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Plataforma de Turismo Médico #1 desde 2014

Los mejores médicos en Italia — Consiga una consulta online

El contenido cumple con la Política editorial de Bookimed y está revisado médicamente por
Fahad Mawlood - Médico general. Ganador de 4 premios científicos. Sirvió en Asia Occidental. Es el ex jefe del equipo médico que soporta a pacientes de habla árabe. Ahora es responsable del procesamiento de datos y la precisión del contenido médico.
Pierluigi Bove
25 años de experiencia
1 reseñas

Pierluigi Bove

25 años de experiencia
Italia, Roma
Ospedale San Carlo di Nancy
1 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Abdominoplastia $14162.7 - $17431.02
Otoplastia (cirugía de orejas) $6536.63 - $8715.51
Discectomía $18520.46 - $27235.96
Más tratamientos
Nadia Di Muzio
Radio oncólogo
31 años de experiencia
56 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Raffaele

Nadia Di Muzio

Radio oncólogo
31 años de experiencia


Italian Association of Medical Oncology
European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology

La profesora Nadia Di Muzio es Jefa del Departamento de Radioterapia en el Hospital de Investigación San Raffaele de Milán desde 2008. Es licenciada en medicina general y cirugía y especialidad en radioterapia oncológica por la Universidad de Milán y ha realizado una pasantía en el Departamento de Oncología Radioterápica en la Universidad de Madison. El profesor Di Muzio es autor de 200 estudios de investigación en oncología radioterápica y defensor de los métodos de hipofracción de alta precisión en el tratamiento radical de los tumores de próstata. Actualmente ocupa cargos en la Asociación Italiana de Oncología Médica, la Sociedad Italiana de Urología Oncológica y la Sociedad Europea de Radioterapia y Oncología.

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56 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Liposucción $8824.45
Rinoplastia (cirugía de nariz) $11983.82
Mastectomía $19609.89 - $26691.24
Más tratamientos
Nicola Vione
27 años de experiencia
Italia, Turín
Santa Caterina da Siena

Nicola Vione

27 años de experiencia

Dr. Nicola Vione specializes in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Pathology.

He began his training at the University of Turin where, in 1996 he obtained a degree in Medicine and Surgery, and in 1997 the qualification to practice. Subsequently, in 2001 he obtained the specialist diploma in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Pathology. 

Over the years of his career he has attended various prestigious hospitals, perfecting himself in Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the nose, performing thousands of operations and obtaining excellent results. He regularly attends specialization courses and national and international congresses, learning the most avant-garde techniques of the moment such as preservation rhinoplasty which allows primary rhinoplasty operations to be performed, guaranteeing respect for the anatomy of the nose and obtaining extremely natural and a shorter post-operative period.

Since 2015, he has been collaborating with the "Micheli-Pellegrini" Study Center, one of the most prestigious schools in Italy of rhino-cervical-facial reconstructive surgery, as a member of the scientific committee and as a Professor of Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose. He currently works at the San Luigi Gonzaga public hospital in Orbassano (Turin), as Medical Director of the Otolaryngology Operative Unit. He also works in some private clinics, such as Santa Caterina da Siena GVM and the Fornaca Clinic in Sessant.

Dr Vione is a member of numerous national scientific societies such as AICEFF (Italian Association of Aesthetic and Functional Surgery of the Face), AOOI (Association of Italian Hospital Otorhinolaryngologists), AIOCC (Italian Association of Head and Neck Oncology) and SIOeChCF ( Italian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery). Registered, since 1997, in the Provincial Order of Surgeons of Asti

Dr. Nicola Vione is an established professional in the field of Otolaryngology and particularly expert in Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the nose.

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Egle Muti
Cirujano plástico
36 años de experiencia
Italia, Turín
Santa Caterina da Siena

Egle Muti

Cirujano plástico
36 años de experiencia

Having graduated in Medicine and Surgery at a very young age, Prof. Egle Muti then specialized in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Clinical Oncology and Clinical Psychotherapy.

