Plataforma de Turismo Médico #1 desde 2014

Los mejores especialistas en estética y cosmetología de Rejuvenecimiento con células madre propias — TOP-55 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Jaehoon Choi
Cirujano plástico
25 años de experiencia
Corea del Sur, Seúl
Hospital Seoul Miz

Jaehoon Choi

Cirujano plástico
25 años de experiencia

Choi Jae Hoon

  • Educación/Carrera académica
  • Cirujano plástico
  • Pasante y residente en cirugía plástica en el Hospital Paik de la Universidad Inje de Seúl
  • Ex profesor adjunto de cirugía plástica en el Hospital Paik de la Universidad Inje de Seúl
  • Profesor visitante de cirugía plástica en el Hospital Paik de la Universidad Inje de Seúl
  • Membresías profesionales
  • Miembro de pleno derecho de la Sociedad Coreana de Cirujanos Plásticos y Reconstructivos
  • Miembro de pleno derecho de la Sociedad Coreana de Cirugía Plástica Estética
  • Miembro del Consejo de Investigación de Cirugía Oculoplástica de la Sociedad Coreana de Cirujanos Plásticos y Reconstructivos
  • Miembro del Consejo de Investigación de Rinoplastia de la Sociedad Coreana de Cirujanos Plásticos y Reconstructivos
  • Miembro del Consejo de Investigación en Cirugía de Mama

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Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Rejuvenecimiento con células madre propias $12000 - $15000
Más tratamientos
Mustafa Tumturk
15 años de experiencia
47 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Health Point World Clinic (former Dr. Soho Clinic)

Mustafa Tumturk

15 años de experiencia

La estética médica es un campo especializado de la medicina que se centra en mejorar la apariencia estética mediante el tratamiento de afecciones como cicatrices, flacidez de la piel, arrugas, lunares, manchas de la edad, exceso de grasa, celulitis, vello no deseado, decoloración de la piel y arañas vasculares. En Estambul, Turquía, la estética médica abarca una amplia gama de procedimientos no quirúrgicos que tienen como objetivo mejorar la apariencia de una persona y aumentar su confianza en sí misma.

  • Inyectables: Incluyen Botox y rellenos dérmicos para reducir la aparición de arrugas y dar volumen a la piel.
  • Tratamientos con láser: se utilizan para la eliminación del vello, el rejuvenecimiento de la piel y para disminuir la visibilidad de cicatrices o pigmentación.
  • Rejuvenecimiento de la piel: como peelings químicos, microagujas y terapia de luz para mejorar la textura y el tono de la piel.
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Leyla Arvas
Cirujano plástico
26 años de experiencia
58 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Quartz Hospital

Leyla Arvas

Cirujano plástico
26 años de experiencia

La Dra. Leyla Arvas es especialista en Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética con estudios de microcirugía y tratamientos láser en Taiwán, Tokio y Barcelona. Ha realizado operaciones estéticas en consultorios privados, hospitales y clínicas, especializándose en procedimientos de Rinoplastia, Befaroplastia, Estiramiento Facial, Liposucción, Levantamiento-Aumento-Reducción de Senos y Abdominoplastia. Tiene experiencia en tecnologías de liposucción VASER y LÁSER y lipoescultura de alta definición.

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Turquía, Estambul
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Turquía, Estambul
Esra Tustas Haberal
27 años de experiencia
144 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Esra Tustas Haberal

27 años de experiencia

La Dra. Esra Tustas Haberal se graduó de la Facultad de Medicina de Estambul de la Universidad de Estambul en 1997. Ha ganado premios por su trabajo y ha participado y presentado en numerosos congresos nacionales e internacionales. Se especializa en Supervisión de Embarazo y Parto, Supervisión de Embarazo de Alto Riesgo, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de Incontinencia Urinaria, Infertilidad, Cirugía Laparoscópica, Cirugía Histeroscópica, Cirugía de Suelo Pélvico y Cirugía Estética Genital. Ha trabajado en Delta Hospital, Çengelköy Ülkü Hospital y Umraniye Training and Research Hospital.

