. Linus Pauling (multiple Nobel Prize winner), inventor of Orthomolecular medicine, he founded AIMO, (International Association of Orthomolecular Medicine), revisiting this science and merging it with other super-specialist branches, including regenerative medicine , aimed at restoring and repairing cartilage, bone and joint structures, vertebral discs, ligaments, tendons, etc.


Prof Adolfo Panfili, orthopedic surgeon with a very long CV of international standing. He is president of AIMO, the International Association of Orthomolecular Medicine of which he is the founder. He was a student of the double Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, inventor of Orthomolecular medicine. Prof Panfili has revisited and expanded this science by merging it with other sciences and techniques including the use of Stromal Vascular Fraction.


– He is Deputy Rector for International Relations as well as Dean of the Master's Faculty of Orthomolecular Sciences at the Popolare University of Milan;


– He is the first to have carried out minimally invasive robotic surgery in orthopedics in Italy with the Mazor system;


– He is Trainer and Proctor of Dtrax, a minimally invasive posterior cervical fusion and distraction system;


– He is the Director of various High Technology Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery Centers accredited with the NHS and otherwise;


– He is the founder and director of the first Italian Center for Minimally Invasive Robotic Spine Surgery and one of the most eminent members of robotic surgery at the “International Academy for Robotic Spine Surgery”;


Prof. Panfili has been treating vertebrae, posture and nutrition in close synergy since the beginning of his thirty-year professional activity, both from a surgical and manipulative point of view, being among other things the first orthopedist in Europe to graduate in Best Chiropractic with Prof. Ted Morter, one of the best chiropractors in the world, of whom he was the best European student.


– He is currently a pioneer in the use and application of the Stromal Vascular Fraction in the field of well-being, anti-aging and longevity, with particular reference to orthopaedics, the spine and cervical, the aspect of cartilage damage for prevention of degenerative diseases of the hips, knees and intervertebral discs.

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HOMO HOMINI MEDICUS. Eclectic surgeon, specialist in orthopedics and traumatology, pioneer of endoscopic surgery, radio-guided and minimally invasive robotics of the spine and small and large joints (knee, hip, foot, shoulder, elbow and wrist). He combines surgery with regenerative medicine, which he was the first to launch in Italy and Europe, with the use of FSV cells (Stromal Vascular Fraction, particularly rich in stem cells). Adolfo Panfili boasts a prestigious scientific and sporting curriculum of international importance, as well as being an expert in homeopathy, homotoxicology, phytotherapy, acupuncture and BEST chiropractic. Expressly commissioned by his teacher, Prof. Linus Pauling (multiple Nobel Prize winner), inventor of Orthomolecular medicine, he founded AIMO, (International Association of Orthomolecular Medicine), revisiting this science and merging it with other super-specialist branches, including regenerative medicine , aimed at restoring and repairing cartilage, bone and joint structures, vertebral discs, ligaments, tendons, etc.


Prof Adolfo Panfili, orthopedic surgeon with a very long CV of international standing. He is president of AIMO, the International Association of Orthomolecular Medicine of which he is the founder. He was a student of the double Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, inventor of Orthomolecular medicine. Prof Panfili has revisited and expanded this science by merging it with other sciences and techniques including the use of Stromal Vascular Fraction.


– He is Deputy Rector for International Relations as well as Dean of the Master's Faculty of Orthomolecular Sciences at the Popolare University of Milan;


– He is the first to have carried out minimally invasive robotic surgery in orthopedics in Italy with the Mazor system;


– He is Trainer and Proctor of Dtrax, a minimally invasive posterior cervical fusion and distraction system;


– He is the Director of various High Technology Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery Centers accredited with the NHS and otherwise;


– He is the founder and director of the first Italian Center for Minimally Invasive Robotic Spine Surgery and one of the most eminent members of robotic surgery at the “International Academy for Robotic Spine Surgery”;


Prof. Panfili has been treating vertebrae, posture and nutrition in close synergy since the beginning of his thirty-year professional activity, both from a surgical and manipulative point of view, being among other things the first orthopedist in Europe to graduate in Best Chiropractic with Prof. Ted Morter, one of the best chiropractors in the world, of whom he was the best European student.


– He is currently a pioneer in the use and application of the Stromal Vascular Fraction in the field of well-being, anti-aging and longevity, with particular reference to orthopaedics, the spine and cervical, the aspect of cartilage damage for prevention of degenerative diseases of the hips, knees and intervertebral discs.

