Plataforma de Turismo Médico #1 desde 2014

Los mejores cirujanos de Miomectomía (extirpación de fibromas uterinos) — TOP-166 médicos

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Esra Tustas Haberal
28 años de experiencia
146 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Esra Tustas Haberal

28 años de experiencia

La Dra. Esra Tustas Haberal se graduó de la Facultad de Medicina de Estambul de la Universidad de Estambul en 1997. Ha ganado premios por su trabajo y ha participado y presentado en numerosos congresos nacionales e internacionales. Se especializa en Supervisión de Embarazo y Parto, Supervisión de Embarazo de Alto Riesgo, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de Incontinencia Urinaria, Infertilidad, Cirugía Laparoscópica, Cirugía Histeroscópica, Cirugía de Suelo Pélvico y Cirugía Estética Genital. Ha trabajado en Delta Hospital, Çengelköy Ülkü Hospital y Umraniye Training and Research Hospital.

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146 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Miomectomía (extirpación de fibromas uterinos) $3750 - $4500
Más tratamientos
Pekize Eker Balcioglu
Cirujano general
23 años de experiencia
146 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Pekize Eker Balcioglu

Cirujano general
23 años de experiencia

Pakize EKER BALCIOĞLU, MD, se graduó de la Facultad de Medicina de Cerrahpaşa, Universidad de Estambul, y completó su residencia en el Departamento de Cirugía General, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Marmara. Es autora de artículos en revistas locales e internacionales y tiene campos de interés médico en dolor de senos, tratamientos de hemorroides, tratamientos de fisuras anales, tratamientos de seno pilonidal y lipomas. Ha trabajado en el Hospital Universitario Marmara, el Hospital Atlas, el Hospital Maltepe Ersoy y el Hospital Sultanbeyli Ersoy.

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146 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Miomectomía (extirpación de fibromas uterinos) $3750 - $4500
Más tratamientos
Ayse Korur
15 años de experiencia
146 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Hospital Hisar Intercontinental

Ayse Korur

15 años de experiencia

Op. La Dra. Ayşe Akbulut se graduó de la Facultad de Medicina Cerrahpaşa de la Universidad de Estambul con experiencia en Ginecología y Obstetricia. Tiene muchos certificados y ha realizado con éxito más de 10 000 cesáreas, más de 1000 TAH+BSO, más de 300 operaciones histeroscópicas y más de 200 operaciones de miomectomía. Sus intereses médicos incluyen seguimiento del embarazo y obstetricia, operaciones uroginecológicas y endoscópicas, operaciones de histerectomía y miomectomía, cirugía estética genital, cirugía de incontinencia urinaria, ginecología general y terapia sexual.

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146 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Miomectomía (extirpación de fibromas uterinos) $3750 - $4500
Más tratamientos
Guillermo Luis Bassols
38 años de experiencia
403 reseñas
España, Barcelona
Centro Médico Teknon

Guillermo Luis Bassols

38 años de experiencia

El Dr. X es licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y está especializado en Obstetricia y Ginecología. Tiene más de 30 años de experiencia, habiendo trabajado en varios hospitales y clínicas de Barcelona y alrededores.

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Cómo elegir el médico y la clínica adecuados: Consejos de expertos
Al elegir un médico o una clínica, tenga en cuenta estos puntos clave:
Revise las credenciales
Verifique las certificaciones de entidades como ISAPS, JCI, etc.
Revise las tasas de éxito
Elija médicos con una amplia experiencia en su tratamiento específico.
Lea las reseñas de los pacientes
Reseñas de pacientes reales de Bookimed para conocer su experiencia.
Garantía de comunicación
Elija clínicas que ofrezcan servicio de traducción para facilitar el tratamiento.
Pregunte sobre los servicios
Confirme si proporcionan alojamiento y traslados, y compruebe los costes.
Elegir una clínica en el extranjero puede ser estresante. En Bookimed, con más de 800K pacientes ayudados, entendemos sus preocupaciones. Sabemos cómo encontrar médicos de confianza, las mejores opciones calidad-precio y soluciones incluso para casos complejos. Estamos aquí para guiarle en cada paso de su viaje médico.
Yan Matsiivskiy
Jefe del Equipo de coordinadores médicos
Ugur Boylu
Cirujano urológico
24 años de experiencia
221 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Liv Hospital

Ugur Boylu

Cirujano urológico
24 años de experiencia


Turkish Urology Association
European Association of Urology
El Dr. Ugur Boylu es catedrático de urología especializado en cirugía robótica, oncología urológica y endourología. Su experiencia abarca el tratamiento de los cánceres urológicos y los tratamientos endourológicos mínimamente invasivos. Ha publicado 72 artículos, presentado 193 resúmenes en congresos y colaborado en 20 libros. Su trabajo ha sido citado en más de 1150 publicaciones y tiene un índice h de 19.Mostrar más
Berk Angun
Especialista en fertilidad
34 años de experiencia
26 reseñas
Chipre del Norte, Kyrenia
Dunya IVF Clinic

Berk Angun

Especialista en fertilidad
34 años de experiencia

El Dr. Berk Angun es un especialista en Medicina Reproductiva de la Clínica Dunya IVF con calificaciones de la Universidad de Uludag y la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Anatolia, así como membresías en la Asociación de Salud Reproductiva e Infertilidad TSRM, la Sociedad Turca de Ginecología TJOD y la Asociación de Endoscopia Ginecológica JED.

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Halil Alis
Cirujano colorectal
33 años de experiencia
39 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Valued Med Hub Hospitals

Halil Alis

Cirujano colorectal
33 años de experiencia


European Association for Endoscopic Surgery
El Dr. Halil Alis es un cirujano general y laparoscópico con gran experiencia, especializado en cirugía colorrectal, obesidad y tratamiento metabólico. Cuenta con más de 18 años de experiencia en el tratamiento de una amplia gama de afecciones relacionadas con el tracto gastrointestinal. Es experto en operaciones como la resección hepática, la apendicectomía, el bypass gástrico y muchas otras. El Dr. Alis también es miembro de numerosas asociaciones médicas internacionales y locales.Mostrar más
Jose Rojas
Especialista en fertilidad
42 años de experiencia
21 reseñas
México, Mexicali
Hospital de la Familia

Jose Rojas

Especialista en fertilidad
42 años de experiencia

El Dr. José Rojas es un especialista en fertilidad altamente experimentado con más de 25 años de experiencia en cirugía ginecológica y obstétrica, especializado en la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California y certificado por el Consejo Mexicano de Cirugía Ginecológica y Obstétrica. Habla inglés y español.

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Alper Karalok
14 años de experiencia
221 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Liv Hospital

Alper Karalok

14 años de experiencia
El Dr. Alper Karalok es un especialista en ginecología, obstetricia y oncología ginecológica con más de 18 años de experiencia. Es conocido por su competencia en diversos procedimientos quirúrgicos, como la miomectomía, la histerectomía y la extirpación de quistes ováricos, entre otros. También es miembro activo de varias asociaciones profesionales, como la Sociedad Europea de Oncología Ginecológica (ESGO), la Red Europea de Jóvenes Ginecólogos Oncólogos (ENYGO) y la Asociación Turca de Oncología Ginecológica (TRSGO).Mostrar más
Dan Grisaro
Oncólogo quirúrgico
31 años de experiencia
139 reseñas
Israel, Tel Aviv
Centro médico Sourasky

Dan Grisaro

Oncólogo quirúrgico
31 años de experiencia


Society of Gynecologic Oncology of Canada

El profesor Dan Grisaro es un destacado especialista israelí en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer ginecológico, especializado en cáncer de ovario, cáncer de útero y cáncer de cuello uterino. Tiene experiencia como médico senior, jefe de departamento y conferencista en diversos centros médicos y universidades. Ha realizado 39 presentaciones y es autor de 83 artículos científicos publicados, y es miembro de varias sociedades profesionales.

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Nazli Korkmaz
18 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Clínica de la Op. Dr. Nazli KORKMAZ Clinic

Nazli Korkmaz

18 años de experiencia

Dr. Nazli KORKMAZ, a renowned expert in the field of genital aesthetic surgery. The clinic, located in Istanbul, Turkey, is recognized for its exceptional medical standards and commitment to patient well-being. Dr. Nazli Korkmaz, who bases her treatments on the principle of "catering to all aspects of women's health," takes a comprehensive approach to women's well-being, sexuality, and aesthetics, addressing the unique needs of women throughout their lives. With a dedicated team, Surgeon Dr. Nazli KORKMAZ ensures a comfortable and professional experience, delivering optimal results when the patient enters her clinic. The clinic's medical team recognizes that each patient has individual requirements and expectations. Therefore, they customize every visit to meet patients' needs, providing personalized care at every step.

