Salih Onur Basat se graduó en el programa de “Medicina Inglesa” de la Facultad de Medicina Cerrahpaşa de la Universidad de Estambul en 2005. Trabajó en el sector de la salud pública durante un cierto período de tiempo, realizando estudios académicos publicados y presentados en muchas revistas y congresos nacionales e internacionales importantes durante este período. Contribuyó y participó en muchos congresos nacionales e internacionales. Habiendo sido acreditado por TPRECD y EBOPRAS. El Dr. Salih Onur Basat es un cirujano altamente experimentado, que ha llegado a un gran número de casos, incluidos procedimientos exitosos de contorno corporal, estética mamaria y operaciones estéticas faciales.
Mostrar másEl Dr. Antanas Mickevicius es un cirujano bariátrico altamente experimentado con 30 años de experiencia y calificaciones de la Universidad Médica de Kaunas. Está capacitado en Suecia, el Reino Unido y los Países Bajos y realiza más de 200 cirugías bariátricas en el Reino Unido y Lituania cada año. Se especializa en Bypass Gástrico, Manga Gástrica, Plicatura Gástrica y otros procedimientos, tratando condiciones como la Obesidad Mórbida y el Sobrepeso. Es miembro de la Sociedad Lituana de Cirugía Bariátrica y Metabólica y de la Federación Internacional de Cirugía para la Obesidad (IFSO).
Mostrar másProfessor Burhan Mayir isespecially interested in metabolic and bariatric surgery, also. He performs single port (scarless) sleeve gastrectomy, gastric by pass procedures and revisional bariatric surgeries. He has experience about metabolic-bariatric surgery, gastro-esophagus reflux surgery, endoscopic thyroid surgery (scarless thyroidectomy), cancer surgery, hernia surgery, adrenal gland surgery, other gastrointestinal surgical procedures, liver surgery, spleen surgery, hemorrhoid surgery and anal fissure surgery. He has speeches in various congresses and meetings, over 60 articles published in national and international refereed journals, and over 100 abstracts presented at congresses.
Mostrar másCita con el médico | precio a consultar |
Cirugía plástica posbariátrica | $3750.06 - $4062.56 |
Education : 2001-2007, Faculty of Medicine, Ege University
2007-2013, School of Medicine - Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Hacettepe University
Professional Experience: 2014-2016, Usak State Hospital,
2016-2022, Private Oztan Hospital
2022- Present İzmir Private Can Hospital
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More Information you can contact to us.
Mostrar másEducation and Certifications
International Experiences
Professional Experience
Presentations in International Meetings
1.Serel S, Bayar S, Kaya B, Yigit P, Celik B, Sezgic M. Reverse Abdominoplasty for Locally/Advanced Recurrent Breast Cancer. 2016 Barcelona Breast Meeting, March 16-18, 2016. Barcelona-Spain.
2. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Serel S. Possible Factors Associated With Failure of Free Flaps in Reconstruction of Head-Neck and Lower Extremity Defects. 13'th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery, April 21-24, 2016. Antalya-Turkey.
3. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Ozden S, Ozdemir A, Kaya B, Serel S.Reconstruction of Complex Scalp and Calvarial Defects with Cranioplasty and Free Flaps. 4’th Congress of Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Reconstructive Microsurgery, May 09-13, 2018. Antalya-Turkey.
4. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Ozden S, Serel S, Ergun H, Kaya B. Effect of Quercetin (A Powerful Flavonoid) on Survival of Random Skin Flap in Rats : An Experimental Study. European Association of Plastic Surgeons Research Council, May 16-17, 2018. Madrid -Spain.
5. Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Kirmizi BA, Heper A, Serel S. The Effect of Poly-L-Lactic Acid Dermal Fillers on Tendon Healing. European Association of Plastic Surgeons Research Council, May 16-17, 2018. Madrid -Spain.
6. Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Kaya B, Serel S. Our Clinical Experience with Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Imaging. International Congress on Occupational Accidents, Hand Injuries and Amputations, April 26-27, 2019. Istanbul-Turkey.
7. Balikci T, Bozkurt M, Karakol P, Sezgic M, Metin A. Providing Functional and Aesthetic Healing With Matriderm® and Late Fat Injection in Frontal Arm Flexor Face Burn Contracts. 17th Annual IFATS Conference, December 4-7, 2019. Marseille, France.