Invited as a speaker at numerous conferences around the world, she is a professor of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the San Luigi Gonzaga Medical University based in Orbassano.

Her scientific production has focused above all on breast surgery, particularly on post-mastectomy breast reconstruction and the treatment of tuberous breasts, and on nose surgery.

She is part of the FONCAM (National Operational Forces Group on Breast Cancer) and is a member of the study group for General Aesthetic Surgery and Breast Surgery of SICPRE.

For several years she was a teacher of the Facial Anatomical Dissection course at the Free University of Brussels.

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Roberto Chiesa
Cirujano vascular
56 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Raffaele

Roberto Chiesa

Cirujano vascular

Cirujano vascular

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56 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Liposucción $8824.45
Rinoplastia (cirugía de nariz) $11983.82
Mastectomía $19609.89 - $26691.24
Más tratamientos
Francesco Bandello
40 años de experiencia
56 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Raffaele

Francesco Bandello

40 años de experiencia
OftalmólogoMostrar más
56 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Liposucción $8824.45
Rinoplastia (cirugía de nariz) $11983.82
Mastectomía $19609.89 - $26691.24
Más tratamientos
Alessandro Aiuti
27 años de experiencia
56 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Raffaele

Alessandro Aiuti

27 años de experiencia
El doctor Alessandro Aiuti es el Jefe de la Unidad de Inmunohematología Pediátrica del Hospital de Investigación San Raffaele de Milán. Es licenciado en Hematología por la Universidad de Milán, Doctor en Biología Molecular y Celular por la Universidad de Roma, y es Profesor Universitario e investigador en Hematología, Inmunología y Pediatría. Ha realizado numerosas investigaciones clínicas y ensayos en terapia génica en cooperación con varias organizaciones y ha recibido varios premios por su investigación.Mostrar más
56 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Liposucción $8824.45
Rinoplastia (cirugía de nariz) $11983.82
Mastectomía $19609.89 - $26691.24
Más tratamientos
Giampiero Negri
Cirujano torácico
56 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Raffaele

Giampiero Negri

Cirujano torácico

Profesor Asociado de Cirugía Torácica con calificaciones de la Junta Europea. Jefe de unidad de cirugía torácica mini-invasiva, especializada en el tratamiento de enfermedades pulmonares, pleurales y del mediastino. Miembro de la Sociedad Italiana de Cirugía Torácica y Endoscopia Torácica, así como autor de una monografía y más de 200 publicaciones científicas.

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56 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Liposucción $8824.45
Rinoplastia (cirugía de nariz) $11983.82
Mastectomía $19609.89 - $26691.24
Más tratamientos
Riccardo Rosati
Oncólogo quirúrgico
39 años de experiencia
56 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Raffaele

Riccardo Rosati

Oncólogo quirúrgico
39 años de experiencia


The American College of Surgeons
The European Association for Endoscopic Surgery
The International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus
The European Society for Diseases of the Esophagus

El profesor Riccardo Rosati es el Jefe del Departamento de Cirugía Gastrointestinal (GI) en el Hospital de Investigación San Raffaele en Milán, Italia. Es un cirujano altamente experimentado con más de 30 años de experiencia, con títulos médicos completos en medicina general y cirugía general, así como especialización en cirugía torácica. Es miembro de múltiples asociaciones quirúrgicas y ha escrito más de 300 publicaciones. Su departamento trata aproximadamente 2,000 casos quirúrgicos por año.