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Cómo elegir el médico y la clínica adecuados: Consejos de expertos
Al elegir un médico o una clínica, tenga en cuenta estos puntos clave:
Revise las credenciales
Verifique las certificaciones de entidades como ISAPS, JCI, etc.
Revise las tasas de éxito
Elija médicos con una amplia experiencia en su tratamiento específico.
Lea las reseñas de los pacientes
Reseñas de pacientes reales de Bookimed para conocer su experiencia.
Garantía de comunicación
Elija clínicas que ofrezcan servicio de traducción para facilitar el tratamiento.
Pregunte sobre los servicios
Confirme si proporcionan alojamiento y traslados, y compruebe los costes.
Elegir una clínica en el extranjero puede ser estresante. En Bookimed, con más de 800K pacientes ayudados, entendemos sus preocupaciones. Sabemos cómo encontrar médicos de confianza, las mejores opciones calidad-precio y soluciones incluso para casos complejos. Estamos aquí para guiarle en cada paso de su viaje médico.
Yan Matsiivskiy
Jefe del Equipo de coordinadores médicos
Irina Turchuniva
Terapeuta recreativa
27 años de experiencia
1 reseñas
Polonia, Varsovia
Clínica Herhel

Irina Turchuniva

Terapeuta recreativa
27 años de experiencia


1977 - 1984 - Instituto Médico, especialidad "Negocios médicos"

Mejorar las habilidades y adquirir nuevos conocimientos:

1990 - Residencia clínica en la especialidad "Cicloterapia con cardiología clínica", Kiev

1992 - TU "Radiología médica", Járkov

1995 - TU "Métodos modernos de diagnóstico de enfermedades internas y reumatología", Kyiv

1999 - TU "Organización de Apoyo Médico de las Fuerzas Armadas", Kyiv

2004 - TU "Cuestiones actuales de arritmología clínica en cardiología", Kyiv

2009 - TU "Cuestiones actuales de terapia y reumatología", Kyiv

2012 - TU "Fundamentos del conocimiento geriátrico", Kyiv

2013 – Instituto de Formación Avanzada de Personal Directivo de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de la República de Ucrania, Kiev

2014 - TU "Cuestiones actuales de terapia y neumología", Kyiv

2016 - Especialización "Organización y gestión de la atención sanitaria", Kyiv

2018 - TU "Cuestiones actuales de las enfermedades internas del paciente", Kyiv

2020 - Universidad Técnica "Cuestiones actuales de la terapia", Kyiv

2021 - TU "Cuestiones actuales de las enfermedades internas del paciente", Kyiv

2023 - TU "Cuestiones actuales: cardiología clínica", Kyiv

Principales áreas de actividad práctica:

Examen, estudio de anamnesis y consultas sobre el tratamiento de enfermedades de perfil terapéutico.

Designación del examen adicional necesario

interpretación de los resultados del análisis

Designación de un plan de tratamiento individual y recomendaciones para la prevención de enfermedades.

Control de las medidas de terapia, recuperación y rehabilitación

Participación en asociaciones:

Asociación de terapeutas de Ucrania

Asociación de Cardiólogos de Ucrania

Asociación de Gastroenterólogos de Ucrania

Organización de la asistencia médica en los países de la UE

Asociación de Fisioterapeutas ("Karlovo Vary", Praga)

El terapeuta trata las siguientes enfermedades:


bronquitis aguda


Empresa pública estatal

rinitis vasomotora aguda

gastroduodenitis crónica

enfermedad ulcerosa

colecistitis crónica



enfermedad hipertensiva

Enfermedad coronaria


poliartritis gotosa

cistitis aguda

Trastornos metabólicos, obesidad.