8. Balikci T, Bozkurt M, Karakol P, Sezgiç M, Metin A. Investigation of the Peripheral Effects of SVF Treatment in Patients with Ischemic Limb. 17th Annual IFATS Conference, December 4-7, 2019. Marseille, France.
Presentations in National Meetings
1. Sezgic M, Celik B, Yigit P, Arslan E, Can Z. Sol El Dorsumunda Atipik Lokalizasyonda Kavernöz Hemanjiom. 36. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 29 Ekim - 1 Kasım, 2014, Istanbul.
2. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Tuzlali Z, Kaya B, Gultan S.M, Serel S. Meme Küçültme Hastalarında Preoperatif Görüntüleme Sonuçlarının Histopatolojik Tanılarla Uyumunun Karşılaştırılması. 38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim, 2016, Antalya.
3. Serel S, Aydinli Y, Tuzlali Z, Sezgic M, Kaygusuz G, Heper A.O. İmmün Yetmezlik Olmayan Hastada İntestinal Lenfomanın Nadir Görülen İlk Bulgusu: Oral Kavitede Kronik Yara. 38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim, 2016, Antalya.
4. Tuzlali Z, Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Kaya B, Serel S. MHC Class-II Eksikliği Olan Hastaya Burun Epitezi Uygulaması. 38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim, 2016, Antalya.
5. Sezgic M, Tuzlali Z, Aydinli Y, Serel S. Temporal Bölgede Yüzeyel Lipom Öntanısı ile Tanı Alan Akciğer Kanseri. 38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim, 2016, Antalya.
6. Serel S, Uzun C, Tuzlali Z, Coruh A, Aydinli Y, Sezgic M. Diep Öncesi Çekilen BT Anjiografide Saptanan Rastlantısal Pankreas Kanseri. 38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim, 2016, Antalya.
7. Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Tuzlali Z, Gultan S.G. Vertikal Skar Küçültme Mamoplastide Tekrarlayan Dehisens olgusu: Limberg (Rhomboid) Flebi kullanımı. 38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim, 2016, Antalya.
8. Tuzlali Z, Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Serel S. Kısmi Kalınlıkta Deri Greft Donör Alanı Komplikasyonu: Hipergranülasyon Olgu Sunumu. 38. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 27-30 Ekim, 2016, Antalya.
9. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Tuzlali Z, Kaya B, Serel S. İndosiyanin Yeşili Floresans Video Anjiografi ile Deneyimlerimiz. 39. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim, 2017, Antalya.
10. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Tuzlali Z, Kaya B, Serel S, Gultan SM. Nadir Bir Kimyasal Yanık Etkeni: Taze Sarımsak. 39. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim, 2017, Antalya.
11.Ozden S, Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Kaya B. Malignite ile Karışabilen Nodüler Fasiit Olgusu. 39. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim, 2017, Antalya.
12. Sezgic M, Aydinli Y, Bayir SA, Can Z. Üst Dudakta Travma Sonrası Oluşan Skuamöz Hücreli Karsinom Olgusu. 39. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim, 2017, Antalya.
13. Aydinli Y, Tuzlali Z, Sezgic M, Ozbek MR. Parmağın Az Görülen Yumuşak Doku Tümörü: Epidermal İnklüzyon Kisti. 39. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim, 2017, Antalya.
14. Bayir SA, Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Can Z. Şüpheli Skar Zemininde Akut Gelişen Yassı Hücreli Karsinom Olgusu. 39. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 11-14 Ekim, 2017, Antalya.
15.Aydinli Y, Kaya B, Sezgic M. Antifibrotik Bir Ajan Olan Pirfenidonun Tendon İyileşmesi Üzerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. 40. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 17-21 Ekim, 2018, Antalya.
16. Sezgic M, Serel S, Aydinli Y, Heper A, Kirmizi BA. Poli-L-Laktik Asit Bileşenli Dermal Dolgunun Tendon İyileşmesi Üzerine Etkisi. 40. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 17-21 Ekim, 2018, Antalya.
17. Aydinli Y, Sezgic M, Serel S. Melanomda İmmünmodülasyon ve Hedeflenmiş Moleküler Tedaviler. 40. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 17-21 Ekim, 2018, Antalya.
18. Aydinli Y, Kaya B, Sezgic M. Postoperatif Dönemde Derin Ven Trombozu Ayırıcı Tanısında Baker Kisti. 40. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 17-21 Ekim, 2018, Antalya.