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Ilker Kahramanoglu
16 años de experiencia
32 reseñas
Turquía, Estambul
Emsey Hospital

Ilker Kahramanoglu

16 años de experiencia


European Society of Gynaecological Oncology

El Dr. X es un oncólogo ginecológico europeo acreditado por la Sociedad Europea de Oncología Ginecológica (ESGO). Tiene una Facultad de Educación en Medicina de la Universidad de Estambul, Facultad de Medicina de Cerrahpaşa, y también completó su Capacitación de Especialización en Obstetricia y Ginecología de la Universidad de Ciencias de la Salud, Hospital de Capacitación e Investigación en Obstetricia y Ginecología de Süleymaniye. También ha recibido capacitación adicional en Cirugía Oncológica Ginecológica, Cirugía de Acceso Mínimo y ha tenido pasantías internacionales en el Centro de Cáncer Memorial Sloan Kettering, Escuela de Cirugía Pélvica Radical de Leipzig, Universidad Católica del Sagrado Corazón, Policlínico Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, División de Oncología Ginecológica, y otros hospitales de formación e investigación.

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32 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Miomectomía (extirpación de fibromas uterinos) $4750 - $7500
Más tratamientos
Aybala Akil
26 años de experiencia
Turquía, Bodrum
Clínica de la Dra. Aybala Akil

Aybala Akil

26 años de experiencia


Laparascopy Training
La Dra. Aybala Akil es una experimentada ginecóloga y obstetra con más de dos décadas de experiencia, especializada en obstetricia y ginecología. Su gama de servicios incluye la estética genital, procedimientos cosméticos, tratamientos con láser y cirugías ginecológicas. También realiza diversos procedimientos como miomectomía, histerectomía, conización del cuello uterino y seguimiento del embarazo. La Dra. Akil se dedica a apoyar a las mujeres a lo largo de sus años reproductivos.Mostrar más
Murude Dagdelen
25 años de experiencia
Chipre del Norte, Nicosia
IVOX Hospital & Cyprus IVF centre

Murude Dagdelen

25 años de experiencia
La Dra. Murude Dagdelen es una distinguida ginecóloga y obstetra, especializada en diversos procedimientos como la miomectomía, la histerectomía y la embolización de la arteria uterina, entre otros. Es reconocida por su trabajo en tratamientos de fecundación in vitro (FIV), con una alta tasa de éxito en diferentes procedimientos relacionados con la FIV. La Dra. Dagdelen también ha realizado importantes contribuciones a la investigación científica en su campo y es miembro activo de varias asociaciones profesionales, como la Asociación Turca de Ginecología y Obstetricia y la Sociedad Europea de Oncología Ginecológica.Mostrar más
Ilker Kahramanoglu
16 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Prof. Dr. Ilker Kahramanoglu Clinic

Ilker Kahramanoglu

16 años de experiencia

He was born in 1985 in Antalya. He completed his primary and secondary education in Antalya. Between 2003 and 2009, he studied at the Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty of Istanbul University. In 2009, he started his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Istanbul Suleymaniye Obstetrics and Pediatrics Education and Research Hospital. During his residency, he worked in obstetrics, Gynecology, Oncology, Endoscopic Surgery, Perinatology (high-risk pregnancy), Infertility and Menopause units.

In 2011, he spent two months in India studying actively on laparoscopy at World Laparoscopy Hospital. In 2014, he received the title of Obstetrician and Gynecologist. In the same year, he came 2nd in Turkey in the examination for Minor Specialty in Medicine and started his minor residency in Gynecological Oncology Surgery at Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

In 2017, he worked for three months at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, United States. In 2018, he became a minor specialist in Gynecological Oncology Surgery. In the same year, the European Society of Gynecological Oncology awarded him the personally accredited European Gynecologist Oncologist certificate (3rd person in Turkey). For about 1.5 years, he served at Gazi Yaşargil Training and Research Hospital under the Obligation of Civil Service. In 2019, he participated in active surgery and cadaver work together with Michael Höckel, one of the pioneers of Gynecological Oncology at the University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. That same year, he was a “visiting fellow” at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, Italy.

He was awarded the title of Associate Professor in August 2019. He participated in numerous national and international congresses, symposiums and workshops and served as guest speaker. His surgery videos have been selected as training videos by the European Society of Gynecological Oncology and are published on their site for doctors.

He has 56 international and 10 national publications. He was the editor of the Turkish translation of the book, which is considered the main international source in Gynecological Oncology. He is the author of 7 chapters of international and national books. He has over 100 works in Turkey and abroad as oral presentations, poster presentations and panel presentations. He is refereeing for internationally respected journals. He has a good command of English. He follows up and implements all developments in his field.

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Gabriel Campos
Cirujano colorectal
26 años de experiencia
5 reseñas
México, Tijuana
Centro Médico Advance Health

Gabriel Campos

Cirujano colorectal
26 años de experiencia

General and oncologist surgeon for more than 20 years of experience. 

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Assoc Prof Isik Kaban Md
Especialista en fertilidad
18 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Bahceci Fertility

Assoc Prof Isik Kaban Md

Especialista en fertilidad
18 años de experiencia


  • 2005: Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine
  • 2012: Istanbul Fatih Sultan Mehmet Training and Research Hospital

Work Experience

  • 2024-: Bahçeci Fulya IVF Center
  • 2022-2024: Istanbul Training and Research Hospital / Chief of Clinic
  • 2021: Istanbul Training and Research Hospital / Associate Professor – Lecturer
  • 2015-2021: Istanbul Training and Research Hospital / Senior Assistant
  • 2014-2015: Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health Istanbul Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital / Specialist Doctor
  • 2012-2014: Şanlıurfa Women's Diseases and Birth Hospital / State Service Obligation / Specialist Doctor
  • 2007-2012: Istanbul Fatih Sultan Mehmet Training and Research Hospital / Research Assistant
  • 2007-2012: Bakırköy Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital
  • 2007-2012: Vakıf Gureba Training and Research Hospital

Certificates, Courses, and Training

  • Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) Clinical Application Training, American Hospital ART Unit, Infertility and Reproductive Endocrinology, Certificate, 01.08.2022

Lectures Given

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology Assistant Seminars in Medical Specialization, 2014-2023
  • Aydın University, Faculty of Medicine, Term 4 Undergraduate, 2020-2021

Supported Projects

  1. Investigation of the Effect of Serotonin and Catecholamine Metabolite Levels in the Blood on the Severity of the Disease in Patients with Hyperemesis Gravidarum, ECE SINACI (2020). Health Sciences University, Thesis No: 622158, Registration No: 10332326 (Completed)
  2. Association of Asprosin Protein Levels with Obesity in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, BUSE ŞAFAK (2021). Ministry of Health, Registration No: 10396760 (Completed)
  3. Evaluation of Maternal Serum Endocan Levels in Pregnant Women Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, SHABNUR MIRZAYEVA (2022). Health Sciences University, Thesis No: 757692 (Completed)
  4. Effect of B12 Vitamin, Folate, Ferritin Levels, and Immune System-related Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR), Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR), and Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) Levels on Colposcopic Biopsy Results in Women with HPV 16 and/or 18 Positive, Esra Yaşar Kahraman (2023) (Completed)