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Deniz Aydin
16 años de experiencia
2 reseñas

Deniz Aydin

16 años de experiencia
Chipre del Norte, Nicosia
Near East University Hospital
Enes Sari
Oncólogo ortopédico
17 años de experiencia
2 reseñas
Chipre del Norte, Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Enes Sari

Oncólogo ortopédico
17 años de experiencia
  • 2017;Yakın Doğu Üniversite Hastanesi
  • 2015 - 2017; Aksaz Asker Hastanesi
  • 2010 - 2015; GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Ankara
  • 2001 - 2007; GATA Tıp Fakültesi Ankara
Mostrar más
  • 2017;Yakın Doğu Üniversite Hastanesi
  • 2015 - 2017; Aksaz Asker Hastanesi
  • 2010 - 2015; GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Ankara
  • 2001 - 2007; GATA Tıp Fakültesi Ankara
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Ali Aydin
29 años de experiencia
2 reseñas
Chipre del Norte, Nicosia
Near East University Hospital

Ali Aydin

29 años de experiencia

Over 60 articles published in International and National Peer Reviewed Scientific Journals

Over 50 papers-posters presented in International and National Meetings-Congresses

Articles published in international peer reviewed journals (SCI & SCI exp.):

  1. Aydin A,Wollstein G, Price LL, Fujimoto JG, Schuman JS. Optical coherence tomography assessment of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness changes after glaucoma surgery. Ophthalmology. 2003:110(8);1506-1511.
  2. Aydin A, Wollstein G, Price LL, Schuman JS. Evaluating pulsatile ocular blood flow analysis in normal and treated glaucomatous eyes. Am J Ophthalmol. 2003;136(3):448-453.
  3. Schuman JS, Wollstein G, Farra T, Hertzmark E, Aydin A,Fujimoto JG, Paunescu LA. Comparison of optic nerve head measurements obtained by optical coherence tomography and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Am J Ophthalmol  2003:135;504-512.
  4. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin  A,Beaton BA, Stark PC, Fujimoto JG, Ishikawa H. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and automated visual fields.  Am J Ophthalmol. 2004;138(2):218-225.
  5. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin A,Stark PC, Hertzmark E, Lai E, Ishikawa H, Mattox C, Fujimoto JG, Paunescu LA. Optical coherence tomography longitudinal evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol. 2005;123:464-470.
  6. Ersanli D, Unal M, Aydin A,Gulecek O, Kalemoglu M. Results of pars plana vitrectomy in closed-globe injuries. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2005;36:182-186 .
  7. Aydin A,Akin T, Bilge AH. Management of persistent glaucoma secondary to depot methylprednisolone. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2007;38:399-401.
  8. Ersanli D, Top C, Oncul O, Aydin A,Terekeci H. Relationship between serum soluble E-selectin levels and development of diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2007 ;67 :474-479.
  9. Akin T, Aykan U, Karadayı K, Aydin A, Yildiz TF, Bilge AH. Capsulorhexis in white cataract using a green-light endoillumination probe. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2007 ;38 :520-522.
  10. Unal M, Aydin A,Sonmez M, Ayata A, Ersanli D. Validation of the ocular trauma score for intraocular foreign bodies in deadly weapon-related open-globe injuries. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2008 ;39:121-124.
  11. Aydin A,Karadayi K, Aykan U, Can G, Colakoglu K, Bilge AH. [Effectiveness of topical ciclosporin A treatment after excision of primary pterygium and limbal conjunctival autograft.]  J Fr Ophtalmol 2008;31 :699-704.
  12. Dogru S, Gungor A, Kucukodaci Z, Aydin A,Senol MG, Karabudak O, Cincik H, Gunes M, Salihoglu M. Lipoid proteinosis-report of three cases and brief review of the literature. The American Journal of Case Report, 2008;9:346-350.
