Plataforma de Turismo Médico #1 desde 2014

Los mejores dentistas de Injerto óseo particulado — TOP-45 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Selenay Tekeli
4 años de experiencia
3 reseñas

Selenay Tekeli

4 años de experiencia
Turquía, Marmaris
Clínica dental Dent48
Esteban Barragan
20 años de experiencia
México, Playa del Carmen
Bokanova Riviera Maya

Esteban Barragan

20 años de experiencia
El Dr. Esteban Barragán es un Ortodoncista en Bokanova Dental Center que se especializa en Odontología Conservadora, Exámenes Dentales, Odontología General, Invisalign, Odontología Láser, Ortodoncia y Odontopediatría (Pedodontics), habla inglés y español, y tiene 28 años de experiencia en Ortodoncia y ortopedia y 41 años en odontología general con un egresado de la UNAM Ciudad de México y la Universidad Latinoamericana Ciudad de México.Mostrar más
Hakan Alpay Karasu
Cirujano oral y maxilofacial
33 años de experiencia
Turquía, Ankara
Medipol University Ankara Dental Hospital

Hakan Alpay Karasu

Cirujano oral y maxilofacial
33 años de experiencia

Prof.Dr. Hakan Alpay Karasu, DDS

Departamento de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial

Decano de la Facultad de Odontología

Campos de estudio e intereses

  • Cirugía Ortognática
  • Cirugía de labio hendido y paladar hendido
  • Cirugía de tumores y quistes maxilofaciales
  • Técnicas avanzadas de curación ósea quirúrgica
  • Cirugía de dientes impactados
  • Implantes dentales
  • Cirugía TME
  • Traumatismos mandibulares y faciales
  • Trastornos de la articulación de la mandíbula


1998 - Universidad de Londres, Departamento de Cirugía Oral, Dental y Maxilofacial

  • 1991- Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Ankara


Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Medipol de Ankara

Universidad de Londres, Facultad de Odontología

  • Universidad de Ankara, Departamento de Cirugía Oral, Dental y Maxilofacial
  • Academia de Medicina Militar Gülhane, Facultad de Odontología

Publicaciones y Declaraciones del Congreso

1.Karasu HA., Okçu KM., Ortakoğlu K., Bay ar GR., Aydıntuğ Y., "Tratamiento de la anquilosis de la articulación temporomandibular con colgajo de fascia superficial temporal" Mil Med, 2005;170(2):167
2. Özer L., Karasu HA., Aras K., Tokman B., Ersoy E., "Displasia dentinaria tipo 1: informe de casos atípicos en las denticiones permanentes y mixtas" Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radio/ Endod, 2004;98:85-90
3. Sayan NB., Üçok C., Karasu HA., Günhan Ö., "Osteoma periférico de la región oral y maxilofacial: un estudio de 35 casos nuevos" J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2002;60:1299-1301
4. Doğan N., Üçok C., Korkmaz C., Üçok Ö., Karasu HA., "Los efectos del clorhidrato de articaína en la cicatrización de heridas: un estudio experimental" J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2003;61:1467-1470
5. Karasu HA., Ortakoğlu K., Okçu M., Günhan Ö., "Osteocondroma del cóndilo mandibular: informe de un caso y revisión de la literatura" Mil Med, 2005;170(9):79