Mostrar más
56 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Liposucción $8824.45
Rinoplastia (cirugía de nariz) $11983.82
Mastectomía $19609.89 - $26691.24
Más tratamientos
Giorgia Mangili
Oncólogo clínico
32 años de experiencia
56 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Raffaele

Giorgia Mangili

Oncólogo clínico
32 años de experiencia


European Society of Gynaecological Oncology

La Dra. Giorgia Mangili es Jefa del Grupo de Oncología Ginecológica Médica del Hospital Instituto Científico San Raffaele desde 2002. Es licenciada en medicina general y especialidades en ginecología y obstetricia, oncología, y es Asociada y Profesora en obstetricia y ginecología. Centra su trabajo en oncología ginecológica, tumores ginecológicos raros, preservación de la fertilidad en oncología y cáncer y embarazo. Es miembro de la Organización Europea para el Tratamiento de Enfermedades Trofoblásticas, la Sociedad Europea de Oncología Ginecológica y la Sociedad Italiana de Oncología Ginecológica.

Mostrar más
56 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Liposucción $8824.45
Rinoplastia (cirugía de nariz) $11983.82
Mastectomía $19609.89 - $26691.24
Más tratamientos
Jacopo Peccatori
27 años de experiencia
56 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Raffaele

Jacopo Peccatori

27 años de experiencia


The European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

El Dr. Jacopo Peccatori es el Jefe del Departamento de Trasplante de Médula Ósea en el Instituto Científico San Raffaele y uno de los mejores médicos especialistas en linfoma. Ha estado en este puesto desde 2006 y ha escrito más de 70 estudios sobre trasplante alogénico de médula ósea, leucemia aguda y mieloma múltiple. Es licenciado en medicina general por la Universidad de Milán y tiene especialidades en medicina interna y hematología y es miembro de la Sociedad Europea de Trasplante de Sangre y Médula y del Grupo Italiano de Trasplante de Células Madre Hematopoyéticas y Terapias Celulares.

Mostrar más
56 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Liposucción $8824.45
Rinoplastia (cirugía de nariz) $11983.82
Mastectomía $19609.89 - $26691.24
Más tratamientos
Alberto Margonato
56 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Raffaele


European Society of Cardiology
El Prof. Alberto Margonato es un cardiólogo y profesor de gran experiencia que ha realizado más de 3.000 cateterismos cardíacos, angiografías coronarias, implantes de marcapasos y angioplastias coronarias. Es miembro de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología.Mostrar más
56 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Liposucción $8824.45
Rinoplastia (cirugía de nariz) $11983.82
Mastectomía $19609.89 - $26691.24
Más tratamientos
Pietro Mortini
56 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Raffaele

Pietro Mortini


El profesor Pietro Mortini MD es un neurocirujano italiano con mucha experiencia que se especializa en neurocirugía y radiocirugía con un enfoque en operaciones de columna y cerebro mínimamente invasivas. Es profesor visitante en la Universidad George Washington, es licenciado en Otorrinolaringología y Neurocirugía por la Universidad de Milán y la Universidad de Verona, y ha patentado un método de fabricación de un dispositivo para la regeneración de tejidos biológicos. También proporciona investigación en terapia microquirúrgica de adenomas hipofisarios y radiocirugía para melanoma uveal y es miembro de la Sociedad Italiana de la Base del Cráneo.

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56 reseñas
Cita con el médico precio a consultar
Liposucción $8824.45
Rinoplastia (cirugía de nariz) $11983.82
Mastectomía $19609.89 - $26691.24
Más tratamientos
Mario Carminati
38 reseñas
Italia, Milán
San Donato Hospital

cirujano cardíaco pediátrico

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Paola Maria Magnoni
33 años de experiencia
Italia, Milán

Paola Maria Magnoni

33 años de experiencia

Dr. Paola Maria Magnoni has graduated in general medicine and radiodiagnostics at Università degli Studi of Milan and is the Ultrasound Unit Director of Humanitas Research Hospital, where she dedicates especial attention to internal, oncological, breast, endocrinology and loop ultrasound, performing over 5000 examinations of which 500 needle biopsy annually.

Medical areas of interest: Ultrasound in all its fields of use, especially:

Diagnostic ultrasound: internal, oncological, intestinal loops, endocrinology.

Interventional ultrasound: superficial needle biopsies of areas such as breast, thyroid, soft parts; and deep needle biopsies of areas such as abdominal organs, liver, kidney pancreas; retroperitoneum; paracentesis, thoracentesis, drainage and inflections.