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Dr Makbule Dundar
25 años de experiencia
2 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Distrital Medipol Acibadem

Dr Makbule Dundar

25 años de experiencia

Experiencia Profesional:

2017 - 2024: CLÍNICA SALTAT SUCURSAL GÖZTEPE, Especialista en Dermatología y Venereología

2014 - 2017: MEMORIAL WELLNESS, Especialista en Dermatología y Venereología

2008 - 2014: HOSPITAL PRIVADO MEDIPOL DE ESTAMBUL, Especialista en Dermatología y Venereología

2006 - 2008: HOSPITAL MEDICALPARK BAHÇELİEVLER, Especialista en Dermatología y Venereología

2003 - 2006: HOSPITAL DE SERVICIO TBV, Especialista en Dermatología y Venereología

1999 - 2003: CENTRO DE ESTÉTICA Y LÁSER FIZIKOM, Especialista en Dermatología y Venereología


1996 - 1999: HOSPITAL ESTATAL DE HASEKI - Residencia en Dermatología


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Petra Hlavacova
Médico general
14 años de experiencia
República Checa, Praga
My Clinic

Petra Hlavacova

Médico general
14 años de experiencia

Empleo y experiencia


Hospital Universitario Militar de Praga
Servicio de primeros auxilios médicos


Hygeia sro
Práctica médica de la MUDr. Zita Čermáková
Médico general


Poliklinika IPP, sro (anteriormente The Clinic Medical sro)
Médico general en un centro que proporciona atención médica de primera calidad


Hospital Universitario Královské Vinohrady, Departamento de Medicina del Trabajo y de Viajes
Médico general, atención ambulatoria laboral, tratamiento de enfermedades profesionales y medicina del viajero

Primer Departamento de Medicina Interna
Médico en el centro de procesamiento de pacientes de los departamentos de medicina interna y servicio de emergencias médicas.


Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Carolina de Praga, Tercera Facultad de Medicina
Asistente de cátedra, imparte cursos de licenciatura y máster en checo e inglés


Hospital Bulovka, Departamento de Medicina Forense
Médico del servicio médico de urgencias de la policía de la República Checa



Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Carolina de Praga, Tercera Facultad de Medicina
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Alemania (programa Erasmus)
Medicina general
Título académico: "MUDr." ("doctor en medicina")


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Nazan Taslidere
29 años de experiencia
29 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Florence Nightingale Hospital

Nazan Taslidere

29 años de experiencia

Artículos de revistas publicados indexados por SCI, SSCI y AHCI I. Investigación de la eficacia de la teledermatología en el diagnóstico de lesiones cutáneas en pacientes pediátricos TaslidereN.,KucukO.S. Revista daAssociacaoMedicaBrasileira (1992),vol.69,no.10,2023 (SCI-Expanded) I . ¿Se puede establecer un diagnóstico correcto utilizando el método de teledermatología? TAŞLIDEREN.,SUKÜÇÜKÖ. ACTADERMATOVENEROLOGICACROATICA,vol.30,no.1,pp.32-39,2022 (SCI-Expanded) I I. Síndrome de Melkersson-Rosenthal inducido por COVID-19: Informe de un caso TaşlıdereB.,MehmetajL.,ÖzcanA.B.,GülenB.,TaşlıdereN. AmericanJournalofEmergencyMedicine, vol. 41, 2021 (SCI-Expanded) IV. ¿Qué pacientes dermatológicos acuden a las clínicas ambulatorias de dermatología durante el brote de SARS-CoV-2 en Turquía y qué les sucedió? CENGİZ FP, EMİROĞLUN., BAHALIA.G., DİZMAND., TAŞLIDEREN., Akarslan T.C., Gunes B., MERTÖ., KÜÇÜKÖ.S., ONSUNN. DERMATOLOGICTHERAPY, vol. 33, no. 4, 2020 (SCI-Expanded)

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Sibel Sahin Bulam
12 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Clínica de Cirugía Plástica Estética del Dr. M. Hakan BULAM

Sibel Sahin Bulam

12 años de experiencia

La Dra. Sibel Sahin BULAM es una radióloga experimentada y dedicada con más de 12 años de experiencia. Tiene una sólida formación en diagnóstico por imágenes y está comprometida a brindar diagnósticos precisos y oportunos a los pacientes.