Activities in Scientific Journals

  1. KABAN IŞIK, BACANAKGİL BESİM HALUK, baykal koca sevim (2021). The comparison of two methods in cervical smear screening - which method is better for smear adequacy rates? Ginekologia Polska, 92(5), 335-338., Doi: 10.5603/GP.a2020.0185
  2. BACANAKGİL BESİM HALUK, KABAN IŞIK, Erciyestepe Sezgi Güllü (2021). Comparison of Liquid-Based Cytology and Conventional Pap Smear Concerning Detectability of Cervicovaginal Infectious Agents. Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal, 61(1), 114-116., Doi: 10.14744/hnhj.2021.53325
  3. BACANAKGİL BESİM HALUK, KABAN IŞIK (2021). Tramadol for Early Postoperative Analgesia in Abdominal Hysterectomy: Comparison of Different Administration Techniques. Istanbul Medical Journal, 22(2), 120-124., Doi: 10.4274/imj.galenos.2021.62333
  4. KABAN IŞIK, BACANAKGİL BESİM HALUK (2021). COVID-19 RT-PCR Test Results of Preoperative Gynecologic and Obstetric Patients in a Pandemic Hospital in Istanbul. Crescent Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 8(2), 90-92.
  5. KABAN IŞIK, BACANAKGİL BESİM HALUK (2021). Bakri balloon in the treatment of postpartum hemorrhage. Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 12(4), 462-465., Doi: 10.4328/ACAM.20552
  6. KABAN ALPASLAN, AKDEMİR CELAL, VERİT FATMA FERDA, KABAN IŞIK (2020). Paraaortic lymphadenectomy: Retroaortic Left Renal Vein Anomaly Case Report. Turkish Journal of Gynecological Oncology, 21(3), 17-20.
  7. ALPASLAN KABAN, FERLENGEZ AYŞEGÜL, KABAN IŞIK (2019). Management of Clinically Early Ovarian Cancer Patients Without Staging Surgery. Journal of Surgery and Medicine, 3(8), 605-608., Doi: 10.28982/josam.557818
  8. Kaban Alpaslan, Seval Olcay, Ohanoğlu Karolin, KABAN IŞIK, VERİT FATMA FERDA (2019). Negative Impact of Postoperative Early Surgical Incision Dressing: A Prospective Observational Study. Istanbul Medical Journal, 20(4), 322-324., Doi: 10.4274/imj.galenos.2019.92603
  9. ALPASLAN KABAN, Küçükyurt Ayça, Durmuş Ayça, KABAN IŞIK, VERİT FATMA FERDA (2019). Comparison of Cutting Diathermy and Scalpel in Terms of Delay in Wound Healing and Scar Appearance in Skin Incision: A Prospective Observational Study. Istanbul Medical Journal, 20(4), 338-341., Doi: 10.4274/imj.galenos.2019.06936
  10. BACANAKGİL BESİM HALUK, KABAN IŞIK, HASANOVA Mushviga, DEVECİ MUSTAFA (2019). Preoperative Diagnostic Value of Hematologic Inflammatory Markers in Ovarian Torsion. The New Indian Journal of OBGYN, 6(1), 11-14., Doi: 10.21276/obgyn.2019.6.1.3
  11. BACANAKGİL BESİM HALUK, KABAN IŞIK, Ünal Fehmi, Güven Rabia, Şahin Ece, Yıldırım Sezgi Güllü (2018). Predictive Value of Hematological Inflammatory Markers in Endometrial Neoplasia. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 19(6), 1529-1532., Doi: 10.22034/APJCP.2018.19.6.1529
  12. Uzun Özgür, KABAN IŞIK, MİDİ AHMET, Uysal Hande, Boran Ahmet B, Bacanakgil Besim H, Tarbaghia Marwa (2018). Diagnostic value of signal peptide-CUB-EGF domain-containing protein 1 as an early and late biochemical marker in the ovarian torsion rat model. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 44(6), 1092-1099., Doi: 10.1111/jog.13630
  13. BACANAKGİL BESİM HALUK, KABAN IŞIK, Deveci Mustafa, Hasanova Mushvige (2018). Ovarian Torsion: 10 Years’ Experience of a Tertiary Medical Center. Istanbul Medical Journal, 19(3), 258-262., Doi: 10.5152/imj.2018.16442
  14. KABAN ALPASLAN, Baki ERDEM, KABAN IŞIK, NUMANOGLU Ceyhun (2018). Lymph node metastasis in early stage endometrial cancer. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology, 39(3), 415-421., Doi: 10.12892/ejgo3933.2018
  15. KABAN IŞIK, Kaban Alpaslan, Fendal Tunca Aysun, AKA NURETTİN, Kavak Hacer, AKER FÜGEN (2018). Effect of Pomegranate Extract on Vagina, Skeleton, Metabolic, and Endocrine Profiles in an Ovariectomized Rat Model. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 44(6), 1087-1091., Doi: 10.1111/jog.13642
  16. KABAN ALPASLAN, KABAN IŞIK, Afsar Selim (2017
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Assoc Prof Guvenc Karlikaya Md
Especialista en fertilidad
34 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Bahceci Fertility

Assoc Prof Guvenc Karlikaya Md

Especialista en fertilidad
34 años de experiencia


  •  1999-2000 OB/GYN residency at Newyork Medical College, NY, USA
  •  1993-1997 OB/GYN residency at Zeynep Kamil Maternity Hospital, Istanbul,Turkey
  •  1992-1993 OB/GYN residency at Zekai Tahir Burak Maternity Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
  • 1984-1991 Student at Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical School, İstanbul, Turkey
  • 1981-1984 Student at Sisli Terakki High School, Istanbul, Turkey

Work Experience

  •  2011- Bahceci Fulya ART center, İstanbul, Turkey
  •  2000-2011 ART&Genetics center at Istanbul Memorial Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
  •  1997-1999 Reseach assistant at SUNNY at Brooklyn, NY, USA
  • 1991-1992 Emergency staff at Duzce Public Hospital, Duzce, Turkey

Professional Interests

  • Ovarian stimulation protocols, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, fertility preservation techniques


  •  European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology (ESHRE)
  •  American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
  •  Turkish Society of Reproductive Medicine (TSRM)
  •  Turkish Obstetrics and Gynecology Society (TJOD)

International Publications

  • • Kahraman S, Karagozoglu H, Karlikaya G. Reply of the Authors: Progesterone administration route in gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist cycles. (Letter to the Editor). Fertil Steril Vol. 94, No. 3, August 2010
  •  Banu Kumbak, Hande Akbas, Levent Sahin, Guvenc Karlikaya, Hale Karagozoglu, Semra Kahraman. Ovarian stimulation in women with high and low body mass index: GnRH agonist versus GnRH antagonist. Reproductive BioMedicine Online Mar; 20(3):314–319, 2010
  •  Semra Kahraman, Guvenc Karlikaya, Mustecep Kavrut, Hale Karagozoglu. A prospective, randomized, controlled study to compare two doses of recombinant human chorionic gonadotrophin in serum and follicular fluid in woman with high body mass index. Fertil Steril Vol. 93, No: 6, April 2010
  •  Semra Kahraman, S. Hale Karagozoglu, Guvenc Karlıkaya. The efficiency of progesterone vaginal gel v.s. intramuscular progesterone for luteal phase supplementation in GnRH antagonist cycles: A prospective, randomized clinical trial. Fertil Steril Vol.94, No.2, July 2010
  •  Y. Kumtepe, C. Beyazyurek, C. Cinar, I. Ozbey, S. Ozkan, K. Cetinkaya, G. Karlikaya, H. Karagozuglu, S. Kahraman. A genetic survey on severe male factor infertiliy in Turkish population. RBMOnline Vol.18 No: 4, 465 – 474, 2009
  •  Banu Kumbak, Semra Kahraman, Guvenc Karlikaya, Selman Lacin, Aysun Guney. In vitro Fertilization in Normoresponder Patients with Endometriomas: Comparison with Basal Simple Ovarian Cysts. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, Vol. 65, No. 3, 2008: 212–216
  •  S Kahraman, N Findikli, G Karliklaya, S Sertyel, Y Saglam, H Karadayi, F Fiorentino. Medical and social perspectives of PGD for single gene disorders and human leukocyte antigen typing. Reproductive Biomedicine Online Volume 14, Suppl. 1, 104–108.
  •  S Kahraman, N Findikli, A Biricik, N Oncu, C Ogur, S Sertyel, G Karlikaya, H Karagozoglu, Y Saglam. Preliminary FISH studies on spermatozoa and embryos in patients with variable degrees of teratozoospermia and a history of poor prognosis. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. Volume 12, No 6.
  •  N Findikli, S Kahraman, Y Saglam, C Beyazyurek, S Sertye, G Karlikaya, H Karagozoglu, B Aygun. Symposium: Embryo implantation failure and recurrent miscarriage Embryo aneuploidy screening for repeated implantation failure and unexplained recurrent miscarriage. Reproductive Biomedicine Online Vol 13. No 1
  •  B Kumbak, E Oral, G Karlikaya, S Lacin, S Kahraman. Serum oestradiol and β-HCG measurements after day 3 or 5 embryo transfers in interpreting pregnancy outcome. Reproductive BioMedicine Online; Vol 13 No 4. 459–464.
  •  N Findikli, S Kahraman, Y Saglam, C Ogur, S Sertyel, G Karlikaya, H Karagozoglu, B Aygun. Embryo aneuploidy screening for repeated implantation failure and unexplained recurrent miscarriage Reproductive Biomedicine Online Vol 13. No 1. 2006 38–46.
  •  Fiorentino F, Kahraman S, Karadayi H, Biricik A, Sertyel S, Karlikaya G, Saglam Y, Podini D, Nuccitelli A, Baldi M. Short tandem repeats haplotyping of the HLA region in preimplantation HLA matching. European Journal of Human Genetics Vol: 13, Issue: 8, p.953–8.
  •  B Kumbak, E Oral, S Kahraman, G Karlikaya, H Karagozoglu. Young patients with diminished ovarian reserve undergoing assisted reproductive treatments: a preliminary report. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. Vol: 11, Issue: 3, p.294–299.
  •  S Kahraman, G Karlikaya, S Sertyel, H Karadayi, N Findikli, N Oncu. Clinical aspects of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for single gene disorders combined with HLA typing. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. Vol.: 9, Issue: 5, p.529-532.
  •  Fiorentino F., Biricik A., Karadayi H., Berkil H., Karlıkaya G., Sertyel S., Podini D., Baldi M., Magli MC., Gianaroli L. and Kahraman S. Development and clinical application of a strategy for preimplantation genetic diagnosis of single gene disorders combined with HLA matching. Molecular Human Reproduction Vol:10, Issue: 6, p.445 – 460.
  •  Kahraman S, Yakin K, Samli M, Vanlioglu F, Karlikaya G, Sertyel S, Donmez E A comparative study of three techniques for the analysis of sperm recovery: touch-print cytology, wet preparation, and testicular histopathology. Journal Assisted Reproduction Genetics Vol: 18, Issue: 7, p.357-363.
  •  Oktay K, Aydin BA, Karlikaya G. A technique for laparoscopic transplantation of frozen-banked ovarian tissue. Fertil Steril. 2001 Jun;75(6):1212-6. PubMed
  •  Oktay K, Karlikaya GG, Aydin BA. Ovarian cryopreservation and transplantation: basic aspects. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2000 Nov 27;169(1-2):105-8. Review.
  •  Oktay K, Karlikaya G, Akman O, Ojakian GK, Oktay M. Interaction of extracellular matrix and activin-A in the initiation of follicle growth in the mouse ovary. Biol Reprod. 2000 Aug;63(2):457-61.
  •  Oktay K, Karlikaya G. Ovarian function after transplantation of frozen, banked autologous ovarian tissue. N Engl J Med. 2000 Jun 22;342(25):1919.