Research areas of interest: sarcomas, early diagnosis in oncological pathologies, iconographic study of IBD, senology, endocrinology.


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Simona Marcheselli
31 años de experiencia
Italia, Milán

Simona Marcheselli

31 años de experiencia

Prof. Simona Marcheselli has graduated at the University of Pavia and carried out her specialisation in neuro-pathophysiology. She is the Emergency Neurology and Stroke Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital.

She is specialised in the treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular diseases. Her main specialties are Cerebral-vascular diseases, brain tumors, epilepsy, and headaches. Prof. Simona Marcheselli treats both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in the acute phase and its complications. Specific areas of interest are those related to secondary and primary prevention of cerebrovascular disease and post-stroke epilepsy.

She is also a professor at the nursing school of Humanitas University.


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Paolo Omodei
34 años de experiencia
Italia, Milán

Paolo Omodei

34 años de experiencia

Dr. Paolo Omodei is the Unit Director of the Autonomous section of Clinical Gastroenterology.

He graduated with honors in the academic year 1988-89 at the Università degli studi of Milan. He specialized in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy in 1994. Winner of the competition for PhD in Research in Clinical Methodology in the academic year 1994-95. In 1996 he won the public competition for Assistant at the Gastroenterology Service of the Niguarda Ca' Granda Hospital in Milan. He held this post until June 1997. From 1997 to 1999 he held the position of Assistant at the Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Unit of Humanitas Clinical Institute, directed by prof. Alberto Malesci. From 2000 to 2006, he held the position of Assistant of the Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Unit of the Humanitas Clinical Institute. Since 2006 he has been Head of the Section of Emergency Gastroenterology and Head of Gastroenterology at the Humanitas Clinical Institute. He is Professor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan.

1996-1997 Hospital of Niguarda, Milan, Italy
Assistant in the Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Services directed by Prof. Raffaele Arcidiacono

1987-1996 Polyclinic Hospital, Milan, Italy
Specialising in Gastroenterology in the Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy service of the Institute of Internal Medicine directed by Prof. Nicola Dioguardi.
Volunteer medical specialist in the Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy service in the Institute of Internal Medicine directed by Prof. Nicola Dioguardi.

Publications: P

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Paolo Emanuele Levi Setti
42 años de experiencia
Italia, Milán

Paolo Emanuele Levi Setti

42 años de experiencia


European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
International Society for Fertility Preservation

Born in 1955, Prof. Paolo Emanuele Levi Setti graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan School of Medicine in 1982 and specialized in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the same University in 1988.

At the beginning of his career he was involved in the early developments of ultrasound imaging in obstetrics and gynaecology and more recently in the new applications of transvaginal and colour flow technology. From 1977 to 1982 microsurgery and endoscopy were his main interest in the investigation and treatment of female infertility.

Surgical applications in the animal model of new approaches to pelvic pathology were the first studies he published in literature. From 1985 to 1989 fetal blood sampling and prenatal diagnosis had a main role in his interest in research development. In this period, he participated in many published studies in this research area and one of the greatest experiences in the world was reported in the field of echographic surgery.

Results of in vitro fertilization, implantation, intrauterine embryo transfer, assisted reproduction in sexually transmitted diseases, evaluation of the uterine cavity in infertile patients and cryopreservation, are the main aspects of his present day scientific interest. In 1984, together with a group of colleagues, he founded one of the first centres in Italy operating in assisted reproduction. From 1988 to 1996 Prof. Levi Setti chaired the Infertility and Assisted Reproduction Unit of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology – S. Paolo Biomedical Institute – University of Milan School of Italy operating in assisted reproduction. 