Experiencia laboral

Radiólogo en clínica propia (2023-actualidad)

Radiólogo en Clínica Regenerativa de Estambul (2021-2022)

Radiólogo residente en la Universidad Gazi de Ankara, Turquía (2008-2014)


Doctor en Medicina (MD) Especialidad en Radiología - Universidad Gazi de Ankara, Turquía (2014)

Doctor en Medicina (MD) - Universidad de Ankara, Ankara, Turquía (2005)


Competente en técnicas de diagnóstico por imagen.

Excelentes habilidades de comunicación e interpersonales.




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Jessica Basurco
Médico estético
14 años de experiencia
2 reseñas
España, Madrid
Clínica Granado Tiagonce

Jessica Basurco

Médico estético
14 años de experiencia

Contamos con el Cv del Doctor en nuestra oficina para todo aquel que lo requiera.

El aspecto principal es la gran experiencia de la Dra. Basurco como médica estética en España (más de 15 años), aplicando en diferentes congresos los continuos avances en medicina estética. Es una persona muy entregada a las innovaciones estéticas, muy curiosa, que siempre se pone en la piel del paciente. Acostumbrada a tratar con pacientes internacionales, intentando darles la mejor opción para sus circunstancias. Nuestra clínica ha verificado todos los productos y técnicas con los que trabaja la Dra. Basurco en nuestra clínica.

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Silvio Ascione
Cirujano plástico
18 años de experiencia
Suiza, Lugano
LaCLINIQUE of Switzerland

Silvio Ascione

Cirujano plástico
18 años de experiencia

I was born in Naples, born in 1981, and I have the best job in the world. Imagine waking up every morning and knowing that on that day you will make someone's dream come true: you will change a man's life forever, you will give birth to a new woman, you will help a girl achieve happiness, a boy gain self-confidence. I am Silvio Ascione, specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Son of art, from my father, a great man and great plastic surgeon, I learned the complex and enchanting magic of aesthetic plastic surgery. Nourished by art and medical knowledge, I grew up in operating theatres, always behind my father's back who, like the best of masters, passed on to me, a young disciple, the passion for a profession in which art combines to science to create masterpieces. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 2005 from the Second University of Naples, qualified in the first session of 2006 and specialized in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the School of Specialization of the Second University of Naples directed by Prof. Francesco D'Andrea, I am enrolled in the 'Order of Surgeons of Benevento and I obtained a Master's degree in Oncoplastic Surgery and integrated treatments at the University of Genoa.

My experience in the surgical room, however, began much earlier, and it was an intense, very hard journey, characterized by total dedication, constant updating, continuous training: initially internal at the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the S.U.N., I frequented then the Department of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of the Mediterranean Clinic of Naples affiliated with the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, the A.O.R.N. Major Burns Center Department, directed by Prof. Roberto D'Alessio, the Trauma Center Department of Prof. Antonio Martin.


I regularly participate in all the main national and international Plastic Surgery conferences to stay constantly updated on the technological innovations offered by the market, the cutting-edge products and instruments to be used for my treatments, the new research and the most recent studies in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery.

I studied and carried out in-depth internships at universities and hospital centers in Spain, France and North America, gaining extraordinary experience on the most advanced surgical techniques, in particular on facial and breast rejuvenation.


My innate passion for surgery, my attention to the care of the image and the harmony of forms, my obsessive precision and attention to detail, my unstoppable research and updating activity, my decades of experience in the most varied spheres of plastic and aesthetic surgery, working side by side with my specialized team, allow me today to boast a curriculum full of successes and satisfactions and to be able to offer my patients a detailed and scrupulous visit, a precise diagnosis, a treatment plan personalized and efficient intervention, agreed on the basis of the patient's needs and desires, highly effective personal techniques and tools to eliminate all types of blemishes, signs of aging or congenital imperfections, through increasingly less invasive interventions and with increasingly natural results.