6. Altug Ataç AT., Karasu HA., Aytaç D., "Expansión maxilar rápida asistida quirúrgicamente en comparación con la expansión maxilar rápida ortopédica" Angle Orthodontist, 2006;76(3):353-359
7. Sayan NB., Karasu HA., Uyanik LO., Aytaç D., "Tratamiento en dos etapas de la anquilosis de la ATM mediante abordaje quirúrgico temprano y osteogénesis por distracción" J Craniofac Surg, 2007;18(1):212-217
8. Üçok C., Karasu HA., Orhan K., Üçok Ö., Tuncer N., "Hiperplasia endotelial papilar intravascular y osteoma: informe de caso de un individuo con 2 patologías diferentes" Quintessence Int, 2007;38, (2 ):88-91
9. Kurt G. Altuğ-Atac AT., Ataç MS., Karasu HA., “Estabilidad de SARME y OME después de 3 años de seguimiento”. The Angle Orthodontist. 2010;80(4):613-619
10. Kurt G., Altuğ-Atac AT., Ataç MS., Karasu HA., “Cambios en las vías respiratorias nasofaríngeas después de una expansión maxilar rápida asistida quirúrgicamente y ortopédicamente” J Craniofac Surg 2010;21:312-317
11. Altuğ-Ataç AT., Ataç MS., Kurt G., Karasu HA., “Comparación de RME asistida quirúrgicamente y RME ortopédica: cambios en la estructura nasal” Int J Oral and Maxillofac Surg 2010;39:129-135.
12. Aydemir H, Memikoğlu U, Karasu H. Espacio de las vías respiratorias faríngeas, posición del hueso hioides y postura de la cabeza después de la cirugía ortognática en pacientes de clase III”. Angle Orthod. 2012 Nov;82(6):993-1000. doi: 10.2319/091911 -597.1. Publicación electrónica 11 de abril de 2012. PMID:22500578
13. Efendiyeva R1, Aydemir H, Karasu H, Toygar-Memikoğlu U. “Espacio de las vías respiratorias faríngeas, posición del hueso hioides y postura de la cabeza después de la cirugía ortognática bimaxilar en pacientes de clase III: evaluación a largo plazo”. Angle Orthod. 7 de marzo de 2014. [Epub antes de impresión]
14. SUNAL AKTÜRK EZGİ, EREN HAKAN, GÖRÜRGÖZ CANSU, ORHAN KAAN, KARASU HAKAN ALPAY, AKAT BORA, TOYGAR MEMİKOĞLU TÜLİN UFUK (2020). Evaluación electromiográfica, ultrasonográfica y elastográfica por ultrasonido del músculo masetero en pacientes de clase III antes y después de la cirugía ortognática. Revista de Cirugía Craneofacial (Yayın No: 6276746)
15. Sahbaz Emir Bahman, CESUR EMRE, ALTUĞ DEMİRALP AYŞE TUBA, Ergül Kutay Can, KARASU HAKAN ALPAY, TOYGAR MEMİKOĞLU TÜLİN UFUK (2019). ¿Es posible prolongar el maxilar mediante expansión maxilar rápida asistida quirúrgicamente y elásticos intermaxilares de clase III? Revista Turca de Ortodoncia, 32(02), 96-104., Doi: 10.5152/Turkjorthod.2019.18060 (Yayın No: 5697928)
16. Aydemir H, Efendiyeva R, Karasu H, Toygar M, Tülin U (2015). Evaluación de los cambios a largo plazo en los tejidos blandos después de la cirugía ortognática bimaxilar en pacientes de clase III. The Angle Orthodontist, 85(4), 631-637. , Doi: 10.2319/062214-449.1

17. Karasu HA., Uyanık LO., Üçok C., Sayan NB., "El uso de injerto de hueso ilíaco en defectos maxilomandibulares" IntJ Oral Maxillofac Surg. 32 (Suplemento I) S39 (2003), 16.ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Cirugía Oral y Cirugía Maxilofacial, Atenas, Grecia.

18. Üçok C., Karasu HA., Akçam O., Uyanık LO., Üçok Ö., Sayan NB., "El uso de distracción externa rápida en pacientes con fisura labiopalatina" IntJ Oral Maxillofac Surg. 32 (Suplemento I) S18 (2003) , 16ª Conferencia Internacional sobre Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial, Atenas, Grecia.

19. Uyanık LO., Karasu HA., Aytaç D., "El uso de la distracción externa rígida para la hipoplasia del tercio medio facial" J Cranio-Maxillofac Surg. 34 (Suplemento 1) 155-156 (2006), Resúmenes del 18.º Congreso de la Asociación Europea de Cirugía Craneo-Maxilofacial, Barcelona, España.