National publications

  •  Semra Kahraman, Güvenç Karlıkaya. Preimplantasyon Genetik Tanıda Güncel Durum. Klinik Aktüel Tıp Dergisi. Cilt: 1, Sayı: 1, sayfa 11 – 21.
  •  Semra Kahraman, Yaman Sağlam, Hüseyin Karadayı, Güvenç Karlıkaya. Bölüm: Talasemi ve Preimplantasyon Genetik Tanı. Talasemi ve Hemoglobinopatiler Tanı ve Tedavi. Duran Canatan, Yeşim Aydınok. Talasemi Federasyonu
  •  S. Kahraman, G. Karlıkaya, Y. Kumtepe, S. Sertyel, H. Karadayı, N. Fındıklı, E. Enginsu, N. Öncü, A. Biricik, F. Fiorentino. Tek gen hastalıklarında preimplantasyon genetik tanı ve HLA doku tiplemesi uygulamalarının klinik değerlendirmesi. Türk Fertilite Dergisi, Cilt: 12, Sayı:1, s.43–53.


  •  Semra Kahraman, Güvenç Karlıkaya. Ovülasyon İndüksiyonu, II. Basım, 2009.

Book chapter

  • Semra Kahraman, Yaman Sağlam, Hüseyin Karadayı, Güvenç Karlıkaya. Bölüm:Talasemi ve Preimplantasyon Genetik Tanı. Talasemi ve Hemoglobinopatiler Tanı ve Tedavi. Duran Canatan, Yeşim Aydınok. Talasemi Federasyonu.

International oral presentations

  • S. Kahraman, G. Karlikaya, M. Kavrut, H. Karagozoğlu. A prospective, randomized, controlled study to compare two doses of recombinant human chorionic gonadotrophin (rhCG) in women with high body mass index (BMI). ASRM 2009, Atlanta, Georgia, 17 – 21 October 2009
  •  G. Karlikaya, H. Karagozoglu, B. Kumbak, S. Lacin, A. Guney, S. Kahraman. Adding estradiol to progesteron for luteal phase support does not improve the clinical outcome in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) cycles. American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 62nd Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA, USA. October 21-25, 2006.
  •  S. Kahraman, O. Ozdiller, G. Karlikaya, S. Lacin, E. Ozturk Efficacy of metformin supplementation during ovarian stimulation in IVF patients with PCOS and BMI <28 kg/m2 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 62nd Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA, USA October 21-25, 2006.
  •  G. Karlikaya, H. Karadayi, S. Sertyel, S. Saglam, B. Umay, S. Kahraman, F. Fiorentino. Comparison of the results of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for single gene disorders combined with or without HLA typing. 22nd Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Prague, Czech Republic, 18–21 June 2006

National oral presentations

  • G. Karlıkaya. ART başarısızlıklarında yönetim. Palandöken Kadın Doğum Kış Kongresi, Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Derneği, Erzurum 3-7 Mart 2010.
  • G. Karlıkaya. Embriyo seçimi için PGD – AS. TJOD İstanbul IVF Çalıştayı. Askeri Müze – Harbiye, İstanbul 15 Mart 2009
  •  G. Karlıkaya. PGD at Istanbul Memorial Hospital (2005-2008). 2nd hands-on workshop on PGD of Genetics&chromosomal disorders by blastomere and trophectoderm biopsy.İstanbul Memorial Hospital, İstanbul, Türkiye. 26-28 Şubat 2009
  •  G. Karlıkaya. Tek gen hastalıklarında preimplantasyon genetik tanı. 2. Ulusal Üreme Endokrinolojisi ve İnfertilite Kongresi (TSRM 2006). Antalya, Türkiye. 7–10 Eylül 2006.
  •  G. Karlıkaya. Ten gen hastalıklarında PGT. 5. Uluslar arası Talasemi Yaz Okulu. Belek, Antalya, Türkiye. 20-24 Nisan 2008
  •  G. Karlıkaya, S. Kahraman, H. Berkil, A. Biricik, H. Karagözoğlu, E. Dönmez, S. Sertyel, F. Vanlıoğlu, M. Aygün, S. Melil, M. Benkhalifa. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis results for the recurrent implantation failure cases with or without advanced maternal age. Fifth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics, Antalya, Turkey 5-7 June 2003.
  •  G. Karlıkaya, S. Kahraman, N. Fındıklı, E. Dönmez, A. Biricik, H. Berkil. Efficiency of aneuploidy testing in patients with recurrent implantation failure. Fifth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics, Antalya, Turkey 5-7 June 2003.

