Plataforma de Turismo Médico #1 desde 2014
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Turquía Estambul

Cataract Surgery with Multifocal Lens Implant

Dunyagoz Eye Hospital Istanbul Etiler Turquía Estambul
88% de pacientes recomiendan esta clínica
Puntuación buena puntuación basada en 40 reseñas de pacientes Ver reseñas


Baha Toygar
29 años de experiencia
Acerca de
El Dr. Baha Toygar es un experimentado especialista en enfermedades oculares con más de 25 años de servicio y más de 30.000 casos quirúrgicos. Su experiencia incluye cirugía ocular LASEK, cirugía de cataratas con implante de lente multifocal, cirugía ocular ReLEx SMILE y mucho más. Es miembro de varias sociedades oftalmológicas de prestigio y ha actuado como moderador de un Simposio Satélite de la ESCRS.

Detalles del programa

Lea sobre los beneficios del programa
Procedimientos médicos

  • Examen de los ojos
  • Cirugía de cataratas con implante de lente multifocal


Sala individual


Traslado aeropuerto-clínica-aeropuerto

Información adicional

Dear Anette Bastian hello

Thank you for request

Please send us your " fresh" corneal topography and eye measurement result (orbscan) to see your corneal thickness and decide to which kind trifocal “smart” iol operation is possible. Also if possible iolmaster results. Sended reports aged 14 years and for today they are invalid.

Without that i only can give you package and price information but can’t tell you which lenses are possible for you.

Standart trifocal lenses for both eyes begins from 4000 € to 8400€ regarding to eye condiitions

To package included:

1) Meet at the airport
2) Transfer to hospital
3) In case of Operation 4 nights with 1 companion accommodation at the standart hospital room and 3 times meal in a day (to room service – all cafeteria food and other services are extra charge)
4) Pre-post op. controls
5) Chosen type trifocal lens Operation for both eyes
6) Transport to airport
7) Translator service (English-Russian-German-Arabic)

Notice: If you have astigmatismus, special lenses will be ordered and they’re individually produce. We will receive them about 20-40 days when we receive them call you for Operation organisation. To order them you must make prepayment.

• During the examination, if surgeon finds different problems, program and price can change
• If patient uses any drugs regulary please inform us. Doctor may change using procedure before the surgery
• Given package prepared regarding to sended reports, responsibility of reliability and accuracy of sended reports belongs to patient
• Please don’t forget to bring with you passport for registration, according with Turkish laws we must take a copy of passport
• Given offer valid till :26.06.2022

According with pandemic regulations, you and your companion must bring vaccination certifications or pcr negative test result which made in last 72 hours. Without them we already can accept you but after the rapid test which for per person 50€ charge.

Best regards

Asistencia de Bookimed 24/7

Coordinador médico personal

Organización de viajes médicos: reserva de billetes de avión y habitaciones de hotel a precios especiales para socios

La protección de los intereses de pacientes durante un viaje médico

Precio del programa


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Etiler, Nispetiye Cd 100 D, 34337 Beşiktaş/İstanbul, Turkey