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Ozge Akay
10 años de experiencia
3 reseñas

Ozge Akay

10 años de experiencia
Turquía, Marmaris
Clínica dental Dent48
Cómo elegir el médico y la clínica adecuados: Consejos de expertos
Al elegir un médico o una clínica, tenga en cuenta estos puntos clave:
Revise las credenciales
Verifique las certificaciones de entidades como ISAPS, JCI, etc.
Revise las tasas de éxito
Elija médicos con una amplia experiencia en su tratamiento específico.
Lea las reseñas de los pacientes
Reseñas de pacientes reales de Bookimed para conocer su experiencia.
Garantía de comunicación
Elija clínicas que ofrezcan servicio de traducción para facilitar el tratamiento.
Pregunte sobre los servicios
Confirme si proporcionan alojamiento y traslados, y compruebe los costes.
Elegir una clínica en el extranjero puede ser estresante. En Bookimed, con más de 800K pacientes ayudados, entendemos sus preocupaciones. Sabemos cómo encontrar médicos de confianza, las mejores opciones calidad-precio y soluciones incluso para casos complejos. Estamos aquí para guiarle en cada paso de su viaje médico.
Yan Matsiivskiy
Jefe del Equipo de coordinadores médicos
Delfin Ates Doruk
10 años de experiencia
3 reseñas

Delfin Ates Doruk

10 años de experiencia
Turquía, Marmaris
Clínica dental Dent48
Dr Camila Novarino
24 años de experiencia
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
Clínica dental Odontoliuzzi

Dr Camila Novarino

24 años de experiencia

Máster y Doctorado en Implantología
Máster y Doctorado en Periodoncia
Odontología DDS
24 años de experiencia en consultorios dentales
Post Graduación en todos los 4 y todos los 6
10 años y profesor de la Universidad São Leopoldo Mandic
Postgrado en Perioimplantología

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Natalia Liuzzi
19 años de experiencia
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
Clínica dental Odontoliuzzi

Natalia Liuzzi

19 años de experiencia

Especialista en implantes dentales
Especialista em ondontologia digital
Especialista en Endodoncia
Especialista em Estética Dental

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Fatima Liliana De Freitas Correia
11 años de experiencia

Fatima Liliana De Freitas Correia

11 años de experiencia
México, Ciudad de México
Clínica Dental Ortodoncia CDMX
Ufuk Zeren
31 años de experiencia
Turquía, Esmirna
Ata Health Center

Ufuk Zeren

31 años de experiencia
Dr. Ufuk Zeren is a professional dentist with a focus on dental implantology and aesthetic restorations. He has furthered his expertise with numerous courses in advanced surgical procedures and digital dentistry, specifically in the all-on-four technique, sinus floor elevation, and zygomatic implants.Mostrar más
Firdevs Aylin Sahiner
8 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Luna Dente Clinic

Firdevs Aylin Sahiner

8 años de experiencia


-Eyüboğlu High School
-Yeditepe University Dentist (Honor Degree)
-Acıbadem Hospital
-Superdent Dental Clinic
-Luna Dente Clinic


Professional Organization Memberships
- ESCD (European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry) ,
- TDB (Turkish Dentists Association)
- EDAD (Aesthetic Dentistry Academy Association)


- Rotary Instrument Root Canal Shaping Systems, 

- Implant-Supported Fixed Prosthetic Restorations, 

- Dental Photography, 

- Botox-Dermal Filler-PRP-Mesotherapy,

 - Anterior Region Aesthetic Composite Restorations,

 - Laminate Veneer Porcelains,

 - Basic Implantology,

 - Double Immediate Implant Loading in Total Edentulousness,

 - Soft Tissue Surgery,

 - Hard Tissue Formation

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Direnc Ulasan
Cirujano oral y maxilofacial
15 años de experiencia
Turquía, Bursa

Direnc Ulasan

Cirujano oral y maxilofacial
15 años de experiencia

Dr. Direnç Ulaşan


I was born in 1985 in Konya, a city renowned for Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. I completed my secondary education at Meram Anatolian High School in 2003, after which I began my studies at Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry. Following a five-year undergraduate program, I pursued a specialization in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the same faculty, undertaking an additional five years of focused training. During the last two years of my specialization, I completed rotations in General Surgery, Otolaryngology, and Anesthesia. Throughout this period, I conducted extensive work in immediate implantology, and my PhD research focused on immediate and short implants.