Poster presentations

  •  N. Dokuzeylul, S. Kahraman, G. Karlikaya, H. Karagozoglu, M.Kavrut, A. Ersahin. Clinical Outcome of Women “37 Years with Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism Undergoing Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection and In-Vitro Fertilization. American Society for Reproductive Medicine 66th Annual Meeting 2010, 23-27 October, Denver, USA
  •  N. Dokuzeylul, S. Kahraman, G. Karlikaya, H. Karagozoglu, M. Kavrut, A. Ersahin. Clinical Outcome of Women ≤37 years with Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism Undergoing Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection and In-Vitro Fertilization. Vol. 94., No. 4, Supplement, September 2010
  •  G.Altin, S.Unal, H.Yelke, Y.Kumtepe, Z.Atayurt, S.Milik, C.Beyazyürek, C.Cınar, G.Karlikaya, S.Kahraman. Complete Or Partıal Correctıon Of Aneuploıdıc Embryos On Day 3 Formıng Hatchıng/Hatched Blastocysts on Day 5. 10th International Congress Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. May 5-8, 2010, Montpellier, France
  •  H. S. Karagozoglu, S. Kahraman, G. Karlikaya, M. Acet, N. Dokuzeylül, H. Yelke. Premature Luteinization Does Not Negatively Affect Pregnancy Outcome In High Responder Patients Undergoing Coastıng With Short Interval In IVF Cycles Treated With GNRH – Agonist Protocol. ASRM 2009, Atlanta, Georgia, 17 – 21 October 2009
  •  B. Kumbak, H. Akbas, L. Sahin, G. Karlikaya, H. Karagozoglu, S. Kahraman. Assisted Reproductive Treatment Outcome In a Large Cohort of Women With Serum FSH Above 15 Iu/L. ASRM 2009, Atlanta, Georgia, 17 – 21 October 2009
  •  B. Kumbak, H. Akbas, G. Karlikaya, H. Karagozoglu, L. Sahin, S. Kahraman. The Effect of a fall in the Serum Estradiol Level Prior to Egg Retrieval on the Outcome of Assisted Reproductive Treatment in Poor Responder Women. ASRM 2009, Atlanta, Georgia, 17 – 21 October 2009
  •  Akbas H, Kumbak B, Karlikaya G, Karagozoglu H, Sahin L, Kahraman S. Mikrodoz, uzun agonist veya antagonist protokolü verilen 40 yaş üstü kadınlarda yardımla üreme tedavi sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması. II. Üreme Tıbbı Derneği Kongresi, 1-4 Ekim 2009, Antalya.
  •  Kumbak B, Akbas H, Karlikaya G, Karagozoglu H, Sahin L, Kahraman S. Kadının over cevabının kötü olduğu TESE-ICSI sikluslarında yardımla üreme tedavisi sonuçları. II. Üreme Tıbbı Derneği Kongresi, 1-4 Ekim 2009, Antalya.
  •  Kumbak B, Akbas H, Karlikaya G, Karagozoglu H, Sahin L, Kahraman S. Antagonist protokolü ile yardımla üreme tedavisi uygulanan normal cevaplı kadınlarda serum estradiol/oosit oranının tedavi sonucuna etkisi. II. Üreme Tıbbı Derneği Kongresi, 1-4 Ekim 2009, Antalya.
  •  Akbas H, Kumbak B, Kahraman S, Sahin L, Karlikaya G, Karagozoglu H. Comparison of agonist long and antagonist protocols in women with BMI <18 kg/m2 undergoing assisted reproductive treatment. 8th Annual MSRM Meeting, 7-9 May, 2009, Florence, Italy. • Kumbak B, Kahraman S, Sahin L, Akbas H, Karlikaya G, Karagozoglu H. Comparison of agonist long and antagonist protocols in women with BMI >40 kg/m2 undergoing assisted reproductive treatment. 8th Annual MSRM Meeting, 7-9 May, 2009, Florence, Italy.
  •  Nur Dokuzeylül, Güvenç Karlıkaya, Gökhan Cumhur Ekmekçi, Hale Karagözoğlu, Çağrı Beyazyürek, Semra Kahraman. Sanfilippo Hastalığı Ve Preimplantasyon Genetik Tanı: Olgu Sunumu. 7. Ulusal Jinekoloji Ve Obstetrik Kongresi. TJOD 2009 14-19 Mayıs 2009, Girne, KKTC.
  •  H. Kargözoğlu, S. Kahraman, G. Karlıkaya, A. Erşahin, M. Kavrut, M. Acet. Premature Luteinzation does not negatively affect pregnancy outcome in high responder patients undergoing coasting with short interval in IVF cycles treated with Gnrh agonist protocol. 8.Türk Alman jinekoloji Kongresi 29 Nisan – 3 Mayıs 2009, Antalya
  •  N. Dokuzeylül, S. Kahraman, Güvenç Karlıkaya, Hale Karagözoğlu, Aynur Erşahin, Müstecep Kavrut, Mustafa Acet, Mete Gürol Uğur. Outcome of mild stimulation cycles in poor responders with short-term aplication of gnrh antagonist and low dose gonadotropins using clomiphene citrate. 15th World Congress on IVF, 19 – 22 Nisan 2009
  •  N. Dokuzeylül, S. Kahraman, Güvenç Karlıkaya, Hale Karagözoğlu, Aynur Erşahin, Müstecep Kavrut, Mustafa Acet, Mete Gürol Uğur. Luteal estradiol/gnrh antagonist suppression versus oral contraceptive pretreatment in young poor responders. 15th World Congress on IVF, 19 – 22 Nisan 2009
  •  Karlikaya G. Karagozoglu H., Beyazyurek C., Kahraman S. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) Can Be A Valuable Tool For The Families With Thalassemia Trait. American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s 64th Annual Meeting, Bridge to the Future of Reproductive Medicine November 8 – 12, 2008, San Francisco, CA
  •  H. Karagözoğlu, G. Karlıkaya, Ç. Beyazyürek, F. Fiorentino, S. Kahraman. Clinical Outcomes Of 6 Year-Experience On HLA-Typing. American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s 64th Annual Meeting, Bridge to the Future of Reproductive Medicine November 8 – 12, 2008, San Francisco, CA
  •  Kavrut M., Karlikaya G., Karagozoglu H., Ersahin A., Acet M., Kahraman S. Predicting Factors For Endometrial Thickness And Its Effect On Assisted Reproductive Technology (Art) Success, Based On Analysis Of 1,552 IVF/ICSI Cycles. American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s 64th Annual Meeting, Bridge to the Future of Reproductive Medicine November 8 – 12, 2008, San Francisco, CA
  •  N. Dokuzeylul, G. Karlikaya, S. Kahraman. Which Is Your Favourite Protocol in Women ≥43 Years Old? Microdose Flare? Antagonist? Or No Way Out! American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s 64th Annual Meeting, Bridge to the Future of Reproductive Medicine November 8 – 12, 2008, San Francisco, CA
  •  Oner O, Ozgon G, Aslan C, Onal B, Fiorentino F, Karlikaya G, Kahraman S. The Results Of Missed Abortus Testing From Istanbul Memorial Hospital. European Society Of Human Genetics, Barcelona, Spain – May 31 – June 3, 2008
  • Aslan C, Ozgon G, Oner O, Onal B, Fiorentino F, Karlikaya G, Kahraman S. İstanbul Memorial Hastanesi 2000-2007 Yillari Arasinda Tahliye Materyali Karyotip Sonuçlari. 8. Ulusal Tıbbi Genetik Kongresi-Çanakkale, 6-9 Mayıs 2008.
  •  F.Vanlioglu, E.Ozturk, H.Karagozoglu, G.Karlikaya, A.Guney, S.Lacin, S.Kahraman. Adding GnRH antagonist in patient with elevated progesteron levels on day 3 of the cycle on the outcome of ongoing pregnancy rate. 23rd annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Lyon, France, 1-4 July 2007.
  •  H. Karadayi, Y. Saglam, B. Umay, G. Karlikaya, S. Sertyel, F. Fiorentino, S. Kahraman. Five year experience on preimplantation HLA typing. 23rd Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Lyon, France, 1–4 July 2007
  •  Y. Saglam, C. Beyazyurek, S. Sertyel, G. Karlikaya, M. Yesil, S. Kahraman. Good, bad and ugly: effect of multiple indications on preimplantation genetics diagnosis. 23rd Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Lyon, France, 1–4 July 2007
  •  F. Vanlioglu, G. Karlikaya, H. Karagozoglu, S. Lacin, A. Guney, E. Ozturk, S. Kahraman. Effect of heparin administration in moderate-severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in PCOS patients undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. 23rd Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Lyon, France, 1–4 July 2007
  •  E. Ozturk, H. Karagozoglu, F. Vanlioglu, G. Karlikaya, A. Guney, S. Lacin, S. Kahraman. Adding GnRH antagonist in patient with elevated progesteron levels on day 3 of the cycle on the outcome of ongoing pregnancy rates. 23rd Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Lyon, France, 1–4 July 2007
  •  Y. Saglam, C. Beyazyurek, G. Karlikaya, H. Karagozoglu, S. Sertyel, S. Kahraman Outcome of 771 cycles of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for aneuploidy testing in IVF patients. 22nd Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Prague, Czech Republic, 18–21 June 2006.
  •  F. Fiorentino, A. Biricik, H. Karadayi, H. Berkil, G. Karlikaya, S. Sertyel, D. Podini, M. Baldi, M.C.Magli, L. Gianaroli, S. Kahraman. Development and clinical application of a strategy for PGD of single gene disorders combined with HLA matching. 23rd Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Lyon, France, 1–4 July 2007.
  •  B. Kumbak, S. Kahraman, G. Karlikaya, S. Lacin, A. Güney, E. Öztürk. Effect of endometrial thickness in the presence of triple-lined structure on the outcome of in vitro fertilization. American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 62nd Annual Meeting October 21-25, 2006. New Orleans, LA, USA.
  •  B. Kumbak, S. Kahraman, G. Karlikaya, S. Lacin, A. Güney. E. Öztürk. Effect of ovarian reserve at younger than 35 years age on ICSI outcome in couples with severe male infertility. American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 62nd Annual Meeting October 21-25, 2006. New Orleans, LA, USA.
  •  C. Ogur Beyazyurek, Y. Saglam, S. Sertyel, G. Karlikaya, S. Isin, S. Kahraman. Factors affecting outcome of preimplantation genetic diagnosis cycles for translocation cases. American Society for Reproductive Medicine. 62nd Annual Meeting October 21-25, 2006. New Orleans, LA, USA.