  13. Aydin A,Ayata A, Sabahyildizi M, Ersanli D. [Poland-Möbius syndrome associated with lacrimal punctal and canalicular agenesis.] J Fr Ophtalmol 2010;33:119.e1-e5.
  14. Aydin A,Velioglu M, Ersanli D. [Orbital varix presenting with enophthalmos. A case report ]. J Fr Ophtalmol 2010;33: 344.e1-344.e5.
  15. Aydin A, Cakir A, Ersanli D. Isolated extraocular muscle involvement as the ophthalmic manifestation of leukemia- another explanation. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2010;38(6):651.
  16. Aydin A,Cakir A, Sayan O, Haholu A, Velioglu M, Ersanli D. Intraocular pressure elevation in isolated extraocular muscle infiltration by leukaemia. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 2011 Apr;39(3):283-5.
  17. Aydin A, Aksoy Y, Unal MH, Ersanli D. [Necrotizing scleritis after pterygium surgery using mitomycyn C.] J Fr Ophtalmol 2012;Jan;35(1):74-75.
  18. Aydin A,Sabahyildizi M, Bilge AH. [Management of extruded haptic of an anterior chamber lens.] J Fr Ophtalmol 2012 Apr;35(4):315.
  19. Aydin A,Cakir A, Unal MH, Ersanli D. Central serous retinal detachment following glaucoma filtration surgery. J Fr Ophtalmol 2012;35:529.e1-529.e5.
  20. Aydin A, Sabahyildizi, Kocak I. Auto-refractometer may assist in discovering asymptomatic iridociliary cysts. J Fr Ophtalmol 2014;37(5);e.71-e.72.
  21. 21Kocak I, Aydin A, Kaya F, Koc H.Comparison of transepithelial corneal collagen crosslinking with epithelium-off crosslinking in progressive keratoconus J Fr Ophtalmol 2014;37(5): 371-376
  22. Kocak I, Kocak F, Teker B, Aydin A, Kaya F, Baybora H. Evaluation of bacterial contamination rate of the anterior chamber during phacoemulsification surgery using an automated microbial detection system. Int J Ophthalmol 2014;7(4):686-688
  23. Cakir A, Duzgun E, Demir S, Aydin A. Jerky see-saw nystagmus with internuclear ophthalmoplegia as the presenting finding in systemic lupus erythematosus. J Fr Ophtalmol 2014;37(10):e157-159.
  24. A4. Kocak I, Aydin A, Sahbaz I, Kaya F, Baybora H. The management of corneal melt occurring after collagen cross-linking for keratoconus. J Fr Ophtalmol 2015;38(1):e11-13.
  25. Aydin A,Kocak I, Aykan U, Can G, Sabahyildizi M, Ersanli D. The influence of the learning effect on automated perimetry in Turkish people. J Fr Ophtalmol 2015;38(7):628-632.
  26. Kaya F, Kocak I, Aydin A, Baybora H, Karabela Y. Comparison of different formulas for intraocular lens power calculation using a new optical biometer. J Fr Ophtalmol 2015; Jul 20. pii: S0181-5512(15)00223-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jfo.2015.03.006.
  27. Kocak I, Aydin A, Kaya F, Baybora H, Bozkurt S.Efficacy of radial keratotomy in the optical rehabilitation of mild to moderate keratoconus cases. Int Eye Scı 2015;15:572-576
  28. Porter LF, Galli GG, Williamson S, Selley J, Knight D, Elcioglu N, Aydin A, Elcioglu M, Venselaar H, Lund AH, Bonshek R, Black GC, Manson FD.  A role for repressive complexes and H3K9 di-methylation in PRDM5-associated brittle cornea syndrome. Hum Mol Genet 2015;24(23):6565-6579.
  29. Kaya F, Kocak I, Aydin A, Baybora H, Koc H, Karabela Y. Effect of aflibercept on persistent macular edema secondary to central retinal vein occlusion. J Fr Ophtalmol. 2018 Nov;41(9):809-813.
  30. Balci O, Tanriverdi C, Aydin A, Ozsutcu M, Gulkilik G, Kocabora MS. Evaluation of changes in retinal and choroidal thickness using spectral domain optical coherence tomography in unilateral non granulomatous acute anterior uveitis. J Fr Ophtalmol. 2019 Feb;42(2):138-145.
  31. Cakir A, Erden B, Bolukbasi S, Aydin A, Yurttaser Ocak S, Maden G, Elcioglu MN. Comparison of the effect of ranibizumab and dexamethasone implant in diabetic macular edema with concurrent epiretinal membrane. J Fr Ophtalmol.2019 Sep;42(7):683-689.

Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book:

  1. Schuman JS, Wollstein G, Paunescu AL, Ishikawa H, Aydin A, Hertzmark E, Fujimoto JG, Mattox C. Optical Coherence Tomography longitudinal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness assessment. Presented at the International Congress of Eye Research (ISER), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2002.
  2. Aydin A, Wollstein G, Price LL, Schuman JS. Optical coherence tomography assessment of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness changes after glaucoma surgery.  Poster presentation at the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) annual meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 2002.
  3. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin A, Hertzmark E, Ishikawa H, Mattox C, Fujimoto JG, Paunescu AL. Evaluating longitudinal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness changes with Optical Coherence Tomography. Presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) annual meeting, Orlando, USA, Oct. 2002.
  4. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Hertzmark E, Aydin A. Optical Coherence Tomography findings predicting future visual field progression.  Presented at the American Glaucoma Society (AGS) annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 2003.
  5. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin A, Hertzmark E, Ishikawa H, Mattox C, Paunescu AL, Fujimoto JG. Longitudinal Optical Coherence Tomography evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in glaucoma patients. Presented at the 4thInternational Glaucoma Symposium (IGS), March 2003, Barcelona, Spain.
  6. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin A, Paunescu LA, Stark PC, Fujimoto JG, Ishikawa H. Relationship between optical coherence tomography (OCT) macular and peripapillary measurements and automated visual fields. Submitted for presentation at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) annual meeting, May 7, 2003.
  7. Aydin A, Karadayi K, Can G, Colakoglu K, Bilge AH. Efficacité du traitement topique de ciclosporine A après l’excision du ptérygion primaire et l’autogreffe conjonctivo-limbique. Communication Orale, 114eCongrès de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie (SFO 2008) ,Du 10 mai au 14 mai 2008 Palais des Congrès,JFO Résumés page :1s38 Paris, France.
  8. Aydin A, Aykan U, Sabahyildizi M, Ersanli D. The influence of the learning effect on automated perimetry in Turkish people. World Glaucoma Congress 2009, 8-11 July 2009, Boston, MA USA.
  9. Tanyuksel M, Aydin A, Unal MH, Ersanli D, Ozyurt M, Koru O, Araz E, Kilbas ZG. Acanthamoeba keratitis in a pregnant contact lens wearer in Turkey. Poster presentation, 58thAnnual Meeting of ASTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) November  18-22, 2009, Washington, D.C., USA.
  10. Salcan I, Akyan U, Colakoglu K, Aydin A, Ersanli D. The correlation of angle opening distance, angle recess area and trabecular-irisangle in the quantitative evaluation of the anterior chamber angle by ultrasound biomicroscopy. 9th European Glaucoma Society Congress 12-17 September 2010, Madrid Spain.
  11. Aykan U, Sabahyildizi M, Salcan I, Aydin A, Ersanli D. The outcome of combined laser iridotomy and selective laser trabeculoplasty in a case with bilateral ocular hypertension secondary to pigment dispersion caused by extensive irido-ciliary cysts. 9th European Glaucoma Society Congress 12-17 September 2010, Madrid Spain.
  12. Aydın A, Aykan U, Çakır A, Ersanlı D. “Ocular hypertension in isolated extraocular muscle infiltration by leukemia’’ 9th European Glaucoma Society Congress, 12-17 September 2010, Madrid Spain.

Turkish Books Section

Aydin A. Glokomda Yeni ilaçlar ve Modern İlaç Uygulama Yöntemleri. In: Glokom, Temel Kavramlar ve Yenilikler. Ocakoğlu Ö, Bayer A, Elgin U Eds. Anadolu Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara 2021 1st ed. Bölüm 36 p:375-381. ISBN:978-605-80205-3-5.


  • Ayata A, Aydın A, Duman C, Bilge AH. “Rapunzel” (fotoğraf sunumu) Türk Oftalmoloji Derneği 40. Ulusal Oftalmoloji Kongresi, 405, Antalya, 28 Ekim-01 Kasım 2006. Best medical photograph third award.
  • Aydın A. “Akut myeloid lösemili bir hastada gelişen proptozis ve oküler hipertansiyon’’ TOD Glokom Birimi VI. Olgularla Glokom Sempozyumu, 29 Mayıs 2010, Antalya. Best presentation third award.
  • Aydın A. ‘Travmatik glokomlu bir hastada trabekülektomi sonrası gelişen akut görme kaybı’’ TOD Glokom Birimi VII. Olgularla Glokom Sempozyumu, 28 Mayıs 2011, Girne. Best Presentation second award.
  • Salcan İ, Aykan Ü, Çolakoğlu K, Aydın A, Erşanlı D. “ Sağlıklı, genç, erkek popülasyonda ultrason biyomikroskopi ile saptanan ön kamara açısına ait nicel değerler” 45. TOD Ulusal Kongresi 5-9 Ekim 2011, Girne. Türk Oftalmoloji Dergisi Best article award (second).
  • Çolakoğlu K, Aydın A, Kar T, Ayata A, Aykan Ü, Ünal M, Haholu A, Erşanlı D.Trabekülektomi uygulanan tavşanlarda bevacizumab’ın konjonktival yara iyileşmesi üzerine etkisi. Glokom-Katarakt Dergisi 2014;9(3):167-172. Glokom -Katarakt Dergisi 2014 best research 1st award.