Following this period, I established Milim Dental Hospital, where I currently lead a dedicated team of 30 professionals, including 9 doctors. Milim Dental Hospital holds the distinction of being Turkey’s first Ministry of Health-approved and internationally accredited health tourism organization. Our institution specializes extensively in procedures such as All-on-4, All-on-6, and zygomatic implants, as well as Hollywood Smile transformations. We maintain an active presence on social media, utilizing platforms like Instagram and TikTok to connect with and inform our audience. For further insights, please feel free to explore Milim Dental’s Instagram page.


I am a member of the Turkish Dental Association, the Bursa Dental Association, the Turkish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (AÇBİD), Archbit, the International Team for Implantology (ITI), and the Turkish Young Businessmen Association (TÜGİAD). These memberships, along with my certifications, reflect my commitment to staying at the forefront of dental advancements and my dedication to professional growth within the field.


I reside in Bursa, a lush, green city known as the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, located just a one-hour drive from Istanbul. Here, I established Milim Dental Hospital with the purpose of offering patients a truly personalized experience in an exclusive environment. Our treatment packages not only address patients’ dental needs but also fulfill the “vacation” aspect of a Dental Holiday. Bursa offers a unique combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage—patients can ski on Mount Uludağ and swim in the sea at Mudanya, an ancient Greek village, all within the same day. The city is also a gastronomic hub and a destination of cultural significance, famously visited by Queen Elizabeth. Additionally, Iznik, renowned for its historical importance, is a short trip away within Bursa. With our VIP transfers and guides, patients can enjoy all these cultural and culinary experiences efficiently, without traffic delays, during their dental treatment’s downtime. This approach allows them to receive a niche, high-quality service that extends beyond traditional dental care.


In addition to my professional qualifications, I have extensive experience working with expatriates in Turkey and have cultivated a broad network among the international community. I am well-traveled, having visited over 30 countries, which has enriched my cultural understanding and adaptability. My frequent travels abroad and my connections with expatriates have greatly influenced my approach to providing culturally sensitive care. Additionally, my daughter was born in the United States, which further strengthens my global perspective and ease in working with individuals from diverse backgrounds.


I am married to Dr. Begüm Ulaşan, an orthodontist, and we have a young daughter. Additionally, I am a passionate collector of both books and automobiles, pursuits that complement my professional and personal life.

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Erdem Azim
16 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul

Erdem Azim

16 años de experiencia
El Dr. Erdem Azim es un distinguido odontólogo con experiencia en numerosas áreas de la odontología, como terapia, cirugía, implantología, ortodoncia, ortopedia, periodoncia, odontopediatría, higiene, odontología estética y prevención. Sus servicios incluyen carillas, instalación de brackets linguales, instalación de coronas de porcelana, extracción de muelas del juicio e implantes dentales. Él es bien considerado por los pacientes por su enfoque suave y profesionalismo.Mostrar más
Erkan Topak
30 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Clínica dental Aqua Dental Clinic

Erkan Topak

30 años de experiencia
Dr. Erkan Topak es un dentista competente y fundador de una práctica dental, especializada en una variedad de procedimientos, incluyendo All-on-4 y All-on-6 Implantes Dentales, Carilla de Porcelana, Lumineer, Mini implante dental, Carillas, Carilla de Composite, Blanqueamiento Dental, Hollywood Smile, y mucho más.Mostrar más
Dr Barbara Sobczak
17 años de experiencia
Polonia, Gdansk
Dr Sobczak Dental Clinic

Dr Barbara Sobczak

17 años de experiencia

Barbara Sobczak

Author of Sobczak Concept®
- a fully digital implant treatment protocol for toothless patients.