  •  C. Ogur, Y. Saglam, G. Karlikaya, A. Gur, S. Isin, S. Kahraman. Sperm fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis and preimplantation genetic diagnosis results of 13 male translocation carriers undergoing 17 cycles. 21st Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Copenhagen, Denmark 19-22 June 2005.
  •  F. Fiorentino, S. Kahraman, H. Karadayi, A. Biricik, S. Sertyel, G. Karlikaya, Y. Saglam, A. Nucitelli, M. Baldi. Experience on preimplantation genetic diagnosis combined with HLA matching. 21st Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Copenhagen, Denmark 19-22 June 2005.
  •  H. Karadayı, S. Kahraman, Yaman Sağlam, G. Karlıkaya, S. Sertyel, F. Fiorentino. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Single Gene Disorders. 13th World Congress on in-vitro Fertilization Assisted Reproduction & Genetics, Istanbul, Turkey, May 26-29, 2005.
  •  Saglam Y, Ogur C, Karlikaya G, Sertyel S, Karagozoglu H, Findikli N, Kahraman S. PGD of aneuploidy in difficult assisted reproductive treatment cases. Sixth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics 2005. London, UK. May 19–21, 2005.
  •  Sertyel S, Unal S, Yelke H, Atayurt Z, Findikli N, Karlikaya G, Fiorentino F, Kahraman S. The stage of the embryo but not the number of cells removed may affect embryo development after biopsy. Sixth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics 2005. London, UK. May 19–21, 2005.
  •  Findikli N, Kahraman S, Akcin O, Sertyel S, Candan Z, Karlikaya G, Fiorentino F. PGD for HLA typing can be a valuable source for the establishment of new human embryonic stem cell lines. Sixth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics 2005. London, UK. May 19–21, 2005.
  •  E. Enginsu, N. Findikli, S. Sertyel, S. Melil, Z. Atayurt, G. Karlikaya, F. Vanlioglu, S. Kahraman. Increasing hyaluronan concentrations in the embryo transfer medium has no effect on ART outcome. 20th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Berlin, Germany, 27–30 June 2004
  •  F. Fiorentino, A. Biricik, H. Karadayi, H. Berkil, G. Karlikaya, S. Sertyel, D. Podini, M. Baldi, M.C.Magli, L. Gianaroli, S. Kahraman. Development and clinical application of a strategy for PGD of single gene disorders combined with HLA matching. 20th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Berlin, Germany, 27–30 June 2004
  •  S. Kahraman, G. Karlikaya, S. Sertyel, F. Vanlioglu, H. Karadayi, N. Findikli, N. Oncu, A. Biricik, F. Fiorentino. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for B-Thalassemia with or without HLA-typing. 20th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Berlin, Germany, 27–30 June 2004
  •  H. Yelke, S. Sertyel, E. Bakircioglu, N. Findikli, S. Unal, S. Melil, F. Vanlioglu, G. Karlikaya, S. Kahraman. Comparison using ejaculated or testicular sperm in patients with transient azospermia. 20th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Berlin, Germany, 27–30 June 2004
  •  H. Karagozoglu, F. Vanlioglu, G. Karlikaya, M. Aygun, B. Kumbak, S. Kahraman. Comparison of bipolar and unipolar electrosurgical system in operative hysteroscopy. 20th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Berlin, Germany, 27–30 June 2004
  •  H. Karadayı, S. Kahraman, G. Karlıkaya, S. Sertyel, B. Umay, Y. Sağlam, N. Fındıklı, H. Berkil, A. Biricik, F. Fiorentino. Wiscott Aldrich sendromu için preimplantasyon genetik tanı ve HLA doku tiplemesi uygulaması: Vaka sunumu. VI. Ulusal Prenatal Tanı ve Tıbbi Genetik Kongresi. 21–24 Nisan 2004, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
  •  S. Kahraman, H. Karadayı, G. Karlıkaya, S. Sertyel, Y. Sağlam, N. Fındıklı, H. Berkil, A. Biricik, F. Fiorentino. b-Talasemi için preimplantasyon genetik tanı ve HLA doku tiplemesi. VI. Ulusal Prenatal Tanı ve Tıbbi Genetik Kongresi. 21-24 Nisan 2004, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
  •  S. Kahraman, H. Karadayı, G. Karlıkaya, S. Sertyel, B. Umay, Y. Sağlam, E. Bakırcıoğlu, N. Öncü, H. Berkil, A. Biricik. Non-obstrüktif azoospermi hastalarında karyotip ve y kromozomu mikrodelesyon analizi sonuçları. VI. Ulusal Prenatal Tanı ve Tıbbi Genetik Kongresi. 21-24 Nisan 2004, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye.
  •  Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Semra Kahraman, Güvenç Karlıkaya, Hale Karagözoğlu, Melih Aygün, Banu Kumbak. Comparison of bipolar and unipolar electrosurgical system in operative hysteroscopy. 5 Mart 2004. Palandöken Kadın Doğum Kış kongresi, 3-7 Mart 2004, Erzurum, Türkiye.
  •  Berkil H., Biricik A., Oncu N., Findikli N., Donmez E., Sertyel S., Vanlıoğlu, Karlikaya G., Aygun M., Oral E. and Kahraman S. Results of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) for Aneuploidy Testing in Cases with Advanced Maternal Age (AMA), Repeated Implantation Faulure (RIF), Recurrent Early Miscarriage and Severe Male Infertility (SMI). ESHRE Campus 2003. PGD in 2003: A Genetic Odyssey. 5-6 December 2003. Brussels, Belgium.
  •  Fiorentino F, Biricik A, Karadayi H, Berkil H, Karlikaya G, Sertyel S, Nucitelli A, Podini D, Baldi M, Magli MC, Gianaroli L and Kahraman S. Development and clinical application of a strategy for PGD of single gene disorders combined with HLA matching. ESHRE Campus 2003. PGD in 2003: A Genetic Odyssey. 5-6 December 2003. Brussels, Belgium.
  •  Melil S, Sertyel S, Bakircioglu E, Biricik A, Karlikaya G, Oncu N, Berkil H, Karagozoglu H, Vanlioglu F, Unal S, Yelke H, Findikli N and Kahraman S. Outcome of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in cases with severe sperm morphological defects. ESHRE Campus 2003. PGD in 2003: A Genetic Odyssey. 5-6 December 2003. Brussels, Belgium.
  •  Sertyel S, Bakircioglu E, Karlikaya G, Biricik A, Vanlioglu F, Findikli N, Oncu N, Gurkan S, Gur A, Berkil H, Oral E and Kahraman S. Results of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in patients with Klinefelter’s syndrome. ESHRE Campus 2003. PGD in 2003: A Genetic Odyssey. 5-6 December 2003. Brussels, Belgium.
  •  Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Semra Kahraman, Güvenç Karlıkaya, Hale Karagözoğlu, Mehil Aygün. Stromal over hasarı yapılan PCOS olgularının kontrollü ovulasyon indüksiyonuna verdiği yanıtın değerlendirilmesi. PCOS: Güncel durum, tedavi ve ovulasyon indüksiyonu, Uluslar arası Sempozyum. 4-7 Eylül 2003, Kemer, Antalya, Türkiye.
  •  Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Semra Kahraman, Güvenç Karlıkaya, Hale Karagözoğlu, Melih Aygün. Effect of metformin on subgroups of polycystic ovaries patients undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for assisted reproductive techniques. PCOS: Güncel durum, tedavi ve ovulasyon indüksiyonu, Uluslararası Sempozyum. 4-7 Eylül 2003, Kemer, Antalya, Türkiye.
  •  A. Biricik, H. Berkil, H. Karadayı, E. Bakırcıoğlu, S. Kahraman, F. Fiorentino, S. Sertyel, E. Dönmez, F. Vanlıoğlu, G. Karlıkaya. Molecular and cytogenetic analysis results in severe infertile males and their prognostic value for PGD in Turkish population. Fifth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics, 5-7 June 2003, Antalya, Turkey.
  •  N. Fındıklı, S. Kahraman, A. Biricik, E. Dönmez, S. Sertyel, S. Melil, F. Vanlıoğlu, G. Karlıkaya. Effect of zona manipulation on somatic cell nucleus transfer. Fifth International Symposium on Preimplantation Genetics, 5-7 June 2003, Antalya, Turkey.
  •  F. Vanlıoğlu, S. Kahraman, G. Karlıkaya, H. Karagözoğlu, M. Aygün. Effect on luteal support with vaginal micronized progesterone gel in assisted reproduction. V. Türk-Alman Jinekoloji Derneği ve II. Reproductive Medicine Tartışmalı Konular ve Çözümler Ortak Kongresi. 16-20.05.2003, Antalya, Türkiye.
  •  H. Berkil, A. Biricik, S. Kahraman, F. Vanlıoğlu, G. Karlıkaya, H. Karagözoğlu, M. Aygün, M. Benkhalifa. Tekrarlayan implantasyon başarısızlığı ve/veya ileri anne yaşı olgularında preimplantasyon genetik tanı sonuçları. Uluslararası Katılımlı Güncel İnfertilite ve Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri Sempozyumu. 24-27 Nisan 2003, Çeşme, İzmir, Türkiye.
  •  Faruk Vanlıoğlu, Semra Kahraman, Güvenç Karlıkaya, Hale karagözoğlu, Melih Aygün. ART öncesi intra-uterin patoloji nedeniyle operatif histeroskopi yapılan olgularda kullanılan bipolar ve konvansiyonel unipolar elektrocerrahi tekniğinin karşılaştırılması. Uluslararası Katılımlı Güncel İnfertilite ve Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri Sempozyumu. 24-27 Nisan 2003, Çeşme, İzmir, Türkiye.
  •  Biricik, H. Berkil, S. Kahraman, E. Dönmez, F. Vanlıoğlu, G. Karlıkaya, H. Karagözoğlu, M. Aygün, M. Benkhalifa. Yardımcı üreme teknikleri uygulanmış olan Türk populasyonunda preimplantasyon genetik tanı sonuçları. Uluslararası Katılımlı Güncel İnfertilite ve Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri Sempozyumu. 24-27 Nisan 2003, Çeşme, İzmir, Türkiye.
  •  Kahraman S., Yakın K., Vanlıoğlu F., Dönmez E., Karlıkaya G., Kumtepe Y. Metformin as an adjuvant therapy in patients with polycystic ovaries undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. 18th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE. Vienna, Austria, 2002.
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Prof Kubra Boynukalin Md
Especialista en fertilidad
22 años de experiencia
Turquía, Estambul
Bahceci Fertility