Total citations: 896 (as of May 2021)

he top 10 publications with the most citations

  1. Optical Coherence Tomography Longitudinal Evaluation of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Glaucoma
    May 2005 · Archives of Ophthalmology
    289 Citations
  2. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and automated visual fields
    Sep 2004 · American Journal of Ophthalmology
    186 Citations
  3. Comparison of optic nerve head measurements obtained by optical coherence tomography and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
    May 2003 · American Journal of Ophthalmology
       153 Citations
  4. Optical Coherence Tomography Assessment of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Changes after Glaucoma Surgery
    Aug 2003 · Ophthalmology
    77 Citations
  5. Comparison of transepithelial corneal collagen crosslinking with epithelium-off crosslinking in progressive keratoconus
    May 2014 · Journal francais d'ophtalmologie
    41 Citations
  6. Validation of the Ocular Trauma Score for Intraocular Foreign Bodies in Deadly Weapon-Related Open-Globe Injuries
    Mar 2008 · Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging
    29 Citations
  7. Evaluating pulsatile ocular blood flow analysis in normal and treated glaucomatous eyes
    Oct 2003 · American Journal of Ophthalmology
    19 Citations
  8. A role for repressive complexes and H3K9 di-methylation in PRDM5-associated brittle cornea syndrome. September 2015 Human Molecular Genetics
    11 Citations
  9. [Effectiveness of topical ciclosporin A treatment after excision of primary pterygium and limbal conjunctival autograft] October 2008 Journal Francais d'ophtalmologie
    10  Citations
  10. [Orbital varix presenting with enophthalmos. A case report].
    May 2010 · Journal francais d'ophtalmologie
    10 Citations






Mostrar más

Over 60 articles published in International and National Peer Reviewed Scientific Journals

Over 50 papers-posters presented in International and National Meetings-Congresses

Articles published in international peer reviewed journals (SCI & SCI exp.):