Dr Barbara Sobczak

  • First author of recent scientific publications in medical journals with a combined Impact Factor of over 4.5:
    • „An Integrated Fully Digital Prosthetic Workflow for the Immediate Full-Arch Restoration of Edentulous Patients – A Case Report”.
    • „A Versatile Integrated Prosthetic Workflow for the Immediate Pink-Free Full-Arch Restoration – A Case Series”.
  • Master of Science in Oral Implantology, graduated with honors from Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Founder of Dr. Sobczak Joy Clinic in Warsaw, Poland
  • Founder of Dr. Sobczak Babice Clinic in Stare Babice, Poland
  • Founder of Dr Sobczak Dental Clinic in Dubai Mall, Dubai


  • Lecturer and opinion leader for Straumann in the field of implantology in Europe
  • Lecturer and opinion leader in implantology in the Middle East
  • Independent lecturer in the field of dental implantology worldwide
  • Medical consultant for Straumann in Poland
  • Medical consultant on behalf of Straumann Group in Switzerland
  • Dr. Sobczak’s clinics hold the title of Center of Excellence for Education Straumann – providing courses for dentists in advanced implantology
  • ITI Fellow, awarded by the Chapter in Switzerland for achievements in implantology
    Author of consecutive publications in implantology with Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Basel, Switzerland
  • Member of scientific projects on dental materials in implantology for temporary reconstruction of full arches
  • Member of the judging committee of the Smile Award 2022 edition
  • Member of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), an organization that supports the educational and scientific development of young implantologists
  • Founder of ITI Study Club Mazovia
  • Founder of ITI Study Club Polonika
  • Winner of the international Straumann Group Smile Award 2021 competition
  • XII Polish Businesswoman Award in the categories „Discovery of the Year 2021” and „Leader among Medical Clinics”
  • Women’s Brand of the Year 2020 and
  • Women Star Award
  • Women’s Brand of the Year 2019, Class & Style Award
  • Dentist of the Year Award 2019
  • Winner of the „Eagles of Medicine” award
  • Dr. Sobczak also regularly appears on the morning show on Polish TV. Each episode is based on the life story of one patient and the spectacular transformation after the Sobczak Concept® procedure performed by Dr. Barbara Sobczak.

Barbara Sobczak - Dr. Sobczak Clinic

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Jorge Villar
11 años de experiencia
México, Los Algodones

Jorge Villar

11 años de experiencia

Bachelor's Degree in Stomatology at the Faculty of Stomatology of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi 2008-2013 

Master's Degree in Dental Sciences in the Area of Oral Periodontics and Implantology at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, 2014-2017

 International mobility School year at the Université Chirurgie Dentaire de Montpellier, France 2012-2013.


Postgraduate: Clinical Advisor to students of the Specialty. 




Participation in the Summer of Science 2012 with the work: Use of Ibuprofen Gel in Periodontal Surgery Patients with Gastric Alterations.

Memories of the Summer of Science 2011. University Autonomous of San Luis Potosí

Bachelor Stomatologist Thesis: Damage Periodontal in the Gingival Tissues of Treated Patients with Radiotherapy.

Graduate Thesis: BMP and PDGF Induce the Activation of Osteonectin and Osteocalcin During Bone Regeneration in Induced Bone Defects.

Post-extraction alveolar preservation and use of the crown The tooth extracted as a temporary restoration, Hindawi Case Reports in Dentistry Item Number 4262067

ADA member: ADA number 553789195

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Ahmet Ali Buluc
19 años de experiencia
Turquía, Yalova

Ahmet Ali Buluc

19 años de experiencia

Hello, my name is Ahmet Ali Bülüç. I am a dentist and partner of Dental Park Yalova. I was born in Denizli in 1982. I graduated from Ankara University in 2005. I do digital, aesthetic dentistry and implant dental work. My motivation is the happiness of our patients.