From 1989 to 1996 he coordinated the first European centre for assisted reproduction for HIV serodiscordant couples. Since 1994 he is a visiting lecturer at the 1st postgraduate School in Obstetrics and Gynecology and he is a visiting lecturer in the graduate course of Obstetrics and Gynaecology – University of Milan, School of Medicine.
Involved since the earliest development of endoscopy in gynaecology, he followed the evolution of this surgical approach performing, in over 25 years of activity, more than 15.000 procedures and mentoring an impressive number of fellows in this area. His Department has run for many years one of the largest ART programs in our country and in Europe. His research interest has, over the last few years, focused on the mechanisms of implantation, on the preservation of female and male fertility and on the complications and outcome of assisted reproduction. His Department performed the probably larger number of oocyte’s freezing procedures in infertile patients in Europe and is now a recognised expert in fertility preservation in oncological and fertility deferring patients. He has been the scientific organizer of several international meetings and training courses in Reproductive Medicine. 

Member of many international institutions in the field of reproductive medicine (American Society for Reproductive Medicine, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, International Society for Fertility Preservation), he was elected President of the Italian Fertility and Sterility Society (SIFES e MR) onto the board in 1999 and in 2003 and for two mandates (2009-2001 and 2011-2013). 

He is the author of more than 100 published articles, reviews and chapters in books. 

From 2004 Prof. Levi Setti collaborates with the Italian Ministry of Health in revising data of the National Medically Assisted Reproduction Register. In December 2010 he was nominated scientific coordinator of an experimental project for an ART Network in Lombardy County. Since 1996 Prof. Levi Setti works at the Humanitas Research Hospital in Milan and is currently chair of the Department of Gynaecology and heads the Division of Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine. In May 2011 he was appointed, for the period July 2011- June 2016, as Adjunct Professor at Yale University, School of Medicine. In June 2013 he supervised and is actually personally directing the Humanitas Fertility Center, where over 3.500 ART procures are performed annually.

Publications: sett

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Romano Lutman
40 años de experiencia
Italia, Milán

Romano Lutman

40 años de experiencia

Prof. Romano Lutman is the Head Oncological and interventional radiology Unit.

Medical areas of interest: 
diagnostic and interventional oncology, in particular linked to percutaneous imaging-guided procedures.
He has performed over 3000 CT guided lung biopsies and numerous international trials on anticancer drugs.

Research areas of interest: 
advanced oncological diagnostics. Percutaneous minimally invasive imaging-guided diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in oncology.

Previous experience:  
1991-1996 Orthopaedic Institute of Gaetano Pini, Italy
Assistant Physiatrist
- 1991-1991 Hospital of the Piemonte region , Italy
Specialist doctor in sports medicine

Publications: r

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Stefano Respizzi
40 años de experiencia
Italia, Milán

Stefano Respizzi

40 años de experiencia

Prof. Stefano Respizzi is the Head of the Rehabilitation and Functional Recovery Unit in Humanitas Research Hospital. He is specialized in orthopaedic rehabilitation and sport rehabilitation. In 1986, with some colleagues, he founded the Sports Medical Centre of Sesto San Giovanni. In 1988 he founded the GISMI (Italian Group of Study of Isokinetic Method), where he is also an advisor. 

Medical areas of interest: orthopaedic rehabilitation, traumatology and sports rehabilitation, sports medicine, physical therapy

Research areas of interest: orthopaedic rehabilitation, sports medicine, orthopaedics

Previous experience:  

  • 1991-1996 Orthopaedic Institute of Gaetano Pini, Italy
    Assistant Physiatrist
  • 1991-1991 Hospital of the Piemonte region , Italy
    Specialist doctor in sports medicine

In 1986, with some colleagues from Milan, he founded the Centro Medico Sportivo of Sesto San Giovanni, a facility recognized by Lombardia Region and dedicated to the release of certificates of fitness for practicing competitive sports.

He has been a consultant for the Italian Volleyball Federation.
In 1988 he founded GISMI (Gruppo Italiano Studio Metodiche Isokinetiche).
In 2002 he became managing director of Isokinetic Milano, one of the centers of the network of Isokinetic Sports Rehabilitation Centers.

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