El Dr. Burçin Batman es profesor asociado, ha estudiado y trabajado en el campo de la medicina, incluida la obesidad y la cirugía metabólica, la cirugía colorrectal, la cirugía endocrina y las hernias inguinales y umbilicales laparoscópicas. Es miembro de la Asociación Turca de Cirugía, la Sociedad Turca de Cirugía de la Obesidad, la Asociación Mundial de la Obesidad, la Federación Internacional para la Cirugía de la Obesidad, la Sociedad de Cirugía Endocrina y la Sociedad Nacional de Cirugía Laparoscópica Endoscópica, y tiene experiencia trabajando en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Firat. , Universidad de Estambul, Facultad de Medicina de Estambul, Hospital Estatal Mus Bulanik y Hospital LIV.
Hospitalización + posterior estancia en hotel
Traslado aeropuerto-hotel-clínica-aeropuerto
Gastric sleeve surgery is the most common method of obesity surgery. So how do we perform it?
1- We definitely use tristapler in all surgeries.
2- We definitely support the stapler line with stitching.
3- We use fibrin glue (tissue adhesive) in each patient.
4- We definitely use embolism socks and pneumatic compression device.
All our aim is to minimize the complication rates that may develop after obesity surgery and to discharge our patient in a healthy way.
We only use FDA approved American brands and every material will be special for you and prefer single use materials for your safety.
Your surgery will be done by Assoc. Prof. Burçin Batman who is very experienced in bariatric surgeries.
After operation you'll have a meeting with our dietician and she'll support you in your weight-loss process.
She'll give you diet and nutrition lists and if you have any problem about losing weight you can directly get in touch with her any time.
You can also contact with our surgeon any time if you need support.
To be sure about your process and check your health status, we'll request blood tests from you periodically.
The most important part of this operation is losing weight with healthy ways and we support you for this.
Coordinador médico personal
Organización de viajes médicos: reserva de billetes de avión y habitaciones de hotel a precios especiales para socios
La protección de los intereses de pacientes durante un viaje médico