19. Karakol P, Tatar BE, Sezgic M, Uslu C, Bozkurt M. Alt ekstremite yaralanmalarına rejeneratif yaklaşım. 13. Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 13-16 Aralık, 2018, Antalya.
20. Karakol P, Tatar BE, Sezgic M, Uslu C, Bozkurt M. Buerger hastalığında kök hücre uygulaması. 13. Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 13-16 Aralık, 2018, Antalya.
21. Tatar BE, Karakol P, Sezgic M, Demirel O, Bozkurt M. Karpal Tünel Cerrahisinde Matriderm ve PRP’nin Etkileri. 41. Türk Plastik, Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Ulusal Kongresi, 26-30 Ekim, 2019, Samsun.
22. Karakol P, Sezgic M. Sternotomi ve Koroner Bypass Cerrahisi sonrası sekonder doku defektlerinde Bilateral Pediküllü Pectoralis Major Kas Flebi uygulamalarımız. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.
23. Bozkurt M, Karakol P, Sezgic M. Baş-Boyun Yanıkları Sonrası Erken ve Geç Dönem Fraksiyone Lazer Uygulamalarının, Skar Modülasyonu ve Kozmetik Sonuçlara Etkisi. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.
24. Karakol P, Sezgic M. Fournier Gangreni Sonrası Doku Defekti Onarımlarında 5 Yıllık Klinik Deneyimimiz. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.
25. Sezgic M, Karakol P. Epizyotomi Insizyonlarında Yara Bakımı Yaklaşımımız. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.
26. Sezgic M, Karakol P. Parmakta, Saatler Içinde Oturan Gazlı Gangren Tablosu. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.
27. Karakol P, Sezgic M, Bozkurt M. İnsan Isırığı Sonrası Kulak Amputasyonları. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.
28. Karakol P, Sezgic M. Sirkumsizyon Sırasında Total Glans Penis Nekrozu. 14.Ulusal Yara Kongresi, 12-15 Aralık, 2019, Antalya.
Chapters in Books
He was born in Istanbul in 1982. He graduated from Kocaeli University, Faculty of Medicine. In 2012, he worked as an emergency medical assistant at Taksim First Aid EAH.
Between 2013-2018, he specialized in general surgery at Haseki EAH. Then, between 2018-2020, he completed his compulsory service at Bitlis Tatvan State Hospital.
Since 2020, with Dr. Hasan Lice, they have worked with the Sava team for bariatric surgeries. He is married and has two kids.
He is also the deputy chief physician of the hospital.
Mostrar másAssoc. Dr. Ali DURMUŞ was born in the Fevzipaşa township of İslahiye, Gaziantep. Because his father worked at Tekel, he started his education at Malatya Derme Primary School and completed it at Adıyaman Atatürk Primary School. When his father was appointed to Amasya Taşova district, he attended secondary school at Taşova Atatürk Secondary School. He finished high school at Gaziantep Kilis High School, ranking 3rd.
Since his uncle was in Çanakkale, he chose Çanakkale Education Institute as a university. Assoc. Prof. Dr. is a teacher. Ali Durmuş was appointed to Yukarı Tutak village in Ağrı's Diyadin district within the scope of compulsory service. After working as a teacher for a period, he took the university exam again.
He was accepted to Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine, one of the two medical faculties that taught in English at that time. He completed one year of English preparation and 6 years of medical education without any loss. He was a member of the ski team and basketball team at the university, and also managed social events such as the annual medical ball.
He was assigned to Iskenderun State Hospital in compulsory service. Assoc. Prof. Dr., who served as the emergency manager. Ali Durmuş passed the General Surgery Department of Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital in the Medical Specialization Exam. Assoc. Prof. Dr. completed his specialization and became a specialist. Due to his success in his compulsory service, Ali Durmuş was appointed as assistant chief physician to the Oncology department at Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital.
Later, he was appointed as a training officer in the Department of General Surgery and Gastroenterology. He helped develop laparoscopic stomach and intestinal surgeries (sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, reflux, colon cancer, stomach cancer, etc.) in Turkey. Between 2002 and 2015, he trained dozens of assistants and helped them become general surgeons.
In 2015, he left his job in Okmeydanı and worked as Assistant Professor. He started working as a faculty member at Nişantaşı University.
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Cirugía plástica posbariátrica | $3125.05 - $4062.56 |
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