Experience, professionalism, harmony, naturalness: these are the four key points on which I build a relationship that is first human, then professional, with my patient. The choice of plastic or aesthetic surgery does not only involve the decision to undertake a path of external change. For this reason I dedicate myself with dedication and attention to listening to the discomforts and wishes of each of my patients, so that we can plan together the most appropriate intervention for their needs and to achieve the expected result and to accompany them step by step towards a path of external and internal rebirth

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Nazli Korkmaz
17 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Clínica de la Op. Dr. Nazli KORKMAZ Clinic

Nazli Korkmaz

17 años de experiencia

Dr. Nazli KORKMAZ, a renowned expert in the field of genital aesthetic surgery. The clinic, located in Istanbul, Turkey, is recognized for its exceptional medical standards and commitment to patient well-being. Dr. Nazli Korkmaz, who bases her treatments on the principle of "catering to all aspects of women's health," takes a comprehensive approach to women's well-being, sexuality, and aesthetics, addressing the unique needs of women throughout their lives. With a dedicated team, Surgeon Dr. Nazli KORKMAZ ensures a comfortable and professional experience, delivering optimal results when the patient enters her clinic. The clinic's medical team recognizes that each patient has individual requirements and expectations. Therefore, they customize every visit to meet patients' needs, providing personalized care at every step.

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Park Jungwon
28 años de experiencia
Corea del Sur, Seúl
SINSOE Women's Clinic

Park Jungwon

28 años de experiencia


Dr. Park Jung-won 


Current representative doctor of the Sinsoe Women’s Clinic

Current representative manager of Stem Cell Institute LifeCell-Bio


Adjunct Professor of the Hanyang University of Medicine, part of Ob-gyn

Adjunct Professor of the Sungkyunkwan University of Medicine, part of Ob-gyn

Adjunct Professor of the Soonchunhyang University of Medicine, part of Ob-gyn

Director of Public Relations, Korean Society of Focused Ultrasound Medicine

Executive Director of the Korean Ob-gyn Medical Society 

Academic Director of the Korean Aesthetic Surgery Association

Consultant of the Chinese My Like Hospital Group

Officially designated by WAAPX, the world's leading physician education organization

Regular Member of the Korean Ob-gyn Association

Regular Member of the Korean Aesthetic Surgery Association

Regular Member of the Perineoplasty Association

Regular Member of the Korean Ob-gyn Ultrasound Association

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Ass Prof Dr Nihat Mustafayev
9 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Ass Prof Dr Nihat Mustafayev ( Ass Prof Dr Nihat Mustafayev Private Clinic (Mesotherapy-Ozone-Botox--EEG-EMG-TMS)

Ass Prof Dr Nihat Mustafayev

9 años de experiencia

  Ass. Prof. Dr. Nihat Mustafayev began his professional career by receiving his medical doctorate after a six-year disciplined education at Turgut Ozal University Faculty of Medicine. After completing his neurology specialization at Istanbul Bezmialem University, he conducted studies on neuromodulation and ultrasonography-guided botulinum toxin applications.

He completed a fellowship at the Department of Algology at UCLA University in the USA, worked at the Austrian American Association, gave speeches internationally, and edited the book “Practical Approaches to Medical Aesthetics.” He also further developed his knowledge by working at the Movement Disorder Clinic at AKH Hospital in Vienna, Austria.

He is also a member of prestigious organizations that reinforce his reputation in his field of expertise. He is an active member of important associations such as the International Headache Society and the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS). He is also a member of prestigious organizations such as the Turkish Neurological Association, the European Academy of Neurology and the International Headache Society

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Preeti Yadav
Especialista en trasplante capilar
14 años de experiencia
India, Gurgaon
Konarc Aesthetics

Preeti Yadav

Especialista en trasplante capilar
14 años de experiencia

Rejuvenate Beauty with Konarc Aesthetics Cosmetic Surgery in Gurgaon, India

For those battling with insecurities about their appearance, cosmetic surgery offers a transformative solution. Dr. Preeti Yadav at Konarc Aesthetics, a seasoned plastic surgeon with over a decade of experience in aesthetics, leads a renowned clinic in Gurgaon, India. Her approach is holistic, catering to each patient's unique needs and desires.