With the rapidly growing health tourism, a tourist coming to Yalova sees that the total costs such as hotel, plane transfer and dental treatment are less than the cost of dental treatment alone in any European country. In addition, during the time he spends in our country, he discovers many places to visit and receives both holiday and dental care.

Most of our patients who come from abroad for treatment prefer our Implant and Hollywood Smile treatments. It is used for implant treatments, known as dental screwing, and zirconium, porcelain crown and bridge treatments that replace the extracted tooth.

Aesthetically speaking, smile design and Hollywood Smile treatment are very popular and especially preferred by the young generation.

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Najeeb Memas
22 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
IST Smile Experts

Najeeb Memas

22 años de experiencia


  • Graduated from Istanbul University in 1997
  • PHD in dental surgeon in 2001

Work Experience

  • 22 years of experience.
  •  in specific dental treatments in implants, veneers, smile make over.

Dr. Najeeb Memas is a highly skilled and experienced dental professional committed to delivering exceptional care and stunning results for every patient. With a strong foundation in dental education and years of clinical expertise, Dr. Memas is renowned for his meticulous approach, innovative techniques, and patient-first philosophy.

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Gurkan Korkmaz
11 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Clínica de la Op. Dr. Nazli KORKMAZ Clinic

Gurkan Korkmaz

11 años de experiencia

Gurkan Korkmaz is renowned for his meticulous and innovative dental services, backed by a decade-long expertise in the field. He approaches each patient with a tailored strategy, utilizing the latest technology and techniques to ensure they achieve a healthy and radiant smile. Offering a wide spectrum of services including aesthetic dentistry, implants, root canal treatments, and pediatric dentistry, Gurkan Korkmaz prioritizes customer satisfaction, placing the comfort and trust of patients at the forefront. Widely recognized as the epitome of excellence in enhancing smiles, Gurkan Korkmaz is the go-to, reliable dentist for delivering the finest solutions to embellish your smile.

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Omer Bayar
8 años de experiencia
Turquía, Ankara
Doctor Bayar Dental Clinics

Omer Bayar

8 años de experiencia

Dr. Ömer Bayar was born on October 3, 1992, in Eskişehir, Turkey. After completing his primary and secondary education at Atayurt College between 1998 and 2006, he attended Eskişehir Anadolu High School from 2006 to 2010.


He graduated from Başkent University’s Faculty of Dentistry in 2015 and has been working at his clinic since 2017. In addition, he pursued a PhD in Prosthodontics at Başkent University’s Faculty of Dentistry, graduating as a prosthodontist in 2023.


Dr. Bayar specializes in aesthetic dentistry, smile design, implantology, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. He stays current in his field by attending various international congresses and seminars. His expertise includes full-mouth rehabilitation and smile makeovers for complex dental misalignments and jaw malpositions; implant surgeries for patients with severe bone deficiencies, bone grafting, and the "immediate implant" technique, which involves placing an implant at the time of tooth extraction. His PhD thesis, titled "Surface Roughness of Polished and Glazed 5Y-TZP Monolithic Zirconia Blocks After Brushing Simulation," has been published in both local and international academic journals.

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Genoveva Madrigal
16 años de experiencia
1 reseñas
México, Cancún
GNUX Dental Cancun

Genoveva Madrigal

16 años de experiencia


World Clinical Laser Institute
La Dra. Genoveva Madrigal es una periodoncista y ortodoncista certificada, especializada en ortodoncia, implantología y periodoncia. Ella tiene experiencia en el tratamiento de una amplia variedad de condiciones dentales y la prestación de servicios tales como limpiezas dentales, blanqueamiento dental, y los implantes dentales.Mostrar más
Esta página puede incluir información relacionada con diversas afecciones médicas, tratamientos y servicios de salud disponibles en diferentes países. Tenga en cuenta que el contenido se proporciona sólo con fines informativos y no debe interpretarse como asesoramiento médico o orientación. Por favor consulte con su médico o con un profesional médico calificado antes de comenzar o cambiar el tratamiento médico.