Prof Kubra Boynukalin Md

Especialista en fertilidad
22 años de experiencia



  • İstanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, 2017
  • Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Trainer, 2003-2008
  • Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, 1997-2003
  • Ankara Science High School, 1994-1997
  • 2022 – Prof. Dr. – Üsküdar Üniversitesi

Professional Experience

  • Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara 2003-2008
  • Şanlıurfa Maternity Hospital, Şanlıurfa 2009-2010
  • Anatolia IVF Center, Ankara 2010-2014
  • Bahçeci Gynecological Diseases and IVF Group, Istanbul, 2014

International Publications

  1. A.Ayhan, C.Kart, S.Guven, K.Boynukalin, T.Kucukali. “The role of reoperation in the management of endometrial carcinoma found in simple hysterectomy” Journal of Surgical Oncology (ISI) 2006; 93:373-378, DOI: 10.1002/jso.20479
  2. A.Ayhan, K.Boynukalin, M.C.Salman, “Tubal ligation via posterior colpotomy”, International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics (ISI) 2006 ;93:254-255, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2006.02.015
  3. A.Ayhan, F.K.Boynukalin, S.Guven, N.U.Dogan, I.Esinler, A. Usubutun. “Repeat LEEP conization in patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade3 and positive ectocervical margins”, International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (ISI) 2009; 105:14-17, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2008.11.015
  4. A.Ayhan, N.U.Dogan, S.Guven, O.T.Guler, F.K.Boynukalin, M.C.Salman. “Clinical outcome of transobturator tape concomitant with vaginal hysterectomy plus anterior posterior colporrhaphy”, Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (ISI) 2009;280:375-380, DOI: 10.1007/s00404-008-0920-0
  5. B.O.Yildiz, G.Bozdag, A.Harmanci, U.Otegen, K.Boynukalin, Z.Vural, S.Kirazli, I.C.Haznedaroğlu, H.Yarali. “Increased circulating soluble P-selectin in polycystic ovary syndrome.”, Fertility and Sterility (ISI) ,2010; 93:2311-2315 pp., 2010 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnster.2009.01.121
  6. G.Bozdag, I.Esinler, K.Boynukalin, T.Aksu, S.Gunalp, T.Gurgan. “Single intramural leiomyoma with normal hysteroscopic findings does not affect ICSI-embryo transfer outcome.” Reproductive Biomedicine Online (ISI) 2009; 19:276-280, DOI: 10.1016/S1472-6483(10)60085-5
  7. B.O.Yildiz, G.Bozdag, U.Otegen, A.Harmanci, K.Boynukalin, Z.Vural, S.Kirazli, H.Yarali., ” Visfatin and retinol-binding protein 4 concentrations in lean, glucose-tolerant women with PCOS.”, Reproductive Biomedicine Online(ISI), 2010; 20:150-155, DOI: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2009.10.016
  8. M.C.Salman, A.Usubutun, T.Ozlu, K.Boynukalin, K.Yuce, “Obesity does not affect the number of retrieved lymph nodes and the rate of intraoperative complications in gynecologic cancers.”, Journal of Gynecologic Oncology (ISI) , 2010; 21:24-28, DOI: 10.3802/jgo.2010.21.1.24
  9. M.C.Salman, A.Usubutun, K.Boynukalin, K.Yuce, “Comparison of WHO and endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia classifications in predicting the presence of coexistent malignancy in endometrial hyperplasia.”Journal of Gynecologic Oncology(ISI) 2010; 21:97-101, DOI: 10.3802/jgo.2010.21.2.97
  10. F.K.Boynukalin, Z.Erol, A.I.Aral, İ.H.Boyar, “Gestational choriocarcinoma arising in a tubal ectopic pregnancy: case report.”, European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology(ISI) , 2011; 32:592-593
  11. F.K.Boynukalin, I.Esinler, S.Guven, S.Gunalp, “Hyaluronan binding assay does not predict pregnancy rates in IUI cycles in couples with unexplained infertility.”, Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (ISI) , 2012;286:1577-1580, DOI: 10.1007/s00404-012-2476-2
  12. M.G.Ugur, K.Boynukalin, Z.Atak, I.Ustuner, R.Atakan, C.Baykal., “Sleep disturbances in pregnant patients and the relation to obstetric outcome.”, Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology (ISI) , 2012; 39:214-217
  13. C.Comunoğlu, K.Boynukalin, M.G.Uğur, R.Al, M.G.Kuzey, C.Baykal, “Overexpression of c-Met in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia”, European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology (ISI) , 2012;33:625-628
  14. F.K.Boynukalin, H.Boyar, H.Gormus, A.I.Aral, N.Boyar, “Bilateral hypogastric artery ligation in emergency setting for intractable postpartum hemorrhage: a secondary care center experience.”, Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology (ISI) , 2013; 40:85-88
  15. F.K.Boynukalin, C.Baykal, “Prenatal diagnosis of multiple fetal anomalies in naphthalene-addicted pregnant women: a case report”, Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology (ISI) 2014;41(2):217-8.
  16. F.K.Boynukalin, C.Comunoglu, I.Turkmen, G.M.Kuzey, O.T.Guler, C.Baykal, “C-Met expression pattern in uterine leiomyoma”, Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology (ISI) 2014;41(3):254-7
  17. Polat M, Boynukalın FK, Yaralı I, Esinler I, Yaralı H. Endometriosis is not associated with inferior pregnancy rates in in vitro fertilization: an analysis of 616 patients. Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2014;78(1):59-64
  18. Polat M, Boynukalin FK, Yarali I, Erdoğan BD, Bozdağ G, Yaralı H. Transient intrauterine fluid accumulation not due to hydrosalpinx or any identifiable pelvic pathology is not detrimental to IVF outcome. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2014 Sep;290(3):569-73.
  19. Polat M, Boynukalın FK, Yaralı İ, Yaralı H. Bilateral ectopic pregnancy following ICSI. BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Jun 26;2014.

