Plataforma de Turismo Médico #1 desde 2014
Letonia, Riga

Dr. Solomatin Eye Center

Soporte 5.0

Acerca de la clínica

Dr. Solomatin Eye Center is a multidisciplinary medical institution providing medical services for eyes treatment. Laser correction of eyes is the leading direction in the Center. Ophthalmologists provide LASIK and Femto-LASIK surgeries to help patients to stop wearing glasses and contact lenses. The Hospital cooperate with ophthalmologic facilities in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. The Center is a pioneer in laser surgery among other hospitals in Baltic countries.

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Dr. Solomatin Eye Center
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Precios de procedimientos en la clínica

Última actualización del precio — 29.04.2024. Los precios se pueden cambiar según el caso médico y de las recomendaciones del médico.
Examen del campo visual $16.38 - $49.15
Electrorretinografía $38.23
OCT (Tomografía de coherencia óptica) $49.15
Consulta con un oftalmólogo $71
Paquimetría corneal $16.38
Fotocoagulación $71 - $131.08
Iridotomía láser $76.46
Trabeculoplastia láser $109.23
Tratamiento de ambliopía $27.31
Tratamiento de estrabismo $27.31
Oncología pediátrica
Enucleación del ojo $262.15 - $436.92
Trasplante de córnea $3276.92

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Dr. Solomatin Eye Center: más detalles acerca de la clínica

Letonia, Riga

Methods of laser surgery provided in Dr. Solomatin Eye Center

Ophthalmologists of the Center use the innovative laser units produced by the world-renowned corporation - Carl Zeiss. Combination of 2 laser units allow doctors to perform surgeries faster and avoid complications.

Dr. Solomatin Eye Center: figures

  • 15,000 patients
  • 54% of patients are 20-30 years old
  • over 10,000 successful surgeries

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Superficial laser vision correction

This type of correction includes PRK, LASEK, EPI-LASIK and TRANS EPI-LASIK techniques. Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is the most widespread kind of superficial laser correction.

Advantages of PRK:

  • predictable result;
  • technically easy performing;
  • low prices;
  • possibility to carry out the surgery for patients with thin cornea;

Disadvantages of photorefractive keratectomy (in comparison with other methods):

  • developing of complications after the surgery;
  • the more prolonged recovery period of vision;
  • the sensitivity of eyes within a week after the procedure;
  • using the particular contact lenses after the surgery is necessary.

Ophthalmologists of the Hospital provide this type of laser correction to those patients who want to get rid of contact lenses or glasses but have contraindications to other methods of laser correction.

LASIK and Femto LASIK vision correction surgeries

After LASIK surgery a patient receives significant improvement of vision immediately and does not feel any discomfort. The next day after the operation a patient returns home.

Super LASIK is a modification of LASIK surgery. With the help of this method, ophthalmologists may develop the treatment plan for each patient taking into account individual features of patient’s eyes.

Femto LASIK is the most innovative kind of LASIK correction. Specialists provide this technique without incisions. All steps of the operation are carried out only with the laser. Ophthalmologists apply Femto LASIK even in cases of the thin cornea when other types of laser surgeries are impossible.

New methods (ReLEx, SMILE, FLEX)

Ophthalmologists carry out ReLEx, SMILE and FLEX correction surgeries entirely using a femtolaser beam. These techniques help a patient to restore and improve the vision. 80% of eyes tissues are undamaged.

Servicios adicionales
Hotel (apartamentos) está cerca de la clínica, con el pago por días

Elizabetes 75, 2 floor

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La información fue presentada por
Fahad Mawlood
Representante de la clínica
actualizado 6/3/2025

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Dr. Solomatin Eye Center
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clock Tiempo promedio de respuesta — 5 minutos

Cómo funciona:

  • Encontramos un coordinador médico familiarizado con el asunto
  • Usted recibe una oferta personal con una guía paso a paso y el presupuesto
  • Organizamos su viaje incluyendo horarios de citas y reservas de vuelos
  • Usted llega al hospital, nosotros le apoyamos 24/7

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