As a female plastic surgeon, Dr. Preeti Yadav understands the specific concerns that women face regarding their bodies. From mothers seeking post-childbirth recovery to teenagers grappling with body image issues, Dr. Yadav empathetically listens to her patients' worries and provides sustainable solutions.

The clinic specializes in a range of procedures tailored to enhance beauty and confidence. Popular treatments include rhinoplasty, jawline shaping, chin enhancement, cheek augmentation, lip fillers, arm and back liposuction, bust surgeries (reduction/enlargement/lift), tummy and waist sculpting, buttock lifts, vaginal rejuvenation, and thigh lifts.

Treatments and Procedures

  • Hair Transplant
  • Liposuction
  • Breast reshaping
  • Facial plastic surgery
  • Laser therapy
  • Male breast surgery
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Surgical and non-surgical weight loss procedures
  • Non-surgical treatments like botox and fillers

More Information you can contact to us.

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Tuncay Tas
Cirujano plástico
20 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Safe Urology

Tuncay Tas

Cirujano plástico
20 años de experiencia

Field of Speciality: Urology
Date of Birth: 1980
School of Medicine:  Istanbul University School of Medicine
Graduate Medical Education: University of Health Sciences Taksim Training & Research Hospital
Fellowship: Urological Oncology and Laparoscopic Urology Department of Urology SLK Kliniken Heilbronn University of Heidelberg, Germany
Foreign Language: English

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Serkan Sabanci
Cirujano plástico
16 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul

Serkan Sabanci

Cirujano plástico
16 años de experiencia

Hi, I am Serkan Sabancı. I was born in Adana and graduated from Adana Baraj High School in 1997. In the same year, I entered Çukurova Medical Faculty and started my university education. During my medical education, due to my interest in surgical branches, I spent most of my time outside of classes in the operating room of the faculty. After my medical education, I did my compulsory service in the emergency department. Although I loved saving the lives of hundreds of patients in the emergency unit and the emergency intervention and dynamism of this unit, after completing my compulsory service due to my interest in plastic surgery, I took the specialty exam and was accepted to the Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine.
In the first years of my specialist training, I attended many courses and events due to my interest in hair transplantation. In the second year of my assistantship as Serkan Sabancı, I developed my own hair transplantation technique with the vibrating Micromotor I produced and performed eyebrow and beard transplants on many patients with burnt faces, and I had the opportunity to share this technique with many of my colleagues in live surgery courses organized by the Plastic Surgery Association. During my specialty training, Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine was a regional hospital and I performed both reconstruction and aesthetic surgery operations intensively.

As Serkan Sabancı, after my specialty training, I did my compulsory service at Bilecik State Hospital, where I focused on plastic surgeries during my 2-year service period. After completing my compulsory service, I started working as a private physician in Istanbul. I am currently accepting patients in my private practice in Üsküdar, Istanbul.

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Murat Balanli
36 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
BHLC Medical

Murat Balanli

36 años de experiencia

Professional Summary

Dr. Murat Balanlı is an experienced internal medicine specialist with over 35 years in the field of modern medicine. Since completing his medical education, Dr. Balanlı has continuously expanded his expertise, ultimately embracing a holistic approach to healthcare. Rather than seeing holistic medicine as an alternative, he regards it as an essential extension of conventional treatment that focuses on restoring the unity of mind, body, and spirit. His philosophy, rooted in the idea that medicine is a branch of philosophy, aims to treat not only physical symptoms but also the underlying disruptions to an individual’s overall sense of well-being.

Dr. Balanlı's commitment to lifelong learning, his respect for the arts, and his passion for exploring new perspectives on health have enriched his practice and deepened his connection with patients. His experience includes positions in hospital administration, health institution management, and public health, equipping him with a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare system and patient care at various levels.