  1. Aydin A,Wollstein G, Price LL, Fujimoto JG, Schuman JS. Optical coherence tomography assessment of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness changes after glaucoma surgery. Ophthalmology. 2003:110(8);1506-1511.
  2. Aydin A, Wollstein G, Price LL, Schuman JS. Evaluating pulsatile ocular blood flow analysis in normal and treated glaucomatous eyes. Am J Ophthalmol. 2003;136(3):448-453.
  3. Schuman JS, Wollstein G, Farra T, Hertzmark E, Aydin A,Fujimoto JG, Paunescu LA. Comparison of optic nerve head measurements obtained by optical coherence tomography and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Am J Ophthalmol  2003:135;504-512.
  4. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin  A,Beaton BA, Stark PC, Fujimoto JG, Ishikawa H. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and automated visual fields.  Am J Ophthalmol. 2004;138(2):218-225.
  5. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin A,Stark PC, Hertzmark E, Lai E, Ishikawa H, Mattox C, Fujimoto JG, Paunescu LA. Optical coherence tomography longitudinal evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol. 2005;123:464-470.
  6. Ersanli D, Unal M, Aydin A,Gulecek O, Kalemoglu M. Results of pars plana vitrectomy in closed-globe injuries. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2005;36:182-186 .
  7. Aydin A,Akin T, Bilge AH. Management of persistent glaucoma secondary to depot methylprednisolone. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2007;38:399-401.
  8. Ersanli D, Top C, Oncul O, Aydin A,Terekeci H. Relationship between serum soluble E-selectin levels and development of diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2007 ;67 :474-479.
  9. Akin T, Aykan U, Karadayı K, Aydin A, Yildiz TF, Bilge AH. Capsulorhexis in white cataract using a green-light endoillumination probe. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2007 ;38 :520-522.
  10. Unal M, Aydin A,Sonmez M, Ayata A, Ersanli D. Validation of the ocular trauma score for intraocular foreign bodies in deadly weapon-related open-globe injuries. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 2008 ;39:121-124.
  11. Aydin A,Karadayi K, Aykan U, Can G, Colakoglu K, Bilge AH. [Effectiveness of topical ciclosporin A treatment after excision of primary pterygium and limbal conjunctival autograft.]  J Fr Ophtalmol 2008;31 :699-704.
  12. Dogru S, Gungor A, Kucukodaci Z, Aydin A,Senol MG, Karabudak O, Cincik H, Gunes M, Salihoglu M. Lipoid proteinosis-report of three cases and brief review of the literature. The American Journal of Case Report, 2008;9:346-350.
  13. Aydin A,Ayata A, Sabahyildizi M, Ersanli D. [Poland-Möbius syndrome associated with lacrimal punctal and canalicular agenesis.] J Fr Ophtalmol 2010;33:119.e1-e5.
  14. Aydin A,Velioglu M, Ersanli D. [Orbital varix presenting with enophthalmos. A case report ]. J Fr Ophtalmol 2010;33: 344.e1-344.e5.
  15. Aydin A, Cakir A, Ersanli D. Isolated extraocular muscle involvement as the ophthalmic manifestation of leukemia- another explanation. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2010;38(6):651.
  16. Aydin A,Cakir A, Sayan O, Haholu A, Velioglu M, Ersanli D. Intraocular pressure elevation in isolated extraocular muscle infiltration by leukaemia. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 2011 Apr;39(3):283-5.
  17. Aydin A, Aksoy Y, Unal MH, Ersanli D. [Necrotizing scleritis after pterygium surgery using mitomycyn C.] J Fr Ophtalmol 2012;Jan;35(1):74-75.
  18. Aydin A,Sabahyildizi M, Bilge AH. [Management of extruded haptic of an anterior chamber lens.] J Fr Ophtalmol 2012 Apr;35(4):315.
  19. Aydin A,Cakir A, Unal MH, Ersanli D. Central serous retinal detachment following glaucoma filtration surgery. J Fr Ophtalmol 2012;35:529.e1-529.e5.
  20. Aydin A, Sabahyildizi, Kocak I. Auto-refractometer may assist in discovering asymptomatic iridociliary cysts. J Fr Ophtalmol 2014;37(5);e.71-e.72.
  21. 21Kocak I, Aydin A, Kaya F, Koc H.Comparison of transepithelial corneal collagen crosslinking with epithelium-off crosslinking in progressive keratoconus J Fr Ophtalmol 2014;37(5): 371-376
  22. Kocak I, Kocak F, Teker B, Aydin A, Kaya F, Baybora H. Evaluation of bacterial contamination rate of the anterior chamber during phacoemulsification surgery using an automated microbial detection system. Int J Ophthalmol 2014;7(4):686-688
  23. Cakir A, Duzgun E, Demir S, Aydin A. Jerky see-saw nystagmus with internuclear ophthalmoplegia as the presenting finding in systemic lupus erythematosus. J Fr Ophtalmol 2014;37(10):e157-159.
  24. A4. Kocak I, Aydin A, Sahbaz I, Kaya F, Baybora H. The management of corneal melt occurring after collagen cross-linking for keratoconus. J Fr Ophtalmol 2015;38(1):e11-13.
  25. Aydin A,Kocak I, Aykan U, Can G, Sabahyildizi M, Ersanli D. The influence of the learning effect on automated perimetry in Turkish people. J Fr Ophtalmol 2015;38(7):628-632.
  26. Kaya F, Kocak I, Aydin A, Baybora H, Karabela Y. Comparison of different formulas for intraocular lens power calculation using a new optical biometer. J Fr Ophtalmol 2015; Jul 20. pii: S0181-5512(15)00223-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jfo.2015.03.006.
  27. Kocak I, Aydin A, Kaya F, Baybora H, Bozkurt S.Efficacy of radial keratotomy in the optical rehabilitation of mild to moderate keratoconus cases. Int Eye Scı 2015;15:572-576
  28. Porter LF, Galli GG, Williamson S, Selley J, Knight D, Elcioglu N, Aydin A, Elcioglu M, Venselaar H, Lund AH, Bonshek R, Black GC, Manson FD.  A role for repressive complexes and H3K9 di-methylation in PRDM5-associated brittle cornea syndrome. Hum Mol Genet 2015;24(23):6565-6579.
  29. Kaya F, Kocak I, Aydin A, Baybora H, Koc H, Karabela Y. Effect of aflibercept on persistent macular edema secondary to central retinal vein occlusion. J Fr Ophtalmol. 2018 Nov;41(9):809-813.
  30. Balci O, Tanriverdi C, Aydin A, Ozsutcu M, Gulkilik G, Kocabora MS. Evaluation of changes in retinal and choroidal thickness using spectral domain optical coherence tomography in unilateral non granulomatous acute anterior uveitis. J Fr Ophtalmol. 2019 Feb;42(2):138-145.
  31. Cakir A, Erden B, Bolukbasi S, Aydin A, Yurttaser Ocak S, Maden G, Elcioglu MN. Comparison of the effect of ranibizumab and dexamethasone implant in diabetic macular edema with concurrent epiretinal membrane. J Fr Ophtalmol.2019 Sep;42(7):683-689.

Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book:

  1. Schuman JS, Wollstein G, Paunescu AL, Ishikawa H, Aydin A, Hertzmark E, Fujimoto JG, Mattox C. Optical Coherence Tomography longitudinal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness assessment. Presented at the International Congress of Eye Research (ISER), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2002.
  2. Aydin A, Wollstein G, Price LL, Schuman JS. Optical coherence tomography assessment of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness changes after glaucoma surgery.  Poster presentation at the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) annual meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 2002.
  3. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin A, Hertzmark E, Ishikawa H, Mattox C, Fujimoto JG, Paunescu AL. Evaluating longitudinal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness changes with Optical Coherence Tomography. Presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) annual meeting, Orlando, USA, Oct. 2002.
  4. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Hertzmark E, Aydin A. Optical Coherence Tomography findings predicting future visual field progression.  Presented at the American Glaucoma Society (AGS) annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 2003.
  5. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin A, Hertzmark E, Ishikawa H, Mattox C, Paunescu AL, Fujimoto JG. Longitudinal Optical Coherence Tomography evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in glaucoma patients. Presented at the 4thInternational Glaucoma Symposium (IGS), March 2003, Barcelona, Spain.
  6. Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Price LL, Aydin A, Paunescu LA, Stark PC, Fujimoto JG, Ishikawa H. Relationship between optical coherence tomography (OCT) macular and peripapillary measurements and automated visual fields. Submitted for presentation at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) annual meeting, May 7, 2003.
  7. Aydin A, Karadayi K, Can G, Colakoglu K, Bilge AH. Efficacité du traitement topique de ciclosporine A après l’excision du ptérygion primaire et l’autogreffe conjonctivo-limbique. Communication Orale, 114eCongrès de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie (SFO 2008) ,Du 10 mai au 14 mai 2008 Palais des Congrès,JFO Résumés page :1s38 Paris, France.
  8. Aydin A, Aykan U, Sabahyildizi M, Ersanli D. The influence of the learning effect on automated perimetry in Turkish people. World Glaucoma Congress 2009, 8-11 July 2009, Boston, MA USA.
  9. Tanyuksel M, Aydin A, Unal MH, Ersanli D, Ozyurt M, Koru O, Araz E, Kilbas ZG. Acanthamoeba keratitis in a pregnant contact lens wearer in Turkey. Poster presentation, 58thAnnual Meeting of ASTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) November  18-22, 2009, Washington, D.C., USA.
  10. Salcan I, Akyan U, Colakoglu K, Aydin A, Ersanli D. The correlation of angle opening distance, angle recess area and trabecular-irisangle in the quantitative evaluation of the anterior chamber angle by ultrasound biomicroscopy. 9th European Glaucoma Society Congress 12-17 September 2010, Madrid Spain.
  11. Aykan U, Sabahyildizi M, Salcan I, Aydin A, Ersanli D. The outcome of combined laser iridotomy and selective laser trabeculoplasty in a case with bilateral ocular hypertension secondary to pigment dispersion caused by extensive irido-ciliary cysts. 9th European Glaucoma Society Congress 12-17 September 2010, Madrid Spain.
  12. Aydın A, Aykan U, Çakır A, Ersanlı D. “Ocular hypertension in isolated extraocular muscle infiltration by leukemia’’ 9th European Glaucoma Society Congress, 12-17 September 2010, Madrid Spain.

