El Dr. Grzegorz Kierzynka es un cirujano plástico de gran experiencia, certificado por la junta, especializado en cirugía plástica y estética, reconstrucción de defectos congénitos, deformidades postraumáticas y cirugía de la mano. Ha realizado diversos cursos polacos y extranjeros de cirugía estética y es miembro de numerosas sociedades profesionales, incluida la Sociedad Polaca de Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética.
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Treatment price : Rhinoplasty Surgery (closed) By Dr Kierzynka 4490 Eur
We offer the complete medical treatment package for the following • Treatment with a plastic surgery specialist • Consultations & Examinations • Comprehensive Pre Operative Diagnostics • 1 Night Hospitalization in a comfortable room with Wi-Fi and Netflix • Specialist postoperative Aftercare • Personal Coordinator in the Hospital and postoperative care plan • Access to our support group – KCM Clinic Plastic Surgery Poland • Post Op Compression Garment Our packages are Ultra All Inclusive which means everything is included except your flight. There are no hidden extra costs! Also Included : • 6 Nights Hotel Stay in our Luxury Apartments Zeppelin or Mercure Hotel with Wifi and Breakfast 420 Eur • VIP Airport Transfers to and from Wroclaw Airport 240 Eur Want to book your own accommodation and transfers? Patients are most welcome to book there own accommodation and transfers. We offer this additional service to take the stress and worry away from making travel arrangements. Patients are not obliged to use our services.
Coordinador médico personal
Organización de viajes médicos: reserva de billetes de avión y habitaciones de hotel a precios especiales para socios
La protección de los intereses de pacientes durante un viaje médico