*Educational Background

Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, 1988

Specialist Training in Internal Medicine
Tepecik Training and Research Hospital, 1994

Master’s Degree in Health Institutions Management
Başkent University, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2012


*Professional Experience

Healthy Living Clinic, Turkey

Founder and Head Practitioner
2014 - Present
Founded and oversees the Healthy Living Clinic, which offers personalized holistic treatment plans to patients. Here, Dr. Balanlı integrates modern medicine with holistic practices, aiming to support patients in achieving both physical health and emotional well-being.

SB Behçet Uz Children's Diseases and Surgery Training and Research Hospital

Hospital Administrator
2015 - 2018
Managed administrative and operational functions at one of Turkey's leading children's hospitals, ensuring high standards of healthcare delivery.

Social Security Institution (SGK), Izmir

Regional Director of Health Affairs
2004 - 2009
Oversaw healthcare services and managed regional health affairs for SGK, contributing to policy-making and service delivery improvements across the region.

Board Member
2009 - 2012
Served on the SGK Board of Directors, actively involved in shaping healthcare policies and advocating for quality, affordable healthcare.

Kayseri Ibn-i Sina Medical Centers

Chief Physician
2003 - 2008
Directed medical services, focusing on the integration of patient-centered care with evidence-based medical practices.

Tokat Niksar State Hospital

Chief Physician
Completed mandatory service as a physician, gaining foundational experience in diverse clinical settings.


*Certifications and Advanced Training

  • Neuroanatomy, Neuroelectrophysiology, and Biofeedback
    Completed in Romania
  • Biorezonance Medicine and Applications
    Completed in Russia
    Specialized training in biorezonance therapy to support holistic approaches in addressing various chronic and stress-related conditions.

*Key Skills and Expertise

  • Internal Medicine
  • Holistic Medicine Approaches
  • Holistic Wellness Approaches
  • Patient-Centered Care
  • Biorezonance Therapy
  • Health Systems Management
  • Hospital and Healthcare Administration

Publications and Contributions

Dr. Balanlı has shared his insights on holistic medicine through articles, presentations, and community health talks, with a focus on bridging modern and holistic approaches. His dedication to sharing knowledge has made him a respected figure in both traditional and holistic medical communities.



  • Turkish (Native)
  • English (Fluent)
  • Russian (Native)
  • Azerbaijani (Fluent)
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Cengiz Asci
Cirujano general
27 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul

Cengiz Asci

Cirujano general
27 años de experiencia


  • 1990: Uludağ University, Faculty of Medicine
  • 1997: Uludağ University, General Surgery Specialty Training
  • 2007: Başkent University, Healthcare Institution Management

Courses and Certifications:

  • 2009: Colchester University, London, UK – Advanced Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
  • 2015: SENATURK – Oncological Breast Surgery
  • 2016: World Laparoscopy Hospital, India – Advanced Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery (Diploma)
  • 2018: Medipol University – Mesotherapy
  • 2019: Dermaclinic, Seoul, Korea – Advanced Botulinum Toxin, Dermal Filler, and Thread Lifting
  • 2023: Marmara University – Stem Cell Applications


  • English
  • Spanish


  • Received training in anti-aging and regenerative medicine applications.
  • Participated in various workshops across different cities, including fresh cadaver facial anatomy workshops, as an instructor and speaker in two congresses.
  • Acted as editor for multiple translated medical aesthetic books.
  • Main areas of interest include general surgery, aesthetic and therapeutic stem cell applications.
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Zeynep Betul Tatac
Médico estético
14 años de experiencia
Turquía, Antalya
Dr.Zeynep Wellness Clinic

Zeynep Betul Tatac

Médico estético
14 años de experiencia


Name: Zeynep Betul

Surname: Tatac

Birth date: 1986

Medical Doctor and Consultant

Medical Faculty Graduation: Hacettepe University Medical Faculty (2004-2010)

Specialization in Mesotherapy 

Fillers and Botox course

Certification of Acupuncture

Certification of Ozone Therapy

Certification of Cupping Therapy

Wellness and Longevity Course

Functional Medicine Course

Iv therapies and anti-oxidan therapies

Anti-aging therapies

Check-up an diagnostic services

City: Antalya

Country: Turkey


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