National Publications

  1. K.Boynukalın, M.Velipaşaoğlu, İ.Esinler, “Spontaneus uterine rupture during pregnancy : Does previous uterine septum resection trigger it?”, Gynecology Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine , 2008; 14:116-118
  2. C.Yeşil, S.Önder, K.Boynukalın, Ö.Ergül, P.Fırat, G.M.Kuzey, A.Usubütün, “Serviksin premalign lezyonlarında sitolojik ve histopatolojik tanılar arasındaki ilişki.”, Türk Patoloji Dergisi , 2010; 26:38-43
  3. H.I.Boyar, F.K.Boynukalın, N.Boyar, M.Vural, “Uterin anomali olgusunda postpartum kanama kontrolünde B-Lynch sütür tekniği”, Journal of The Turkish German Gynecological Association , 2011: 12:47-49 ,DOI: 10.5152/jtgga.2011.10
  4. F.K.Boynukalın, S.Güven, S.Günalp, “Sperm DNA hasarı ve üremeye yardımcı teknikler”, Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Derneği Dergisi , Baskıda DOI: 10.5505/tjod.2014.82584
  5. F.K.Boynukalın, E.Karahanoğlu, C.Baykal, “Hodgkin’s Disease Diagnosed in Third Trimester of Pregnancy Coexisting with Pregnancy Cholestasis: Case Report”, Gynecology Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine , Baskıda
  6. D.Esinler, F.K.Boynukalin, İ.Esinler, T.Aksu, “Comparison of Controlled Ovarian Stimulation Protocols on IVF Outcome in Normal and Poor Responders”, Gynecology Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine , Baskıda
  7. F.K.Boynukalin, A.İ.Aral, Ö.T.Güler, “Uterine Torsion in Term Pregnancy”, Basic and Clinical Sciences , Baskıda
  8. F.K.Boynukalin, Ö.T.Güler, “The use of growth hormone in IVF”, Basic and Clinical Sciences , Baskıda
  9. K.Boynukalin, C.Baykal, O.Dolar, N.Ozcan, “Prenatal diagnosis of Apert Syndrome; A case report”, Basic and Clinical Sciences , Baskıda
  10. Professional Experience
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Hosam Elsayed Ahmed
34 años de experiencia
Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Sharjah
Burjeel Specialty Hospital Sharjah

Hosam Elsayed Ahmed

34 años de experiencia


British Society of Urogynaecology

Dr. Hosam is a Consultant Obstetrician, Gynecologist, and Urologist. He worked for 20 years in the NHS in the United Kingdom after obtaining his CCST as a Consultant Gynecologist with known expertise in the management of high-risk pregnancy, complex benign gynecology, and early-stage gynecological cancer. He worked as a Consultant and the Lead Urogynecologist at Sussex Healthcare Trust, where he has been practicing since 2004. Dr. Hosam has a special interest in prolapse, urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction (fertility preservation surgery), menorrhagia, and minimally invasive laparoscopic and hysteroscopic gynecological surgery (for abnormal bleeding, pelvic masses, and pelvic pain). He established an integrated multidisciplinary urogynecology team across the trust. He had led the obstetrics and gynecology department as a clinical director to attain national British Society of Urogynecology accreditation. He has extensive clinical and surgical expertise to manage urinary incontinence, frequency, urgency, and recurrent cystitis and to perform pelvic reconstructive surgery for incontinence and uterovaginal prolapse. A subjective retrospective audit of his continence surgery showed a success rate of 86% and a success rate of prolapsed surgery of 91%. He is also interested in the management of sexual dysfunction, including vaginal corrective surgery. Dr. Hosam was chosen to be a Member of the International Urogynecology Association’s Publication Committee, and he was also the Editor of the expert corner in the IUGA newsletter. His areas of expertise include,

  • Minimally invasive laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery
  • Menorrhagia, fibroid, and endometriosis
  • Laparoscopic myomectomy and hysterectomy
  • Urogynecology, pelvic floor surgery, and recurrent prolapse
  • Female stress incontinence surgery
  • High-risk pregnancy
  • Prolapse and pelvic floor surgery
  • Pelvic reconstruction surgery
  • Stress incontinence treatment
  • Urodynamics
  • Urogynecology
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibroids
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Menopause and psychosexual problems
  • Menorrhagia
  • Laparoscopic hysterectomy and myomectomy
  • Stress incontinence surgery (none mesh and minimally invasive procedures)
  • Day case stress incontinence procedure without surgery
  • Anal sphincter incontinence surgery
  • Abdominal and vaginal suspension procedures
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Miscarriage
  • Painful periods
  • Pelvic/perineal pain
  • Postpartum obstetric anal sphincter injuries

Research & Publications

  • Serum Cupper and Zinc in Unexplained Infertility
  • Anti HLA Abs in Recurrent Miscarriage and Effect of Immune Therapy on Pregnancy Outcomes
  • Unusual presentation of PRESS in the postnatal period. BMJ Case Reports 2014; doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-203406
  • Subphrenic abscess resulting in multi organ failure after Caesarean Section - case report. J. of obstet&Gynae.Vol 30; No.3,312-314,2010.
  • Long Term outcome of the telephone follow up clinic in gynaecological setting. Int. J. of healthcare administration.vol 7, No.1.,2010.
  • Role of 3D ultrasound in the diagnosis of rare case of angular pregnancy. The Internet Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. 2009 Volume 11 Number 2.
  • Unusual presentation of ectopic pregnancy. Therapeutic forum,MIMS Women's Health Vol 4,No 3,2009.
  • Management of Ovarian Masses in Pregnancy. Trends in Gynaecology and Urology, Volume 14 Issue 1, p 14-17 (January/February 2009).
  • Factors Affecting Success of Hysteroscopic Hydrothermablation Procedure: A One Year Data Assessment. Kent and Sussex Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Vol. 6, issue 2, Jan 2008.
  • Value of the MRI in the Preoperative Assessment of the Endometrial Cancer. Int. J. of O&G, Vol. 8 No.2, December 2007.
  • Perioperative Factors Affecting the Hysteroscopic Hydrothermablation Procedure: A Six-month Assessment. Obstetrics & Gynaecology, News J. March 2006.
  • Evaluation of the Transvaginal Scan versus Hysteroscopy in Postmenopausal Bleeding. East Sussex Journal of O&G. March, 2006.
  • Unusual Presentation of Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy. East Sussex Journal of O&G, March 2006.
  • Reproductive Health of Women: A review of the Panoramic Heritage. The Alex Journal of History of Medicine. Vol 30 -33, issue 1, April 2005.
  • The use of low molecular weight heparin in pregnant woman with Mitral valve heart disease. Kuwait Medical Journal, March 2002, vol.39, No.5, 53-54.
  • Mean 3rd Trimester Blood Sugar in Diabetic Kuwaiti Pregnant Females as a Predictor for Fetal Macrosomia. Medscape Women’s Health, (United States), Oct 2001, 6(5) p2.
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women. Obstetric and Gynaecology Survey. November issue 2001.
  • Autologus Fascial Sling ,Does it really help the stress incontinence ,One year outcome data.
  • Outcome of the Bulkamid periurethral injection.Outcome of the Vaginal suspension procedure for the years 19/20/21
  • Perioperative factors that affect the outcome of the pelvic floor surgery IUGA 2019
  • MRI ,CT scan versus TVS in the diagnosis and management of adnexal mass over 3 years (Oral presentation at the international gynaecology and gynae-oncology in China) 2013
  • Perioperative factors affecting the success of the HTA, a 3 years follow up at the 13th international world controversies in Ob.Gyn. and infertility, Berlin, Germany. 4-7/11/2010
  • Is there is a place for uterine conservation in the management of early stage endometrial cancer. RCOG international conference Abu-Dhabi Dec. 6,7,8th 2009.
  • Value of TVS in the initial assessment of high-risk postmenopausal women. Annual RCOG international conference Abu-Dhabi Dec. 2009-09-13 (Poster)
  • Is there is a place for the local hysteroscopic resection for malignant polypoidal endometrial cancer? Annual Southeast Gynaecology Tumour Group meeting. 17 September 2007. (oral)
  • Value of the MRI, Hysteroscopy and TVS in the Preoperative Staging of Endometrial Cancer. 31st British International Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 4-6 July/2007. (oral)
  • Hysteroscopic Hydrothermablation: A novel Ablative Technique. Grand round oral presentation in the East Sussex NHS Trust monthly meeting.
  • Evaluation of Perioperative Factors Affecting Success of Hysteroscopic Hydrothermablation Procedure. Presented at the BSGE Annual Scientific meeting in Sheffield, May 2006.
  • Evaluation of the Transvaginal Scan versus Hysteroscopy in Postmenopausal Women on Tamoxifen . Poster Presentation at the 19th EBCOG European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, April 2006, Torino, Italy.
  • Induced Abortion Services in a District General Hospital. Poster presentation at the North Middlesex University Hospital Meeting, London, 26th May 2006.
  • Outcome of the Hysteroscopy at Conquest Hospital over the last triennium 2004-2005. Part of the special skill module of the TVS in Gynaecology for the RCOG. Presented at the world 7th controversies in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Athens, April 2005.
  • Perinatal Mortality Audit at Jahra Hospital, Kuwait. Accepted by the CPD program of the RCOG 2001.
  • Audit of the Outcome of the Burch Colposuspension over a 2-year period. Oral Presentation at the Annual Obstetrics and Gynaecology Conference, Kuwait Institute of Medical Specialisation, Kuwait 2003, Jahra

Education & Training

  • Master's Degree in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt)
  • FRCOG (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) in the UK
  • MD Doctorate Degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt)
  • Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynecologist Subspecialty Modular training in Urogynaecology, minimally invasive laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery


  • British Society of Gynae-Endoscopy
  • British Society of Urogynaecology
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