Turkish Books Section

Aydin A. Glokomda Yeni ilaçlar ve Modern İlaç Uygulama Yöntemleri. In: Glokom, Temel Kavramlar ve Yenilikler. Ocakoğlu Ö, Bayer A, Elgin U Eds. Anadolu Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara 2021 1st ed. Bölüm 36 p:375-381. ISBN:978-605-80205-3-5.


  • Ayata A, Aydın A, Duman C, Bilge AH. “Rapunzel” (fotoğraf sunumu) Türk Oftalmoloji Derneği 40. Ulusal Oftalmoloji Kongresi, 405, Antalya, 28 Ekim-01 Kasım 2006. Best medical photograph third award.
  • Aydın A. “Akut myeloid lösemili bir hastada gelişen proptozis ve oküler hipertansiyon’’ TOD Glokom Birimi VI. Olgularla Glokom Sempozyumu, 29 Mayıs 2010, Antalya. Best presentation third award.
  • Aydın A. ‘Travmatik glokomlu bir hastada trabekülektomi sonrası gelişen akut görme kaybı’’ TOD Glokom Birimi VII. Olgularla Glokom Sempozyumu, 28 Mayıs 2011, Girne. Best Presentation second award.
  • Salcan İ, Aykan Ü, Çolakoğlu K, Aydın A, Erşanlı D. “ Sağlıklı, genç, erkek popülasyonda ultrason biyomikroskopi ile saptanan ön kamara açısına ait nicel değerler” 45. TOD Ulusal Kongresi 5-9 Ekim 2011, Girne. Türk Oftalmoloji Dergisi Best article award (second).
  • Çolakoğlu K, Aydın A, Kar T, Ayata A, Aykan Ü, Ünal M, Haholu A, Erşanlı D.Trabekülektomi uygulanan tavşanlarda bevacizumab’ın konjonktival yara iyileşmesi üzerine etkisi. Glokom-Katarakt Dergisi 2014;9(3):167-172. Glokom -Katarakt Dergisi 2014 best research 1st award.

Total citations: 896 (as of May 2021)

he top 10 publications with the most citations

  1. Optical Coherence Tomography Longitudinal Evaluation of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Glaucoma
    May 2005 · Archives of Ophthalmology
    289 Citations
  2. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and automated visual fields
    Sep 2004 · American Journal of Ophthalmology
    186 Citations
  3. Comparison of optic nerve head measurements obtained by optical coherence tomography and confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
    May 2003 · American Journal of Ophthalmology
       153 Citations
  4. Optical Coherence Tomography Assessment of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Changes after Glaucoma Surgery
    Aug 2003 · Ophthalmology
    77 Citations
  5. Comparison of transepithelial corneal collagen crosslinking with epithelium-off crosslinking in progressive keratoconus
    May 2014 · Journal francais d'ophtalmologie
    41 Citations
  6. Validation of the Ocular Trauma Score for Intraocular Foreign Bodies in Deadly Weapon-Related Open-Globe Injuries
    Mar 2008 · Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging
    29 Citations
  7. Evaluating pulsatile ocular blood flow analysis in normal and treated glaucomatous eyes
    Oct 2003 · American Journal of Ophthalmology
    19 Citations
  8. A role for repressive complexes and H3K9 di-methylation in PRDM5-associated brittle cornea syndrome. September 2015 Human Molecular Genetics
    11 Citations
  9. [Effectiveness of topical ciclosporin A treatment after excision of primary pterygium and limbal conjunctival autograft] October 2008 Journal Francais d'ophtalmologie
    10  Citations
  10. [Orbital varix presenting with enophthalmos. A case report].
    May 2010 · Journal francais d'ophtalmologie
    10 Citations






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Este médico se graduó de la Universidad de Palacky en 1984 y desde entonces ha obtenido certificaciones de primer y segundo grado en ortopedia y traumatología, y un doctorado. Es miembro de varias empresas, tiene especializaciones en enfermedades degenerativas de la columna, espondilocirugía oncológica y técnicas de no fusión, y ha realizado pasantías en Alemania, EE. UU. y República Checa. Ha presentado 83 conferencias a nivel nacional e internacional, escrito 11 capítulos en libros profesionales y publicado 56 artículos en publicaciones profesionales.

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